{ $Id: sysutils.pp,v 1.59 2005/03/25 22:53:39 jonas Exp $ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Florian Klaempfl member of the Free Pascal development team Sysutils unit for linux See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$IF DEFINED(FREEBSD) AND NOT DEFINED(FREEBSD4)} {$IFDEF FPC_USE_LIBC} function cuuidgen(p:PGUID;x:cint):cint; external clib name 'uuidgen'; {$ELSE} function cuuidgen(p:pguid;x:cint):cint; begin result:=do_syscall(syscall_nr_uuidgen,tsysparam(p),tsysparam(x)); end; {$ENDIF} Function SysCreateGUID(out GUID : TGUID) : Integer; begin result:=0; if cuuidgen(@guid,1)=-1 then GetRandomBytes(GUID,SizeOf(Guid)); end; {$ELSE} Const RandomDevice = '/dev/urandom'; Function GetURandomBytes(Var Buf; NBytes : Integer) : Boolean; Var fd,I : Integer; P : PByte; begin P:=@Buf; fd:=FileOpen(RandomDevice,fmOpenRead); Result:=(fd>=0); if Result then Try While (NBytes>0) do begin I:=FileRead(fd,P^,nbytes); If I>0 then begin Inc(P,I); Dec(NBytes,I); end; end; Finally FileClose(Fd); end; end; Function SysCreateGUID(out GUID : TGUID) : Integer; begin if not GetUrandomBytes(Guid,SizeOf(GUID)) then GetRandomBytes(GUID,SizeOf(Guid)); Result:=0; end; {$ENDIF}