{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2001 by Free Pascal development team Types and structures for baseunix unit, also used in system. This file implements all the types/constants which must be defined to port FPC to a new POSIX compliant OS. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {***********************************************************************} { POSIX STRUCTURES } {***********************************************************************} {$ifdef FPC_IS_SYSTEM} {$i ptypes.inc} {$ENDIF} {$ifdef cpupowerpc} {$ifdef netbsd} {$define netbsdpowerpc} {$endif} {$endif} {$if (defined(darwin) and defined(cpuarm)) or defined(iphonesim)} {$define darwinarm} {$endif} // CONST SYS_NMLN=65; // Can't find these two in Posix and in FreeBSD //CONST // _UTSNAME_LENGTH = ; // _UTSNAME_NODENAME_LENGTH = ; CONST // OS specific parameters for generalset behaviour BITSINWORD = 8*sizeof(longint); FD_MAXFDSET = 1024; ln2bitsinword = 5; { 32bit : ln(32)/ln(2)=5 } ln2bitmask = 1 shl ln2bitsinword - 1; wordsinfdset = FD_MAXFDSET DIV BITSINWORD; // words in fdset_t wordsinsigset = SIG_MAXSIG DIV BITSINWORD; TYPE { system information services } utsname = record sysname : Array[0..SYS_NMLN-1] OF Char; // Name of this OS nodename: Array[0..SYS_NMLN-1] OF Char; // Name of this network node. release : Array[0..SYS_NMLN-1] OF Char; // Release level. version : Array[0..SYS_NMLN-1] OF Char; // Version level. machine : Array[0..SYS_NMLN-1] OF Char; // Hardware type. end; TUtsName= utsname; pUtsName= ^utsname; { file characteristics services } stat = record { the types are real} st_dev : dev_t; // inode's device {$ifdef darwinarm} st_mode : mode_t; // inode protection mode st_nlink : nlink_t; // number of hard links st_ino : ino_t; // inode's number {$else} {$ifdef netbsd_use_stat30} { order is inverted for better alignment probably } st_mode : mode_t; // inode protection mode st_ino : ino_t; // inode's number {$else not netbsd} st_ino : ino_t; // inode's number st_mode : mode_t; // inode protection mode {$endif not netbsd} st_nlink : nlink_t; // number of hard links {$endif} st_uid : uid_t; // user ID of the file's owner st_gid : gid_t; // group ID of the file's group st_rdev : dev_t; // device type {$ifdef openbsd} st_padd0 : cint; {$endif} st_atime : time_t; // time of last access st_atimensec : clong; // nsec of last access st_mtime : time_t; // time of last data modification st_mtimensec : clong; // nsec of last data modification st_ctime : time_t; // time of last file status change st_ctimensec : clong; // nsec of last file status change {$ifdef darwinarm} st_birthtime : time_t; // File creation time st_birthtimensec : clong; // nsec of file creation time {$endif} {$ifdef netbsdPowerpc} st_padd1 : cint; {$endif} st_size : off_t; // file size, in bytes st_blocks : cint64; // blocks allocated for file st_blksize : cuint32; // optimal blocksize for I/O st_flags : cuint32; // user defined flags for file st_gen : cuint32; // file generation number {$ifdef netbsdPowerpc} st_padd2 : cint; {$endif} {$ifndef NetBSD} st_lspare : cint32; {$endif} {$ifdef openbsd} st_birthtime : time_t; // File creation time st_birthtimensec : clong; // nsec of file creation time {$endif} st_qspare : array[0..1] Of cint64; end; TStat = stat; pStat = ^stat; { directory services } {$ifndef darwinarm} dirent = record d_fileno : cuint32; // file number of entry d_reclen : cuint16; // length of this record d_type : cuint8; // file type, see below d_namlen : cuint8; // length of string in d_name d_name : array[0..(255 + 1)-1] of char; // name must be no longer than this end; {$else not darwinarm} {$packrecords 4} { available on Mac OS X 10.6 and later, and used by all iPhoneOS versions } dirent = record d_fileno : cuint64; // file number of entry d_seekoff : cuint64; // seek offset (optional, used by servers) d_reclen : cuint16; // length of this record d_namlen : cuint16; // length of string in d_name d_type : cuint8; // file type, see below d_name : array[0..PATH_MAX-1] of char; // name must be no longer than this end; {$packrecords c} {$endif darwinarm} TDirent = dirent; pDirent = ^dirent; dir = record dd_fd : cint; // file descriptor associated with directory dd_loc : clong; // offset in current buffer dd_size : clong; // amount of data returned by getdirentries dd_buf : pchar; // data buffer dd_len : cint; // size of data buffer {$ifdef netbsdpowerpc} dd_pad1 : cint; dd_seek : cint64; // magic cookie returned by getdirentries {$else} dd_seek : clong; // magic cookie returned by getdirentries {$endif} dd_rewind : clong; // magic cookie for rewinding dd_flags : cint; // flags for readdir {$ifdef darwin} __dd_lock : pthread_mutex_t; // for thread locking __dd_td : pointer; // telldir position recording {$endif} end; TDir = dir; pDir = ^dir; utimbuf = record actime : time_t; modtime : time_t; end; TUtimBuf = utimbuf; putimbuf = ^utimbuf; flock = record l_start : off_t; { starting offset } l_len : off_t; { len = 0 means until end of file } l_pid : pid_t; { lock owner } l_type : cshort; { lock type: read/write, etc. } l_whence: cshort; { type of l_start } end; TFlock = flock; pFlock = ^flock; tms = record tms_utime : clock_t; { User CPU time } tms_stime : clock_t; { System CPU time } tms_cutime : clock_t; { User CPU time of terminated child procs } tms_cstime : clock_t; { System CPU time of terminated child procs } end; TTms= tms; pTms= ^tms; TFDSet = ARRAY[0..(FD_MAXFDSET div 32)-1] of Cardinal; pFDSet = ^TFDSet; {***********************************************************************} { POSIX CONSTANT ROUTINE DEFINITIONS } {***********************************************************************} CONST { access routine - these maybe OR'ed together } F_OK = 0; { test for existence of file } R_OK = 4; { test for read permission on file } W_OK = 2; { test for write permission on file } X_OK = 1; { test for execute or search permission } { seek routine } SEEK_SET = 0; { seek from beginning of file } SEEK_CUR = 1; { seek from current position } SEEK_END = 2; { seek from end of file } { open routine } { File access modes for `open' and `fcntl'. } O_RDONLY = 0; { Open read-only. } O_WRONLY = 1; { Open write-only. } O_RDWR = 2; { Open read/write. } { Bits OR'd into the second argument to open. } O_CREAT = $200; { Create file if it doesn't exist. } O_EXCL = $800; { Fail if file already exists. } O_TRUNC = $400; { Truncate file to zero length. } O_NOCTTY = $8000; { Don't assign a controlling terminal. } { File status flags for `open' and `fcntl'. } O_APPEND = 8; { Writes append to the file. } O_NONBLOCK = 4; { Non-blocking I/O. } {$ifdef freebsd} { Other } O_SHLOCK = $10; { Open with shared file lock } O_EXLOCK = $20; { Open with exclusive file lock } O_ASYNC = $40; { Signal pgrp when data ready } O_FSYNC = $80; { Synchronous writes } O_SYNC = $80; { POSIX synonym for O_FSYNC } O_NOFOLLOW = $100; { Don't follow symlinks } O_DIRECT =$10000; { Attempt to bypass buffer cache } {$endif} { mode_t possible values } S_IRUSR = %0100000000; { Read permission for owner } S_IWUSR = %0010000000; { Write permission for owner } S_IXUSR = %0001000000; { Exec permission for owner } S_IRGRP = %0000100000; { Read permission for group } S_IWGRP = %0000010000; { Write permission for group } S_IXGRP = %0000001000; { Exec permission for group } S_IROTH = %0000000100; { Read permission for world } S_IWOTH = %0000000010; { Write permission for world } S_IXOTH = %0000000001; { Exec permission for world } { Used for waitpid } WNOHANG = 1; { don't block waiting } WUNTRACED = 2; { report status of stopped children } { For File control mechanism } F_DupFd = 0; { duplicate file descriptor } F_GetFd = 1; { get file descriptor flags } F_SetFd = 2; { set file descriptor flags } F_GetFl = 3; { get file status flags } F_SetFl = 4; { set file status flags } F_GetOwn = 5; { get SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp } F_SetOwn = 6; { set SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp } {$ifdef freebsd} F_OGetLk = 7; { get record locking information } F_OSetLk = 8; { set record locking information } F_OSetLkW = 9; { F_SETLK; wait if blocked } F_Dup2Fd = 10; { duplicate file descriptor to arg } F_GetLk = 11; { get record locking information} F_SetLk = 12; { set record locking information } F_SetLkW = 13; { F_SETLK; wait if blocked } F_SetLkRemote = 14; { debugging support for remote locks } {$endif} {$ifdef netbsd} F_GetLk = 7; { get record locking information} F_SetLk = 8; { set record locking information } F_SetLkW = 9; { F_SETLK; wait if blocked } F_CloseM = 10; { close all fds >= to the one given } F_MaxFd = 11; { return the max open fd } F_DupFd_CloExec = 12; { close on exec duplicated fd } {$endif} {$ifdef openbsd} F_GetLk = 7; { get record locking information} F_SetLk = 8; { set record locking information } F_SetLkW = 9; { F_SETLK; wait if blocked } F_DupFd_CloExec = 10; { duplicate with FD_CLOEXEC set } {$endif} {$ifdef darwin} F_GetLk = 7; { get record locking information} F_SetLk = 8; { set record locking information } F_SetLkW = 9; { F_SETLK; wait if blocked } {$endif} { File descriptor flags (F_GETFD, F_SETFD) } FD_CLOEXEC = 1; { close-on-exec flag } { Record locking flags (F_GETLK, F_SETLK, F_SETLKW) } F_RDLCK = 1; { shared or read lock } F_UNLCK = 2; { unlock } F_WRLCK = 3; { exclusive or write lock } {$ifdef freebsd} F_UNLCKSYS = 4; { purge locks for a given system ID } F_CANCEL = 5; { cancel an async lock request } {$endif} {$ifndef darwin} F_WAIT = $10; { Wait until lock is granted } F_FLOCK = $20; { Use flock(2) semantics for lock } F_POSIX = $40; { Use POSIX semantics for lock } {$endif} {$ifdef freebsd} F_REMOTE = $80; { Lock owner is remote NFS client } F_NOINTR = $100; { Ignore signals when waiting } {$endif} {$ifdef darwin} F_CHKCLEAN = 41; { Used for regression test } F_PREALLOCATE = 42; { Preallocate storage } F_SETSIZE = 43; { Truncate a file without zeroing space } F_RDADVISE = 44; { Issue an advisory read async with no copy to user } F_RDAHEAD = 45; { turn read ahead off/on } F_READBOOTSTRAP = 46; { Read bootstrap from disk } F_WRITEBOOTSTRAP = 47; { Write bootstrap on disk } F_NOCACHE = 48; { turning data caching off/on } F_LOG2PHYS = 49; { file offset to device offset } F_GETPATH = 50; { return the full path of the fd } F_FULLFSYNC = 51; { fsync + ask the drive to flush to the media } F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 52; { find which component (if any) is a package } F_FREEZE_FS = 53; { "freeze" all fs operations } F_THAW_FS = 54; { "thaw" all fs operations } F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 55; { turn data caching off/on (globally) for this file } {$endif} type timezone = record tz_minuteswest, tz_dsttime : cint; end; ptimezone =^timezone; TTimeZone = timezone; rusage = record ru_utime : timeval; { user time used } ru_stime : timeval; { system time used } ru_maxrss : clong; { max resident set size } ru_ixrss : clong; { integral shared memory size } ru_idrss : clong; { integral unshared data " } ru_isrss : clong; { integral unshared stack " } ru_minflt : clong; { page reclaims } ru_majflt : clong; { page faults } ru_nswap : clong; { swaps } ru_inblock : clong; { block input operations } ru_oublock : clong; { block output operations } ru_msgsnd : clong; { messages sent } ru_msgrcv : clong; { messages received } ru_nsignals : clong; { signals received } ru_nvcsw : clong; { voluntary context switches } ru_nivcsw : clong; { involuntary " } end; // #define ru_last ru_nivcsw // #define ru_first ru_ixrss { auto generated by a c prog, statmacr.c} Const S_IFMT = 61440; S_IFIFO = 4096; S_IFCHR = 8192; S_IFDIR = 16384; S_IFBLK = 24576; S_IFREG = 32768; S_IFLNK = 40960; S_IFSOCK= 49152; S_IFWHT = 57344; S_ISVTX = 512; { * Resource limits from FreeBSD5. To be checked for the others. } RLIMIT_CPU = 0; { cpu time in milliseconds } RLIMIT_FSIZE = 1; { maximum file size } RLIMIT_DATA = 2; { data size } RLIMIT_STACK = 3; { stack size } RLIMIT_CORE = 4; { core file size } RLIMIT_RSS = 5; { resident set size } RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 6; { locked-in-memory address space } RLIMIT_NPROC = 7; { number of processes } RLIMIT_NOFILE = 8; { number of open files } {$IFDEF FreeBSD} RLIMIT_SBSIZE = 9; { maximum size of all socket buffers } RLIMIT_VMEM =10; { virtual process size (inclusive of mmap) } RLIMIT_AS = RLIMIT_VMEM; {$ELSE} RLIMIT_AS = 5; { address space= resident set size} {$ENDIF} {$ifdef FreeBSD} RLIM_NLIMITS =11; { number of resource limits } {$endif} {$ifdef Darwin} // OS X 10.3 RLIM_NLIMITS =9; { number of resource limits } {$endif} Type TRLimit = record rlim_cur, { current (soft) limit } rlim_max : TRLim; { maximum value for rlim_cur } end; PRLimit = ^TRLimit; iovec = record iov_base : pointer; iov_len : size_t; end; tiovec=iovec; piovec=^tiovec; CONST { Constansts for MMAP } {$ifdef FPC_IS_SYSTEM} MAP_PRIVATE =2; {$endif} MAP_ANONYMOUS =$1000; const POLLIN = $0001; POLLPRI = $0002; POLLOUT = $0004; POLLERR = $0008; POLLHUP = $0010; POLLNVAL = $0020; { XOpen, XPG 4.2 } POLLRDNORM = $0040; POLLRDBAND = $0080; POLLWRNORM = POLLOUT; POLLWRBAND = $0100; type pollfd = record fd: cint; events: cshort; revents: cshort; end; tpollfd = pollfd; ppollfd = ^pollfd; {*************************************************************************} { SIGNALS } {*************************************************************************} {$i signal.inc}