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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html><head><title>Compatibility notes for rsyslog v3</title>
-<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="syslog, mysql, syslog to mysql, howto"></head>
-<h1>Compatibility Notes for rsyslog v3</h1>
-<p><small><i>Written by <a href="">Rainer Gerhards</a>
-<p>Rsyslog aims to be a drop-in replacement for sysklogd.
-However, version 3 has some considerable enhancements, which lead to
-some backward compatibility issues both in regard to sysklogd and
-rsyslog v1 and v2. Most of these issues are avoided by default by not
-specifying the -c option on the rsyslog command line. That will enable
-backwards-compatibility mode. However, please note that things may be
-suboptimal in backward compatibility mode, so the advise is to work
-through this document, update your rsyslog.conf, remove the no longer
-supported startup options and then add -c3 as the first option to the
-rsyslog command line. That will enable native mode.</p>
-<p>Please note that rsyslogd helps you during that process by
-logging appropriate messages about compatibility mode and
-backwards-compatibility statemtents automatically generated. You may
-want your syslogd log for those. They immediately follow rsyslogd's
-startup message.</p>
-<p>With v2 and below, inputs were automatically started together
-with rsyslog. In v3, inputs are optional! They come in the form of
-plug-in modules.
-<font color="#ff0000"><b>At least one input module
-must be loaded to make rsyslog do any useful work.</b></font>
-The config file directives doc briefly lists which config statements
-are available by which modules.</p>
-<p>It is suggested that input modules be loaded in the top part
-of the config file. Here is an example, also highlighting the most
-important modules:</p>
-<p><b>$ModLoad immark # provides --MARK--
-message capability<br>
-$ModLoad imudp # provides UDP syslog reception<br>
-$ModLoad imtcp # provides TCP syslog reception<br>
-</b><b>$ModLoad imgssapi # provides GSSAPI syslog
-</b><b>$ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local
-system logging (e.g.
-via logger command)<br>
-$ModLoad imklog # provides kernel logging support (previously done
-by rklogd)</b></p>
-<h2>Command Line Options</h2>
-<p>A number of command line options have been removed. New config
-file directives have been added for them. The -h and -e option have
-been removed even in compatibility mode. They are ignored but an
-informative message is logged. Please note that -h was never supported
-in v2, but was silently ignored. It disappeared some time ago in the
-final v1 builds. It can be replaced by applying proper filtering inside
-<h2>-c option / Compatibility Mode</h2>
-<p>The -c option is new and tells rsyslogd about the desired
-backward compatibility mode. It must always be the first option on the
-command line, as it influences processing of the other options. To use
-the rsyslog v3 native
-interface, specify -c3. To use compatibility mode&nbsp;,
-either do not use -c at all or use -c&lt;vers&gt; where vers is
-rsyslog version that it shall be compatible to. Use -c0 to be
-command-line compatible to sysklogd.</p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Please note that rsyslogd issues warning messages if the -c3 command line option is not given.</span>
-This is to alert you that your are running in compatibility mode.
-Compatibility mode interfers with you rsyslog.conf commands and may
-cause some undesired side-effects. It is meant to be used with a plain
-old rsyslog.conf - if you use new features, things become messy. So the
-best advise is to work through this document, convert your options and
-config file and then use rsyslog in native mode. In order to aid you in
-this process, rsyslog logs every compatibility-mode config file
-directive it has generated. So you can simply copy them from your
-logfile and paste them to the config.</p>
-<h2>-e Option</h2>
-This option is no longer supported, as the "last message repeated n
-times" feature is now turned off by default. We changed this default
-because this feature is causing a lot of trouble and we need to make it
-either go away or change the way it works. For more information, please
-see our dedicted <a href="">forum
-thread on "last message repeated n times"</a>. This thread also
-contains information on how to configure rsyslogd so that it continues
-to support this feature (as long as it is not totally removed).
-<h2>-m Option</h2>
-<p>The -m command line option is emulated in compatibiltiy mode.
-To replace it, use the following config directives (compatibility mode
-auto-generates them):</p>
-<p><b>$ModLoad immark<br>
-$MarkMessagePeriod 1800 # 30 minutes</b></p>
-<h2>-r Option</h2>
-<p>Is no longer available in native mode. However, it
-understood in compatibility mode (if no -c option is given). Use the <b>$UDPSeverRun
-&lt;port&gt;</b> config file directives. You can now also
-set the local address the server should listen to via <b>$UDPServerAddress
-&lt;ip&gt;</b> config directive.</p>
-<p>The following example configures an UDP syslog server at the
-local address on port 514:</p>
-<p><b>$ModLoad imudp<br>
-$UDPServerAddress # this MUST be before the $UDPServerRun
-$UDPServerRun 514</b></p>
-<p>"$UDPServerAddress *" means listen on all local interfaces.
-This is the default if no directive is specified.</p>
-<p>Please note that now multiple listeners are supported. For
-example, you can do the following:</p>
-<p><b>$ModLoad imudp<br>
-$UDPServerAddress # this MUST be before the $UDPServerRun
-$UDPServerRun 514<br>
-$UDPServerAddress * # all local interfaces<br>
-$UDPServerRun 1514</b></p>
-<p>These config file settings run two listeners: one
-at and one on port 1514, which listens on all local
-<h2>Default port for UDP (and TCP) Servers</h2>
-<p>Please note that with pre-v3 rsyslogd, a service database
-lookup was made when a UDP server was started and no port was
-configured. Only if that failed, the IANA default of 514 was used. For
-TCP servers, this lookup was never done and 514 always used if no
-specific port was configured. For consitency, both TCP and UDP now use
-port 514 as default. If a lookup is desired, you need to specify it in
-the "Run" directive, e.g. "<i>$UDPServerRun syslog</i>".</p>
-<p>klogd has (finally) been replaced by a loadable input module.
-To enable klogd functionality, do</p>
-<p><b>$ModLoad imklog</b></p>
-<p>Note that this can not be handled by the compatibility layer,
-as klogd was a separate binary.A limited set of klogd command line
-settings is now supported
-via rsyslog.conf. That set of configuration directives is to be
-<h2>Output File Syncing</h2>
-Rsyslogd tries to keep as compatible to
-stock syslogd as possible. As such, it retained stock syslogd's default
-of syncing every file write if not specified otherwise (by placing a
-dash in front of the output file name). While this was a useful feature
-in past days where hardware was much less reliable and UPS seldom, this
-no longer is useful in today's worl. Instead, the syncing is a high
-performace hit. With it, rsyslogd writes files around 50 *times* slower
-than without it. It also affects overall system performance due to the
-high IO activity. In rsyslog v3, syncing has been turned off by
-default. This is done via a specific configuration directive
-"$ActionFileEnableSync on/off" which is off by default. So even if
-rsyslogd finds sync selector lines, it ignores them by default. In
-order to enable file syncing, the administrator must specify
-"$ActionFileEnableSync on" at the top of rsyslog.conf. This ensures
-that syncing only happens in some installations where the administrator
-actually wanted that (performance-intense) feature. In the fast
-majority of cases (if not all), this dramatically increases rsyslogd
-performance without any negative effects.
-<h2>Output File Format</h2>
-<p>Rsyslog supports high precision RFC 3339 timestamps and puts these into
-local log files by default. This is a departure from previous syslogd
-behaviour. We decided to sacrify some backward-compatibility in an
-effort to provide a better logging solution. Rsyslog has been
-supporting the high-precision timestamps for over three years as of
-this writing, but nobody used them because they were not default (one
-may also assume that most people didn't even know about them). Now, we
-are writing the great high-precision time stamps, which greatly aid in
-getting the right sequence of logging events. If you do not like that,
-you can easily turn them off by placing
-</p><p style="font-weight: bold;"><code>$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat</code>
-</p><p>right at the start of your rsyslog.conf. This will use the
-previous format. Please note that the name is case-sensitive and must
-be specificed exactly as shown above. Please also note that you can of
-course use any other format of your liking. To do so, simply specify
-the template to use or set a new default template via the
-$ActionFileDefaultTemplate directive. Keep in mind, though, that
-templates must be defined before they are used.</p><p>Keep in mind that
-when receiving messages from remote hosts, the timestamp is just as
-precise as the remote host provided it. In most cases, this means you
-will only a receive a standard timestamp with second precision. If
-rsyslog is running at the remote end, you can configure it to provide
-high-precision timestamps (see below).</p><h2>Forwarding Format</h2><p>When
-forwarding messages to remote syslog servers, rsyslogd by default uses
-the plain old syslog format with second-level resolution inside the
-timestamps. We could have made it emit high precision timestamps.
-However, that would have broken almost all receivers, including earlier
-versions of rsyslog. To avoid this hassle, high-precision timestamps
-need to be explicitely enabled. To make this as painless as possible,
-rsyslog comes with a canned template that contains everything
-necessary. &nbsp;To enable high-precision timestamps, just use:</p><p style="font-weight: bold;"><code>$ActionForwardDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat # for plain TCP and UDP</code></p><p style="font-weight: bold;"><code>$ActionGSSForwardDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat # for GSS-API</code></p><p>And, of course, you can always set different forwarding formats by just specifying the right template.</p><p>If
-you are running in a system with only rsyslog 3.12.5 and above in the
-receiver roles, it is suggested to add one (or both) of the above
-statements to the top of your rsyslog.conf (but after the $ModLoad's!)
-- that will enable you to use the best in timestamp support availble.
-Please note that when you use this format with other receivers, they
-will probably become pretty confused and not detect the timestamp at
-all. In earlier rsyslog versions, for example, that leads to
-duplication of timestamp and hostname fields and disables the detection
-of the orignal hostname in a relayed/NATed environment. So use the new
-format with care. </p><h2>Queue Modes for the Main Message Queue</h2>
-<p>Either "FixedArray" or "LinkedList" is recommended. "Direct"
-is available, but should not be used except for a very good reason
-("Direct" disables queueing and will potentially lead to message loss
-on the input side).</p>