path: root/apps/encode_keychange.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/encode_keychange.c')
1 files changed, 803 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/encode_keychange.c b/apps/encode_keychange.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf8e4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/encode_keychange.c
@@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
+ * encode_keychange.c
+ *
+ * Collect information to build a KeyChange encoding, per the textual
+ * convention given in RFC 2274, Section 5. Compute the value and
+ * dump to stdout as a string of hex nibbles.
+ *
+ *
+ * Passphrase material may come from many sources. The following are
+ * checked in order (see get_user_passphrases()):
+ * - Prompt always if -f is given.
+ * - Commandline arguments.
+ * - Prompts on stdout. Use -P to turn off prompt tags.
+ *
+ *
+ * FIX Better name?
+ * FIX Change encode_keychange() to take random bits?
+ * FIX QUITFUN not quite appropriate here...
+ * FIX This is slow...
+ */
+#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ * Globals, &c...
+ */
+char *local_progname;
+char *local_passphrase_filename;
+#define NL "\n"
+#define USAGE "Usage: %s [-fhPvV] -t (md5|sha1) [-O \"<old_passphrase>\"][-N \"<new_passphrase>\"][-E [0x]<engineID>]"
+#define OPTIONLIST "E:fhN:O:Pt:vVD"
+#define PASSPHRASE_DIR ".snmp"
+ /*
+ * Rooted at $HOME.
+ */
+#define PASSPHRASE_FILE "passphrase.ek"
+ /*
+ * Format: two lines containing old and new passphrases, nothing more.
+ *
+ * XXX Add creature comforts like: comments and
+ * tokens identifying passphrases, separate directory check,
+ * check in current directory (?), traverse a path of
+ * directories (?)...
+ * FIX Better name?
+ */
+int forcepassphrase = 0, /* Always prompt for passphrases. */
+ promptindicator = 1, /* Output an indicator that input
+ * is requested. */
+ visible = 0, /* Echo passphrases to terminal. */
+ verbose = 0; /* Output progress to stderr. */
+size_t engineid_len = 0;
+u_char *engineid = NULL; /* Both input & final binary form. */
+char *newpass = NULL, *oldpass = NULL;
+char *transform_type_input = NULL;
+const oid *transform_type = NULL; /* Type of HMAC hash to use. */
+ * Prototypes.
+ */
+void usage_to_file(FILE * ofp);
+void usage_synopsis(FILE * ofp);
+int get_user_passphrases(void);
+int snmp_ttyecho(const int fd, const int echo);
+char *snmp_getpassphrase(const char *prompt, int fvisible);
+#ifdef WIN32
+#define HAVE_GETPASS 1
+char *getpass(const char *prompt);
+int isatty(int);
+int _cputs(const char *);
+int _getch(void);
+ */
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int rval = 1;
+ size_t oldKu_len = SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL,
+ newKu_len = SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL,
+ oldkul_len = SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL,
+ newkul_len = SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL, keychange_len = SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL;
+ char *s = NULL;
+ u_char oldKu[SNMP_MAXBUF_SMALL],
+ int i;
+ int arg = 1;
+ local_progname = argv[0];
+ local_passphrase_filename = (char *) malloc(sizeof(PASSPHRASE_DIR) +
+ 4);
+ if (!local_passphrase_filename) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory!", local_progname);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ sprintf(local_passphrase_filename, "%s/%s", PASSPHRASE_DIR,
+ /*
+ * Parse.
+ */
+ for (; (arg < argc) && (argv[arg][0] == '-'); arg++) {
+ switch (argv[arg][1]) {
+ case 'D':
+ snmp_set_do_debugging(1);
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ engineid = (u_char *) argv[++arg];
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ forcepassphrase = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ newpass = argv[++arg];
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ oldpass = argv[++arg];
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ promptindicator = 0;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ transform_type_input = argv[++arg];
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ visible = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ rval = 0;
+ /* fallthrough */
+ default:
+ usage_to_file(stdout);
+ exit(rval);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!transform_type_input) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "The -t option is mandatory.\n");
+ usage_synopsis(stdout);
+ exit(1000);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Convert and error check transform_type.
+ */
+ if (!strcmp(transform_type_input, "md5")) {
+ transform_type = usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol;
+ } else
+ if (!strcmp(transform_type_input, "sha1")) {
+ transform_type = usmHMACSHA1AuthProtocol;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Unrecognized hash transform: \"%s\".\n",
+ transform_type_input);
+ usage_synopsis(stderr);
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Hash:\t\t%s\n",
+ (transform_type == usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol)
+ ? "usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol" :
+ "usmHMACSHA1AuthProtocol"
+ );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Build engineID. Accept hex engineID as the bits
+ * "in-and-of-themselves", otherwise create an engineID with the
+ * given string as text.
+ *
+ * If no engineID is given, lookup the first IP address for the
+ * localhost and use that (see setup_engineID()).
+ */
+ if (engineid && (tolower(*(engineid + 1)) == 'x')) {
+ engineid_len = hex_to_binary2(engineid + 2,
+ strlen((char *) engineid) - 2,
+ (char **) &engineid);
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "engineIDLen: %lu\n",
+ (unsigned long)engineid_len));
+ } else {
+ engineid_len = setup_engineID(&engineid, (char *) engineid);
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "EngineID:\t%s\n",
+ /*
+ * XXX =
+ */ dump_snmpEngineID(engineid, &engineid_len));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Get passphrases from user.
+ */
+ rval = get_user_passphrases();
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ if (strlen(oldpass) < USM_LENGTH_P_MIN) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Old passphrase must be greater than %d "
+ "characters in length.\n", USM_LENGTH_P_MIN);
+ } else if (strlen(newpass) < USM_LENGTH_P_MIN) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "New passphrase must be greater than %d "
+ "characters in length.\n", USM_LENGTH_P_MIN);
+ }
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Old passphrase:\t%s\nNew passphrase:\t%s\n",
+ oldpass, newpass);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Compute Ku and Kul's from old and new passphrases, then
+ * compute the keychange string & print it out.
+ */
+ rval = sc_init();
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ rval = generate_Ku(transform_type, USM_LENGTH_OID_TRANSFORM,
+ (u_char *) oldpass, strlen(oldpass),
+ oldKu, &oldKu_len);
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ rval = generate_Ku(transform_type, USM_LENGTH_OID_TRANSFORM,
+ (u_char *) newpass, strlen(newpass),
+ newKu, &newKu_len);
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "EID (%lu): ", (unsigned long)engineid_len));
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) engineid_len; i++)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "%02x", (int) (engineid[i])));
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "\n"));
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "old Ku (%lu) (from %s): ", (unsigned long)oldKu_len,
+ oldpass));
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) oldKu_len; i++)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "%02x", (int) (oldKu[i])));
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "\n"));
+ rval = generate_kul(transform_type, USM_LENGTH_OID_TRANSFORM,
+ engineid, engineid_len,
+ oldKu, oldKu_len, oldkul, &oldkul_len);
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "generating old Kul (%lu) (from Ku): ",
+ (unsigned long)oldkul_len));
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) oldkul_len; i++)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "%02x", (int) (oldkul[i])));
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "\n"));
+ rval = generate_kul(transform_type, USM_LENGTH_OID_TRANSFORM,
+ engineid, engineid_len,
+ newKu, newKu_len, newkul, &newkul_len);
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "generating new Kul (%lu) (from Ku): ",
+ (unsigned long)oldkul_len));
+ for (i = 0; i < (int) newkul_len; i++)
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "%02x", newkul[i]));
+ DEBUGMSGTL(("encode_keychange", "\n"));
+ rval = encode_keychange(transform_type, USM_LENGTH_OID_TRANSFORM,
+ oldkul, oldkul_len,
+ newkul, newkul_len, keychange, &keychange_len);
+ QUITFUN(rval, main_quit);
+ binary_to_hex(keychange, keychange_len, &s);
+ printf("%s%s\n", (verbose) ? "KeyChange string:\t" : "", /* XXX stdout */
+ s);
+ /*
+ * Cleanup.
+ */
+ main_quit:
+ NULL);
+ SNMP_ZERO(oldpass, strlen(oldpass));
+ SNMP_ZERO(newpass, strlen(newpass));
+ memset(oldKu, 0, oldKu_len);
+ memset(newKu, 0, newKu_len);
+ memset(oldkul, 0, oldkul_len);
+ memset(newkul, 0, newkul_len);
+ SNMP_ZERO(s, strlen(s));
+ return rval;
+} /* end main() */
+ */
+usage_synopsis(FILE * ofp)
+ fprintf(ofp, USAGE "\n\
+ -E [0x]<engineID> EngineID used for kul generation.\n\
+ -f Force passphrases to be read from stdin.\n\
+ -h Help.\n\
+ -N \"<new_passphrase>\" Passphrase used to generate new Ku.\n\
+ -O \"<old_passphrase>\" Passphrase used to generate old Ku.\n\
+ -P Turn off prompt indicators.\n\
+ -t md5 | sha1 HMAC hash transform type.\n\
+ -v Verbose.\n\
+ -V Visible. Echo passphrases to terminal.\n\
+ " NL, local_progname);
+} /* end usage_synopsis() */
+usage_to_file(FILE * ofp)
+ char *s;
+ usage_synopsis(ofp);
+ fprintf(ofp, "\n%s\
+ a) Commandline options,\n\
+ b) The file \"%s/%s\",\n\
+ c) stdin -or- User input from the terminal.\n\n%s\
+ " NL,
+ "Only -t is mandatory. The transform is used to convert P=>Ku, convert\n\
+ Ku=>Kul, and to hash the old Kul with the random bits.\n\
+ Passphrase will be taken from the first successful source as follows:\n",
+ (s = getenv("HOME")) ? s : "$HOME", local_passphrase_filename,
+ "-f will require reading from the stdin/terminal, ignoring a) and b).\n\
+ -P will prevent prompts for passphrases to stdout from being printed.\n\
+ <engineID> is interpreted as a hex string when preceeded by \"0x\",\n\
+ otherwise it is created to contain \"text\". If nothing is given,\n\
+ <engineID> is constructed from the first IP address for the local host.\n");
+ /*
+ * FIX -- make this possible?
+ * -r [0x]<random_bits> Random bits used in KeyChange XOR.
+ *
+ * <engineID> and <random_bits> are interpreted as hex strings when
+ * preceeded by \"0x\", otherwise <engineID> is created to contain \"text\"
+ * and <random_bits> are the same as the ascii input.
+ *
+ * <random_bits> will be generated by SCAPI if not given. If value is
+ * too long, it will be truncated; if too short, the remainder will be
+ * filled in with zeros.
+ */
+} /* end usage() */
+ * this defined for HPUX aCC because the aCC doesn't drop the
+ */
+ * snmp_parse_args.c functionality if compile with -g, PKY
+ */
+ usage_to_file(stdout);
+ * get_user_passphrases
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * SNMPERR_GENERR Otherwise.
+ *
+ *
+ * Acquire new and old passphrases from the user:
+ *
+ * + Always prompt if 'forcepassphrase' is set.
+ * + Use given arguments if they are defined.
+ * + Otherwise read file format from PASSPHRASE_FILE.
+ * Sanity check existence and permissions of the path.
+ * ASSUME for now that PASSPHRASE_FILE is rooted only at $HOME.
+ * + Otherwise prompt user for passphrase(s).
+ * Echo input if 'visible' is set.
+ * Turning off 'promptindicator' makes piping in input cleaner.
+ *
+ * NOTE Only using forcepassphrase mandates taking both passphrases
+ * from the same source. Otherwise processing continues until both
+ * passphrases are defined.
+ */
+ int rval = SNMPERR_SUCCESS;
+ size_t len;
+ char *obuf = NULL, *nbuf = NULL;
+ char path[SNMP_MAXBUF], buf[SNMP_MAXBUF], *s = NULL;
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ FILE *fp = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Allow prompts to the user to override all other sources.
+ * Nothing to do otherwise if oldpass and newpass are already defined.
+ */
+ if (forcepassphrase)
+ goto get_user_passphrases_prompt;
+ if (oldpass && newpass)
+ goto get_user_passphrases_quit;
+ /*
+ * Read passphrases out of PASSPHRASE_FILE. Sanity check the
+ * path for existence and access first. Refuse to read
+ * if the permissions are wrong.
+ */
+ s = getenv("HOME");
+ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", s, PASSPHRASE_DIR);
+ path[ sizeof(path)-1 ] = 0;
+ /*
+ * Test directory.
+ */
+ if (stat(path, &statbuf) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot access directory \"%s\".\n", path);
+ QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, get_user_passphrases_quit);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ } else if (statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Directory \"%s\" is accessible by group or world.\n",
+ path);
+ QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, get_user_passphrases_quit);
+#endif /* !WIN32 */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Test file.
+ */
+ snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", s, local_passphrase_filename);
+ path[ sizeof(path)-1 ] = 0;
+ if (stat(path, &statbuf) < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot access file \"%s\".\n", path);
+ QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, get_user_passphrases_quit);
+#ifndef WIN32
+ } else if (statbuf.st_mode & (S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "File \"%s\" is accessible by group or world.\n", path);
+ QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, get_user_passphrases_quit);
+#endif /* !WIN32 */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Open the file.
+ */
+ if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open \"%s\".", path);
+ QUITFUN(SNMPERR_GENERR, get_user_passphrases_quit);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read 1st line.
+ */
+ if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Passphrase file \"%s\" is empty...\n", path);
+ }
+ goto get_user_passphrases_prompt;
+ } else if (!oldpass) {
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ if (buf[len - 1] == '\n')
+ buf[--len] = '\0';
+ oldpass = (char *) calloc(1, len + 1);
+ if (oldpass)
+ memcpy(oldpass, buf, len + 1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Read 2nd line.
+ */
+ if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
+ if (verbose) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Only one line in file \"%s\"...\n", path);
+ }
+ } else if (!newpass) {
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ if (buf[len - 1] == '\n')
+ buf[--len] = '\0';
+ newpass = (char *) calloc(1, len + 1);
+ if (newpass)
+ memcpy(newpass, buf, len + 1);
+ }
+ if (oldpass && newpass)
+ goto get_user_passphrases_quit;
+ /*
+ * Prompt the user for passphrase entry. Visible prompts
+ * may be omitted, and invisible entry may turned off.
+ */
+ get_user_passphrases_prompt:
+ if (forcepassphrase) {
+ oldpass = newpass = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!oldpass) {
+ oldpass = obuf
+ = snmp_getpassphrase((promptindicator) ? "Old passphrase: " :
+ "", visible);
+ }
+ if (!newpass) {
+ newpass = nbuf
+ = snmp_getpassphrase((promptindicator) ? "New passphrase: " :
+ "", visible);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check that both passphrases were defined.
+ */
+ if (oldpass && newpass) {
+ goto get_user_passphrases_quit;
+ } else {
+ }
+ get_user_passphrases_quit:
+ memset(buf, 0, SNMP_MAXBUF);
+ if (obuf != oldpass) {
+ SNMP_ZERO(obuf, strlen(obuf));
+ SNMP_FREE(obuf);
+ }
+ if (nbuf != newpass) {
+ SNMP_ZERO(nbuf, strlen(nbuf));
+ SNMP_FREE(nbuf);
+ }
+ if (fp)
+ fclose (fp);
+ return rval;
+} /* end get_user_passphrases() */
+ * snmp_ttyecho
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * fd Descriptor of terminal on which to toggle echoing.
+ * echo TRUE if echoing should be on; FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * Previous value of echo setting.
+ *
+ *
+ * FIX Put HAVE_TCGETATTR in autoconf?
+ */
+#include <termios.h>
+snmp_ttyecho(const int fd, const int echo)
+ struct termios tio;
+ int was_echo;
+ if (!isatty(fd))
+ return (-1);
+ tcgetattr(fd, &tio);
+ was_echo = (tio.c_lflag & ECHO) != 0;
+ if (echo)
+ tio.c_lflag |= (ECHO | ECHONL);
+ else
+ tio.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL);
+ tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tio);
+ return (was_echo);
+} /* end snmp_ttyecho() */
+#include <sgtty.h>
+snmp_ttyecho(const int fd, const int echo)
+ struct sgttyb ttyparams;
+ int was_echo;
+ if (!isatty(fd))
+ was_echo = -1;
+ else {
+ ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, &ttyparams);
+ was_echo = (ttyparams.sg_flags & ECHO) != 0;
+ if (echo)
+ ttyparams.sg_flags = ttyparams.sg_flags | ECHO;
+ else
+ ttyparams.sg_flags = ttyparams.sg_flags & ~ECHO;
+ ioctl(fd, TIOCSETP, &ttyparams);
+ }
+ return (was_echo);
+} /* end snmp_ttyecho() */
+#endif /* HAVE_TCGETATTR */
+#endif /* HAVE_GETPASS */
+ * snmp_getpassphrase
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * *prompt (May be NULL.)
+ * bvisible TRUE means echo back user input.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * Pointer to newly allocated, null terminated string containing
+ * passphrase -OR-
+ * NULL on error.
+ *
+ *
+ * Prompt stdin for a string (or passphrase). Return a copy of the
+ * input in a null terminated string.
+ *
+ * FIX Put HAVE_GETPASS in autoconf.
+ */
+char *
+snmp_getpassphrase(const char *prompt, int bvisible)
+ int ti = 0;
+ size_t len;
+ char *bufp = NULL;
+ static char buffer[SNMP_MAXBUF];
+ FILE *ofp = stdout;
+ /*
+ * Query stdin for a passphrase.
+ */
+ if (isatty(0)) {
+ return getpass((prompt) ? prompt : "");
+ }
+ fputs((prompt) ? prompt : "", ofp);
+ if (!bvisible) {
+ ti = snmp_ttyecho(0, 0);
+ }
+ bufp = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin);
+ if (!bvisible) {
+ ti = snmp_ttyecho(0, ti);
+ fputs("\n", ofp);
+ }
+ if (!bufp) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Aborted...\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Copy the input and zero out the read-in buffer.
+ */
+ len = strlen(buffer);
+ if (buffer[len - 1] == '\n')
+ buffer[--len] = '\0';
+ bufp = (char *) calloc(1, len + 1);
+ if (bufp)
+ memcpy(bufp, buffer, len + 1);
+ memset(buffer, 0, SNMP_MAXBUF);
+ return bufp;
+} /* end snmp_getpassphrase() */
+#ifdef WIN32
+snmp_ttyecho(const int fd, const int echo)
+ return 0;
+ * stops at the first newline, carrier return, or backspace.
+ * WARNING! _getch does NOT read <Ctrl-C>
+ */
+char *
+getpass(const char *prompt)
+ static char pbuf[128];
+ int ch, lim;
+ _cputs(prompt);
+ for (ch = 0, lim = 0; ch != '\n' && lim < sizeof(pbuf)-1;) {
+ ch = _getch(); /* look ma, no echo ! */
+ if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\b')
+ break;
+ pbuf[lim++] = ch;
+ }
+ pbuf[lim] = '\0';
+ puts("\n");
+ return pbuf;
+#endif /* WIN32 */