This program, dist, is the bootstrapping tool for the Go distribution. It takes care of building the C programs (like the Go compiler) and the initial bootstrap copy of the go tool. It also serves as a catch-all to replace odd jobs previously done with shell scripts. Dist is itself written in very simple C. All interaction with C libraries, even standard C libraries, is confined to a single system-specific file (plan9.c, unix.c, windows.c), to aid portability. Functionality needed by other files should be exposed via the portability layer. Functions in the portability layer begin with an x prefix when they would otherwise use the same name as or be confused for an existing function. For example, xprintf is the portable printf. By far the most common data types in dist are strings and arrays of strings. Instead of using char* and char**, though, dist uses two named data structures, Buf and Vec, which own all the data they point at. The Buf operations are functions beginning with b; the Vec operations are functions beginning with v. The basic form of any function declaring Bufs or Vecs on the stack should be void myfunc(void) { Buf b1, b2; Vec v1; binit(&b1); binit(&b2); vinit(&v1); ... main code ... bprintf(&b1, "hello, world"); vadd(&v1, bstr(&b1)); // v1 takes a copy of its argument bprintf(&b2, "another string"); vadd(&v1, bstr(&b2)); // v1 now has two strings bfree(&b1); bfree(&b2); vfree(&v1); } The binit/vinit calls prepare a buffer or vector for use, initializing the data structures, and the bfree/vfree calls free any memory they are still holding onto. Use of this idiom gives us lexically scoped allocations.