# "$Id: Makefile 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $"
#   Locale file makefile for CUPS.
#   Copyright 2007-2012 by Apple Inc.
#   Copyright 1993-2007 by Easy Software Products.
#   These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
#   property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
#   law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
#   which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
#   file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/".

include ../Makedefs

OBJS	=	checkpo.o po2strings.o strings2po.o translate.o
TARGETS	=	checkpo po2strings strings2po translate

# Make everything...

all:	$(TARGETS)

# Make library targets...


# Make unit tests...


# Clean all config and object files...


# Update dependencies (without system header dependencies...)

	$(CC) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(OBJS:.o=.c) >Dependencies

# Install all targets...

install:	all install-data install-headers install-libs install-exec

# Install data files...

install-data: $(INSTALL_LANGUAGES)

	for loc in $(LANGUAGES) ; do \
		if test -f cups_$$loc.po; then \
			$(INSTALL_DIR) -m 755 $(LOCALEDIR)/$$loc ; \
			$(INSTALL_DATA) cups_$$loc.po $(LOCALEDIR)/$$loc/cups_$$loc.po ; \
		fi ; \

install-langbundle: po2strings
	$(INSTALL_DIR) -m 755 "$(BUILDROOT)$(BUNDLEDIR)/Resources/English.lproj"
	$(INSTALL_DATA) cups.strings "$(BUILDROOT)$(BUNDLEDIR)/Resources/English.lproj"

# Install programs...


# Install headers...


# Install libraries...


# Uninstall files...


	-for loc in $(LANGUAGES) ; do \
		$(RM) $(LOCALEDIR)/$$loc/cups_$$loc.po ; \

	$(RM) "$(BUILDROOT)$(BUNDLEDIR)/Resources/English.lproj/cups.strings"

# pot - Creates/updates the cups.pot template file, merges changes into existing
#       message catalogs, and updates the cups.strings file.  We don't use
#       xgettext to update the cups.strings file due to known xgettext bugs.

pot:	checkpo po2strings
	echo Updating cups.pot...
	mv cups.pot cups.pot.bck
	touch cups.pot
	cd ..; xgettext -o locale/cups.pot -cTRANSLATORS -s \
		--keyword=_ --no-wrap \
		--copyright-holder="Apple Inc." \
		--package-name="CUPS" --package-version="1.6" \
		--msgid-bugs-address="http://www.cups.org/str.php" \
		*/*.c */*.cxx
	(cat cups.header; tail +6 cups.pot; cat cups.footer) > cups.pot.N
	mv cups.pot.N cups.pot
	echo Checking cups.pot...
	./checkpo cups.pot
	for loc in *.po ; do \
		if test $$loc = '*.po'; then \
			break; \
		fi; \
		echo Merging changes into $$loc... ; \
		msgmerge -o $$loc -s -N --no-location $$loc cups.pot ; \
	echo Updating cups.strings...
	./po2strings cups.pot cups.strings

# checkpo - A simple utility to check PO files for correct translation
#           strings.  Dependency on static library is deliberate.
# checkpo filename.po [... filenameN.po]

checkpo:	checkpo.o ../cups/$(LIBCUPSSTATIC)
	echo Linking $<...
	$(CC) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o checkpo checkpo.o \

checkall:	checkpo
	for file in *.po; do \
		./checkpo $$file; \

# po2strings - A simple utility which uses iconv to convert GNU gettext
#              message catalogs to OS X .strings files.
# po2strings filename.po filename.strings

po2strings:	po2strings.o ../cups/$(LIBCUPSSTATIC)
	echo Linking $<...
	$(CC) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o po2strings po2strings.o \

# strings2po - A simple utility which uses iconv to convert OS X .strings files
#              to GNU gettext message catalogs.
# strings2po filename.strings filename.po

strings2po:	strings2po.o
	echo Linking $<...
	$(CC) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o strings2po strings2po.o

# translate - A simple utility which uses Google to translate the cups.pot
#             file to one of several languages.
# translate outfile language

translate:	translate.o ../cups/$(LIBCUPSSTATIC)
	echo Linking $<...
	$(CC) $(ARCHFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o translate translate.o \

# Dependencies...

include Dependencies

# End of "$Id: Makefile 10996 2013-05-29 11:51:34Z msweet $".