Syntax ====== Definition ---------- Variadic generics are defined by specifying `...` followed by a parameter name in the generic list, this can optionally be followed by a list of trait bounds in the same way as type parameters (see "Bounds" below) Use in types ------------ The only valid way to use a variadic generic is by first prefixing its use with `...`, which specifies that it is being unpacked in some way. Use in bindings --------------- To bind to a variadic, the binding name must be preceded by `...` (after any binding modifiers e.g. `mut` or `ref`). Expansions in Expressions ------------------------- `...` is valid at the start of a statement, and before an expression that can be repeated. If applies to the following statement/expression fully (e.g. `... foo += some_variadic_bar;` is valid and expands to `n` copies of the addition). _TODO: May want to restrict ... at the statement level to block-like statements?_ Trait Bounds ------------ Trait bounds apply to all types within the pack. Example ------- ```rust struct Tuple<...T>(...T); impl<...T> fmt::Debug for Tuple<...T> where ...T: fmt:Debug, { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { let &Tuple(ref ...val) = self; ... fmt::Debug::fmt(val, f)?; Ok( () ) } } fn sum_ts(base: U, ...args: ...T) -> U where ...U: AddAssign { let mut rv = base; ... { rv += args; } rv } ``` _TODO: The bound `...U: AddAssign` above feels odd. It expands for each `T` argument, bounding on U with different arguments._ Possible extensions: -------------------- - It could be desired to explicitly specifiy what parameters are being iterated/expanded in a `...` (e.g. for counting params without using them)? AST and HIR Encoding ==================== Expression ---------- New node type `UnpackVariadic` that is only ever valid in a position that allows it to eventually expand into multiple values. This node contains: an expression (including blocks), and a type parameter name/index (determined after/during typecheck). Valid locations are: - Function arguments, tuple \[struct\] constructors, array constructors, block contents Patterns -------- _TODO: Codify specifics and encoding of variadics in patterns_ Type/Generics ------------- - A TypeParams definition can optionally end with a named variadic specifier, this applies a restriction to only allow one variadic generic per parameter set (which makes the maximum number of generics in scope 2, in the current structure) - (IMPL NOTE) The binding index of this "type" will be the maximum value for binding indexes at that level (0xFF currently) - Use of a variadic type is valid anywhere in a type parameter list. - In expressions, it's only valid within an unpack context. MIR Encoding ============ Locals ------ Variadic-typed locals can just be locals as usual, the rules apply as normal - When being monomorphised, subsequent repeitions get allocated new locals. - Temporaries and non-variadic scoped locals use the same value (is this valid?) Within an expansion grouping (see "Blocks" below) a variadic-typed local is valid anywhere (and will expand to the single value for that iteration). Outside of a grouping, a variadic-typed local is ONLY valid somewhere it can expand to multiple values: I.e. call argument lists, tuple constructors, struct constructors, and (_TODO: if possible with integer generics_) array constructors. Blocks ------ Add new terminator type `Variadic(Enter|Exit, Name, bb)` which marks the start/end of a repetiion of the named/specified variadic type param. - These cannot be nested with the same name - This forms a type-level loop