/* * "$Id: testarray.c 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $" * * Array test program for CUPS. * * Copyright 2007-2012 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. * * Contents: * * main() - Main entry. * get_seconds() - Get the current time in seconds... * load_words() - Load words from a file. */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include "string-private.h" #include "debug-private.h" #include "array-private.h" #include "dir.h" /* * Local functions... */ static double get_seconds(void); static int load_words(const char *filename, cups_array_t *array); /* * 'main()' - Main entry. */ int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { int i; /* Looping var */ cups_array_t *array, /* Test array */ *dup_array; /* Duplicate array */ int status; /* Exit status */ char *text; /* Text from array */ char word[256]; /* Word from file */ double start, /* Start time */ end; /* End time */ cups_dir_t *dir; /* Current directory */ cups_dentry_t *dent; /* Directory entry */ char *saved[32]; /* Saved entries */ void *data; /* User data for arrays */ /* * No errors so far... */ status = 0; /* * cupsArrayNew() */ fputs("cupsArrayNew: ", stdout); data = (void *)"testarray"; array = cupsArrayNew((cups_array_func_t)strcmp, data); if (array) puts("PASS"); else { puts("FAIL (returned NULL, expected pointer)"); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayUserData() */ fputs("cupsArrayUserData: ", stdout); if (cupsArrayUserData(array) == data) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned %p instead of %p!)\n", cupsArrayUserData(array), data); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayAdd() */ fputs("cupsArrayAdd: ", stdout); if (!cupsArrayAdd(array, strdup("One Fish"))) { puts("FAIL (\"One Fish\")"); status ++; } else { if (!cupsArrayAdd(array, strdup("Two Fish"))) { puts("FAIL (\"Two Fish\")"); status ++; } else { if (!cupsArrayAdd(array, strdup("Red Fish"))) { puts("FAIL (\"Red Fish\")"); status ++; } else { if (!cupsArrayAdd(array, strdup("Blue Fish"))) { puts("FAIL (\"Blue Fish\")"); status ++; } else puts("PASS"); } } } /* * cupsArrayCount() */ fputs("cupsArrayCount: ", stdout); if (cupsArrayCount(array) == 4) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned %d, expected 4)\n", cupsArrayCount(array)); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayFirst() */ fputs("cupsArrayFirst: ", stdout); if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(array)) != NULL && !strcmp(text, "Blue Fish")) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned \"%s\", expected \"Blue Fish\")\n", text); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayNext() */ fputs("cupsArrayNext: ", stdout); if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array)) != NULL && !strcmp(text, "One Fish")) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned \"%s\", expected \"One Fish\")\n", text); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayLast() */ fputs("cupsArrayLast: ", stdout); if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayLast(array)) != NULL && !strcmp(text, "Two Fish")) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned \"%s\", expected \"Two Fish\")\n", text); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayPrev() */ fputs("cupsArrayPrev: ", stdout); if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayPrev(array)) != NULL && !strcmp(text, "Red Fish")) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned \"%s\", expected \"Red Fish\")\n", text); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayFind() */ fputs("cupsArrayFind: ", stdout); if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayFind(array, (void *)"One Fish")) != NULL && !strcmp(text, "One Fish")) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned \"%s\", expected \"One Fish\")\n", text); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayCurrent() */ fputs("cupsArrayCurrent: ", stdout); if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayCurrent(array)) != NULL && !strcmp(text, "One Fish")) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned \"%s\", expected \"One Fish\")\n", text); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayDup() */ fputs("cupsArrayDup: ", stdout); if ((dup_array = cupsArrayDup(array)) != NULL && cupsArrayCount(dup_array) == 4) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned %p with %d elements, expected pointer with 4 elements)\n", dup_array, cupsArrayCount(dup_array)); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayRemove() */ fputs("cupsArrayRemove: ", stdout); if (cupsArrayRemove(array, (void *)"One Fish") && cupsArrayCount(array) == 3) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (returned 0 with %d elements, expected 1 with 4 elements)\n", cupsArrayCount(array)); status ++; } /* * cupsArrayClear() */ fputs("cupsArrayClear: ", stdout); cupsArrayClear(array); if (cupsArrayCount(array) == 0) puts("PASS"); else { printf("FAIL (%d elements, expected 0 elements)\n", cupsArrayCount(array)); status ++; } /* * Now load this source file and grab all of the unique words... */ fputs("Load unique words: ", stdout); fflush(stdout); start = get_seconds(); if ((dir = cupsDirOpen(".")) == NULL) { puts("FAIL (cupsDirOpen failed)"); status ++; } else { while ((dent = cupsDirRead(dir)) != NULL) { i = strlen(dent->filename) - 2; if (i > 0 && dent->filename[i] == '.' && (dent->filename[i + 1] == 'c' || dent->filename[i + 1] == 'h')) load_words(dent->filename, array); } cupsDirClose(dir); end = get_seconds(); printf("%d words in %.3f seconds (%.0f words/sec), ", cupsArrayCount(array), end - start, cupsArrayCount(array) / (end - start)); fflush(stdout); for (text = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(array); text;) { /* * Copy this word to the word buffer (safe because we strdup'd from * the same buffer in the first place... :) */ strlcpy(word, text, sizeof(word)); /* * Grab the next word and compare... */ if ((text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array)) == NULL) break; if (strcmp(word, text) >= 0) break; } if (text) { printf("FAIL (\"%s\" >= \"%s\"!)\n", word, text); status ++; } else puts("PASS"); } /* * Test deleting with iteration... */ fputs("Delete While Iterating: ", stdout); text = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(array); cupsArrayRemove(array, text); free(text); text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array); if (!text) { puts("FAIL (cupsArrayNext returned NULL!)"); status ++; } else puts("PASS"); /* * Test save/restore... */ fputs("cupsArraySave: ", stdout); for (i = 0, text = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(array); i < 32; i ++, text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array)) { saved[i] = text; if (!cupsArraySave(array)) break; } if (i < 32) printf("FAIL (depth = %d)\n", i); else puts("PASS"); fputs("cupsArrayRestore: ", stdout); while (i > 0) { i --; text = cupsArrayRestore(array); if (text != saved[i]) break; } if (i) printf("FAIL (depth = %d)\n", i); else puts("PASS"); /* * Delete the arrays... */ cupsArrayDelete(array); cupsArrayDelete(dup_array); /* * Test the array with string functions... */ fputs("_cupsArrayNewStrings(\" \\t\\nfoo bar\\tboo\\nfar\", ' '): ", stdout); array = _cupsArrayNewStrings(" \t\nfoo bar\tboo\nfar", ' '); if (!array) { status = 1; puts("FAIL (unable to create array)"); } else if (cupsArrayCount(array) != 4) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (got %d elements, expected 4)\n", cupsArrayCount(array)); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(array), "bar")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"bar\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "boo")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"boo\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "far")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"far\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "foo")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"foo\")\n", text); } else puts("PASS"); fputs("_cupsArrayAddStrings(array, \"foo2,bar2\", ','): ", stdout); _cupsArrayAddStrings(array, "foo2,bar2", ','); if (cupsArrayCount(array) != 6) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (got %d elements, expected 6)\n", cupsArrayCount(array)); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayFirst(array), "bar")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"bar\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "bar2")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"bar2\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "boo")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"boo\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "far")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"far\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "foo")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"foo\")\n", text); } else if (strcmp(text = (char *)cupsArrayNext(array), "foo2")) { status = 1; printf("FAIL (first element \"%s\", expected \"foo2\")\n", text); } else puts("PASS"); cupsArrayDelete(array); /* * Summarize the results and return... */ if (!status) puts("\nALL TESTS PASSED!"); else printf("\n%d TEST(S) FAILED!\n", status); return (status); } /* * 'get_seconds()' - Get the current time in seconds... */ #ifdef WIN32 # include static double get_seconds(void) { } #else # include static double get_seconds(void) { struct timeval curtime; /* Current time */ gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL); return (curtime.tv_sec + 0.000001 * curtime.tv_usec); } #endif /* WIN32 */ /* * 'load_words()' - Load words from a file. */ static int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */ load_words(const char *filename, /* I - File to load */ cups_array_t *array) /* I - Array to add to */ { FILE *fp; /* Test file */ char word[256]; /* Word from file */ if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { perror(filename); return (0); } while (fscanf(fp, "%255s", word) == 1) { if (!cupsArrayFind(array, word)) cupsArrayAdd(array, strdup(word)); } fclose(fp); return (1); } /* * End of "$Id: testarray.c 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $". */