path: root/queue.h
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diff --git a/queue.h b/queue.h
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index 0000000..bc09fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/queue.h
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+/* Definition of the queue support module.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
+ *
+ * This file is part of rsyslog.
+ *
+ * Rsyslog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Rsyslog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Rsyslog. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
+ */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "obj.h"
+#include "wtp.h"
+#include "stream.h"
+/* queue types */
+typedef enum {
+ QUEUETYPE_FIXED_ARRAY = 0,/* a simple queue made out of a fixed (initially malloced) array fast but memoryhog */
+ QUEUETYPE_LINKEDLIST = 1, /* linked list used as buffer, lower fixed memory overhead but slower */
+ QUEUETYPE_DISK = 2, /* disk files used as buffer */
+ QUEUETYPE_DIRECT = 3 /* no queuing happens, consumer is directly called */
+} queueType_t;
+/* list member definition for linked list types of queues: */
+typedef struct qLinkedList_S {
+ struct qLinkedList_S *pNext;
+ void *pUsr;
+} qLinkedList_t;
+typedef struct qWrkThrd_s {
+ pthread_t thrdID; /* thread ID */
+ qWrkCmd_t tCurrCmd; /* current command to be carried out by worker */
+ obj_t *pUsr; /* current user object being processed (or NULL if none) */
+ struct queue_s *pQueue; /* my queue (important if only the work thread instance is passed! */
+ int iThrd; /* my worker thread array index */
+ pthread_cond_t condInitDone; /* signaled when the thread startup is done (once per thread existance) */
+ pthread_mutex_t mut;
+} qWrkThrd_t; /* type for queue worker threads */
+/* the queue object */
+typedef struct queue_s {
+ BEGINobjInstance;
+ queueType_t qType;
+ int bEnqOnly; /* does queue run in enqueue-only mode (1) or not (0)? */
+ int bSaveOnShutdown;/* persists everthing on shutdown (if DA!)? 1-yes, 0-no */
+ int bQueueStarted; /* has queueStart() been called on this queue? 1-yes, 0-no */
+ int bQueueInDestruction;/* 1 if queue is in destruction process, 0 otherwise */
+ int iQueueSize; /* Current number of elements in the queue */
+ int iMaxQueueSize; /* how large can the queue grow? */
+ int iNumWorkerThreads;/* number of worker threads to use */
+ int iCurNumWrkThrd;/* current number of active worker threads */
+ int iMinMsgsPerWrkr;/* minimum nbr of msgs per worker thread, if more, a new worker is started until max wrkrs */
+ wtp_t *pWtpDA;
+ wtp_t *pWtpReg;
+ void *pUsr; /* a global, user-supplied pointer. Is passed back to consumer. */
+ int iUpdsSincePersist;/* nbr of queue updates since the last persist call */
+ int iPersistUpdCnt; /* persits queue info after this nbr of updates - 0 -> persist only on shutdown */
+ int iHighWtrMrk; /* high water mark for disk-assisted memory queues */
+ int iLowWtrMrk; /* low water mark for disk-assisted memory queues */
+ int iDiscardMrk; /* if the queue is above this mark, low-severity messages are discarded */
+ int iFullDlyMrk; /* if the queue is above this mark, FULL_DELAYable message are put on hold */
+ int iLightDlyMrk; /* if the queue is above this mark, LIGHT_DELAYable message are put on hold */
+ int iDiscardSeverity;/* messages of this severity above are discarded on too-full queue */
+ int bNeedDelQIF; /* does the QIF file need to be deleted when queue becomes empty? */
+ int toQShutdown; /* timeout for regular queue shutdown in ms */
+ int toActShutdown; /* timeout for long-running action shutdown in ms */
+ int toWrkShutdown; /* timeout for idle workers in ms, -1 means indefinite (0 is immediate) */
+ int toEnq; /* enqueue timeout */
+ /* rate limiting settings (will be expanded */
+ int iDeqSlowdown; /* slow down dequeue by specified nbr of microseconds */
+ /* end rate limiting */
+ rsRetVal (*pConsumer)(void *,void*); /* user-supplied consumer function for dequeued messages */
+ /* calling interface for pConsumer: arg1 is the global user pointer from this structure, arg2 is the
+ * user pointer that was dequeued (actual sample: for actions, arg1 is the pAction and arg2 is pointer
+ * to message)
+ * rgerhards, 2008-01-28
+ */
+ /* type-specific handlers (set during construction) */
+ rsRetVal (*qConstruct)(struct queue_s *pThis);
+ rsRetVal (*qDestruct)(struct queue_s *pThis);
+ rsRetVal (*qAdd)(struct queue_s *pThis, void *pUsr);
+ rsRetVal (*qDel)(struct queue_s *pThis, void **ppUsr);
+ /* end type-specific handler */
+ /* synchronization variables */
+ pthread_mutex_t mutThrdMgmt; /* mutex for the queue's thread management */
+ pthread_mutex_t *mut; /* mutex for enqueing and dequeueing messages */
+ pthread_cond_t notFull, notEmpty;
+ pthread_cond_t belowFullDlyWtrMrk; /* below eFLOWCTL_FULL_DELAY watermark */
+ pthread_cond_t belowLightDlyWtrMrk; /* below eFLOWCTL_FULL_DELAY watermark */
+ pthread_cond_t condDAReady;/* signalled when the DA queue is fully initialized and ready for processing */
+ int bChildIsDone; /* set to 1 when the child DA queue has finished processing, 0 otherwise */
+ int bThrdStateChanged; /* at least one thread state has changed if 1 */
+ /* end sync variables */
+ /* the following variables are always present, because they
+ * are not only used for the "disk" queueing mode but also for
+ * any other queueing mode if it is set to "disk assisted".
+ * rgerhards, 2008-01-09
+ */
+ uchar *pszSpoolDir;
+ size_t lenSpoolDir;
+ uchar *pszFilePrefix;
+ size_t lenFilePrefix;
+ int iNumberFiles; /* how many files make up the queue? */
+ int64 iMaxFileSize; /* max size for a single queue file */
+ int64 sizeOnDiskMax; /* maximum size on disk allowed */
+ int bIsDA; /* is this queue disk assisted? */
+ int bRunsDA; /* is this queue actually *running* disk assisted? */
+ struct queue_s *pqDA; /* queue for disk-assisted modes */
+ struct queue_s *pqParent;/* pointer to the parent (if this is a child queue) */
+ int bDAEnqOnly; /* EnqOnly setting for DA queue */
+ /* some data elements for the queueUngetObj() functionality. This list should always be short
+ * and is always kept in memory
+ */
+ qLinkedList_t *pUngetRoot;
+ qLinkedList_t *pUngetLast;
+ int iUngottenObjs; /* number of objects currently in the "ungotten" list */
+ /* now follow queueing mode specific data elements */
+ union { /* different data elements based on queue type (qType) */
+ struct {
+ long head, tail;
+ void** pBuf; /* the queued user data structure */
+ } farray;
+ struct {
+ qLinkedList_t *pRoot;
+ qLinkedList_t *pLast;
+ } linklist;
+ struct {
+ int64 sizeOnDisk; /* current amount of disk space used */
+ int64 bytesRead; /* number of bytes read from current (undeleted!) file */
+ strm_t *pWrite; /* current file to be written */
+ strm_t *pRead; /* current file to be read */
+ } disk;
+ } tVars;
+} queue_t;
+/* some symbolic constants for easier reference */
+#define QUEUE_IDX_DA_WORKER 0 /* index for the DA worker (fixed) */
+#define QUEUE_PTR_DA_WORKER(x) (&((pThis)->pWrkThrds[0]))
+/* the define below is an "eternal" timeout for the timeout settings which require a value.
+ * It is one day, which is not really eternal, but comes close to it if we think about
+ * rsyslog (e.g.: do you want to wait on shutdown for more than a day? ;))
+ * rgerhards, 2008-01-17
+ */
+#define QUEUE_TIMEOUT_ETERNAL 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+/* prototypes */
+rsRetVal queueDestruct(queue_t **ppThis);
+rsRetVal queueEnqObj(queue_t *pThis, flowControl_t flwCtlType, void *pUsr);
+rsRetVal queueStart(queue_t *pThis);
+rsRetVal queueSetMaxFileSize(queue_t *pThis, size_t iMaxFileSize);
+rsRetVal queueSetFilePrefix(queue_t *pThis, uchar *pszPrefix, size_t iLenPrefix);
+rsRetVal queueConstruct(queue_t **ppThis, queueType_t qType, int iWorkerThreads,
+ int iMaxQueueSize, rsRetVal (*pConsumer)(void*,void*));
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iPersistUpdCnt, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, toQShutdown, long);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, toActShutdown, long);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, toWrkShutdown, long);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, toEnq, long);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iHighWtrMrk, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iLowWtrMrk, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iDiscardMrk, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iDiscardSeverity, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iMinMsgsPerWrkr, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, bSaveOnShutdown, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, pUsr, void*);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, iDeqSlowdown, int);
+PROTOTYPEpropSetMeth(queue, sizeOnDiskMax, int64);
+#define queueGetID(pThis) ((unsigned long) pThis)
+#endif /* #ifndef QUEUE_H_INCLUDED */