/* * "$Id: printers.c 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $" * * Printer status CGI for CUPS. * * Copyright 2007-2012 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * Contents: * * main() - Main entry for CGI. * do_printer_op() - Do a printer operation. * show_all_printers() - Show all printers... * show_printer() - Show a single printer. */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include "cgi-private.h" #include /* * Local functions... */ static void do_printer_op(http_t *http, const char *printer, ipp_op_t op, const char *title); static void show_all_printers(http_t *http, const char *username); static void show_printer(http_t *http, const char *printer); /* * 'main()' - Main entry for CGI. */ int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { const char *printer; /* Printer name */ const char *user; /* Username */ http_t *http; /* Connection to the server */ ipp_t *request, /* IPP request */ *response; /* IPP response */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* IPP attribute */ const char *op; /* Operation to perform, if any */ static const char *def_attrs[] = /* Attributes for default printer */ { "printer-name", "printer-uri-supported" }; /* * Get any form variables... */ cgiInitialize(); op = cgiGetVariable("OP"); /* * Set the web interface section... */ cgiSetVariable("SECTION", "printers"); cgiSetVariable("REFRESH_PAGE", ""); /* * See if we are displaying a printer or all printers... */ if ((printer = getenv("PATH_INFO")) != NULL) { printer ++; if (!*printer) printer = NULL; if (printer) cgiSetVariable("PRINTER_NAME", printer); } /* * See who is logged in... */ user = getenv("REMOTE_USER"); /* * Connect to the HTTP server... */ http = httpConnectEncrypt(cupsServer(), ippPort(), cupsEncryption()); /* * Get the default printer... */ if (!op || !cgiIsPOST()) { /* * Get the default destination... */ request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_GET_DEFAULT); ippAddStrings(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD, "requested-attributes", sizeof(def_attrs) / sizeof(def_attrs[0]), NULL, def_attrs); if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/")) != NULL) { if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-name", IPP_TAG_NAME)) != NULL) cgiSetVariable("DEFAULT_NAME", attr->values[0].string.text); if ((attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-uri-supported", IPP_TAG_URI)) != NULL) { char url[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* New URL */ cgiSetVariable("DEFAULT_URI", cgiRewriteURL(attr->values[0].string.text, url, sizeof(url), NULL)); } ippDelete(response); } /* * See if we need to show a list of printers or the status of a * single printer... */ if (!printer) show_all_printers(http, user); else show_printer(http, printer); } else if (printer) { if (!*op) { const char *server_port = getenv("SERVER_PORT"); /* Port number string */ int port = atoi(server_port ? server_port : "0"); /* Port number */ char uri[1024]; /* URL */ httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri), getenv("HTTPS") ? "https" : "http", NULL, getenv("SERVER_NAME"), port, "/printers/%s", printer); printf("Location: %s\n\n", uri); } else if (!strcmp(op, "start-printer")) do_printer_op(http, printer, IPP_RESUME_PRINTER, cgiText(_("Resume Printer"))); else if (!strcmp(op, "stop-printer")) do_printer_op(http, printer, IPP_PAUSE_PRINTER, cgiText(_("Pause Printer"))); else if (!strcmp(op, "accept-jobs")) do_printer_op(http, printer, CUPS_ACCEPT_JOBS, cgiText(_("Accept Jobs"))); else if (!strcmp(op, "reject-jobs")) do_printer_op(http, printer, CUPS_REJECT_JOBS, cgiText(_("Reject Jobs"))); else if (!strcmp(op, "purge-jobs")) do_printer_op(http, printer, IPP_PURGE_JOBS, cgiText(_("Purge Jobs"))); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(op, "print-self-test-page")) cgiPrintCommand(http, printer, "PrintSelfTestPage", cgiText(_("Print Self-Test Page"))); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(op, "clean-print-heads")) cgiPrintCommand(http, printer, "Clean all", cgiText(_("Clean Print Heads"))); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(op, "print-test-page")) cgiPrintTestPage(http, printer); else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(op, "move-jobs")) cgiMoveJobs(http, printer, 0); else { /* * Unknown/bad operation... */ cgiStartHTML(printer); cgiCopyTemplateLang("error-op.tmpl"); cgiEndHTML(); } } else { /* * Unknown/bad operation... */ cgiStartHTML(cgiText(_("Printers"))); cgiCopyTemplateLang("error-op.tmpl"); cgiEndHTML(); } /* * Close the HTTP server connection... */ httpClose(http); /* * Return with no errors... */ return (0); } /* * 'do_printer_op()' - Do a printer operation. */ static void do_printer_op(http_t *http, /* I - HTTP connection */ const char *printer, /* I - Printer name */ ipp_op_t op, /* I - Operation to perform */ const char *title) /* I - Title of page */ { ipp_t *request; /* IPP request */ char uri[HTTP_MAX_URI], /* Printer URI */ resource[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Path for request */ /* * Build a printer request, which requires the following * attributes: * * attributes-charset * attributes-natural-language * printer-uri */ request = ippNewRequest(op); httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri), "ipp", NULL, "localhost", 0, "/printers/%s", printer); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); /* * Do the request and get back a response... */ snprintf(resource, sizeof(resource), "/printers/%s", printer); ippDelete(cupsDoRequest(http, request, resource)); if (cupsLastError() == IPP_NOT_AUTHORIZED) { puts("Status: 401\n"); exit(0); } else if (cupsLastError() > IPP_OK_CONFLICT) { cgiStartHTML(title); cgiShowIPPError(_("Unable to do maintenance command")); } else { /* * Redirect successful updates back to the printer page... */ char url[1024], /* Printer/class URL */ refresh[1024]; /* Refresh URL */ cgiRewriteURL(uri, url, sizeof(url), NULL); cgiFormEncode(uri, url, sizeof(uri)); snprintf(refresh, sizeof(refresh), "5;URL=%s", uri); cgiSetVariable("refresh_page", refresh); cgiStartHTML(title); if (op == IPP_PAUSE_PRINTER) cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer-stop.tmpl"); else if (op == IPP_RESUME_PRINTER) cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer-start.tmpl"); else if (op == CUPS_ACCEPT_JOBS) cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer-accept.tmpl"); else if (op == CUPS_REJECT_JOBS) cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer-reject.tmpl"); else if (op == IPP_PURGE_JOBS) cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer-purge.tmpl"); } cgiEndHTML(); } /* * 'show_all_printers()' - Show all printers... */ static void show_all_printers(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server */ const char *user) /* I - Username */ { int i; /* Looping var */ ipp_t *request, /* IPP request */ *response; /* IPP response */ cups_array_t *printers; /* Array of printer objects */ ipp_attribute_t *printer; /* Printer object */ int ascending, /* Order of printers (0 = descending) */ first, /* First printer to show */ count; /* Number of printers */ const char *var; /* Form variable */ void *search; /* Search data */ char val[1024]; /* Form variable */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: show_all_printers(http=%p, user=\"%s\")\n", http, user ? user : "(null)"); /* * Show the standard header... */ cgiStartHTML(cgiText(_("Printers"))); /* * Build a CUPS_GET_PRINTERS request, which requires the following * attributes: * * attributes-charset * attributes-natural-language * printer-type * printer-type-mask * requesting-user-name */ request = ippNewRequest(CUPS_GET_PRINTERS); ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "printer-type", 0); ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "printer-type-mask", CUPS_PRINTER_CLASS); if (user) ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME, "requesting-user-name", NULL, user); cgiGetAttributes(request, "printers.tmpl"); /* * Do the request and get back a response... */ if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/")) != NULL) { /* * Get a list of matching job objects. */ if ((var = cgiGetVariable("QUERY")) != NULL && !cgiGetVariable("CLEAR")) search = cgiCompileSearch(var); else search = NULL; printers = cgiGetIPPObjects(response, search); count = cupsArrayCount(printers); if (search) cgiFreeSearch(search); /* * Figure out which printers to display... */ if ((var = cgiGetVariable("FIRST")) != NULL) first = atoi(var); else first = 0; if (first >= count) first = count - CUPS_PAGE_MAX; first = (first / CUPS_PAGE_MAX) * CUPS_PAGE_MAX; if (first < 0) first = 0; sprintf(val, "%d", count); cgiSetVariable("TOTAL", val); if ((var = cgiGetVariable("ORDER")) != NULL && *var) ascending = !_cups_strcasecmp(var, "asc"); else ascending = 1; if (ascending) { for (i = 0, printer = (ipp_attribute_t *)cupsArrayIndex(printers, first); i < CUPS_PAGE_MAX && printer; i ++, printer = (ipp_attribute_t *)cupsArrayNext(printers)) cgiSetIPPObjectVars(printer, NULL, i); } else { for (i = 0, printer = (ipp_attribute_t *)cupsArrayIndex(printers, count - first - 1); i < CUPS_PAGE_MAX && printer; i ++, printer = (ipp_attribute_t *)cupsArrayPrev(printers)) cgiSetIPPObjectVars(printer, NULL, i); } /* * Save navigation URLs... */ cgiSetVariable("THISURL", "/printers/"); if (first > 0) { sprintf(val, "%d", first - CUPS_PAGE_MAX); cgiSetVariable("PREV", val); } if ((first + CUPS_PAGE_MAX) < count) { sprintf(val, "%d", first + CUPS_PAGE_MAX); cgiSetVariable("NEXT", val); } /* * Then show everything... */ cgiCopyTemplateLang("search.tmpl"); cgiCopyTemplateLang("printers-header.tmpl"); if (count > CUPS_PAGE_MAX) cgiCopyTemplateLang("pager.tmpl"); cgiCopyTemplateLang("printers.tmpl"); if (count > CUPS_PAGE_MAX) cgiCopyTemplateLang("pager.tmpl"); /* * Delete the response... */ cupsArrayDelete(printers); ippDelete(response); } else { /* * Show the error... */ cgiShowIPPError(_("Unable to get printer list")); } cgiEndHTML(); } /* * 'show_printer()' - Show a single printer. */ static void show_printer(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server */ const char *printer) /* I - Name of printer */ { ipp_t *request, /* IPP request */ *response; /* IPP response */ ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* IPP attribute */ char uri[HTTP_MAX_URI]; /* Printer URI */ char refresh[1024]; /* Refresh URL */ fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: show_printer(http=%p, printer=\"%s\")\n", http, printer ? printer : "(null)"); /* * Build an IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES request, which requires the following * attributes: * * attributes-charset * attributes-natural-language * printer-uri */ request = ippNewRequest(IPP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES); httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri), "ipp", NULL, "localhost", 0, "/printers/%s", printer); ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL, uri); cgiGetAttributes(request, "printer.tmpl"); /* * Do the request and get back a response... */ if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/")) != NULL) { /* * Got the result; set the CGI variables and check the status of a * single-queue request... */ cgiSetIPPVars(response, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (printer && (attr = ippFindAttribute(response, "printer-state", IPP_TAG_ENUM)) != NULL && attr->values[0].integer == IPP_PRINTER_PROCESSING) { /* * Printer is processing - automatically refresh the page until we * are done printing... */ cgiFormEncode(uri, printer, sizeof(uri)); snprintf(refresh, sizeof(refresh), "10;URL=/printers/%s", uri); cgiSetVariable("refresh_page", refresh); } /* * Delete the response... */ ippDelete(response); /* * Show the standard header... */ cgiStartHTML(printer); /* * Show the printer status... */ cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer.tmpl"); /* * Show jobs for the specified printer... */ cgiCopyTemplateLang("printer-jobs-header.tmpl"); cgiShowJobs(http, printer); } else { /* * Show the IPP error... */ cgiStartHTML(printer); cgiShowIPPError(_("Unable to get printer status")); } cgiEndHTML(); } /* * End of "$Id: printers.c 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $". */