/* this is a Net-SNMP distributed file that sets all default mib modules to be built into the Net-SNMP agent */ /* these go into both the mini agent and the full agent */ config_require(snmpv3mibs) /* very few default mibs */ config_add_mib(SNMPv2-MIB) config_add_mib(IF-MIB) config_add_mib(IP-MIB) config_add_mib(TCP-MIB) config_add_mib(UDP-MIB) #ifdef NETSNMP_MINI_AGENT /* limit the mibII modules to the bare minimum */ config_require(mibII/snmp_mib) config_require(mibII/system_mib) config_require(mibII/sysORTable) config_require(mibII/vacm_vars) config_require(mibII/vacm_conf) #else /* !NETSNMP_MINI_AGENT == the full shabang */ config_require(mibII) config_require(ucd_snmp) config_require(notification) config_require(notification-log-mib) config_require(target) config_require(agent_mibs) config_require(agentx) config_require(disman/event) #ifndef NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT config_require(disman/schedule) #endif /* !NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT */ config_require(utilities) /* default MIBs to auto-include for parsing */ /* NOTE: we consider these MIBs users will likely want to load by default, even if they're not supporting it in the agent (ie, the command line tools need to load them anyway) */ config_add_mib(HOST-RESOURCES-MIB) config_add_mib(NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB) config_add_mib(DISMAN-EVENT-MIB) #ifndef NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT config_add_mib(DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB) #endif /* !NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT */ /* architecture specific extra modules */ /* these symbols are set in the host specific net-snmp/system/.h files */ #ifdef NETSNMP_INCLUDE_HOST_RESOURCES config_require(host) #endif #endif