/* * MRustC - Rust Compiler * - By John Hodge (Mutabah/thePowersGang) * * parse/lex.cpp * - Lexer (converts input file to token stream) * * Provides: * - Lexer : The file->token lexer * - TTStream : A stream of tokens from a TokenTree * - TokenStream : Common interface for all token streams */ #include "lex.hpp" #include "tokentree.hpp" #include "parseerror.hpp" #include "../common.hpp" #include #include #include // strtol #include #include // std::count const bool DEBUG_PRINT_TOKENS = false; //const bool DEBUG_PRINT_TOKENS = true; //#define DEBUG_PRINT_TOKENS debug_enabled("Lexer Tokens") Lexer::Lexer(const ::std::string& filename): m_path(filename.c_str()), m_line(1), m_line_ofs(0), m_istream(filename.c_str()), m_last_char_valid(false) { if( !m_istream.is_open() ) { throw ::std::runtime_error("Unable to open file"); } // Consume the BOM if( this->getc_byte() == '\xef' ) { if( this->getc_byte() != '\xbb' ) { throw ::std::runtime_error("Incomplete BOM - missing \\xBB in second position"); } if( this->getc_byte() != '\xbf' ) { throw ::std::runtime_error("Incomplete BOM - missing \\xBF in second position"); } m_line_ofs = 0; } else { m_istream.unget(); } } #define LINECOMMENT -1 #define BLOCKCOMMENT -2 #define SINGLEQUOTE -3 #define DOUBLEQUOTE -4 #define SHEBANG -5 // NOTE: This array must be kept sorted, or symbols are will be skipped #define TOKENT(str, sym) {sizeof(str)-1, str, sym} static const struct { unsigned char len; const char* chars; signed int type; } TOKENMAP[] = { TOKENT("!" , TOK_EXCLAM), TOKENT("!=", TOK_EXCLAM_EQUAL), TOKENT("\"", DOUBLEQUOTE), TOKENT("#", 0), TOKENT("#!", SHEBANG), TOKENT("#![",TOK_CATTR_OPEN), TOKENT("#[", TOK_ATTR_OPEN), TOKENT("$", TOK_DOLLAR), TOKENT("%" , TOK_PERCENT), TOKENT("%=", TOK_PERCENT_EQUAL), TOKENT("&" , TOK_AMP), TOKENT("&&", TOK_DOUBLE_AMP), TOKENT("&=", TOK_AMP_EQUAL), TOKENT("'" , SINGLEQUOTE), TOKENT("(" , TOK_PAREN_OPEN), TOKENT(")" , TOK_PAREN_CLOSE), TOKENT("*" , TOK_STAR), TOKENT("*=", TOK_STAR_EQUAL), TOKENT("+" , TOK_PLUS), TOKENT("+=", TOK_PLUS_EQUAL), TOKENT("," , TOK_COMMA), TOKENT("-" , TOK_DASH), TOKENT("-=", TOK_DASH_EQUAL), TOKENT("->", TOK_THINARROW), TOKENT(".", TOK_DOT), TOKENT("..", TOK_DOUBLE_DOT), TOKENT("...",TOK_TRIPLE_DOT), TOKENT("/" , TOK_SLASH), TOKENT("/*", BLOCKCOMMENT), TOKENT("//", LINECOMMENT), TOKENT("/=", TOK_SLASH_EQUAL), // 0-9 :: Elsewhere TOKENT(":", TOK_COLON), TOKENT("::", TOK_DOUBLE_COLON), TOKENT(";", TOK_SEMICOLON), TOKENT("<", TOK_LT), TOKENT("<<", TOK_DOUBLE_LT), TOKENT("<<=",TOK_DOUBLE_LT_EQUAL), TOKENT("<=", TOK_LTE), TOKENT("=" , TOK_EQUAL), TOKENT("==", TOK_DOUBLE_EQUAL), TOKENT("=>", TOK_FATARROW), TOKENT(">", TOK_GT), TOKENT(">=", TOK_GTE), TOKENT(">>", TOK_DOUBLE_GT), TOKENT(">>=",TOK_DOUBLE_GT_EQUAL), TOKENT("?", TOK_QMARK), TOKENT("@", TOK_AT), // A-Z :: Elsewhere TOKENT("[", TOK_SQUARE_OPEN), TOKENT("\\", TOK_BACKSLASH), TOKENT("]", TOK_SQUARE_CLOSE), TOKENT("^", TOK_CARET), TOKENT("^=", TOK_CARET_EQUAL), TOKENT("`", TOK_BACKTICK), // a-z :: Elsewhere //TOKENT("b\"", DOUBLEQUOTE), TOKENT("{", TOK_BRACE_OPEN), TOKENT("|", TOK_PIPE), TOKENT("|=", TOK_PIPE_EQUAL), TOKENT("||", TOK_DOUBLE_PIPE), TOKENT("}", TOK_BRACE_CLOSE), TOKENT("~", TOK_TILDE), }; #define LEN(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0])) static const struct { unsigned char len; const char* chars; signed int type; } RWORDS[] = { TOKENT("_", TOK_UNDERSCORE), TOKENT("abstract",TOK_RWORD_ABSTRACT), TOKENT("alignof", TOK_RWORD_ALIGNOF), TOKENT("as", TOK_RWORD_AS), TOKENT("be", TOK_RWORD_BE), TOKENT("box", TOK_RWORD_BOX), TOKENT("break", TOK_RWORD_BREAK), TOKENT("const", TOK_RWORD_CONST), TOKENT("continue",TOK_RWORD_CONTINUE), TOKENT("crate", TOK_RWORD_CRATE), TOKENT("do", TOK_RWORD_DO), TOKENT("else", TOK_RWORD_ELSE), TOKENT("enum", TOK_RWORD_ENUM), TOKENT("extern", TOK_RWORD_EXTERN), TOKENT("false", TOK_RWORD_FALSE), TOKENT("final", TOK_RWORD_FINAL), TOKENT("fn", TOK_RWORD_FN), TOKENT("for", TOK_RWORD_FOR), TOKENT("if", TOK_RWORD_IF), TOKENT("impl", TOK_RWORD_IMPL), TOKENT("in", TOK_RWORD_IN), TOKENT("let", TOK_RWORD_LET), TOKENT("loop", TOK_RWORD_LOOP), TOKENT("match", TOK_RWORD_MATCH), TOKENT("mod", TOK_RWORD_MOD), TOKENT("move", TOK_RWORD_MOVE), TOKENT("mut", TOK_RWORD_MUT), TOKENT("offsetof",TOK_RWORD_OFFSETOF), TOKENT("override",TOK_RWORD_OVERRIDE), TOKENT("priv", TOK_RWORD_PRIV), TOKENT("proc", TOK_RWORD_PROC), TOKENT("pub", TOK_RWORD_PUB), TOKENT("pure", TOK_RWORD_PURE), TOKENT("ref", TOK_RWORD_REF), TOKENT("return", TOK_RWORD_RETURN), TOKENT("self", TOK_RWORD_SELF), TOKENT("sizeof", TOK_RWORD_SIZEOF), TOKENT("static", TOK_RWORD_STATIC), TOKENT("struct", TOK_RWORD_STRUCT), TOKENT("super", TOK_RWORD_SUPER), TOKENT("trait", TOK_RWORD_TRAIT), TOKENT("true", TOK_RWORD_TRUE), TOKENT("type", TOK_RWORD_TYPE), TOKENT("typeof", TOK_RWORD_TYPEOF), TOKENT("unsafe", TOK_RWORD_UNSAFE), TOKENT("unsized", TOK_RWORD_UNSIZED), TOKENT("use", TOK_RWORD_USE), TOKENT("virtual", TOK_RWORD_VIRTUAL), TOKENT("where", TOK_RWORD_WHERE), TOKENT("while", TOK_RWORD_WHILE), TOKENT("yield", TOK_RWORD_YIELD), }; signed int Lexer::getSymbol() { Codepoint ch = this->getc(); // 1. lsearch for character // 2. Consume as many characters as currently match // 3. IF: a smaller character or, EOS is hit - Return current best unsigned ofs = 0; signed int best = 0; for(unsigned i = 0; i < LEN(TOKENMAP); i ++) { const char* const chars = TOKENMAP[i].chars; const size_t len = TOKENMAP[i].len; if( ofs >= len || static_cast(chars[ofs]) > ch.v ) { this->ungetc(); return best; } while( chars[ofs] && ch == chars[ofs] ) { try { ch = this->getc(); } catch(Lexer::EndOfFile) { ch = 0; } ofs ++; } if( chars[ofs] == 0 ) { best = TOKENMAP[i].type; } } this->ungetc(); return best; } bool issym(Codepoint ch) { if( ::std::isalnum(ch.v) ) return true; if( ch == '_' ) return true; if( ch.v >= 128 ) return !ch.isspace(); return false; } Position Lexer::getPosition() const { return Position(m_path, m_line, m_line_ofs); } Token Lexer::realGetToken() { while(true) { Token tok = getTokenInt(); //::std::cout << "getTokenInt: tok = " << tok << ::std::endl; switch(tok.type()) { case TOK_NEWLINE: m_line ++; m_line_ofs = 0; //DEBUG("m_line = " << m_line << " (NL)"); continue; case TOK_WHITESPACE: continue; case TOK_COMMENT: { ::std::string comment = tok.str(); unsigned int c = ::std::count(comment.begin(), comment.end(), '\n'); m_line += c; //DEBUG("m_line = " << m_line << " (comment w/ "<m_next_token.type() != TOK_NULL ) { return ::std::move(this->m_next_token); } try { Codepoint ch = this->getc(); if( ch == '#' && m_line == 1 && m_line_ofs == 1 ) { switch( (ch = this->getc()).v ) { case '!': switch( (ch = this->getc()).v ) { case '/': // SHEBANG! while( ch != '\n' ) ch = this->getc(); return Token(TOK_NEWLINE); case '[': return Token(TOK_CATTR_OPEN); default: throw ParseError::BadChar(*this, ch.v); } case '[': return Token(TOK_ATTR_OPEN); default: this->ungetc(); //return Token(TOK_HASH); throw ParseError::BadChar(*this, ch.v); } } if( ch == '\n' ) return Token(TOK_NEWLINE); if( ch.isspace() ) { while( (ch = this->getc()).isspace() && ch != '\n' ) ; this->ungetc(); return Token(TOK_WHITESPACE); } this->ungetc(); const signed int sym = this->getSymbol(); if( sym == 0 ) { // No match at all, check for symbol auto ch = this->getc(); if( ch.isdigit() ) { enum eCoreType num_type = CORETYPE_ANY; enum { BIN, OCT, DEC, HEX, } num_mode = DEC; // Handle integers/floats uint64_t val = 0; if( ch == '0' ) { // Octal/hex handling ch = this->getc_num(); if( ch == 'x' ) { num_mode = HEX; while( (ch = this->getc_num()).isxdigit() ) { val *= 16; if(ch.v <= '9') val += ch.v - '0'; else if( ch.v <= 'F' ) val += ch.v - 'A' + 10; else if( ch.v <= 'f' ) val += ch.v - 'a' + 10; } } else if( ch == 'b' ) { num_mode = BIN; while( (ch = this->getc_num()).isdigit() ) { val *= 2; if(ch.v == '0') val += 0; else if( ch.v == '1' ) val += 1; else throw ParseError::Generic("Invalid digit in binary literal"); } } else if( ch == 'o' ) { num_mode = OCT; while( (ch = this->getc_num()).isdigit() ) { val *= 8; if('0' <= ch.v && ch.v <= '7') val += ch.v - '0'; else throw ParseError::Generic("Invalid digit in octal literal"); } } else { num_mode = DEC; while( ch.isdigit() ) { val *= 10; val += ch.v - '0'; ch = this->getc_num(); } } } else { while( ch.isdigit() ) { val *= 10; val += ch.v - '0'; ch = this->getc_num(); } } if( ch == 'e' || ch == 'E' || ch == '.' ) { if( ch == '.' ) { ch = this->getc(); // Double/Triple Dot if( ch == '.' ) { if( this->getc() == '.') { this->m_next_token = Token(TOK_TRIPLE_DOT); } else { this->ungetc(); this->m_next_token = Token(TOK_DOUBLE_DOT); } return Token(val, CORETYPE_ANY); } // Single dot followed by a non-digit, could be a float or an integer with a method/field access if( !ch.isdigit() ) { this->ungetc(); if( issym(ch) ) { this->m_next_token = Token(TOK_DOT); return Token(val, CORETYPE_ANY); } else { double fval = static_cast(val); return Token(fval, CORETYPE_ANY); } } else { // Digit, continue // NOTE: parseFloat assumes that the '.' has been consumed, and reads digits until it hits a non-digit and then parses exponents // - Thus, continuing here and letting the below 'ungetc' push a digit back is correct. } } if( num_mode != DEC ) TODO(this->getPosition(), "Non-decimal floats"); this->ungetc(); double fval = this->parseFloat(val); if( issym(ch = this->getc()) ) { ::std::string suffix; while( issym(ch) ) { suffix += ch; ch = this->getc(); } this->ungetc(); if(0) ; else if(suffix == "f32") num_type = CORETYPE_F32; else if(suffix == "f64") num_type = CORETYPE_F64; else throw ParseError::Generic( FMT("Unknown number suffix " << suffix) ); } else { this->ungetc(); } return Token( fval, num_type); } else if( issym(ch)) { // Unsigned ::std::string suffix; while( issym(ch) ) { suffix += ch; ch = this->getc(); } this->ungetc(); if(0) ; else if(suffix == "i8") num_type = CORETYPE_I8; else if(suffix == "i16") num_type = CORETYPE_I16; else if(suffix == "i32") num_type = CORETYPE_I32; else if(suffix == "i64") num_type = CORETYPE_I64; else if(suffix == "isize") num_type = CORETYPE_INT; else if(suffix == "u8") num_type = CORETYPE_U8; else if(suffix == "u16") num_type = CORETYPE_U16; else if(suffix == "u32") num_type = CORETYPE_U32; else if(suffix == "u64") num_type = CORETYPE_U64; else if(suffix == "usize") num_type = CORETYPE_UINT; else if(suffix == "f32") num_type = CORETYPE_F32; else if(suffix == "f64") num_type = CORETYPE_F64; else throw ParseError::Generic(*this, FMT("Unknown integer suffix '" << suffix << "'")); return Token(val, num_type); } else { this->ungetc(); return Token(val, num_type); } } // Byte/Raw strings else if( ch == 'b' || ch == 'r' ) { bool is_byte = false; if(ch == 'b') { is_byte = true; ch = this->getc(); } if(ch == 'r') { return this->getTokenInt_RawString(is_byte); } else { assert(is_byte); // Byte string if( ch == '"' ) { ::std::string str; while( (ch = this->getc()) != '"' ) { if( ch == '\\' ) { auto v = this->parseEscape('"'); if( v != ~0u ) { if( v > 256 ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, "Value out of range for byte literal"); str += (char)v; } } else { str += ch; } } return Token(TOK_BYTESTRING, str); } // Byte constant else if( ch == '\'' ) { // Byte constant ch = this->getc(); if( ch == '\\' ) { uint32_t val = this->parseEscape('\''); if( this->getc() != '\'' ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, "Multi-byte character literal"); return Token((uint64_t)val, CORETYPE_U8); } else { if( this->getc() != '\'' ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, "Multi-byte character literal"); return Token((uint64_t)ch.v, CORETYPE_U8); } } else { assert(is_byte); this->ungetc(); return this->getTokenInt_Identifier('b'); } } } // Symbols else if( issym(ch) ) { return this->getTokenInt_Identifier(ch); } else { throw ParseError::BadChar(*this, ch.v); } } else if( sym > 0 ) { return Token((enum eTokenType)sym); } else { switch(sym) { case LINECOMMENT: { // Line comment ::std::string str; auto ch = this->getc(); while(ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') { str += ch; ch = this->getc(); } this->ungetc(); return Token(TOK_COMMENT, str); } case BLOCKCOMMENT: { ::std::string str; unsigned int level = 0; while(true) { ch = this->getc(); if( ch == '/' ) { str += ch; ch = this->getc(); if( ch == '*' ) { level ++; } str += ch; } else { if( ch == '*' ) { ch = this->getc(); if( ch == '/' ) { if( level == 0 ) break; level --; str.push_back('*'); str.push_back('/'); } else { str.push_back('*'); str += ch; } } else { str += ch; } } } return Token(TOK_COMMENT, str); } case SINGLEQUOTE: { auto firstchar = this->getc(); if( firstchar.v == '\\' ) { // Character constant with an escape code uint32_t val = this->parseEscape('\''); if(this->getc() != '\'') { throw ParseError::Todo("Proper error for lex failures"); } return Token((uint64_t)val, CORETYPE_CHAR); } else { ch = this->getc(); if( ch == '\'' ) { // Character constant return Token((uint64_t)firstchar.v, CORETYPE_CHAR); } else if( issym(firstchar.v) ) { // Lifetime name ::std::string str; str += firstchar; while( issym(ch) ) { str += ch; ch = this->getc(); } this->ungetc(); return Token(TOK_LIFETIME, str); } else { throw ParseError::Todo("Lex Fail - Expected ' after character constant"); } } break; } case DOUBLEQUOTE: { ::std::string str; while( (ch = this->getc()) != '"' ) { if( ch == '\\' ) { auto v = this->parseEscape('"'); if( v != ~0u ) { str += Codepoint(v); } } else { str += ch; } } return Token(TOK_STRING, str); } default: assert(!"bugcheck"); } } } catch(const Lexer::EndOfFile& e) { return Token(TOK_EOF); } //assert(!"bugcheck"); } Token Lexer::getTokenInt_RawString(bool is_byte) { // Raw string (possibly byte) Codepoint ch = this->getc(); unsigned int hashes = 0; while(ch == '#') { hashes ++; ch = this->getc(); } if( hashes == 0 && ch != '"' ) { this->ungetc(); // Unget the not '"' if( is_byte ) return this->getTokenInt_Identifier('b', 'r'); else return this->getTokenInt_Identifier('r'); } auto terminator = ch; ::std::string val; DEBUG("terminator = '" << terminator << "', hashes = " << hashes); unsigned terminating_hashes = 0; for(;;) { try { ch = this->getc(); } catch( Lexer::EndOfFile e ) { throw ParseError::Generic(*this, "EOF reached in raw string"); } if( terminating_hashes > 0 ) { assert(terminating_hashes > 0); if( ch != '#' ) { val += terminator; while( terminating_hashes < hashes ) { val += '#'; terminating_hashes += 1; } terminating_hashes = 0; this->ungetc(); } else { terminating_hashes -= 1; if( terminating_hashes == 0 ) { break; } } } else { if( ch == terminator ) { if( hashes == 0 ) { break; } terminating_hashes = hashes; } else { val += ch; } } } return Token(is_byte ? TOK_BYTESTRING : TOK_STRING, val); } Token Lexer::getTokenInt_Identifier(Codepoint leader, Codepoint leader2) { ::std::string str; if( leader2 != '\0' ) str += leader; auto ch = leader2 == '\0' ? leader : leader2; while( issym(ch) ) { str += ch; ch = this->getc(); } if( ch == '!' ) { return Token(TOK_MACRO, str); } else { this->ungetc(); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < LEN(RWORDS); i ++ ) { if( str < RWORDS[i].chars ) break; if( str == RWORDS[i].chars ) return Token((enum eTokenType)RWORDS[i].type); } return Token(TOK_IDENT, str); } } // Takes the VERY lazy way of reading the float into a string then passing to strtod double Lexer::parseFloat(uint64_t whole) { const int MAX_LEN = 63; const int MAX_SIG = MAX_LEN - 1 - 4; char buf[MAX_LEN+1]; int ofs = snprintf(buf, MAX_LEN+1, "%llu.", (unsigned long long)whole); auto ch = this->getc_num(); #define PUTC(ch) do { if( ofs < MAX_SIG ) { assert(ch.v < 127); buf[ofs] = ch.v; ofs ++; } else { throw ParseError::Generic("Oversized float"); } } while(0) while( ch.isdigit() ) { PUTC(ch); ch = this->getc_num(); } if( ch == 'e' || ch == 'E' ) { PUTC(ch); ch = this->getc_num(); if( ch == '-' || ch == '+' ) { PUTC(ch); ch = this->getc_num(); } if( !ch.isdigit() ) throw ParseError::Generic( FMT("Non-numeric '"<getc_num(); } while( ch.isdigit() ); } this->ungetc(); buf[ofs] = 0; DEBUG("buf = " << buf << ", ch = '" << ch << "'"); return ::std::strtod(buf, NULL); } uint32_t Lexer::parseEscape(char enclosing) { auto ch = this->getc(); switch(ch.v) { case 'x': { ch = this->getc(); if( !ch.isxdigit() ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, FMT("Found invalid character '\\x" << ::std::hex << ch.v << "' in \\u sequence" ) ); char tmp[3] = {static_cast(ch.v), 0, 0}; ch = this->getc(); if( !ch.isxdigit() ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, FMT("Found invalid character '\\x" << ::std::hex << ch.v << "' in \\u sequence" ) ); tmp[1] = static_cast(ch.v); return ::std::strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); } break; case 'u': { // Unicode (up to six hex digits) uint32_t val = 0; ch = this->getc(); bool req_close_brace = false; if( ch == '{' ) { req_close_brace = true; ch = this->getc(); } if( !ch.isxdigit() ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, FMT("Found invalid character '\\x" << ::std::hex << ch.v << "' in \\u sequence" ) ); while( ch.isxdigit() ) { char tmp[2] = {static_cast(ch.v), 0}; val *= 16; val += ::std::strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); ch = this->getc(); } if( !req_close_brace ) this->ungetc(); else if( ch != '}' ) throw ParseError::Generic(*this, "Expected terminating } in \\u sequence"); else { } return val; } case '0': return '\0'; case '\\': return '\\'; case '\'': return '\''; case '"': return '"'; case 'r': return '\r'; case 'n': return '\n'; case 't': return '\t'; case '\r': case '\n': m_line ++; while( ch.isspace() ) ch = this->getc(); this->ungetc(); if( ch == enclosing ) return ~0; else return ch.v; default: throw ParseError::Todo( FMT("Unknown escape sequence \\" << ch) ); } } char Lexer::getc_byte() { char rv = m_istream.get(); if( m_istream.eof() ) throw Lexer::EndOfFile(); return rv; } Codepoint Lexer::getc() { if( m_last_char_valid ) { m_last_char_valid = false; } else { m_last_char = this->getc_cp(); m_line_ofs += 1; } //::std::cout << "getc(): '" << m_last_char << "'" << ::std::endl; return m_last_char; } Codepoint Lexer::getc_num() { Codepoint ch; do { ch = this->getc(); } while( ch == '_' ); return ch; } Codepoint Lexer::getc_cp() { uint8_t v1 = this->getc_byte(); if( v1 < 128 ) { return {v1}; } else if( (v1 & 0xC0) == 0x80 ) { // Invalid (continuation) return {0xFFFE}; } else if( (v1 & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ) { // Two bytes uint8_t e1 = this->getc_byte(); if( (e1 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) return {0xFFFE}; uint32_t outval = ((v1 & 0x1F) << 6) | ((e1 & 0x3F) <<0) ; return {outval}; } else if( (v1 & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ) { // Three bytes uint8_t e1 = this->getc_byte(); if( (e1 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) return {0xFFFE}; uint8_t e2 = this->getc_byte(); if( (e2 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) return {0xFFFE}; uint32_t outval = ((v1 & 0x0F) << 12) | ((e1 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((e2 & 0x3F) << 0) ; return {outval}; } else if( (v1 & 0xF8) == 0xF0 ) { // Four bytes uint8_t e1 = this->getc_byte(); if( (e1 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) return {0xFFFE}; uint8_t e2 = this->getc_byte(); if( (e2 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) return {0xFFFE}; uint8_t e3 = this->getc_byte(); if( (e3 & 0xC0) != 0x80 ) return {0xFFFE}; uint32_t outval = ((v1 & 0x07) << 18) | ((e1 & 0x3F) << 12) | ((e2 & 0x3F) << 6) | ((e3 & 0x3F) << 0) ; return {outval}; } else { throw ParseError::Generic("Invalid UTF-8 (too long)"); } } void Lexer::ungetc() { // ::std::cout << "ungetc(): " << m_last_char_valid << " '" << m_last_char << "'" << ::std::endl; assert(!m_last_char_valid); m_last_char_valid = true; } TTStream::TTStream(const TokenTree& input_tt) { DEBUG("input_tt = [" << input_tt << "]"); m_stack.push_back( ::std::make_pair(0, &input_tt) ); } TTStream::~TTStream() { } Token TTStream::realGetToken() { while(m_stack.size() > 0) { // If current index is above TT size, go up unsigned int& idx = m_stack.back().first; const TokenTree& tree = *m_stack.back().second; if(idx == 0 && tree.is_token()) { idx ++; return tree.tok(); } if(idx < tree.size()) { const TokenTree& subtree = tree[idx]; idx ++; if( subtree.size() == 0 ) { return subtree.tok().clone(); } else { m_stack.push_back( ::std::make_pair(0, &subtree ) ); } } else { m_stack.pop_back(); } } return Token(TOK_EOF); } Position TTStream::getPosition() const { return Position("TTStream", 0,0); } TTStreamO::TTStreamO(TokenTree input_tt): m_input_tt( mv$(input_tt) ) { m_stack.push_back( ::std::make_pair(0, nullptr) ); } TTStreamO::~TTStreamO() { } Token TTStreamO::realGetToken() { while(m_stack.size() > 0) { // If current index is above TT size, go up unsigned int& idx = m_stack.back().first; TokenTree& tree = *( m_stack.back().second ? m_stack.back().second : &m_input_tt ); if(idx == 0 && tree.is_token()) { idx ++; m_last_pos = tree.tok().get_pos(); return mv$(tree.tok()); } if(idx < tree.size()) { TokenTree& subtree = tree[idx]; idx ++; if( subtree.size() == 0 ) { m_last_pos = subtree.tok().get_pos(); return mv$( subtree.tok() ); } else { m_stack.push_back( ::std::make_pair(0, &subtree ) ); } } else { m_stack.pop_back(); } } return Token(TOK_EOF); } Position TTStreamO::getPosition() const { return m_last_pos; } TokenStream::TokenStream(): m_cache_valid(false) { } TokenStream::~TokenStream() { } Token TokenStream::innerGetToken() { Token ret = this->realGetToken(); if( ret.get_pos().filename == "" ) ret.set_pos( this->getPosition() ); //DEBUG("ret.get_pos() = " << ret.get_pos()); return ret; } Token TokenStream::getToken() { if( m_cache_valid ) { m_cache_valid = false; return mv$(m_cache); } else if( m_lookahead.size() ) { Token ret = mv$( m_lookahead.front() ); m_lookahead.erase(m_lookahead.begin()); if( DEBUG_PRINT_TOKENS ) { ::std::cout << "getToken[" << typeid(*this).name() << "] - " << ret.get_pos() << "-" << ret << ::std::endl; } return ret; } else { Token ret = this->innerGetToken(); if( DEBUG_PRINT_TOKENS ) { ::std::cout << "getToken[" << typeid(*this).name() << "] - " << ret.get_pos() << "-" << ret << ::std::endl; } return ret; } } void TokenStream::putback(Token tok) { if( m_cache_valid ) { DEBUG("" << getPosition() << " - Double putback: " << tok << " but " << m_cache); throw ParseError::BugCheck("Double putback"); } else { m_cache_valid = true; m_cache = mv$(tok); } } eTokenType TokenStream::lookahead(unsigned int i) { const unsigned int MAX_LOOKAHEAD = 3; if( m_cache_valid ) { if( i == 0 ) return m_cache.type(); i --; } if( i >= MAX_LOOKAHEAD ) throw ParseError::BugCheck("Excessive lookahead"); while( i >= m_lookahead.size() ) { DEBUG("lookahead - read #" << m_lookahead.size()); m_lookahead.push_back( this->innerGetToken() ); } DEBUG("lookahead(" << i << ") = " << m_lookahead[i]); return m_lookahead[i].type(); } ProtoSpan TokenStream::start_span() const { auto p = this->getPosition(); return ProtoSpan { .filename = p.filename, .start_line = p.line, .start_ofs = p.ofs, }; } Span TokenStream::end_span(ProtoSpan ps) const { auto p = this->getPosition(); return Span( ps.filename, ps.start_line, ps.start_ofs, p.line, p.ofs ); } TokenTree TokenTree::clone() const { if( m_subtrees.size() == 0 ) { return TokenTree(m_tok.clone()); } else { ::std::vector< TokenTree> ents; ents.reserve( m_subtrees.size() ); for(const auto& sub : m_subtrees) ents.push_back( sub.clone() ); return TokenTree( mv$(ents) ); } } bool Codepoint::isspace() const { switch(this->v) { case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case ' ': case 0xC: // ^L case 0x85: case 0x200E ... 0x200F: // LTR / RTL markers case 0x2028: // Line Separator case 0x2029: // Paragrah Separator return true; default: return false; } } bool Codepoint::isdigit() const { return this->v < 128 && std::isdigit(static_cast(this->v)); } bool Codepoint::isxdigit() const { return this->v < 128 && std::isxdigit(static_cast(this->v)); } ::std::string& operator+=(::std::string& s, const Codepoint& cp) { if( cp.v < 0x80 ) { s += (char)cp.v; } else if( cp.v < (0x1F+1)<<(1*6) ) { s += (char)(0xC0 | ((cp.v >> 6) & 0x1F)); s += (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else if( cp.v <= (0x0F+1)<<(2*6) ) { s += (char)(0xE0 | ((cp.v >> 12) & 0x0F)); s += (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 6) & 0x3F)); s += (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else if( cp.v <= (0x07+1)<<(3*6) ) { s += (char)(0xF0 | ((cp.v >> 18) & 0x07)); s += (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 12) & 0x3F)); s += (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 6) & 0x3F)); s += (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else { throw ::std::runtime_error( FMT("BUGCHECK: Bad unicode codepoint encountered - " << ::std::hex << cp.v) ); } return s; } ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const Codepoint& cp) { if( cp.v < 0x80 ) { os << (char)cp.v; } else if( cp.v < (0x1F+1)<<(1*6) ) { os << (char)(0xC0 | ((cp.v >> 6) & 0x1F)); os << (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else if( cp.v <= (0x0F+1)<<(2*6) ) { os << (char)(0xE0 | ((cp.v >> 12) & 0x0F)); os << (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 6) & 0x3F)); os << (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else if( cp.v <= (0x07+1)<<(2*6) ) { os << (char)(0xF0 | ((cp.v >> 18) & 0x07)); os << (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 12) & 0x3F)); os << (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 6) & 0x3F)); os << (char)(0x80 | ((cp.v >> 0) & 0x3F)); } else { throw ::std::runtime_error("BUGCHECK: Bad unicode codepoint encountered"); } return os; }