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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"><title>Systemd Journal Input Module</title></head>
-<a href="rsyslog_conf_modules.html">back</a>
-<h1>Systemd Journal Input Module</h1>
-<p><b>Module Name:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; imjournal</b></p>
-<p><b>Author: </b>Milan Bartos
-&lt;; (This module is not project-supported)</p>
-<p>Provides the ability to import structured log messages from systemd journal
-to syslog.</p>
-<p>Note that this module reads the journal database, what is considered a
-relativly performance-intense operation. As such, the performance of a
-configuration utilizing this
-module may be notably slower then when using
-<a href="imuxsock.html">imuxsock</a>. The journal provides imuxsock with a
-copy of all "classical" syslog messages, however, it does not provide
-structured data. If the latter is needed, imjournal must be used. Otherwise,
-imjournal may be simply replaced by imuxsock.
-<p>We suggest to check out our short presentation on
-<a href="">rsyslog journal integration</a> to
-learn more details of anticipated use cases.
-<p><b>Warning:</b> Some versions of systemd journal have problems with database
-corruption, which leads to the journal to return the same data endlessly
-in a thight loop. This results in massive message duplication inside rsyslog
-probably resulting in a denial-of-service when the system ressouces get
-exhausted. This can be somewhat mitigated by using proper rate-limiters, but
-even then there are spikes of old data which are endlessly repeated. By default,
-ratelimiting is activated and permits to process 20,000 messages within 10
-minutes, what should be well enough for most use cases. If insufficient, use
-the parameters described below to adjust the permitted volume.
-<b>It is strongly recommended to use this plugin only if there
-is hard need to do so.</b>
-<p><b>Configuration Directives</b>:</p>
-<p><b>Module Directives</b></p>
-<li><b>PersistStateInterval</b> number-of-messages<br>
-This is a global setting. It specifies how often should the journal state be persisted.
-The persists happens after each <i>number-of-messages</i>.
-This option is useful for rsyslog to start reding from the last journal message it read.
-<li><b>StateFile</b> /path/to/file<br>
-This is a global setting. It specifies where the state file for persisting
-journal state is located.
-<li><b>ratelimit.interval</b> seconds (default: 600)<br>
-Specifies the interval in seconds onto which rate-limiting is to be applied.
-If more than ratelimit.burst messages are read during that interval, further
-messages up to the end of the interval are discarded. The number of messages
-discarded is emitted at the end of the interval (if there were any discards).
-<br>Setting this to value zero turns off ratelimiting. Note that it is
-<b>not recommended to turn of ratelimiting</b>, except that you know for
-sure journal database entries will never be corrupted. Without ratelimiting,
-a corrupted systemd journal database may cause a kind of denial of service (we
-are stressing this point as multiple users have reported us such problems
-with the journal database - information current as of June 2013).
-<li><b>ratelimit.burst</b> messages (default: 20000)<br>
-Specifies the maximum number of messages that can be emitted within the
-ratelimit.interval interval. For futher information, see description there.
-<li><b>IgnorePreviousMessages</b> [<b>off</b>/on]<br>
-This option specifies whether imjournal should ignore messages currently in
-journal and read only new messages. This option is only used when there is
-no StateFile to avoid message loss.
-<li><b>DefaultSeverity</b> &lt;severity&gt;<br>
-Some messages comming from journald don't have the SYSLOG_PRIORITY
-field. These are typically the messages logged through journald's
-native API. This option specifies the default severity for these
-messages. Can be given either as a name or a number. Defaults to 'notice'.
-<li><b>DefaultFacility</b> &lt;facility&gt;<br>
-Some messages comming from journald don't have the SYSLOG_FACILITY
-field. These are typically the messages logged through journald's
-native API. This option specifies the default facility for these
-messages. Can be given either as a name or a number. Defaults to 'user'.
-<b>Caveats/Known Bugs:</b>
-<li>As stated above, a corrupted systemd journal database can cause major
-problems, depending on what the corruption results in. This is beyond the
-control of the rsyslog team.
-The following example shows pulling structured imjournal messages and saving them into /var/log/ceelog.
-<textarea rows="11" cols="80">
-module(load="imjournal" PersistStateInterval="100" StateFile="/path/to/file") #load imjournal module
-module(load="mmjsonparse") #load mmjsonparse module for structured logs
-template(name="CEETemplate" type="string"
- string="%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag% @cee: %$!all-json%\n"
- ) #template for messages
-action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/ceelog" template="CEETemplate")
-<p><b>Legacy Configuration Directives</b>:</p>
-Equivalent to: PersistStateInterval</li>
-Equivalent to: StateFile</li>
-Equivalent to: ratelimit.interval</li>
-Equivalent to: ratelimit.burst</li>
-Equivalent to: ignorePreviousMessages</li>
-Equivalent to: DefaultSeverity</li>
-Equivalent to: DefaultFacility</li>