{ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Peter Vreman This unit handles the compilerhooks for output to external programs This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **************************************************************************** } unit comphook; {$i fpcdefs.inc} interface uses {$IFNDEF USE_FAKE_SYSUTILS} sysutils, {$ELSE} fksysutl, {$ENDIF} globtype, finput; Const { Levels } V_None = $0; V_Fatal = $1; V_Error = $2; V_Normal = $4; { doesn't show a text like Error: } V_Warning = $8; V_Note = $10; V_Hint = $20; V_LineInfoMask = $fff; { From here by default no line info } V_Info = $1000; V_Status = $2000; V_Used = $4000; V_Tried = $8000; V_Conditional = $10000; V_Debug = $20000; V_Executable = $40000; V_TimeStamps = $80000; V_LevelMask = $fffffff; V_All = V_LevelMask; V_Default = V_Fatal + V_Error + V_Normal; { Flags } V_LineInfo = $10000000; const { RHIDE expect gcc like error output } fatalstr : string[20] = 'Fatal:'; errorstr : string[20] = 'Error:'; warningstr : string[20] = 'Warning:'; notestr : string[20] = 'Note:'; hintstr : string[20] = 'Hint:'; type PCompilerStatus = ^TCompilerStatus; TCompilerStatus = record { Current status } currentmodule, currentsourcepath, currentsource : string; { filename } currentline, currentcolumn : longint; { current line and column } currentmodulestate : string[20]; { Total Status } compiledlines : longint; { the number of lines which are compiled } errorcount, countWarnings, countNotes, countHints : longint; { number of found errors/warnings/notes/hints } codesize, datasize : aword; { program info } isexe, ispackage, islibrary : boolean; { Settings for the output } showmsgnrs : boolean; verbosity : longint; maxerrorcount : longint; errorwarning, errornote, errorhint, skip_error, use_stderr, use_redir, use_bugreport, use_gccoutput, print_source_path : boolean; { Redirection support } redirfile : text; { Special file for bug report } reportbugfile : text; end; var status : tcompilerstatus; type EControlCAbort=class(Exception) constructor Create; end; ECompilerAbort=class(Exception) constructor Create; end; ECompilerAbortSilent=class(Exception) constructor Create; end; { Default Functions } Function def_status:boolean; Function def_comment(Level:Longint;const s:ansistring):boolean; function def_internalerror(i:longint):boolean; function def_CheckVerbosity(v:longint):boolean; procedure def_initsymbolinfo; procedure def_donesymbolinfo; procedure def_extractsymbolinfo; function def_openinputfile(const filename: string): tinputfile; Function def_getnamedfiletime(Const F : String) : Longint; { Function redirecting for IDE support } type tstopprocedure = procedure(err:longint); tstatusfunction = function:boolean; tcommentfunction = function(Level:Longint;const s:ansistring):boolean; tinternalerrorfunction = function(i:longint):boolean; tcheckverbosityfunction = function(i:longint):boolean; tinitsymbolinfoproc = procedure; tdonesymbolinfoproc = procedure; textractsymbolinfoproc = procedure; topeninputfilefunc = function(const filename: string): tinputfile; tgetnamedfiletimefunc = function(const filename: string): longint; const do_status : tstatusfunction = @def_status; do_comment : tcommentfunction = @def_comment; do_internalerror : tinternalerrorfunction = @def_internalerror; do_checkverbosity : tcheckverbosityfunction = @def_checkverbosity; do_initsymbolinfo : tinitsymbolinfoproc = @def_initsymbolinfo; do_donesymbolinfo : tdonesymbolinfoproc = @def_donesymbolinfo; do_extractsymbolinfo : textractsymbolinfoproc = @def_extractsymbolinfo; needsymbolinfo : boolean =false; do_openinputfile : topeninputfilefunc = @def_openinputfile; do_getnamedfiletime : tgetnamedfiletimefunc = @def_getnamedfiletime; implementation uses cutils, systems, globals ; {**************************************************************************** Helper Routines ****************************************************************************} function gccfilename(const s : string) : string; var i : longint; begin for i:=1to length(s) do begin case s[i] of '\' : gccfilename[i]:='/'; 'A'..'Z' : if not (tf_files_case_aware in source_info.flags) and not (tf_files_case_sensitive in source_info.flags) then gccfilename[i]:=chr(ord(s[i])+32) else gccfilename[i]:=s[i]; else gccfilename[i]:=s[i]; end; end; gccfilename[0]:=s[0]; end; function tostr(i : longint) : string; var hs : string; begin str(i,hs); tostr:=hs; end; {**************************************************************************** Stopping the compiler ****************************************************************************} constructor EControlCAbort.Create; begin inherited Create('Ctrl-C Signaled!'); end; constructor ECompilerAbort.Create; begin inherited Create('Compilation Aborted'); end; constructor ECompilerAbortSilent.Create; begin inherited Create('Compilation Aborted'); end; {**************************************************************************** Predefined default Handlers ****************************************************************************} function def_status:boolean; var hstatus : TFPCHeapStatus; begin def_status:=false; { never stop } { Status info?, Called every line } if ((status.verbosity and V_Status)<>0) then begin if (status.compiledlines=1) or (status.currentline mod 100=0) then begin if status.currentline>0 then Write(status.currentline,' '); hstatus:=GetFPCHeapStatus; WriteLn(DStr(hstatus.CurrHeapUsed shr 10),'/',DStr(hstatus.CurrHeapSize shr 10),' Kb Used'); end; end; {$ifdef macos} Yield; {$endif} end; Function def_comment(Level:Longint;const s:ansistring):boolean; const rh_errorstr = 'error:'; rh_warningstr = 'warning:'; var hs : ansistring; hs2 : ansistring; begin def_comment:=false; { never stop } hs:=''; if not(status.use_gccoutput) then begin if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Hint then hs:=hintstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Note then hs:=notestr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Warning then hs:=warningstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Error then hs:=errorstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Fatal then hs:=fatalstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Used then hs:=PadSpace('('+status.currentmodule+')',10); end else begin if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Hint then hs:=rh_warningstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Note then hs:=rh_warningstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Warning then hs:=rh_warningstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Error then hs:=rh_errorstr; if (status.verbosity and Level)=V_Fatal then hs:=rh_errorstr; end; { Generate line prefix } if ((Level and V_LineInfo)=V_LineInfo) and (status.currentsource<>'') and (status.currentline>0) then begin {$ifndef macos} { Adding the column should not confuse RHIDE, even if it does not yet use it PM but only if it is after error or warning !! PM } if status.currentcolumn>0 then begin if status.use_gccoutput then hs:=gccfilename(status.currentsource)+':'+tostr(status.currentline)+': '+hs+' '+ tostr(status.currentcolumn)+': '+s else begin hs:=status.currentsource+'('+tostr(status.currentline)+ ','+tostr(status.currentcolumn)+') '+hs+' '+s; end; if status.print_source_path then hs:=status.currentsourcepath+hs; end else begin if status.use_gccoutput then hs:=gccfilename(status.currentsource)+': '+hs+' '+tostr(status.currentline)+': '+s else hs:=status.currentsource+'('+tostr(status.currentline)+') '+hs+' '+s; end; {$else} {MPW style error} if status.currentcolumn>0 then hs:='File "'+status.currentsourcepath+status.currentsource+'"; Line '+tostr(status.currentline)+ ' #[' + tostr(status.currentcolumn) + '] ' +hs+' '+s else hs:='File "'+status.currentsourcepath+status.currentsource+'"; Line '+tostr(status.currentline)+' # '+hs+' '+s; {$endif} end else begin if hs<>'' then hs:=hs+' '+s else hs:=s; end; if (status.verbosity and V_TimeStamps)<>0 then begin system.str(getrealtime-starttime:0:3,hs2); hs:='['+hs2+'] '+s; end; { Display line } if (Level<>V_None) and ((status.verbosity and (Level and V_LevelMask))=(Level and V_LevelMask)) then begin if status.use_stderr then begin writeln(stderr,hs); flush(stderr); end else begin if status.use_redir then writeln(status.redirfile,hs) else writeln(hs); end; end; { include everything in the bugreport file } if status.use_bugreport then begin Write(status.reportbugfile,hexstr(level,8)+':'); Writeln(status.reportbugfile,hs); end; end; function def_internalerror(i : longint) : boolean; begin do_comment(V_Fatal+V_LineInfo,'Internal error '+tostr(i)); {$ifdef EXTDEBUG} { Internalerror() and def_internalerror() do not have a stackframe } dump_stack(stdout,get_caller_frame(get_frame)); {$endif EXTDEBUG} def_internalerror:=true; end; function def_CheckVerbosity(v:longint):boolean; begin result:=status.use_bugreport or ((v<>V_None) and ((status.verbosity and (v and V_LevelMask))=(v and V_LevelMask))); end; procedure def_initsymbolinfo; begin end; procedure def_donesymbolinfo; begin end; procedure def_extractsymbolinfo; begin end; function def_openinputfile(const filename: string): tinputfile; begin def_openinputfile:=tdosinputfile.create(filename); end; Function def_GetNamedFileTime (Const F : String) : Longint; begin Result:=FileAge(F); end; end.