/* * "$Id: rastertoepson.c 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $" * * EPSON ESC/P and ESC/P2 filter for CUPS. * * Copyright 2007-2012 by Apple Inc. * Copyright 1993-2007 by Easy Software Products. * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright * law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" * which should have been included with this file. If this file is * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". * * This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception. * * Contents: * * Setup() - Prepare the printer for printing. * StartPage() - Start a page of graphics. * EndPage() - Finish a page of graphics. * Shutdown() - Shutdown the printer. * CompressData() - Compress a line of graphics. * OutputLine() - Output a line of graphics. * main() - Main entry and processing of driver. */ /* * Include necessary headers... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Model numbers... */ #define EPSON_9PIN 0 #define EPSON_24PIN 1 #define EPSON_COLOR 2 #define EPSON_PHOTO 3 #define EPSON_ICOLOR 4 #define EPSON_IPHOTO 5 /* * Macros... */ #define pwrite(s,n) fwrite((s), 1, (n), stdout) /* * Globals... */ unsigned char *Planes[6], /* Output buffers */ *CompBuffer, /* Compression buffer */ *LineBuffers[2]; /* Line bitmap buffers */ int Model, /* Model number */ NumPlanes, /* Number of color planes */ Feed, /* Number of lines to skip */ EjectPage; /* Eject the page when done? */ int DotBit, /* Bit in buffers */ DotBytes, /* # bytes in a dot column */ DotColumns, /* # columns in 1/60 inch */ LineCount, /* # of lines processed */ EvenOffset, /* Offset into 'even' buffers */ OddOffset, /* Offset into 'odd' buffers */ Shingling, /* Shingle output? */ Canceled; /* Has the current job been canceled? */ /* * Prototypes... */ void Setup(void); void StartPage(const ppd_file_t *ppd, const cups_page_header2_t *header); void EndPage(const cups_page_header2_t *header); void Shutdown(void); void CancelJob(int sig); void CompressData(const unsigned char *line, int length, int plane, int type, int xstep, int ystep); void OutputLine(const cups_page_header2_t *header); void OutputRows(const cups_page_header2_t *header, int row); /* * 'Setup()' - Prepare the printer for printing. */ void Setup(void) { const char *device_uri; /* The device for the printer... */ /* * EPSON USB printers need an additional command issued at the * beginning of each job to exit from "packet" mode... */ if ((device_uri = getenv("DEVICE_URI")) != NULL && strncmp(device_uri, "usb:", 4) == 0 && Model >= EPSON_ICOLOR) pwrite("\000\000\000\033\001@EJL 1284.4\n@EJL \n\033@", 29); } /* * 'StartPage()' - Start a page of graphics. */ void StartPage( const ppd_file_t *ppd, /* I - PPD file */ const cups_page_header2_t *header) /* I - Page header */ { int n, t; /* Numbers */ int plane; /* Looping var */ /* * Send a reset sequence. */ if (ppd && ppd->nickname && strstr(ppd->nickname, "OKIDATA") != NULL) printf("\033{A"); /* Set EPSON emulation mode */ printf("\033@"); /* * See which type of printer we are using... */ switch (Model) { case EPSON_9PIN : case EPSON_24PIN : printf("\033P\022"); /* Set 10 CPI */ if (header->HWResolution[0] == 360 || header->HWResolution[0] == 240) { printf("\033x1"); /* LQ printing */ printf("\033U1"); /* Unidirectional */ } else { printf("\033x0"); /* Draft printing */ printf("\033U0"); /* Bidirectional */ } printf("\033l%c\033Q%c", 0, /* Side margins */ (int)(10.0 * header->PageSize[0] / 72.0 + 0.5)); printf("\033\062\033C%c", /* Page length in 1/6th inches */ (int)(header->PageSize[1] / 12.0 + 0.5)); printf("\033N%c", 0); /* Bottom margin */ printf("\033O"); /* No perforation skip */ /* * Setup various buffer limits... */ DotBytes = header->cupsRowCount / 8; DotColumns = header->HWResolution[0] / 60; Shingling = 0; if (Model == EPSON_9PIN) printf("\033\063\030"); /* Set line feed */ else switch (header->HWResolution[0]) { case 60: case 120 : case 240 : printf("\033\063\030"); /* Set line feed */ break; case 180 : case 360 : Shingling = 1; if (header->HWResolution[1] == 180) printf("\033\063\010");/* Set line feed */ else printf("\033+\010"); /* Set line feed */ break; } break; default : /* * Set graphics mode... */ pwrite("\033(G\001\000\001", 6); /* Graphics mode */ /* * Set the media size... */ if (Model < EPSON_ICOLOR) { pwrite("\033(U\001\000", 5); /* Resolution/units */ putchar(3600 / header->HWResolution[1]); } else { pwrite("\033(U\005\000", 5); putchar(1440 / header->HWResolution[1]); putchar(1440 / header->HWResolution[1]); putchar(1440 / header->HWResolution[0]); putchar(0xa0); /* n/1440ths... */ putchar(0x05); } n = header->PageSize[1] * header->HWResolution[1] / 72.0; pwrite("\033(C\002\000", 5); /* Page length */ putchar(n); putchar(n >> 8); if (ppd) t = (ppd->sizes[1].length - ppd->sizes[1].top) * header->HWResolution[1] / 72.0; else t = 0; pwrite("\033(c\004\000", 5); /* Top & bottom margins */ putchar(t); putchar(t >> 8); putchar(n); putchar(n >> 8); if (header->HWResolution[1] == 720) { pwrite("\033(i\001\000\001", 6); /* Microweave */ pwrite("\033(e\002\000\000\001", 7); /* Small dots */ } pwrite("\033(V\002\000\000\000", 7); /* Set absolute position 0 */ DotBytes = 0; DotColumns = 0; Shingling = 0; break; } /* * Set other stuff... */ if (header->cupsColorSpace == CUPS_CSPACE_CMY) NumPlanes = 3; else if (header->cupsColorSpace == CUPS_CSPACE_KCMY) NumPlanes = 4; else if (header->cupsColorSpace == CUPS_CSPACE_KCMYcm) NumPlanes = 6; else NumPlanes = 1; Feed = 0; /* No blank lines yet */ /* * Allocate memory for a line/row of graphics... */ if ((Planes[0] = malloc(header->cupsBytesPerLine)) == NULL) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to allocate memory\n", stderr); exit(1); } for (plane = 1; plane < NumPlanes; plane ++) Planes[plane] = Planes[0] + plane * header->cupsBytesPerLine / NumPlanes; if (header->cupsCompression || DotBytes) { if ((CompBuffer = calloc(2, header->cupsWidth)) == NULL) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to allocate memory\n", stderr); exit(1); } } else CompBuffer = NULL; if (DotBytes) { if ((LineBuffers[0] = calloc(DotBytes, header->cupsWidth * (Shingling + 1))) == NULL) { fputs("ERROR: Unable to allocate memory\n", stderr); exit(1); } LineBuffers[1] = LineBuffers[0] + DotBytes * header->cupsWidth; DotBit = 128; LineCount = 0; EvenOffset = 0; OddOffset = 0; } } /* * 'EndPage()' - Finish a page of graphics. */ void EndPage( const cups_page_header2_t *header) /* I - Page header */ { if (DotBytes && header) { /* * Flush remaining graphics as needed... */ if (!Shingling) { if (DotBit < 128 || EvenOffset) OutputRows(header, 0); } else if (OddOffset > EvenOffset) { OutputRows(header, 1); OutputRows(header, 0); } else { OutputRows(header, 0); OutputRows(header, 1); } } /* * Eject the current page... */ putchar(12); /* Form feed */ fflush(stdout); /* * Free memory... */ free(Planes[0]); if (CompBuffer) free(CompBuffer); if (DotBytes) free(LineBuffers[0]); } /* * 'Shutdown()' - Shutdown the printer. */ void Shutdown(void) { /* * Send a reset sequence. */ printf("\033@"); } /* * 'CancelJob()' - Cancel the current job... */ void CancelJob(int sig) /* I - Signal */ { (void)sig; Canceled = 1; } /* * 'CompressData()' - Compress a line of graphics. */ void CompressData(const unsigned char *line, /* I - Data to compress */ int length,/* I - Number of bytes */ int plane, /* I - Color plane */ int type, /* I - Type of compression */ int xstep, /* I - X resolution */ int ystep) /* I - Y resolution */ { const unsigned char *line_ptr, /* Current byte pointer */ *line_end, /* End-of-line byte pointer */ *start; /* Start of compression sequence */ unsigned char *comp_ptr, /* Pointer into compression buffer */ temp; /* Current byte */ int count; /* Count of bytes for output */ static int ctable[6] = { 0, 2, 1, 4, 18, 17 }; /* KCMYcm color values */ /* * Setup pointers... */ line_ptr = line; line_end = line + length; /* * Do depletion for 720 DPI printing... */ if (ystep == 5) { for (comp_ptr = (unsigned char *)line; comp_ptr < line_end;) { /* * Grab the current byte... */ temp = *comp_ptr; /* * Check adjacent bits... */ if ((temp & 0xc0) == 0xc0) temp &= 0xbf; if ((temp & 0x60) == 0x60) temp &= 0xdf; if ((temp & 0x30) == 0x30) temp &= 0xef; if ((temp & 0x18) == 0x18) temp &= 0xf7; if ((temp & 0x0c) == 0x0c) temp &= 0xfb; if ((temp & 0x06) == 0x06) temp &= 0xfd; if ((temp & 0x03) == 0x03) temp &= 0xfe; *comp_ptr++ = temp; /* * Check the last bit in the current byte and the first bit in the * next byte... */ if ((temp & 0x01) && comp_ptr < line_end && *comp_ptr & 0x80) *comp_ptr &= 0x7f; } } switch (type) { case 0 : /* * Do no compression... */ break; case 1 : /* * Do TIFF pack-bits encoding... */ comp_ptr = CompBuffer; while (line_ptr < line_end) { if ((line_ptr + 1) >= line_end) { /* * Single byte on the end... */ *comp_ptr++ = 0x00; *comp_ptr++ = *line_ptr++; } else if (line_ptr[0] == line_ptr[1]) { /* * Repeated sequence... */ line_ptr ++; count = 2; while (line_ptr < (line_end - 1) && line_ptr[0] == line_ptr[1] && count < 127) { line_ptr ++; count ++; } *comp_ptr++ = 257 - count; *comp_ptr++ = *line_ptr++; } else { /* * Non-repeated sequence... */ start = line_ptr; line_ptr ++; count = 1; while (line_ptr < (line_end - 1) && line_ptr[0] != line_ptr[1] && count < 127) { line_ptr ++; count ++; } *comp_ptr++ = count - 1; memcpy(comp_ptr, start, count); comp_ptr += count; } } line_ptr = CompBuffer; line_end = comp_ptr; break; } putchar(0x0d); /* Move print head to left margin */ if (Model < EPSON_ICOLOR) { /* * Do graphics the "old" way... */ if (NumPlanes > 1) { /* * Set the color... */ if (plane > 3) printf("\033(r%c%c%c%c", 2, 0, 1, ctable[plane] & 15); /* Set extended color */ else if (NumPlanes == 3) printf("\033r%c", ctable[plane + 1]); /* Set color */ else printf("\033r%c", ctable[plane]); /* Set color */ } /* * Send a raster plane... */ length *= 8; printf("\033."); /* Raster graphics */ putchar(type); putchar(ystep); putchar(xstep); putchar(1); putchar(length); putchar(length >> 8); } else { /* * Do graphics the "new" way... */ printf("\033i"); putchar(ctable[plane]); putchar(type); putchar(1); putchar(length & 255); putchar(length >> 8); putchar(1); putchar(0); } pwrite(line_ptr, line_end - line_ptr); fflush(stdout); } /* * 'OutputLine()' - Output a line of graphics. */ void OutputLine( const cups_page_header2_t *header) /* I - Page header */ { if (header->cupsRowCount) { int width; unsigned char *tempptr, *evenptr, *oddptr; register int x; unsigned char bit; const unsigned char *pixel; unsigned char *temp; /* * Collect bitmap data in the line buffers and write after each buffer. */ for (x = header->cupsWidth, bit = 128, pixel = Planes[0], temp = CompBuffer; x > 0; x --, temp ++) { if (*pixel & bit) *temp |= DotBit; if (bit > 1) bit >>= 1; else { bit = 128; pixel ++; } } if (DotBit > 1) DotBit >>= 1; else { /* * Copy the holding buffer to the output buffer, shingling as necessary... */ if (Shingling && LineCount != 0) { /* * Shingle the output... */ if (LineCount & 1) { evenptr = LineBuffers[1] + OddOffset; oddptr = LineBuffers[0] + EvenOffset + DotBytes; } else { evenptr = LineBuffers[0] + EvenOffset; oddptr = LineBuffers[1] + OddOffset + DotBytes; } for (width = header->cupsWidth, tempptr = CompBuffer; width > 0; width -= 2, tempptr += 2, oddptr += DotBytes * 2, evenptr += DotBytes * 2) { evenptr[0] = tempptr[0]; oddptr[0] = tempptr[1]; } } else { /* * Don't shingle the output... */ for (width = header->cupsWidth, tempptr = CompBuffer, evenptr = LineBuffers[0] + EvenOffset; width > 0; width --, tempptr ++, evenptr += DotBytes) *evenptr = tempptr[0]; } if (Shingling && LineCount != 0) { EvenOffset ++; OddOffset ++; if (EvenOffset == DotBytes) { EvenOffset = 0; OutputRows(header, 0); } if (OddOffset == DotBytes) { OddOffset = 0; OutputRows(header, 1); } } else { EvenOffset ++; if (EvenOffset == DotBytes) { EvenOffset = 0; OutputRows(header, 0); } } DotBit = 128; LineCount ++; memset(CompBuffer, 0, header->cupsWidth); } } else { int plane; /* Current plane */ int bytes; /* Bytes per plane */ int xstep, ystep; /* X & Y resolutions */ /* * Write a single line of bitmap data as needed... */ xstep = 3600 / header->HWResolution[0]; ystep = 3600 / header->HWResolution[1]; bytes = header->cupsBytesPerLine / NumPlanes; for (plane = 0; plane < NumPlanes; plane ++) { /* * Skip blank data... */ if (!Planes[plane][0] && memcmp(Planes[plane], Planes[plane] + 1, bytes - 1) == 0) continue; /* * Output whitespace as needed... */ if (Feed > 0) { pwrite("\033(v\002\000", 5); /* Relative vertical position */ putchar(Feed); putchar(Feed >> 8); Feed = 0; } CompressData(Planes[plane], bytes, plane, header->cupsCompression, xstep, ystep); } Feed ++; } } /* * 'OutputRows()' - Output 8, 24, or 48 rows. */ void OutputRows( const cups_page_header2_t *header, /* I - Page image header */ int row) /* I - Row number (0 or 1) */ { unsigned i, n; /* Looping vars */ int dot_count, /* Number of bytes to print */ dot_min; /* Minimum number of bytes */ unsigned char *dot_ptr, /* Pointer to print data */ *ptr; /* Current data */ dot_min = DotBytes * DotColumns; if (LineBuffers[row][0] != 0 || memcmp(LineBuffers[row], LineBuffers[row] + 1, header->cupsWidth * DotBytes - 1)) { /* * Skip leading space... */ i = 0; dot_count = header->cupsWidth * DotBytes; dot_ptr = LineBuffers[row]; while (dot_count >= dot_min && dot_ptr[0] == 0 && memcmp(dot_ptr, dot_ptr + 1, dot_min - 1) == 0) { i ++; dot_ptr += dot_min; dot_count -= dot_min; } /* * Skip trailing space... */ while (dot_count >= dot_min && dot_ptr[dot_count - dot_min] == 0 && memcmp(dot_ptr + dot_count - dot_min, dot_ptr + dot_count - dot_min + 1, dot_min - 1) == 0) dot_count -= dot_min; /* * Position print head for printing... */ if (i == 0) putchar('\r'); else { putchar(0x1b); putchar('$'); putchar(i & 255); putchar(i >> 8); } /* * Start bitmap graphics for this line... */ printf("\033*"); /* Select bit image */ switch (header->HWResolution[0]) { case 60 : /* 60x60/72 DPI gfx */ putchar(0); break; case 120 : /* 120x60/72 DPI gfx */ putchar(1); break; case 180 : /* 180 DPI gfx */ putchar(39); break; case 240 : /* 240x72 DPI gfx */ putchar(3); break; case 360 : /* 360x180/360 DPI gfx */ if (header->HWResolution[1] == 180) { if (Shingling && LineCount != 0) putchar(40); /* 360x180 fast */ else putchar(41); /* 360x180 slow */ } else { if (Shingling && LineCount != 0) putchar(72); /* 360x360 fast */ else putchar(73); /* 360x360 slow */ } break; } n = (unsigned)dot_count / DotBytes; putchar(n & 255); putchar(n / 256); /* * Write the graphics data... */ if (header->HWResolution[0] == 120 || header->HWResolution[0] == 240) { /* * Need to interleave the dots to avoid hosing the print head... */ for (n = dot_count / 2, ptr = dot_ptr; n > 0; n --, ptr += 2) { putchar(*ptr); putchar(0); } /* * Move the head back and print the odd bytes... */ if (i == 0) putchar('\r'); else { putchar(0x1b); putchar('$'); putchar(i & 255); putchar(i >> 8); } if (header->HWResolution[0] == 120) printf("\033*\001"); /* Select bit image */ else printf("\033*\003"); /* Select bit image */ n = (unsigned)dot_count / DotBytes; putchar(n & 255); putchar(n / 256); for (n = dot_count / 2, ptr = dot_ptr + 1; n > 0; n --, ptr += 2) { putchar(0); putchar(*ptr); } } else pwrite(dot_ptr, dot_count); } /* * Feed the paper... */ putchar('\n'); if (Shingling && row == 1) { if (header->HWResolution[1] == 360) printf("\n\n\n\n"); else printf("\n"); } fflush(stdout); /* * Clear the buffer... */ memset(LineBuffers[row], 0, header->cupsWidth * DotBytes); } /* * 'main()' - Main entry and processing of driver. */ int /* O - Exit status */ main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */ { int fd; /* File descriptor */ cups_raster_t *ras; /* Raster stream for printing */ cups_page_header2_t header; /* Page header from file */ ppd_file_t *ppd; /* PPD file */ int page; /* Current page */ int y; /* Current line */ #if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET) struct sigaction action; /* Actions for POSIX signals */ #endif /* HAVE_SIGACTION && !HAVE_SIGSET */ /* * Make sure status messages are not buffered... */ setbuf(stderr, NULL); /* * Check command-line... */ if (argc < 6 || argc > 7) { /* * We don't have the correct number of arguments; write an error message * and return. */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("%s job-id user title copies options [file]"), "rastertoepson"); return (1); } /* * Open the page stream... */ if (argc == 7) { if ((fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) == -1) { _cupsLangPrintError("ERROR", _("Unable to open raster file")); sleep(1); return (1); } } else fd = 0; ras = cupsRasterOpen(fd, CUPS_RASTER_READ); /* * Register a signal handler to eject the current page if the * job is cancelled. */ Canceled = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SIGSET /* Use System V signals over POSIX to avoid bugs */ sigset(SIGTERM, CancelJob); #elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); action.sa_handler = CancelJob; sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL); #else signal(SIGTERM, CancelJob); #endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */ /* * Initialize the print device... */ ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD")); if (!ppd) { ppd_status_t status; /* PPD error */ int linenum; /* Line number */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("The PPD file could not be opened.")); status = ppdLastError(&linenum); fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s on line %d.\n", ppdErrorString(status), linenum); return (1); } Model = ppd->model_number; Setup(); /* * Process pages as needed... */ page = 0; while (cupsRasterReadHeader2(ras, &header)) { /* * Write a status message with the page number and number of copies. */ if (Canceled) break; page ++; fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: %d %d\n", page, header.NumCopies); _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Starting page %d."), page); /* * Start the page... */ StartPage(ppd, &header); /* * Loop for each line on the page... */ for (y = 0; y < header.cupsHeight; y ++) { /* * Let the user know how far we have progressed... */ if (Canceled) break; if ((y & 127) == 0) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Printing page %d, %d%% complete."), page, 100 * y / header.cupsHeight); fprintf(stderr, "ATTR: job-media-progress=%d\n", 100 * y / header.cupsHeight); } /* * Read a line of graphics... */ if (cupsRasterReadPixels(ras, Planes[0], header.cupsBytesPerLine) < 1) break; /* * Write it to the printer... */ OutputLine(&header); } /* * Eject the page... */ _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "INFO", _("Finished page %d."), page); EndPage(&header); if (Canceled) break; } /* * Shutdown the printer... */ Shutdown(); ppdClose(ppd); /* * Close the raster stream... */ cupsRasterClose(ras); if (fd != 0) close(fd); /* * If no pages were printed, send an error message... */ if (page == 0) { _cupsLangPrintFilter(stderr, "ERROR", _("No pages were found.")); return (1); } else return (0); } /* * End of "$Id: rastertoepson.c 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $". */