path: root/netware/ZendEngine2.mak
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'netware/ZendEngine2.mak')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/netware/ZendEngine2.mak b/netware/ZendEngine2.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index effd30983..000000000
--- a/netware/ZendEngine2.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Temporarily here -- later may go into some batch file
-# which will set this as an environment variable
-# Module details
-#include the common settings
-include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/netware/common.mif
-# Extensions of all input and output files
-.SUFFIXES: .nlm .lib .obj .cpp .c .msg .mlc .mdb .xdc .d
-C_SRC = zend.c \
- zend_alloc.c \
- zend_API.c \
- zend_builtin_functions.c \
- zend_compile.c \
- zend_constants.c \
- zend_dynamic_array.c \
- zend_execute.c \
- zend_execute_API.c \
- zend_extensions.c \
- zend_hash.c \
- zend_highlight.c \
- zend_indent.c \
- zend_ini.c \
- zend_ini_parser.c \
- zend_ini_scanner.c \
- zend_language_parser.c \
- zend_language_scanner.c \
- zend_list.c \
- zend_llist.c \
- zend_multibyte.c \
- zend_object_handlers.c \
- zend_objects.c \
- zend_opcode.c \
- zend_operators.c \
- zend_ptr_stack.c \
- zend_qsort.c \
- zend_sprintf.c \
- zend_stack.c \
- zend_static_allocator.c \
- zend_ts_hash.c \
- zend_variables.c
-# Destination directories and files
-OBJECTS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.obj) $(C_SRC:.c=.obj))
-DEPDS = $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(CPP_SRC:.cpp=.d) $(C_SRC:.c=.d))
-# Binary file
-ifndef BINARY
-# Compile flags
-C_FLAGS = -c -maxerrors 25 -msgstyle std
-C_FLAGS += -wchar_t on -bool on
-C_FLAGS += -processor Pentium
-C_FLAGS += -nostdinc
-C_FLAGS += -relax_pointers # To remove type-casting errors
-# These are required to use dlclose so that the PHP extensions are automatically unloaded
-# when apache is unloaded
-C_FLAGS += -I. -I- -I../netware -I$(SDK_DIR)/include # ../netware added for special SYS/STAT.H
-C_FLAGS += -I$(MWCIncludes)
-# Link flags
-LD_FLAGS = -type library
-# Extra stuff based on debug / release builds
-ifeq '$(BUILD)' 'debug'
- C_FLAGS += -inline smart -sym on -sym codeview4 -sym internal -opt off -opt intrinsics
- LD_FLAGS += -sym codeview4 -sym internal
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtld.lib
- C_FLAGS += -opt speed -inline on -inline auto -sym off
- LD_FLAGS += -sym off
- export MWLibraryFiles=$(SDK_DIR)/imports/libcpre.o;mwcrtl.lib
-# Virtual paths
-vpath %.cpp .
-vpath %.c .
-vpath %.obj $(OBJ_DIR)
-all: prebuild project
-.PHONY: all
- @if not exist $(OBJ_DIR) md $(OBJ_DIR)
-project: $(BINARY) $(MESSAGE)
- @echo Build complete.
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.d: %.c
- @echo Building Dependencies for $(<F)
- @$(CC) -M $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
-$(OBJ_DIR)/%.obj: %.c
- @echo Compiling $?...
- @$(CC) $< $(C_FLAGS) -o $@
- @echo Linking $@...
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: cleansrc cleanobj cleanbin
-.PHONY: cleansrc
- @echo Deleting all generated source files...
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.c"
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.h"
- -@del "zend_ini_scanner.c"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.c"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.h"
- -@del "zend_language_scanner.c"
- -@del "zend_ini_parser.output"
- -@del "zend_language_parser.output"
-.PHONY: cleand
- @echo Deleting all dependency files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.d"
-.PHONY: cleanobj
- @echo Deleting all object files...
- -@del "$(OBJ_DIR)\*.obj"
-.PHONY: cleanbin
- @echo Deleting binary files...
- -@del "$(FINAL_DIR)\$(MODULE_NAME).lib"