path: root/local/snmpcheck.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'local/snmpcheck.def')
1 files changed, 1224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/local/snmpcheck.def b/local/snmpcheck.def
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad392ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/snmpcheck.def
@@ -0,0 +1,1224 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
+use strict 'refs';
+require Net::Ping;
+require Term::ReadKey;
+%miblist=( '.PROCMIBNUM.1' => 'processes',
+ '.SHELLMIBNUM.1' => 'scripts',
+ '.MEMMIBNUM' => 'swap space',
+ '.DISKMIBNUM.1' => 'disks',
+ '.LOADAVEMIBNUM.1' => 'load-average',
+ '.ERRORMIBNUM' => 'snmp-agent-errors');
+%mibchecklist = ('.PROCMIBNUM.1' => 1,
+ '.SHELLMIBNUM.1' => 1,
+ '.MEMMIBNUM' => 1,
+ '.DISKMIBNUM.1' => 1,
+ '.LOADAVEMIBNUM.1' => 1,
+ '.ERRORMIBNUM' => 1);
+$default_get_args = "-v 1 %s private";
+$default_set_args = "-v 1 %s private";
+$eraseline=" \r";
+$fixit=0; # this should be 0 not -1, but is necessary till getc(STDIN) works
+$rescanWhen = 300;
+$display = $ENV{'DISPLAY'};
+$hidden = 0;
+$pinghost = 0;
+$loglevel = 1;
+$logwindowatstart = 0;
+$numloglevels = 5;
+$dontstart = 0;
+$raiseonnew = 1;
+# Mib Package: Each mib has a mib number attached and can check/fix itself;
+package Mib;
+# @ISA = qw( Host );
+sub new {
+ my $tmp = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ $self->{'HostId'} = shift;
+ $self->{'Host'} = $self->{'HostId'}->{'Name'};
+ $_ = shift;
+ $self->{'Mib'} = $_;
+ print "test: $_\n";
+ ($self->{'MibSuffix'}) = /(\.[0-9]+)$/;
+ if (!defined($mibchecklist{$self->{'MibSuffix'}})) {
+ ($self->{'MibSuffix'}) = /(\.[0-9]+\.1)$/;
+ }
+ print "suff: $self->{'MibSuffix'}\n";
+ $self->{'MibDesc'} = shift;
+ $self->{'Frame'} = shift;
+ bless $self;
+sub getmibnum {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->{'Mib'});
+sub snmp_walk {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->Busy() if ($::display);
+ my $mib = shift;
+ my $cmd = "$::snmppath/snmpwalk " . sprintf($::default_get_args, $self->{'Host'}) . " $mib|";
+ ::addToLog("running: $cmd",5);
+ open(OUT,"$cmd");
+ my $outcount = 0;
+ my @result = [];
+ while (<OUT>) {
+ $result[$outcount] = $_;
+ chop;
+ ::addToLog("snmpwalk: $_",5);
+ if ($::display) {
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->update;
+ }
+ $outcount++;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ for($i=0; $i <= $#result; $i++) {
+ $result[$i] =~ s/ Hex:.*$//g;
+ $result[$i] =~ s/\"//g;
+ }
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->Unbusy() if ($::display);
+ if ($result[0] =~ /No Response/) {
+ $self->{'HostId'}->hostdown;
+ splice(@result,0);
+ }
+ return @result;
+sub check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tmp = [];
+ if ($::mibchecklist{$self->{'MibSuffix'}} != 1) {
+ return @{$tmp};
+ }
+ if (! $::display) {
+ printf "%sChecking %s: %s\r", $::eraseline,$self->{'Host'},
+ $self->{'MibDesc'};
+ }
+ my @walkout = $self->snmp_walk("$self->{'Mib'}$::miberrflag");
+ while ($#walkout > -1) {
+ $_ = shift @walkout;
+ ($result) = /= ([0-9]+)/;
+ if (defined($result) && $result > 0)
+ {
+ ($mibloc) = /\.([0-9]+) /;
+ push(@{$tmp},FixProblem::new("",$self->{'HostId'}, $self->{'Mib'},
+ $self->{'MibDesc'},
+ $mibloc,$self->{'Frame'}));
+ if (! $::display) {
+ printf("%s%-8.8s %-12.12s %2d -- %-37.37s",$::eraseline,
+ $self->{'Host'},$tmp->[0]->{'ErrName'},
+ $result,$tmp->[0]->{'ErrMsg'});
+ if ($tmp->[0]->canfix() && $::fixit == 0) {
+ printf(" / Fix? ");
+ $ans = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0);
+ if ("$ans" eq "y" || "$ans" eq "Y") {
+ printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
+ $tmp->[0]->fix($mibloc); # fix now if curses
+ } else {
+ print $ans;
+ printf("\nChecking %s: %s\r",$self->{'Host'},
+ $self->{'MibDesc'});
+ }
+ } elsif ($::fixit > 0) {
+ $tmp->[0]->fix($mibloc); # fix now if curses
+ }
+ shift @{$tmp};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(@{$tmp});
+# Problem Package: A problem comes into existence when found. It may
+# or may not know how to fix itself (Problem/FixProblem).
+package Problem;
+@ISA = qw( Mib );
+sub snmp_get {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->Busy() if ($::display);
+ my $mib = shift;
+ my $args = sprintf($::default_get_args, $self->{'Host'});
+ $_ = `$::snmppath/snmpget $args $mib`;
+ my ($result) = /= (.*)$/;
+ if (!defined($result) || $result =~ /No Response/) {
+ $self->{'HostId'}->hostdown;
+ $result = "";
+ }
+ $result =~ s/\"//g;
+ $result =~ s/ Hex:.*$//g;
+ ::addToLog("snmpget: $_",5);
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->Unbusy() if ($::display);
+ return $result;
+sub snmp_set {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->Busy() if ($::display);
+ my $mib = shift;
+ my $args = sprint($::default_set_args, $self->{'Host'});
+ $_ = `$::snmppath/snmpset $args $mib`;
+ my ($result) = /= (.*)$/;
+ $result = "" if (!defined($result));
+ $result =~ s/\"//g;
+ ::addToLog("snmpset: $_",5);
+ $self->{'Frame'}->toplevel->Unbusy() if ($::display);
+ return $result;
+sub new{
+ my $tmp = shift;
+ my $hostId = shift;
+ my $mib = shift;
+ my $mibname = shift;
+ my $self = new Mib ($hostId,$mib,$mibname);
+ $self->{'MibLocation'} = shift;
+ $tmp = shift;
+ if ($::display) {
+ $self->{'Frame'} = $tmp->Frame();
+ }
+ bless $self;
+ $self->{'ErrName'} =
+ $self->snmp_get("$self->{'Mib'}$::mibident.$self->{'MibLocation'}");
+ $self->{'ErrMsg'} =
+ $self->snmp_get("$self->{'Mib'}$::miberrmsg.$self->{'MibLocation'}");
+ if (exists $self->{'HostId'}->{'Down'}) {
+ return $self;
+ }
+ if ($::display) {
+ $self->{'Frame'}->pack();
+ $self->{'Desc'} =
+ $self->{'Frame'}->Button(-text => sprintf("%-12.12s %-42.42s",
+ $self->{'ErrName'},
+ $self->{'ErrMsg'}),
+ -font => "6x13",
+ -highlightcolor => "#ffffff",
+ -borderwidth => 0,
+ -relief => "flat",
+ -bd => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0,
+ -activeforeground => 'red',
+ -activebackground => '#C9C9C9',
+ -background => '#E0C9C9',
+ -command => [\&selectme,$self]);
+ $self->{'Desc'}->pack(-fill => "x",-expand => 1,-side=>"left"); #
+ if ($::raiseonnew) {
+ $tmp->toplevel->deiconify();
+ $tmp->toplevel->raise();
+ }
+ ::addToLog("problem found: $self->{'Host'}\t$self->{'ErrName'}\t$self->{'ErrMsg'}",2);
+ }
+ bless $self;
+ return $self;
+sub haveseen {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'Desc'}->configure(-background => '#C9C9C9');
+sub selectme {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($main::hidden) {
+ main::makeappear();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (exists $self->{'Selected'}) {
+ main::deselectitem($self);
+ delete $self->{'Selected'};
+ } else {
+ main::selectitem($self);
+ $self->{'Desc'}->configure(-foreground => "red");
+ $self->{'Selected'} = 1;
+ }
+ $self->haveseen();
+sub deselectme {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'Desc'}->configure(-foreground => "black");
+ delete $self->{'Selected'};
+sub check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($::display) {
+ main::setstatus("Checking $self->{'Host'} -- $self->{'ErrName'}");
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Checking \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
+ }
+ $result = $self->snmp_get("$self->{'Mib'}$::miberrflag.$self->{'MibLocation'}");
+ if (exists $self->{'HostId'}->{'Down'}) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($result == 0) {
+ $self->deleteme();
+ }
+ main::setstatus("idle");
+ return $result;
+sub fix {
+# Don't fix and/or unable to
+ my $self = shift;
+ main::setmsg("Don't know how to fix $self->{'ErrName'}");
+sub rsh {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($::display) {
+ system "xterm -e rsh $self->{'HostId'}->{'Name'} -l root &";
+ }
+sub deleteme {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $host = $self->{'HostId'};
+ $host->deleteProb($self);
+sub deleteself {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($::display) {
+ if ($self->{'Selected'}) {
+ main::deselectitem($self);
+ }
+ $self->{'Desc'}->destroy();
+ $self->{'Frame'}->destroy();
+ }
+sub canfix {
+ return 0;
+package FixProblem;
+@ISA = qw( Problem );
+sub new {
+ my $tmp = shift;
+ my $hostId = shift;
+ my $mib = shift;
+ my $mibdesc = shift;
+ my $mibloc = shift;
+ my $frame = shift;
+ my $self = new Problem ($hostId,$mib,$mibdesc,$mibloc,$frame);
+ $_ = $mib;
+ ($mymib) = /(\.[0-9]+)$/;
+ if (grep(/$mymib/,@::fixitlist) && ($::fixit >= 0)) {
+ bless $self; # Make it a FixProblem if fixable
+ }
+ return $self; # else just return a Problem
+sub canfix {
+ return 1;
+sub fix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mibloc = shift;
+ if ($::display) {
+ main::setstatus(sprintf("Fixing %s: %s",
+ $self->{'Host'}, $self->{'ErrName'}));
+ }
+ else {
+ printf(" / Fixing...\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
+ }
+ $self->snmp_set("$self->{'Mib'}$::mibfix.$self->{'MibLocation'} integer 1");
+ $self->snmp_set("$::mibclearcache integer 1");
+ if (exists $self->{'HostId'}->{'Down'}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($::display) {
+ main::setstatus("Sleeping");
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Sleeping \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
+ }
+ sleep(2);
+ if ($::display) {
+ main::setstatus("Checking");
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Checking\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
+ }
+ if ($self->check() != 0) {
+ if (! $::display) {
+ printf("*failed* \n");
+ } else {
+ main::setmsg("Failed to fix $self->{'ErrName'} on $self->{'Host'}");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($::display) {
+# $self->{'HostId'}->deleteProb($self);
+ main::setmsg("Fixed $self->{'ErrName'} on $self->{'Host'}");
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("Fixed \n");
+ }
+ }
+ main::setstatus("Idle");
+# Host Package: Each object is a host which can check itself and display
+# the results
+package Host;
+sub mibsort {
+ $_ = $a;
+ ($av) = /\.([0-9]+)/;
+ $_ = $b;
+ ($bv) = /\.([0-9]+)/;
+ return $av <=> $bv;
+sub new {
+ my $self = {};
+ my $tmp = shift;
+ $self->{'Name'} = shift;
+ $self->{'Host'} = $self->{'Name'};
+ $self->{'Mibs'} = [];
+ $self->{'Problems'} = [];
+ bless $self;
+ if ($::display) {
+ $self->{'MainFrame'} = $::HostFrame->Frame();
+ if (!$::hidden) {
+ $self->{'MainFrame'}->configure(-relief =>"sunken",-borderwidth=>2);
+ }
+ $self->{'ProbFrame'} = $self->{'MainFrame'}->Frame();
+ $self->{'hostlabel'} =
+ $self->{'MainFrame'}->Button(-text => sprintf("%-9.9s",
+ $self->{'Name'}),
+ -bd => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0,
+ -command =>[\&selectme,$self],
+ -activeforeground => 'red',
+ -activebackground => '#C9C9C9',
+ -width => 9,
+ -anchor => "w",
+ -relief => "flat");
+ $self->{'hostlabel'}->pack(-side=>"left",-ipadx=>1,
+ -padx=> 1,-pady =>1);
+ $self->{'ProbFrame'}->pack(-side=>"left",-ipadx=>1,
+ -padx=> 1,-pady =>1);
+ $self->{'MainFrame'}->pack( #-padx => 2,-pady =>2,
+ -fill => "x", -expand => 1);
+ }
+ foreach $mibx ( sort mibsort keys(%::miblist) ) {
+ push(@{$self->{'Mibs'}},
+ new Mib ($self,"$::mibheadall$mibx",$::miblist{$mibx},
+ $self->{'ProbFrame'}));
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub rsh {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($::display) {
+ system "xterm -e rsh $self->{'Name'} -l root &";
+ }
+sub selectme {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($main::hidden) {
+ main::makeappear();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (exists $self->{'Selected'}) {
+ main::deselectitem($self);
+ delete $self->{'Selected'};
+ } else {
+ main::selectitem($self);
+ $self->{'hostlabel'}->configure(-foreground => "red");
+ $self->{'Selected'} = 1;
+ }
+sub deselectme {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'hostlabel'}->configure(-foreground => "black");
+ delete $self->{'Selected'};
+sub fix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (! exists $self->{'Down'}) {
+ foreach $i (@{$self->{'Problems'}}) {
+ if ($i->canfix() && ref($i) ne Host) {
+ $i->fix();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub seenall {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach $i (@{$self->{'Problems'}}) {
+ if (ref($i) ne Host) {
+ $i->haveseen();
+ }
+ }
+sub canfix {
+ return 1;
+sub hostdown {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->deleteProbs();
+ push(@{$self->{'Problems'}},$self);
+ $self->{'Down'} = 1;
+ if ($::display) {
+ if (!exists $self->{'hostlabel'}) {
+ $self->{'hostlabel'} =
+ $self->{'MainFrame'}->Button(-text => sprintf("%-9.9s",
+ $self->{'Name'}),
+ -bd => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0,
+ -command =>[\&selectme,$self],
+ -activeforeground => 'red',
+ -activebackground => '#C9C9C9',
+ -width => 9,
+ -anchor => "w",
+ -relief => "flat");
+ }
+ ::addToLog("$self->{'Name'} is down",2);
+ $self->{'hostlabel'}->configure(-text =>
+ sprintf("%-9.9s down",$self->{'Name'}),
+ -width => 14);
+ }
+sub check {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'noDelete'} = 1;
+ $self->deleteProbs();
+ delete $self->{'noDelete'};
+ if ($::display) {
+ $self->{'hostlabel'}->configure(-text => $self->{'Name'},-width=>9);
+ }
+ delete $self->{'Down'};
+ main::setstatus("pinging $self->{'Name'}");
+ if (!($::pinghost) || Net::Ping::pingecho($self->{'Name'},2)) {
+ foreach $i (@{$self->{'Mibs'}}) {
+ if (ref($i) ne Mib) {
+ print "$i is a ref($i) not a Mib\n";
+ } else {
+ main::setstatus("Checking $self->{'Name'}: " . $i->{'MibDesc'});
+ push(@{$self->{'Problems'}},$i->check());
+ }
+ if (exists $self->{'Down'}) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->hostdown();
+ }
+ main::setstatus("Idle");
+ if ($#{$self->{'Problems'}} == -1) {
+ $self->deleteme();
+ }
+sub deleteme {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{'Selected'}) {
+ main::deselectitem($self);
+ }
+ $self->deleteProbs();
+ if ($::display) {
+ $self->{'hostlabel'}->destroy();
+ $self->{'ProbFrame'}->destroy();
+ my $top = $self->{'MainFrame'}->toplevel;
+ $self->{'MainFrame'}->destroy();
+ $top->update;
+ }
+ main::deletehost($self->{'Name'});
+sub deleteProbs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach $i (@{$self->{'Problems'}}) {
+ if (ref($i) eq Host) {
+ delete $self->{'Problems'};
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ref($i) ne Problem && ref($i) ne FixProblem) {
+ print "i: $i is a ", ref($i), "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $self->deleteProb($i);
+ }
+sub deleteProb {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $child = shift;
+ for ($k = 0; $k <= $#{$self->{'Problems'}}; $k++) {
+ if (ref($self->{'Problems'}->[$k]) eq Problem ||
+ ref($self->{'Problems'}->[$k]) eq FixProblem ) {
+ if ($self->{'Problems'}->[$k]->{'Mib'} eq $child->{'Mib'} &&
+ $self->{'Problems'}->[$k]->{'MibLocation'} eq
+ $child->{'MibLocation'}) {
+ splice(@{$self->{'Problems'}},$k,1);
+ $child->deleteself();
+ if ($#{$self->{'Problems'}} == -1 &&
+ !exists $self->{'noDelete'}) {
+ $self->deleteme();
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print " not: ",$self->{'Problems'}->[$k],"/",
+ ref($self->{'Problems'}->[$k]),"\n";
+ }
+ }
+package main;
+# Read arguments
+if ($#ARGV != -1) {
+ while ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ $_ = shift;
+ $andlog = 1 if (/^-a/);
+ $dontstart = 1 if (/^-d/);
+ $fixit = -1 if (/^-n/);
+ $fixit = 1 if (/^-y/);
+ $display = 0 if (/^-x/);
+ $pinghost = 1 if (/^-p/);
+ $hidden = 1 if (/^-H/);
+ $loglevel = shift if (/^-V/);
+ $logwindowatstart = 1 if (/^-L/);
+ &display_help() if (/^-h/);
+ &setmibchecklist(@fixitlist) if (/^-f/);
+ }
+# If necessary check the ece-log file for problems
+if (($andlog || $#ARGV == -1) && !$dontstart) {
+ open(LOG,$errlog);
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ @fields = split;
+ @tmp = grep(/$fields[0]/,@ARGV);
+ if ($#tmp == -1) { # && $fields[1] ne "down") {
+ $ARGV[$#ARGV + 1] = $fields[0];
+ }
+ }
+ close(LOG);
+# Check all the found hosts
+if ($display) {
+ use Tk;
+# $tk_strictMotif = 1;
+ $top = MainWindow->new();
+ $top->bind('all',"<Control-q>",[\&quit]);
+ $top->bind('all',"<Control-h>",[\&makehidden]);
+ $top->bind('all',"<Control-s>",[\&seenall]);
+ $top->bind('all',"<Control-f>",[\&fixall]);
+ $top->option('add','*highlightThickness','0'); #wish this worked
+# $top->option('add','*highlightbackground','#C9C9C9');
+ $top->option('add','*background','#C9C9C9');
+ $top->option('add','*font','6x13');
+ $HostFrame = $top->Frame();
+ $MenuFrame = $top->Frame(-relief => "raised",-borderwidth => 2);
+ $MenuFrame->pack(-fill => "x",-expand => 1);
+ $statusBar = $top->Frame(-relief => "raised",-borderwidth => 2);
+ $status = $statusBar->Label(-text => "initializing",-anchor =>"e");
+ $statusl = $statusBar->Label(-text => "Status: ", -anchor => "w");
+ $msgBar = $top->Frame(-relief => "raised",-borderwidth => 2);
+ $msg = $msgBar->Label(-text => "",-anchor =>"e");
+ $msgl = $msgBar->Label(-text => "Note: ", -anchor => "w");
+ $botFrame = $top->Frame();
+ $butFrame = $top->Frame();
+ $entryhost = "";
+ $NewHost = $botFrame->Entry(-textvariable => \$entryhost,-width=>20,
+ -relief => "sunken");
+ $NewHost->bind("<Return>",sub {newHost("$entryhost");
+ $NewHost->delete(0,length($entryhost));});
+ $BotLabel = $botFrame->Label(-text => "Check New Host: ",
+ -anchor => "w");
+ $CmdsMenuBut = $MenuFrame->Menubutton(-text => "Cmds");
+ $CmdsMenu = $CmdsMenuBut->Menu(-tearoff => 1);
+ $CmdsMenuBut->configure(-menu => $CmdsMenu);
+ $CmdsMenuBut->pack(-side => "left");
+ $CmdsMenuBut->command(-label => "Check Hosts", -command => [\&rescanhosts]);
+ $CmdsMenuBut->command(-label => "Check Log", -command => [\&scanlog]);
+ $CmdsMenuBut->command(-label => "Fix All", -command => [\&fixall],
+ -accelerator => "Ctrl-f");
+ $CmdsMenuBut->command(-label => "Seen All", -command => [\&seenall],
+ -accelerator => "Ctrl-s");
+ $CmdsMenuBut->separator();
+ $CmdsMenuBut->command(-label => "Hide", -command => [\&makehidden],
+ -accelerator => "Ctrl-h");
+ $CmdsMenuBut->command(-label => "Quit", -command => [\&quit],
+ -accelerator => "Ctrl-q");
+ $PrefsMenuBut = $MenuFrame->Menubutton(-text => "Prefs");
+ $PrefsMenu = $PrefsMenuBut->Menu(-tearoff => 1);
+ $PrefsMenuBut->configure(-menu => $PrefsMenu);
+ $PrefsMenuBut->pack(-side => "left");
+ $PrefsMenuBut->cascade(-label => "Rescan");
+ $RescanPrefsBut = $PrefsMenu->Menu();
+ $PrefsMenuBut->entryconfigure("Rescan",-menu => $RescanPrefsBut);
+ $AutoRescan = 1;
+ if ($AutoRescan) {
+ $afterId = Tk::after($rescanWhen*1000,[\&autorescan]);
+ }
+ $RescanPrefsBut->checkbutton(-label =>"Auto Rescan",
+ -variable =>\$AutoRescan,
+ -command => sub {if ($AutoRescan) {
+ $afterId =
+ Tk::after($rescanWhen*1000,[\&autorescan])
+ } else {
+ Tk::after("cancel",$afterId);
+ }});
+ $AutoCheckLog = 1;
+ $RescanPrefsBut->checkbutton(-label =>"Checks Log",
+ -variable =>\$AutoCheckLog);
+ $AutoCheckHosts = 0;
+ $RescanPrefsBut->checkbutton(-label =>"Checks Hosts",
+ -variable =>\$AutoCheckHosts);
+ $RescanWhenHidden = 1;
+ $RescanPrefsBut->checkbutton(-label =>"Only When Hidden",
+ -variable =>\$RescanWhenHidden);
+ $RescanPrefsBut->checkbutton(-label =>"Pop forward with new",
+ -variable =>\$raiseonnew);
+ $PrefsMenuBut->cascade(-label => "Log Verbosity");
+ $LogVerbBut = $PrefsMenu->Menu();
+ $PrefsMenuBut->entryconfigure("Log Verbosity",
+ -menu => $LogVerbBut);
+ for ($i=1; $i <= $numloglevels; $i++) {
+ $LogVerbBut->radiobutton(-label => "$i", -variable => \$loglevel,
+ -value => $i);
+ }
+ $PrefsMenuBut->cascade(-label => "Check For");
+ $CheckForBut = $PrefsMenu->Menu();
+ $PrefsMenuBut->entryconfigure("Check For",
+ -menu => $CheckForBut);
+ $CheckForBut->command(-label => "Fixable Problems",
+ -command => [\&setmibchecklist,@fixitlist]);
+ $CheckForBut->command(-label => "Everything",
+ -command => [\&setmibchecklist,keys(%miblist)]);
+ $CheckForBut->separator();
+ foreach $i ( sort mibsort keys(%::mibchecklist) ) {
+ $CheckForBut->checkbutton(-label => $miblist{$i},
+ -variable => \$mibchecklist{$i});
+ }
+ $PrefsMenuBut->checkbutton(-label => "Ping Host First",
+ -variable => \$pinghost);
+ # Agent control
+ $agentMenuBut = $MenuFrame->Menubutton(-text => "Agent-Control");
+ $agentMenu = $agentMenuBut->Menu(-tearoff => 1);
+ $agentMenuBut->configure(-menu => $agentMenu);
+ $agentMenuBut->pack(-side => "left");
+ $agentMenuBut->command(-label => "Re-read Configuration",
+ -command => [sub {if ($selected) { $top->Busy();
+ my $args = sprint($::default_get_args, $selected->{'Host'});
+$_ = `$::snmppath/snmpset $args $mibupdateconfig i 1`; $top->Unbusy();}}]);
+ $agentMenuBut->command(-label => "Clear Exec Cache",
+ -command => [sub {if ($selected) { $top->Busy();
+ my $args = sprint($::default_get_args, $selected->{'Host'});
+$_ = `$::snmppath/snmpset $args $mibclearcache i 1`; $top->Unbusy();}}]);
+ $agentMenuBut->separator();
+ $agentMenuBut->command(-label => "Re-start Agent",
+ -command => [sub {if ($selected) { $top->Busy();
+ my $args = sprint($::default_get_args, $selected->{'Host'});
+$_ = `$::snmppath/snmpset $args $mibrestartagent i 1`; $top->Unbusy();} }]);
+ # set up remote commands
+ $remoteMenuBut = $MenuFrame->Menubutton(-text => "Remote-Info");
+ $remoteMenu = $remoteMenuBut->Menu(-tearoff => 1);
+ $remoteMenuBut->configure(-menu => $remoteMenu);
+ $remoteMenuBut->pack(-side => "left");
+ $remoteMenuBut->command(-label => "Load-Av", -command => [\&remote_load]);
+ $remoteMenuBut->separator();
+ $remoteMenuBut->command(-label => "top", -command => [\&remote_cmd,"top"]);
+ $remoteMenuBut->command(-label => "mailq", -command => [\&remote_cmd,"mailq"]);
+ $remoteMenuBut->command(-label => "ps", -command => [\&remote_cmd,"ps"]);
+ $remoteMenuBut->command(-label => "conf", -command => [\&remote_cmd,"conf"]);
+ # set up log file menu
+ $logFileMenuBut = $MenuFrame->Menubutton(-text => "Log");
+ $logFileMenu = $logFileMenuBut->Menu(-tearoff => 1);
+ $logFileMenuBut->configure(-menu => $logFileMenu);
+ $logFileMenuBut->pack(-side => "left");
+ $logFileMenuBut->command(-label => "show log", -command => [\&displayLog]);
+ $logFileMenuBut->command(-label => "clear log", -command => [\&clearLog]);
+ $logFileMenuBut->separator();
+ $logFileMenuBut->command(-label => "show Tyfon's log", -command => [\&displayTyfon]);
+ # set up status bar
+ $statusl->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 1, -side =>"left");
+ $status->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 1, -side =>"left");
+ $msgl->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 1, -side => "left");
+ $msg->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 1, -side => "left");
+ $statusBar->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 1);
+ $msgBar->pack(-fill => "x", -expand => 1);
+ $HostFrame->pack(-fill => "x",-expand => 1);
+ $butFrame->pack(-fill => "x",-expand => 1);
+ $botFrame->pack(-fill => "x",-expand => 1);
+ $FixBut = $butFrame->Button(-text => "Fix",-command=>[sub{print "hi\n"}],
+ -state => "disabled");
+ $FixBut->pack(-side => "left",-padx => 4,-pady => 2,-ipadx => 2,
+ -ipady => 2);
+ $RshBut = $butFrame->Button(-text => "Rsh",-command=>[sub{print "hi\n"}],
+ -state => "disabled");
+ $RshBut->pack(-side => "left",-padx => 4,-pady => 2,-ipadx => 2,
+ -ipady => 2);
+ $DelBut = $butFrame->Button(-text => "Del",
+ -state => "disabled");
+ $DelBut->pack(-side => "left",-padx => 4,-pady => 2,-ipadx => 2,
+ -ipady => 2);
+ $ChkBut = $butFrame->Button(-text => "Chk",
+ -state => "disabled");
+ $ChkBut->pack(-side => "left",-padx => 4,-pady => 2,-ipadx => 2,
+ -ipady => 2);
+ $BotLabel->pack(-fill => "x",-expand => 1,-side=>"left");
+ $NewHost->pack(-side=>"left");
+ &makehidden() if ($hidden);
+ $top->update();
+ # generate log window, but tell it not to create display
+ $logwindow = MainWindow->new;
+ $logwindow->option('add','*highlightThickness','0'); #wish this worked
+# $logwindow->option('add','*highlightbackground','#C9C9C9');
+ $logwindow->option('add','*background','#C9C9C9');
+ $logwindow->option('add','*font','6x13');
+ $logbuttons = $logwindow->Frame;
+ $logbuttons->pack(-side => 'bottom', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x');
+ $logclose = $logbuttons->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => ['withdraw',$logwindow]);
+ $logclose->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1);
+ $logtext = $logwindow->Text(-height => 40, -setgrid => 1);
+ $logtext->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
+ $logscroll = $logwindow->Scrollbar(-command => ['yview',$logtext]);
+ $logscroll->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
+ $logtext->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set', $logscroll]);
+ $logwindow->title("snmpcheck Action Log file");
+ $logwindow->iconname("snmpcheck-log");
+ $logtext->delete('1.0','end');
+ $logclear = $logbuttons->Button(-text => 'Clear Log',
+ -command => [\&deleteLog]);
+ $logclear->pack(-side => 'right', -expand => 1);
+ if (! $logwindowatstart) {
+ $logwindow->withdraw;
+ }
+ $status->configure(-text => "Idle");
+ $selected = 0;
+ # fill table with hosts
+ if (!$dontstart) {
+ loadAllHosts(@ARGV);
+ }
+ MainLoop;
+else {
+ select(STDOUT);
+ $| = 1;
+ if ($::fixit == 0) {
+ Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(3);
+ }
+ loadAllHosts(@ARGV);
+ printf("$eraseline");
+sub loadAllHosts {
+ my @hostlist = @_;
+ foreach $host ( @hostlist ) {
+ newHost($host);
+ }
+sub newHost {
+ my $name = shift;
+ if (!exists $chost{"$name"}) {
+ $chost{"$name"} = new Host ($name);
+ if ($::display) { $top->update(); }
+ $chost{"$name"}->check;
+ } else {
+ setmsg("$name all ready exists");
+ }
+sub deletehost {
+ my $name = shift;
+ delete $chost{"$name"};
+sub setstatus {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ if ($display) {
+ $status->configure(-text => $arg);
+ $top->update();
+ addToLog($arg,4);
+ }
+sub setmsg {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ if ($display) {
+ $msg->configure(-text => $arg);
+ $top->update();
+ addToLog($arg);
+ }
+sub addToLog {
+ if ($display) {
+ my $logmsg = shift;
+ my $logaddlevel = shift;
+ if (! defined($logaddlevel)) {
+ $logaddlevel = 1;
+ }
+ if ($logaddlevel <= $loglevel) {
+ $logtext->insert('end'," " x ($logaddlevel-1) . "$logmsg\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub displayTyfon {
+ remote_cmd_generic("cat /net/tyfon/1/OV/log/ece-log","Tyfon -- ece-log");
+sub displayLog {
+ $logwindow->deiconify;
+ $logwindow->raise;
+sub deleteLog {
+ $logtext->delete('1.0','end');
+sub deselectitem {
+ $obj = shift;
+ $obj->deselectme();
+ $FixBut->configure(-state => "disabled");
+ $RshBut->configure(-state => "disabled");
+ $DelBut->configure(-state => "disabled");
+ $ChkBut->configure(-state => "disabled");
+ $selected = 0;
+sub selectitem {
+ if ($selected) {
+ $selected->deselectme();
+ }
+ $selected = shift;
+ if (ref($selected) ne Host || !(exists $selected->{'Down'})) {
+ $RshBut->configure(-state => "normal", -command => ['rsh',$selected]);
+ } else {
+ $RshBut->configure(-state => "disabled");
+ }
+ $DelBut->configure(-state => "normal", -command => ['deleteme',$selected]);
+ $ChkBut->configure(-state => "normal", -command => ['check',$selected]);
+ if ($selected->canfix() && !(exists $selected->{'Down'})) {
+ $FixBut->configure(-state => "normal",
+ -command => ['fix',$selected]);
+ } else {
+ $FixBut->configure(-state => "disabled");
+ }
+ if ($hidden == 1) {
+ makeappear();
+ }
+sub makehidden {
+ $MenuFrame->pack("forget");
+ $statusBar->pack("forget");
+ $msgBar->pack("forget");
+ $butFrame->pack("forget");
+ $botFrame->pack("forget");
+ flatten();
+ $hidden=1;
+sub makeappear {
+ $HostFrame->pack("forget");
+ $MenuFrame->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "x");
+ $statusBar->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "x");
+ $msgBar->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "x");
+ $HostFrame->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "x");
+ $butFrame->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "x");
+ $botFrame->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "x");
+ reliefen();
+ $hidden=0;
+sub quit {
+ $top->destroy();
+ exit();
+sub scanlog {
+ my (@fields, @tmp);
+ open(LOG,$::errlog);
+ while (<LOG>) {
+ @fields = split;
+ @tmp = grep(/$fields[0]/,@ARGV);
+ if ($#tmp == -1 && !exists $::chost->{$fields[0]}) {
+ newHost($fields[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ close(LOG);
+sub rescanhosts {
+ foreach $i (keys(%chost)) {
+ $chost{$i}->check();
+ }
+sub autorescan {
+ $afterId = Tk::after($rescanWhen*1000,[\&autorescan]);
+ if ($RescanWhenHidden && !$hidden) {return;}
+ if ($AutoCheckHosts) {
+ rescanhosts();
+ }
+ if ($AutoCheckLog) {
+ scanlog();
+ }
+sub flatten {
+ foreach $i (keys(%chost)) {
+ $chost{$i}->{'MainFrame'}->configure(-relief => "flat",-borderwidth=>0);
+ }
+sub reliefen {
+ foreach $i (keys(%chost)) {
+ $chost{$i}->{'MainFrame'}->configure(-relief =>"sunken",-borderwidth=>2);
+ }
+sub fixall {
+ foreach $i (keys(%chost)) {
+ $chost{$i}->fix();
+ }
+sub seenall {
+ foreach $i (keys(%chost)) {
+ $chost{$i}->seenall();
+ }
+sub remote_cmd {
+ my $type = shift;
+ if ($selected) {
+ remote_cmd_generic("$::snmppath/rsnmp -p $type $selected->{'Host'}",
+ "$selected->{'Host'} -- $type",1);
+ } else {
+ setmsg("Error: Nothing selected");
+ }
+sub remote_load {
+ if ($selected) {
+ remote_cmd_generic("$::snmppath/snmpwalk " . sprintf($::default_get_args,$selected->{'Host'}) . " .EXTENSIBLEDOTMIB.LOADAVEMIBNUM.LOADAVE",
+ "$selected->{'Host'} -- LoadAve");
+ } else {
+ setmsg("Error: Nothing selected");
+ }
+sub remote_cmd_generic {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $title = shift;
+ my $insert = shift;
+ addToLog("running: $cmd ... ");
+ my $newwin = MainWindow->new;
+ $newwin->Busy();
+ $newwin->option('add','*highlightThickness','0'); #wish this worked
+# $newwin->option('add','*highlightbackground','#C9C9C9');
+ $newwin->option('add','*background','#C9C9C9');
+ $newwin->option('add','*font','6x13');
+ my $buttons = $newwin->Frame;
+ $buttons->pack(-side => 'bottom', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x');
+ my $entries = $newwin->Frame;
+ $entries->pack(-side => 'bottom', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x');
+ my $text = $newwin->Text(-height => 40, -setgrid => 1);
+ $text->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
+ my $scroll = $newwin->Scrollbar(-command => ['yview',$text]);
+ $scroll->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'y');
+ $text->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set', $scroll]);
+ my $close = $buttons->Button(-text => 'Close',
+ -command => ['destroy',$newwin]);
+ $close->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1);
+ my $rerun = $buttons->Button(-text => 'Re-Run',
+ -command=>[\&fill_text,'',$text,
+ \$cmd,$insert]);
+ $rerun->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1);
+ my $cmdlabel = $entries->Label(-text => "Command: ");
+ my $cmdtexte = $entries->Entry(-textvariable => \$cmd,
+ -relief => "sunken");
+ $cmdtexte->bind('<Return>' => [\&fill_text,$text, \$cmd,$insert]);
+ $cmdlabel->pack(-side => 'left');
+ $cmdtexte->pack(-side => 'left');
+ my $searchtext = '';
+ my $searchlabel = $entries->Label(-text => "Search for: ");
+ my $searchtexte = $entries->Entry(-textvariable => \$searchtext,
+ -relief => "sunken");
+ $searchtexte->pack(-side => 'right');
+ $searchlabel->pack(-side => 'right');
+ $searchtexte->bind('<Return>' => [sub { $text->tag('remove','search','0.0','end');
+ my($current, $length) = ('1.0', 0);
+ while (1) {
+ $current = $text->search(-count => \$length, $searchtext, $current, 'end');
+ last if not $current;
+ $text->tag('add', 'search', $current, "$current + $length char");
+ $current = $text->index("$current + $length char");
+ $text->tag('configure','search',
+ -background =>
+ 'lightBlue');}}]);
+ if (defined($title)) {
+ $newwin->title($title);
+ $newwin->iconname($title);
+ }
+ fill_text('',$text,\$cmd,$insert);
+sub fill_text {
+ my $dump = shift;
+ my $textw = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $insert = shift;
+ $textw->delete('1.0','end');
+ if (defined($insert) && $insert) {
+ $textw->insert('end',"running: $$cmd\n\n");
+ }
+ $textw->toplevel->update();
+ $textw->toplevel->Busy();
+ open(OUT,"$$cmd|");
+ while (<OUT>) {
+ $textw->insert('end',$_);
+ $textw->toplevel->update();
+ $textw->toplevel->Busy();
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ if (defined ($insert) && $insert) {
+ $textw->insert('end',"\ndone.\n");
+ }
+ $textw->toplevel->Unbusy();
+ $textw->Unbusy();
+ addToLog("done: $$cmd");
+sub display_help {
+ print "
+Usage: snmpcheck [-x] [-n|y] [-h] [-H] [-V NUM] [-L] [-f] [[-a] HOSTS]
+ -h\tDisplay this message.
+ -a\tcheck error log file AND hosts specified on command line.
+ -p\tDon't try and ping-echo the host first
+ -f\tOnly check for things I can fix
+ HOSTS\tcheck these hosts for problems.
+X Options:
+ -x\tforces ascii base if \$DISPLAY set (instead of tk).
+ -H\tstart in hidden mode. (hides user interface)
+ -V NUM\tsets the initial verbosity level of the command log (def: 1)
+ -L\tShow the log window at startup
+ -d\tDon't start by checking anything. Just bring up the interface.
+Ascii Options:
+ -n\tDon't ever try and fix the problems found. Just list.
+ -y\tAlways fix problems found.
+ exit(0);
+sub option_get {
+ my $resource = shift;
+ return $top->option('get',$resource);
+sub option_set {
+ my $resource = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ $top->option('add',"*$resource",$value);
+sub option_save {
+sub mibsort {
+ $_ = $a;
+ ($av) = /\.([0-9]+)/;
+ $_ = $b;
+ ($bv) = /\.([0-9]+)/;
+ return $av <=> $bv;
+sub setmibchecklist {
+ my $i;
+ foreach $i (keys(%mibchecklist)) {
+ $mibchecklist{$i} = 0;
+ }
+ foreach $i (@_) {
+ $mibchecklist{$i} = 1;
+ }