/* msg.h
* Header file for all msg-related functions.
* File begun on 2007-07-13 by RGerhards (extracted from syslogd.c)
* Copyright 2007-2013 Rainer Gerhards and Adiscon GmbH.
* This file is part of the rsyslog runtime library.
* The rsyslog runtime library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* The rsyslog runtime library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with the rsyslog runtime library. If not, see .
* A copy of the GPL can be found in the file "COPYING" in this distribution.
* A copy of the LGPL can be found in the file "COPYING.LESSER" in this distribution.
#include "template.h" /* this is a quirk, but these two are too interdependant... */
#define MSG_H_INCLUDED 1
#include "obj.h"
#include "syslogd-types.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "atomic.h"
/* rgerhards 2004-11-08: The following structure represents a
* syslog message.
* Important Note:
* The message object is used for multiple purposes (once it
* has been created). Once created, it actully is a read-only
* object (though we do not specifically express this). In order
* to avoid multiple copies of the same object, we use a
* reference counter. This counter is set to 1 by the constructer
* and increased by 1 with a call to MsgAddRef(). The destructor
* checks the reference count. If it is more than 1, only the counter
* will be decremented. If it is 1, however, the object is actually
* destroyed. To make this work, it is vital that MsgAddRef() is
* called each time a "copy" is stored somewhere.
* WARNING: this structure is not calloc()ed, so be careful when
* adding new fields. You need to initialize them in
* msgBaseConstruct(). That function header comment also describes
* why this is the case.
struct msg {
BEGINobjInstance; /* Data to implement generic object - MUST be the first data element! */
flowControl_t flowCtlType; /**< type of flow control we can apply, for enqueueing, needs not to be persisted because
once data has entered the queue, this property is no longer needed. */
pthread_mutex_t mut;
int iRefCount; /* reference counter (0 = unused) */
sbool bParseSuccess; /* set to reflect state of last executed higher level parser */
short iSeverity; /* the severity 0..7 */
short iFacility; /* Facility code 0 .. 23*/
short offAfterPRI; /* offset, at which raw message WITHOUT PRI part starts in pszRawMsg */
short offMSG; /* offset at which the MSG part starts in pszRawMsg */
short iProtocolVersion;/* protocol version of message received 0 - legacy, 1 syslog-protocol) */
int msgFlags; /* flags associated with this message */
int iLenRawMsg; /* length of raw message */
int iLenMSG; /* Length of the MSG part */
int iLenTAG; /* Length of the TAG part */
int iLenHOSTNAME; /* Length of HOSTNAME */
int iLenPROGNAME; /* Length of PROGNAME (-1 = not yet set) */
uchar *pszRawMsg; /* message as it was received on the wire. This is important in case we
* need to preserve cryptographic verifiers. */
uchar *pszHOSTNAME; /* HOSTNAME from syslog message */
char *pszRcvdAt3164; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
char *pszRcvdAt3339; /* time as RFC3164 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
char *pszRcvdAt_MySQL; /* rcvdAt as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
char *pszRcvdAt_PgSQL; /* rcvdAt as PgSQL formatted string (always 21 characters) */
char *pszTIMESTAMP3164; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3164 formatted string (always 15 charcters) */
char *pszTIMESTAMP3339; /* TIMESTAMP as RFC3339 formatted string (32 charcters at most) */
char *pszTIMESTAMP_MySQL;/* TIMESTAMP as MySQL formatted string (always 14 charcters) */
char *pszTIMESTAMP_PgSQL;/* TIMESTAMP as PgSQL formatted string (always 21 characters) */
uchar *pszStrucData; /* STRUCTURED-DATA */
uint16_t lenStrucData; /* (cached) length of STRUCTURED-DATA */
cstr_t *pCSAPPNAME; /* APP-NAME */
cstr_t *pCSPROCID; /* PROCID */
cstr_t *pCSMSGID; /* MSGID */
prop_t *pInputName; /* input name property */
prop_t *pRcvFromIP; /* IP of system message was received from */
union {
prop_t *pRcvFrom;/* name of system message was received from */
struct sockaddr_storage *pfrominet; /* unresolved name */
} rcvFrom;
ruleset_t *pRuleset; /* ruleset to be used for processing this message */
time_t ttGenTime; /* time msg object was generated, same as tRcvdAt, but a Unix timestamp.
While this field looks redundant, it is required because a Unix timestamp
is used at later processing stages (namely in the output arena). Thanks to
the subleties of how time is defined, there is no reliable way to reconstruct
the Unix timestamp from the syslogTime fields (in practice, we may be close
enough to reliable, but I prefer to leave the subtle things to the OS, where
it obviously is solved in way or another...). */
struct syslogTime tRcvdAt;/* time the message entered this program */
struct syslogTime tTIMESTAMP;/* (parsed) value of the timestamp */
struct json_object *json;
struct json_object *localvars;
/* some fixed-size buffers to save malloc()/free() for frequently used fields (from the default templates) */
uchar szRawMsg[CONF_RAWMSG_BUFSIZE]; /* most messages are small, and these are stored here (without malloc/free!) */
union {
uchar *ptr; /* pointer to progname value */
union {
uchar *pszTAG; /* pointer to tag value */
uchar szBuf[CONF_TAG_BUFSIZE];
} TAG;
char pszTimestamp3164[CONST_LEN_TIMESTAMP_3164 + 1];
char pszTimestamp3339[CONST_LEN_TIMESTAMP_3339 + 1];
char pszTIMESTAMP_SecFrac[7]; /* Note: a pointer is 64 bits/8 char, so this is actually fewer than a pointer! */
char pszRcvdAt_SecFrac[7]; /* same as above. Both are fractional seconds for their respective timestamp */
char pszTIMESTAMP_Unix[12]; /* almost as small as a pointer! */
char pszRcvdAt_Unix[12];
char dfltTZ[8]; /* 7 chars max, less overhead than ptr! */
uchar *pszUUID; /* The message's UUID */
/* message flags (msgFlags), not an enum for historical reasons
#define NOFLAG 0x000 /* no flag is set (to be used when a flag must be specified and none is required) */
#define INTERNAL_MSG 0x001 /* msg generated by logmsgInternal() --> special handling */
/* 0x002 not used because it was previously a known value - rgerhards, 2008-10-09 */
#define IGNDATE 0x004 /* ignore, if given, date in message and use date of reception as msg date */
#define MARK 0x008 /* this message is a mark */
#define NEEDS_PARSING 0x010 /* raw message, must be parsed before processing can be done */
#define PARSE_HOSTNAME 0x020 /* parse the hostname during message parsing */
#define NEEDS_DNSRESOL 0x040 /* fromhost address is unresolved and must be locked up via DNS reverse lookup first */
#define NEEDS_ACLCHK_U 0x080 /* check UDP ACLs after DNS resolution has been done in main queue consumer */
#define NO_PRI_IN_RAW 0x100 /* rawmsg does not include a PRI (Solaris!), but PRI is already set correctly in the msg object */
/* (syslog) protocol types */
#define MSG_RFC5424_PROTOCOL 1
/* function prototypes
rsRetVal msgConstruct(msg_t **ppThis);
rsRetVal msgConstructWithTime(msg_t **ppThis, struct syslogTime *stTime, time_t ttGenTime);
rsRetVal msgConstructForDeserializer(msg_t **ppThis);
rsRetVal msgConstructFinalizer(msg_t *pThis);
rsRetVal msgDestruct(msg_t **ppM);
msg_t* MsgDup(msg_t* pOld);
msg_t *MsgAddRef(msg_t *pM);
void setProtocolVersion(msg_t *pM, int iNewVersion);
void MsgSetInputName(msg_t *pMsg, prop_t*);
void MsgSetDfltTZ(msg_t *pThis, char *tz);
rsRetVal MsgSetAPPNAME(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszAPPNAME);
rsRetVal MsgSetPROCID(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszPROCID);
rsRetVal MsgSetMSGID(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszMSGID);
void MsgSetParseSuccess(msg_t *pMsg, int bSuccess);
void MsgSetTAG(msg_t *pMsg, uchar* pszBuf, size_t lenBuf);
void MsgSetRuleset(msg_t *pMsg, ruleset_t*);
rsRetVal MsgSetFlowControlType(msg_t *pMsg, flowControl_t eFlowCtl);
rsRetVal MsgSetStructuredData(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszStrucData);
rsRetVal MsgAddToStructuredData(msg_t *pMsg, uchar *toadd, rs_size_t len);
void MsgGetStructuredData(msg_t *pM, uchar **pBuf, rs_size_t *len);
rsRetVal msgSetFromSockinfo(msg_t *pThis, struct sockaddr_storage *sa);
void MsgSetRcvFrom(msg_t *pMsg, prop_t*);
void MsgSetRcvFromStr(msg_t *pMsg, uchar* pszRcvFrom, int, prop_t **);
rsRetVal MsgSetRcvFromIP(msg_t *pMsg, prop_t*);
rsRetVal MsgSetRcvFromIPStr(msg_t *pThis, uchar *psz, int len, prop_t **ppProp);
void MsgSetHOSTNAME(msg_t *pMsg, uchar* pszHOSTNAME, int lenHOSTNAME);
rsRetVal MsgSetAfterPRIOffs(msg_t *pMsg, short offs);
void MsgSetMSGoffs(msg_t *pMsg, short offs);
void MsgSetRawMsgWOSize(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszRawMsg);
void MsgSetRawMsg(msg_t *pMsg, char* pszRawMsg, size_t lenMsg);
rsRetVal MsgReplaceMSG(msg_t *pThis, uchar* pszMSG, int lenMSG);
uchar *MsgGetProp(msg_t *pMsg, struct templateEntry *pTpe, msgPropDescr_t *pProp,
rs_size_t *pPropLen, unsigned short *pbMustBeFreed, struct syslogTime *ttNow);
uchar *getRcvFrom(msg_t *pM);
void getTAG(msg_t *pM, uchar **ppBuf, int *piLen);
char *getTimeReported(msg_t *pM, enum tplFormatTypes eFmt);
char *getPRI(msg_t *pMsg);
void getRawMsg(msg_t *pM, uchar **pBuf, int *piLen);
rsRetVal msgAddJSON(msg_t *pM, uchar *name, struct json_object *json);
rsRetVal MsgGetSeverity(msg_t *pThis, int *piSeverity);
rsRetVal MsgDeserialize(msg_t *pMsg, strm_t *pStrm);
/* TODO: remove these five (so far used in action.c) */
uchar *getMSG(msg_t *pM);
char *getHOSTNAME(msg_t *pM);
char *getPROCID(msg_t *pM, sbool bLockMutex);
char *getAPPNAME(msg_t *pM, sbool bLockMutex);
void setMSGLen(msg_t *pM, int lenMsg);
int getMSGLen(msg_t *pM);
char *getHOSTNAME(msg_t *pM);
int getHOSTNAMELen(msg_t *pM);
uchar *getProgramName(msg_t *pM, sbool bLockMutex);
uchar *getRcvFrom(msg_t *pM);
rsRetVal propNameToID(uchar *pName, propid_t *pPropID);
uchar *propIDToName(propid_t propID);
rsRetVal msgGetJSONPropJSON(msg_t *pMsg, msgPropDescr_t *pProp, struct json_object **pjson);
rsRetVal getJSONPropVal(msg_t *pMsg, msgPropDescr_t *pProp, uchar **pRes, rs_size_t *buflen, unsigned short *pbMustBeFreed);
rsRetVal msgSetJSONFromVar(msg_t *pMsg, uchar *varname, struct var *var);
rsRetVal msgDelJSON(msg_t *pMsg, uchar *varname);
rsRetVal jsonFind(struct json_object *jroot, msgPropDescr_t *pProp, struct json_object **jsonres);
rsRetVal msgPropDescrFill(msgPropDescr_t *pProp, uchar *name, int nameLen);
void msgPropDescrDestruct(msgPropDescr_t *pProp);
static inline int
msgGetProtocolVersion(msg_t *pM)
/* returns non-zero if the message has structured data, 0 otherwise */
static inline sbool
MsgHasStructuredData(msg_t *pM)
return (pM->pszStrucData == NULL) ? 0 : 1;
/* ------------------------------ some inline functions ------------------------------ */
/* set raw message size. This is needed in some cases where a trunctation is necessary
* but the raw message must not be newly set. The most important (and currently only)
* use case is if we remove trailing LF or NUL characters. Note that the size can NOT
* be extended, only shrunk!
* rgerhards, 2009-08-26
static inline void
MsgSetRawMsgSize(msg_t *pMsg, size_t newLen)
assert(newLen <= (size_t) pMsg->iLenRawMsg);
pMsg->iLenRawMsg = newLen;
/* get the ruleset that is associated with the ruleset.
* May be NULL. -- rgerhards, 2009-10-27
static inline ruleset_t*
MsgGetRuleset(msg_t *pMsg)
return pMsg->pRuleset;
#endif /* #ifndef MSG_H_INCLUDED */
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