{ Free Pascal port of the OpenPTC C++ library. Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Nikolay Nikolov (nickysn@users.sourceforge.net) Original C++ version by Glenn Fiedler (ptc@gaffer.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version with the following modification: As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA } type TPTCConsole = class(TPTCBaseConsole) private FConsole: IPTCConsole; FModes: array of IPTCMode; FOptionsQueue: array of string; FHackyOptionConsoleFlag: Boolean; function ConsoleCreate(AIndex: Integer): IPTCConsole; function ConsoleCreate(const AName: string): IPTCConsole; procedure Check; procedure AddOptionToOptionsQueue(const AOption: string); procedure ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; procedure ClearOptionsQueue; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Configure(const AFile: string); override; function Option(const AOption: string): Boolean; override; function Modes: TPTCModeList; override; procedure Open(const ATitle: string; APages: Integer = 0); overload; override; procedure Open(const ATitle: string; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APages: Integer = 0); overload; override; procedure Open(const ATitle: string; AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APages: Integer = 0); overload; override; procedure Open(const ATitle: string; AMode: IPTCMode; APages: Integer = 0); overload; override; procedure Close; override; procedure Flush; override; procedure Finish; override; procedure Update; override; procedure Update(AArea: IPTCArea); override; procedure Copy(ASurface: IPTCSurface); override; procedure Copy(ASurface: IPTCSurface; ASource, ADestination: IPTCArea); override; function Lock: Pointer; override; procedure Unlock; override; procedure Load(const APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette); override; procedure Load(const APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette; ASource, ADestination: IPTCArea); override; procedure Save(APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette); override; procedure Save(APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette; ASource, ADestination: IPTCArea); override; procedure Clear; override; procedure Clear(AColor: IPTCColor); override; procedure Clear(AColor: IPTCColor; AArea: IPTCArea); override; procedure Palette(APalette: IPTCPalette); override; function Palette: IPTCPalette; override; procedure Clip(AArea: IPTCArea); override; function GetWidth: Integer; override; function GetHeight: Integer; override; function GetPitch: Integer; override; function GetPages: Integer; override; function GetArea: IPTCArea; override; function Clip: IPTCArea; override; function GetFormat: IPTCFormat; override; function GetName: string; override; function GetTitle: string; override; function GetInformation: string; override; function NextEvent(out AEvent: IPTCEvent; AWait: Boolean; const AEventMask: TPTCEventMask): Boolean; override; function PeekEvent(AWait: Boolean; const AEventMask: TPTCEventMask): IPTCEvent; override; end; class function TPTCConsoleFactory.CreateNew: IPTCConsole; begin Result := TPTCConsole.Create; end; const {$IFDEF GO32V2} ConsoleTypesNumber = 4; {$ENDIF GO32V2} {$IF defined(Win32) OR defined(Win64)} ConsoleTypesNumber = 2; {$ENDIF defined(Win32) OR defined(Win64)} {$IFDEF WinCE} ConsoleTypesNumber = 2; {$ENDIF WinCE} {$IFDEF UNIX} ConsoleTypesNumber = 1; {$ENDIF UNIX} ConsoleTypes: array [0..ConsoleTypesNumber - 1] of record ConsoleClass: class of TPTCBaseConsole; Names: array [1..2] of string; end = ( {$IFDEF GO32V2} (ConsoleClass: TVESAConsole; Names: ('VESA', '')), (ConsoleClass: TVGAConsole; Names: ('VGA', 'Fakemode')), (ConsoleClass: TCGAConsole; Names: ('CGA', '')), (ConsoleClass: TTEXTFX2Console; Names: ('TEXTFX2', 'Text')) {$ENDIF GO32V2} {$IF defined(Win32) OR defined(Win64)} (ConsoleClass: TDirectXConsole; Names: ('DirectX', '')), (ConsoleClass: TGDIConsole; Names: ('GDI', '')) {$ENDIF defined(Win32) OR defined(Win64)} {$IFDEF WinCE} (ConsoleClass: TWinCEGAPIConsole; Names: ('GAPI', '')), (ConsoleClass: TWinCEGDIConsole; Names: ('GDI', '')) {$ENDIF WinCE} {$IFDEF UNIX} (ConsoleClass: TX11Console; Names: ('X11', '')) {$ENDIF UNIX} ); constructor TPTCConsole.Create; var I: Integer; {$IFDEF UNIX} s: AnsiString; {$ENDIF UNIX} begin inherited Create; FConsole := nil; FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := False; {$IFDEF UNIX} Configure('/usr/share/ptcpas/ptcpas.conf'); s := fpgetenv('HOME'); if s = '' then s := '/'; if s[Length(s)] <> '/' then s := s + '/'; s := s + '.ptcpas.conf'; Configure(s); {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF Win32} Configure('ptcpas.cfg'); {$ENDIF Win32} {$IFDEF GO32V2} Configure('ptcpas.cfg'); {$ENDIF GO32V2} {$IFDEF WinCE} {todo: configure WinCE} {$ENDIF WinCE} end; destructor TPTCConsole.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin close; FConsole := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Configure(const AFile: string); var F: TextFile; S: string; begin AssignFile(F, AFile); {$I-} Reset(F); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then exit; while not EoF(F) do begin {$I-} Readln(F, S); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then Break; Option(S); end; CloseFile(F); end; procedure TPTCConsole.AddOptionToOptionsQueue(const AOption: string); begin SetLength(FOptionsQueue, Length(FOptionsQueue) + 1); FOptionsQueue[High(FOptionsQueue)] := AOption; end; procedure TPTCConsole.ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(FOptionsQueue) to High(FOptionsQueue) do FConsole.Option(FOptionsQueue[I]); end; procedure TPTCConsole.ClearOptionsQueue; begin SetLength(FOptionsQueue, 0); end; function TPTCConsole.Option(const AOption: String): Boolean; begin if AOption = 'enable logging' then begin LOG_enabled := True; Result := True; exit; end; if AOption = 'disable logging' then begin LOG_enabled := False; Result := True; exit; end; if Assigned(FConsole) then Result := FConsole.Option(AOption) else begin FConsole := ConsoleCreate(AOption); if Assigned(FConsole) then begin FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := True; ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; { ClearOptionsQueue;} Result := True; end else begin { TODO: check if the option is supported by at least one console... } if {OptionSupported}True then begin AddOptionToOptionsQueue(AOption); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; end; end; function TPTCConsole.Modes: TPTCModeList; var _console: IPTCConsole; index, mode: Integer; local: Integer; _modes: TPTCModeList; begin if Assigned(FConsole) then Result := FConsole.Modes else begin _console := nil; SetLength(FModes, 0); index := -1; mode := 0; repeat Inc(index); try _console := ConsoleCreate(index); except on TPTCError do begin _console := nil; continue; end; end; if _console = nil then break; _modes := _console.modes; SetLength(FModes, Length(FModes) + Length(_modes)); for local := Low(_modes) to High(_modes) do begin FModes[mode] := _modes[local]; Inc(mode); end; until False; { todo: strip duplicate modes from list? } Result := FModes; end; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Open(const ATitle: string; APages: Integer); var composite, tmp: TPTCError; index: Integer; success: Boolean; begin if Assigned(FConsole) then begin try FConsole.open(ATitle, APages); exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin FreeAndNil(FConsole); if FHackyOptionConsoleFlag then begin FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := False; raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error); end; end; end; end; index := -1; composite := TPTCError.Create; success := False; try repeat Inc(index); try FConsole := ConsoleCreate(index); if FConsole = nil then break; ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; FConsole.Open(ATitle, APages); { ClearOptionsQueue;} success := True; exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite); try composite.Assign(tmp); finally tmp.Free; end; FreeAndNil(FConsole); continue; end; end; until False; FConsole := nil; raise TPTCError.Create(composite); finally composite.Free; if not success then FreeAndNil(FConsole); end; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Open(const ATitle: string; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APages: Integer); var composite, tmp: TPTCError; index: Integer; success: Boolean; begin if Assigned(FConsole) then begin try FConsole.open(ATitle, AFormat, APages); exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin FreeAndNil(FConsole); if FHackyOptionConsoleFlag then begin FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := False; raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error); end; end; end; end; index := -1; composite := TPTCError.Create; success := False; try repeat Inc(index); try FConsole := ConsoleCreate(index); if FConsole = nil then break; ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; FConsole.open(ATitle, AFormat, APages); { ClearOptionsQueue;} success := True; exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite); try composite.Assign(tmp); finally tmp.Free; end; FreeAndNil(FConsole); Continue; end; end; until False; FConsole := nil; raise TPTCError.Create(composite); finally composite.Free; if not success then FreeAndNil(FConsole); end; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Open(const ATitle: string; AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APages: Integer); var composite, tmp: TPTCError; index: Integer; success: Boolean; begin if Assigned(FConsole) then begin try FConsole.Open(ATitle, AWidth, AHeight, AFormat, APages); exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin FreeAndNil(FConsole); if FHackyOptionConsoleFlag then begin FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := False; raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error); end; end; end; end; index := -1; composite := TPTCError.Create; success := False; try repeat Inc(index); try FConsole := ConsoleCreate(index); if FConsole = nil then Break; ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; FConsole.Open(ATitle, AWidth, AHeight, AFormat, APages); { ClearOptionsQueue;} success := True; exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite); try composite.Assign(tmp); finally tmp.Free; end; FreeAndNil(FConsole); Continue; end; end; until False; FConsole := nil; raise TPTCError.Create(composite); finally composite.Free; if not success then FreeAndNil(FConsole); end; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Open(const ATitle: string; AMode: IPTCMode; APages: Integer); var composite, tmp: TPTCError; index: Integer; success: Boolean; begin if Assigned(FConsole) then begin try FConsole.Open(ATitle, AMode, APages); exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin FreeAndNil(FConsole); if FHackyOptionConsoleFlag then begin FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := False; raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error); end; end; end; end; index := -1; composite := TPTCError.Create; success := False; try repeat Inc(index); try FConsole := ConsoleCreate(index); if FConsole = nil then Break; ExecuteOptionsFromOptionsQueue; FConsole.Open(ATitle, AMode, APages); { ClearOptionsQueue;} success := True; exit; except on error: TPTCError do begin tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite); try composite.Assign(tmp); finally tmp.Free; end; FreeAndNil(FConsole); Continue; end; end; until False; FConsole := nil; raise TPTCError.Create(composite); finally composite.Free; if not success then FreeAndNil(FConsole); end; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Close; begin if Assigned(FConsole) then FConsole.Close; FHackyOptionConsoleFlag := False; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Flush; begin Check; FConsole.Flush; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Finish; begin Check; FConsole.Finish; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Update; begin Check; FConsole.Update; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Update(AArea: IPTCArea); begin Check; FConsole.Update(AArea); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Copy(ASurface: IPTCSurface); begin Check; FConsole.Copy(ASurface); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Copy(ASurface: IPTCSurface; ASource, ADestination: IPTCArea); begin Check; FConsole.Copy(ASurface, ASource, ADestination); end; function TPTCConsole.Lock: Pointer; begin Check; Result := FConsole.Lock; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Unlock; begin Check; FConsole.Unlock; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Load(const APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette); begin Check; FConsole.Load(APixels, AWidth, AHeight, APitch, AFormat, APalette); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Load(const APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette; ASource, ADestination: IPTCArea); begin Check; FConsole.Load(APixels, AWidth, AHeight, APitch, AFormat, APalette, ASource, ADestination); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Save(Apixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette); begin Check; FConsole.Save(APixels, AWidth, AHeight, APitch, AFormat, APalette); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Save(APixels: Pointer; AWidth, AHeight, APitch: Integer; AFormat: IPTCFormat; APalette: IPTCPalette; ASource, ADestination: IPTCArea); begin Check; FConsole.Save(APixels, AWidth, AHeight, APitch, AFormat, APalette, ASource, ADestination); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Clear; begin Check; FConsole.Clear; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Clear(AColor: IPTCColor); begin Check; FConsole.Clear(AColor); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Clear(AColor: IPTCColor; AArea: IPTCArea); begin Check; FConsole.Clear(AColor, AArea); end; procedure TPTCConsole.Palette(APalette: IPTCPalette); begin Check; FConsole.Palette(APalette); end; function TPTCConsole.Palette: IPTCPalette; begin Check; Result := FConsole.Palette; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Clip(AArea: IPTCArea); begin Check; FConsole.Clip(AArea); end; function TPTCConsole.GetWidth: Integer; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetWidth; end; function TPTCConsole.GetHeight: Integer; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetHeight; end; function TPTCConsole.GetPitch: Integer; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetPitch; end; function TPTCConsole.GetPages: Integer; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetPages; end; function TPTCConsole.GetArea: IPTCArea; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetArea; end; function TPTCConsole.Clip: IPTCArea; begin Check; Result := FConsole.Clip; end; function TPTCConsole.GetFormat: IPTCFormat; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetFormat; end; function TPTCConsole.GetName: string; begin Result := ''; if Assigned(FConsole) then Result := FConsole.GetName else {$IFDEF GO32V2} Result := 'DOS'; {$ENDIF GO32V2} {$IFDEF WIN32} Result := 'Win32'; {$ENDIF WIN32} {$IFDEF WIN64} Result := 'Win64'; {$ENDIF WIN64} {$IFDEF LINUX} Result := 'Linux'; {$ENDIF LINUX} end; function TPTCConsole.GetTitle: string; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetTitle; end; function TPTCConsole.GetInformation: string; begin Check; Result := FConsole.GetInformation; end; function TPTCConsole.NextEvent(out AEvent: IPTCEvent; AWait: Boolean; const AEventMask: TPTCEventMask): Boolean; begin Check; Result := FConsole.NextEvent(AEvent, AWait, AEventMask); end; function TPTCConsole.PeekEvent(AWait: Boolean; const AEventMask: TPTCEventMask): IPTCEvent; begin Check; Result := FConsole.PeekEvent(AWait, AEventMask); end; function TPTCConsole.ConsoleCreate(AIndex: Integer): IPTCConsole; begin Result := nil; if (AIndex >= Low(ConsoleTypes)) and (AIndex <= High(ConsoleTypes)) then Result := ConsoleTypes[AIndex].ConsoleClass.Create; if Result <> nil then Result.KeyReleaseEnabled := KeyReleaseEnabled; end; function TPTCConsole.ConsoleCreate(const AName: string): IPTCConsole; var I, J: Integer; begin Result := nil; if AName = '' then exit; for I := Low(ConsoleTypes) to High(ConsoleTypes) do for J := Low(ConsoleTypes[I].Names) to High(ConsoleTypes[I].Names) do if AName = ConsoleTypes[I].Names[J] then begin Result := ConsoleTypes[I].ConsoleClass.Create; if Result <> nil then begin Result.KeyReleaseEnabled := KeyReleaseEnabled; exit; end; end; end; procedure TPTCConsole.Check; begin if FConsole = nil then raise TPTCError.Create('console is not open (core)'); end;