#include "proc_open.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 # include # include #else # include # include #endif #ifdef WIN32 /* {{{ win32 stuff */ # define SHELLENV "ComSpec" # define SECURITY_DC , SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *security # define SECURITY_CC , security # define pipe(pair) (CreatePipe(&pair[0], &pair[1], security, 2048L) ? 0 : -1) static inline HANDLE dup_handle(HANDLE src, BOOL inherit, BOOL closeorig) { HANDLE copy, self = GetCurrentProcess(); if (!DuplicateHandle(self, src, self, ©, 0, inherit, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS | (closeorig ? DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE : 0))) return NULL; return copy; } # define close_descriptor(fd) CloseHandle(fd) static void pipe_close_parent(pipe_t *p) { /* don't let the child inherit the parent side of the pipe */ p->parent = dup_handle(p->parent, FALSE, TRUE); } static void pipe_close_child(pipe_t *p) { close_descriptor(p->child); p->fd = _open_osfhandle((long)p->parent, (p->fd == 0 ? O_RDONLY : O_WRONLY)|O_BINARY); } /* }}} */ #else /* WIN32 */ /* {{{ unix way */ # define SHELLENV "SHELL" # define SECURITY_DC # define SECURITY_CC # define close_descriptor(fd) close(fd) static void pipe_close_parent(pipe_t *p) { /* don't close stdin */ close_descriptor(p->parent); if (dup2(p->child, p->fd) != p->fd) { perror("pipe_child dup2"); } else { close_descriptor(p->child); p->child = p->fd; } } static void pipe_close_child(pipe_t *p) { close_descriptor(p->child); p->fd = p->parent; } /* }}} */ #endif /* WIN32 */ /* {{{ pipe_close */ static void pipe_close(pipe_t *p) { close_descriptor(p->parent); close_descriptor(p->child); #ifdef WIN32 close(p->fd); #endif } /* }}} */ /* {{{ pipe_open */ static int pipe_open(pipe_t *p, int fd SECURITY_DC) { descriptor_t newpipe[2]; if (0 != pipe(newpipe)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open pipe"); return -1; } if (0 == fd) { p->parent = newpipe[1]; /* write */ p->child = newpipe[0]; /* read */ } else { p->parent = newpipe[0]; /* read */ p->child = newpipe[1]; /* write */ } p->fd = fd; return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_open_pipes */ static int proc_open_pipes(proc_handler_t *proc SECURITY_DC) { if (pipe_open(&(proc->in), 0 SECURITY_CC) != 0) { return -1; } if (pipe_open(&(proc->out), 1 SECURITY_CC) != 0) { return -1; } if (pipe_open(&(proc->err), 2 SECURITY_CC) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_close_pipes */ static void proc_close_pipes(proc_handler_t *proc) { pipe_close(&proc->in); pipe_close(&proc->out); pipe_close(&proc->err); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_close_parents */ static void proc_close_parents(proc_handler_t *proc) { pipe_close_parent(&proc->in); pipe_close_parent(&proc->out); pipe_close_parent(&proc->err); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_close_childs */ static void proc_close_childs(proc_handler_t *proc) { pipe_close_child(&proc->in); pipe_close_child(&proc->out); pipe_close_child(&proc->err); } /* }}} */ #ifdef WIN32 /* {{{ proc_close */ int proc_close(proc_handler_t *proc) { proc_pid_t child = proc->child; DWORD wstatus; proc_close_pipes(proc); WaitForSingleObject(child, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(child, &wstatus); CloseHandle(child); return wstatus; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_open */ int proc_open(proc_handler_t *proc, const char *command) { PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; BOOL procok; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES security; const char *shell = NULL; const char *windir = NULL; buffer *cmdline; if (NULL == (shell = getenv(SHELLENV)) && NULL == (windir = getenv("SystemRoot")) && NULL == (windir = getenv("windir"))) { fprintf(stderr, "One of %s,%%SystemRoot,%%windir is required", SHELLENV); return -1; } /* we use this to allow the child to inherit handles */ memset(&security, 0, sizeof(security)); security.nLength = sizeof(security); security.bInheritHandle = TRUE; security.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if (proc_open_pipes(proc, &security) != 0) { return -1; } proc_close_parents(proc); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdInput = proc->in.child; si.hStdOutput = proc->out.child; si.hStdError = proc->err.child; memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi)); cmdline = buffer_init(); if (shell) { buffer_append_string(cmdline, shell); } else { buffer_append_string(cmdline, windir); buffer_append_string_len(cmdline, CONST_STR_LEN("\\system32\\cmd.exe")); } buffer_append_string_len(cmdline, CONST_STR_LEN(" /c ")); buffer_append_string(cmdline, command); procok = CreateProcess(NULL, cmdline->ptr, &security, &security, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (FALSE == procok) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to CreateProcess: %s", cmdline->ptr); buffer_free(cmdline); return -1; } buffer_free(cmdline); proc->child = pi.hProcess; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); proc_close_childs(proc); return 0; } /* }}} */ #else /* WIN32 */ /* {{{ proc_close */ int proc_close(proc_handler_t *proc) { pid_t child = proc->child; int wstatus; pid_t wait_pid; proc_close_pipes(proc); do { wait_pid = waitpid(child, &wstatus, 0); } while (wait_pid == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (wait_pid == -1) { return -1; } else { if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) wstatus = WEXITSTATUS(wstatus); } return wstatus; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_open */ int proc_open(proc_handler_t *proc, const char *command) { pid_t child; const char *shell; if (NULL == (shell = getenv(SHELLENV))) { shell = "/bin/sh"; } if (proc_open_pipes(proc) != 0) { return -1; } /* the unix way */ child = fork(); if (child == 0) { /* this is the child process */ /* close those descriptors that we just opened for the parent stuff, * dup new descriptors into required descriptors and close the original * cruft */ proc_close_parents(proc); execl(shell, shell, "-c", command, (char *)NULL); fprintf(stderr, "failed to execute shell: %s -c %s: %s\n", shell, command, strerror(errno)); _exit(127); } else if (child < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to forking"); proc_close(proc); return -1; } else { proc->child = child; proc_close_childs(proc); return 0; } } /* }}} */ #endif /* WIN32 */ /* {{{ proc_read_fd_to_buffer */ static void proc_read_fd_to_buffer(int fd, buffer *b) { ssize_t s; for (;;) { buffer_prepare_append(b, 512); if ((s = read(fd, (void *)(b->ptr + b->used), 512 - 1)) <= 0) { break; } b->used += s; } b->ptr[b->used] = '\0'; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proc_open_buffer */ int proc_open_buffer(const char *command, buffer *in, buffer *out, buffer *err) { proc_handler_t proc; if (proc_open(&proc, command) != 0) { return -1; } if (in) { if (write(proc.in.fd, (void *)in->ptr, in->used) < 0) { perror("error writing pipe"); return -1; } } pipe_close(&proc.in); if (out) { proc_read_fd_to_buffer(proc.out.fd, out); } pipe_close(&proc.out); if (err) { proc_read_fd_to_buffer(proc.err.fd, err); } else { buffer *tmp = buffer_init(); proc_read_fd_to_buffer(proc.err.fd, tmp); if (tmp->used > 0 && write(2, (void*)tmp->ptr, tmp->used) < 0) { perror("error writing pipe"); return -1; } buffer_free(tmp); } pipe_close(&proc.err); proc_close(&proc); return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ test */ #ifdef DEBUG_PROC_OPEN int main(void) { proc_handler_t proc; buffer *in = buffer_init(), *out = buffer_init(), *err = buffer_init(); int wstatus; #define FREE() do { \ buffer_free(in); \ buffer_free(out); \ buffer_free(err); \ } while (0) #define RESET() do { \ buffer_reset(in); \ buffer_reset(out); \ buffer_reset(err); \ wstatus = proc_close(&proc); \ if (0&&wstatus != 0) { \ fprintf(stdout, "exitstatus %d\n", wstatus); \ return __LINE__ - 200; \ } \ } while (0) #define ERROR_OUT() do { \ fprintf(stdout, "failed opening proc\n"); \ wstatus = proc_close(&proc); \ fprintf(stdout, "exitstatus %d\n", wstatus); \ FREE(); \ return __LINE__ - 300; \ } while (0) #ifdef WIN32 #define CMD_CAT "pause" #else #define CMD_CAT "cat" #endif do { fprintf(stdout, "test: echo 123 without read\n"); if (proc_open(&proc, "echo 321") != 0) { ERROR_OUT(); } close_descriptor(proc.in.parent); close_descriptor(proc.out.parent); close_descriptor(proc.err.parent); RESET(); fprintf(stdout, "test: echo 321 with read\n"); fflush(stdout); if (proc_open_buffer("echo 321", NULL, out, err) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(); } fprintf(stdout, "result: ->%s<-\n\n", out->ptr); fflush(stdout); RESET(); fprintf(stdout, "test: echo 123 | " CMD_CAT "\n"); fflush(stdout); buffer_copy_string_len(in, CONST_STR_LEN("123\n")); if (proc_open_buffer(CMD_CAT, in, out, err) != 0) { ERROR_OUT(); } fprintf(stdout, "result: ->%s<-\n\n", out->ptr); fflush(stdout); RESET(); } while (0); #undef RESET #undef ERROR_OUT fprintf(stdout, "ok\n"); FREE(); return 0; } #endif /* DEBUG_PROC_OPEN */ /* }}} */