# MRustC - Rust Compiler # - By John Hodge (Mutabah/thePowersGang) # # Makefile # # - Compiles mrustc # - Downloads rustc source to test against # - Attempts to compile rust's libstd # # DEPENDENCIES # - zlib (-dev) # - curl (bin, for downloading libstd source) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) EXESUF ?= .exe endif EXESUF ?= CXX ?= g++ V ?= @ TAIL_COUNT ?= 10 # - Disable implicit rules .SUFFIXES: # - Disable deleting intermediate files .SECONDARY: # - Final stage for tests run as part of the rust_tests target. # VALID OPTIONS: parse, expand, mir, ALL RUST_TESTS_FINAL_STAGE ?= ALL LINKFLAGS := -g LIBS := -lz CXXFLAGS := -g -Wall CXXFLAGS += -std=c++14 #CXXFLAGS += -Wextra CXXFLAGS += -O2 CPPFLAGS := -I src/include/ -I src/ CPPFLAGS += -I tools/common/ CXXFLAGS += -Wno-pessimizing-move CXXFLAGS += -Wno-misleading-indentation #CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-private-field CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unknown-warning-option # - Flags to pass to all mrustc invocations RUST_FLAGS := --cfg debug_assertions RUST_FLAGS += -g RUST_FLAGS += -O RUST_FLAGS += -L output/ RUST_FLAGS += $(RUST_FLAGS_EXTRA) SHELL = bash ifeq ($(DBGTPL),) else ifeq ($(DBGTPL),gdb) DBG := echo -e "r\nbt 14\nq" | gdb --args else ifeq ($(DBGTPL),valgrind) DBG := valgrind --leak-check=full --num-callers=35 else ifeq ($(DBGTPL),time) DBG := time else $(error "Unknown debug template") endif OBJDIR = .obj/ BIN := bin/mrustc$(EXESUF) OBJ := main.o version.o OBJ += span.o rc_string.o debug.o ident.o OBJ += ast/ast.o OBJ += ast/types.o ast/crate.o ast/path.o ast/expr.o ast/pattern.o OBJ += ast/dump.o OBJ += parse/parseerror.o OBJ += parse/token.o parse/tokentree.o parse/interpolated_fragment.o OBJ += parse/tokenstream.o parse/lex.o parse/ttstream.o OBJ += parse/root.o parse/paths.o parse/types.o parse/expr.o parse/pattern.o OBJ += expand/mod.o expand/macro_rules.o expand/cfg.o OBJ += expand/format_args.o expand/asm.o OBJ += expand/concat.o expand/stringify.o expand/file_line.o OBJ += expand/derive.o expand/lang_item.o OBJ += expand/std_prelude.o expand/crate_tags.o OBJ += expand/include.o OBJ += expand/env.o OBJ += expand/test.o OBJ += expand/rustc_diagnostics.o OBJ += expand/proc_macro.o OBJ += expand/assert.o OBJ += expand/test_harness.o OBJ += macro_rules/mod.o macro_rules/eval.o macro_rules/parse.o OBJ += resolve/use.o resolve/index.o resolve/absolute.o OBJ += hir/from_ast.o hir/from_ast_expr.o OBJ += hir/dump.o OBJ += hir/hir.o hir/generic_params.o OBJ += hir/crate_ptr.o hir/expr_ptr.o OBJ += hir/type.o hir/path.o hir/expr.o hir/pattern.o OBJ += hir/visitor.o hir/crate_post_load.o OBJ += hir_conv/expand_type.o hir_conv/constant_evaluation.o hir_conv/resolve_ufcs.o hir_conv/resolve_ufcs_outer.o hir_conv/bind.o hir_conv/markings.o OBJ += hir_typeck/outer.o hir_typeck/common.o hir_typeck/helpers.o hir_typeck/static.o hir_typeck/impl_ref.o OBJ += hir_typeck/expr_visit.o OBJ += hir_typeck/expr_cs.o OBJ += hir_typeck/expr_check.o OBJ += hir_expand/annotate_value_usage.o hir_expand/closures.o OBJ += hir_expand/ufcs_everything.o OBJ += hir_expand/reborrow.o hir_expand/erased_types.o hir_expand/vtable.o OBJ += mir/mir.o mir/mir_ptr.o OBJ += mir/dump.o mir/helpers.o mir/visit_crate_mir.o OBJ += mir/from_hir.o mir/from_hir_match.o mir/mir_builder.o OBJ += mir/check.o mir/cleanup.o mir/optimise.o OBJ += mir/check_full.o OBJ += hir/serialise.o hir/deserialise.o hir/serialise_lowlevel.o OBJ += trans/trans_list.o trans/mangling.o OBJ += trans/enumerate.o trans/auto_impls.o trans/monomorphise.o trans/codegen.o OBJ += trans/codegen_c.o trans/codegen_c_structured.o trans/codegen_mmir.o OBJ += trans/target.o trans/allocator.o PCHS := ast/ast.hpp OBJ := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR),$(OBJ)) all: $(BIN) clean: $(RM) -r $(BIN) $(OBJ) PIPECMD ?= 2>&1 | tee $@_dbg.txt | tail -n $(TAIL_COUNT) ; test $${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 #RUSTC_SRC_TY ?= nightly RUSTC_SRC_TY ?= stable ifeq ($(RUSTC_SRC_TY),nightly) RUSTC_SRC_DES := rust-nightly-date RUSTCSRC := rustc-nightly-src/ else ifeq ($(RUSTC_SRC_TY),stable) RUSTC_SRC_DES := rust-version RUSTC_VERSION ?= $(shell cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DES)) RUSTCSRC := rustc-$(RUSTC_VERSION)-src/ else $(error Unknown rustc channel) endif RUSTC_SRC_DL := $(RUSTCSRC)/dl-version MAKE_MINICARGO = $(MAKE) -f minicargo.mk RUSTC_VERSION=$(RUSTC_VERSION) RUSTC_CHANNEL=$(RUSTC_SRC_TY) output/libstd.hir: $(BIN) $(MAKE_MINICARGO) $@ output/libtest.hir output/libpanic_unwind.hir output/libproc_macro.hir: output/libstd.hir $(MAKE_MINICARGO) $@ output/rustc output/cargo: output/libtest.hir $(MAKE_MINICARGO) $@ TEST_DEPS := output/libstd.hir output/libtest.hir output/libpanic_unwind.hir ifeq ($(RUSTC_VERSION),1.19.0) TEST_DEPS += output/librust_test_helpers.a endif fcn_extcrate = $(patsubst %,output/lib%.hir,$(1)) fn_getdeps = \ $(shell cat $1 \ | sed -n 's/.*extern crate \([a-zA-Z_0-9][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\)\( as .*\)\{0,1\};.*/\1/p' \ | tr '\n' ' ') .PHONY: RUSTCSRC RUSTCSRC: $(RUSTC_SRC_DL) # # rustc (with std/cargo) source download # # NIGHTLY: ifeq ($(RUSTC_SRC_TY),nightly) rustc-nightly-src.tar.gz: $(RUSTC_SRC_DES) @export DL_RUST_DATE=$$(cat rust-nightly-date); \ export DISK_RUST_DATE=$$([ -f $(RUSTC_SRC_DL) ] && cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DL)); \ echo "Rust version on disk is '$${DISK_RUST_DATE}'. Downloading $${DL_RUST_DATE}."; \ rm -f rustc-nightly-src.tar.gz; \ curl -sS https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/$${DL_RUST_DATE}/rustc-nightly-src.tar.gz -o rustc-nightly-src.tar.gz $(RUSTC_SRC_DL): rust-nightly-date rustc-nightly-src.tar.gz rustc-nightly-src.patch @export DL_RUST_DATE=$$(cat rust-nightly-date); \ export DISK_RUST_DATE=$$([ -f $(RUSTC_SRC_DL) ] && cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DL)); \ if [ "$$DL_RUST_DATE" != "$$DISK_RUST_DATE" ]; then \ rm -rf rustc-nightly-src; \ tar -xf rustc-nightly-src.tar.gz; \ cd $(RUSTSRC) && patch -p0 < ../rustc-nightly-src.patch; \ fi cat rust-nightly-date > $(RUSTC_SRC_DL) else # NAMED (Stable or beta) RUSTC_SRC_TARBALL := rustc-$(shell cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DES))-src.tar.gz $(RUSTC_SRC_TARBALL): $(RUSTC_SRC_DES) @echo [CURL] $@ @rm -f $@ @curl -sS https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/$@ -o $@ $(RUSTC_SRC_DL): $(RUSTC_SRC_TARBALL) rustc-$(shell cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DES))-src.patch tar -xf $(RUSTC_SRC_TARBALL) cd $(RUSTCSRC) && patch -p0 < ../rustc-$(shell cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DES))-src.patch; cat $(RUSTC_SRC_DES) > $(RUSTC_SRC_DL) endif # MRUSTC-specific tests .PHONY: local_tests local_tests: @$(MAKE) -C tools/testrunner @mkdir -p output/local_tests ./tools/bin/testrunner -o output/local_tests samples/test # # RUSTC TESTS # .PHONY: rust_tests local_tests RUST_TESTS_DIR := $(RUSTCSRC)src/test/ rust_tests: RUST_TESTS_run-pass # rust_tests-run-fail # rust_tests-compile-fail .PHONY: RUST_TESTS RUST_TESTS_run-pass RUST_TESTS: RUST_TESTS_run-pass RUST_TESTS_run-pass: @$(MAKE) -C tools/testrunner @mkdir -p output/rust_tests/run-pass ./tools/bin/testrunner -o output/rust_tests/run-pass $(RUST_TESTS_DIR)run-pass --exceptions disabled_tests_run-pass.txt output/librust_test_helpers.a: output/rust_test_helpers.o @mkdir -p $(dir $@) ar cur $@ $< output/rust_test_helpers.o: $(RUSTCSRC)src/rt/rust_test_helpers.c @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CC) -c $< -o $@ # # libstd tests # .PHONY: rust_tests-libs LIB_TESTS := collections #std #LIB_TESTS += rustc_data_structures rust_tests-libs: $(patsubst %,output/lib%-test_out.txt, $(LIB_TESTS)) RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libcollections-test := --test-threads 1 RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libstd-test := --test-threads 1 RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libstd-test += --skip ::collections::hash::map::test_map::test_index_nonexistent RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libstd-test += --skip ::collections::hash::map::test_map::test_drops RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libstd-test += --skip ::collections::hash::map::test_map::test_placement_drop RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libstd-test += --skip ::collections::hash::map::test_map::test_placement_panic RUNTIME_ARGS_output/libstd-test += --skip ::io::stdio::tests::panic_doesnt_poison # Unbounded execution output/lib%-test: $(RUSTCSRC)src/lib%/lib.rs $(TEST_DEPS) @echo "--- [MRUSTC] --test -o $@" @mkdir -p output/ @rm -f $@ $(DBG) $(ENV_$@) $(BIN) --test $< -o $@ $(RUST_FLAGS) $(ARGS_$@) $(PIPECMD) # # HACK: Work around gdb returning success even if the program crashed @test -e $@ output/lib%-test: $(RUSTCSRC)src/lib%/src/lib.rs $(TEST_DEPS) @echo "--- [MRUSTC] $@" @mkdir -p output/ @rm -f $@ $(DBG) $(ENV_$@) $(BIN) --test $< -o $@ $(RUST_FLAGS) $(ARGS_$@) $(PIPECMD) # # HACK: Work around gdb returning success even if the program crashed @test -e $@ output/%_out.txt: output/% @echo "--- [$<]" $V./$< $(RUNTIME_ARGS_$<) > $@ || (tail -n 1 $@; mv $@ $@_fail; false) # "hello, world" test - Invoked by the `make test` target output/rust/test_run-pass_hello: $(RUST_TESTS_DIR)run-pass/hello.rs $(TEST_DEPS) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @echo "--- [MRUSTC] -o $@" $(DBG) $(BIN) $< -o $@ $(RUST_FLAGS) $(PIPECMD) output/rust/test_run-pass_hello_out.txt: output/rust/test_run-pass_hello @echo "--- [$<]" @./$< | tee $@ .PHONY: test test_rustos # # TEST: Rust standard library and the "hello, world" run-pass test # test: output/libstd.hir output/rust/test_run-pass_hello_out.txt $(BIN) # # TEST: Attempt to compile rust_os (Tifflin) from ../rust_os # test_rustos: $(addprefix output/rust_os/,libkernel.hir) RUSTOS_ENV := RUST_VERSION="mrustc 0.1" RUSTOS_ENV += TK_GITSPEC="unknown" RUSTOS_ENV += TK_VERSION="0.1" RUSTOS_ENV += TK_BUILD="mrustc:0" output/rust_os/libkernel.hir: ../rust_os/Kernel/Core/main.rs output/libcore.hir output/libstack_dst.hir $(BIN) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) export $(RUSTOS_ENV) ; $(DBG) $(BIN) $(RUST_FLAGS) $< -o $@ --cfg arch=amd64 $(PIPECMD) output/libstack_dst.hir: ../rust_os/externals/crates.io/stack_dst/src/lib.rs $(BIN) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(DBG) $(BIN) $(RUST_FLAGS) $< -o $@ --cfg feature=no_std $(PIPECMD) # ------------------------------- # Compile rules for mrustc itself # ------------------------------- $(BIN): $(OBJ) tools/bin/common_lib.a @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @echo [CXX] -o $@ $V$(CXX) -o $@ $(LINKFLAGS) $(OBJ) tools/bin/common_lib.a $(LIBS) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) else ifeq ($(shell uname -s || echo not),Darwin) else objcopy --only-keep-debug $(BIN) $(BIN).debug objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$(BIN).debug $(BIN) strip $(BIN) endif $(OBJDIR)%.o: src/%.cpp @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @echo [CXX] -o $@ $V$(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $@.dep $(OBJDIR)version.o: $(OBJDIR)%.o: src/%.cpp $(filter-out $(OBJDIR)version.o,$(OBJ)) Makefile @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @echo [CXX] -o $@ $V$(CXX) -o $@ -c $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $@.dep -D VERSION_GIT_FULLHASH=\"$(shell git show --pretty=%H -s)\" -D VERSION_GIT_BRANCH="\"$(shell git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match)\"" -D VERSION_GIT_SHORTHASH=\"$(shell git show -s --pretty=%h)\" -D VERSION_BUILDTIME="\"$(shell date -uR)\"" -D VERSION_GIT_ISDIRTY=$(shell git diff-index --quiet HEAD; echo $$?) src/main.cpp: $(PCHS:%=src/%.gch) %.hpp.gch: %.hpp @echo [CXX] -o $@ $V$(CXX) -std=c++14 -o $@ $< $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MP -MF $@.dep tools/bin/common_lib.a: $(MAKE) -C tools/common -include $(OBJ:%=%.dep) # vim: noexpandtab ts=4