/* * MRustC - Rust Compiler * - By John Hodge (Mutabah/thePowersGang) * * trans/codegen.cpp * - Wrapper for translation */ #include "main_bindings.hpp" #include "trans_list.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "codegen.hpp" #include "monomorphise.hpp" void Trans_Codegen(const ::std::string& outfile, const TransOptions& opt, const ::HIR::Crate& crate, const TransList& list, bool is_executable) { static Span sp; ::std::unique_ptr codegen; if( opt.mode == "monomir" ) { codegen = Trans_Codegen_GetGenerator_MonoMir(crate, outfile); } else { codegen = Trans_Codegen_GetGeneratorC(crate, outfile); } // 1. Emit structure/type definitions. // - Emit in the order they're needed. for(const auto& ty : list.m_types) { if( ty.second ) { codegen->emit_type_proto(ty.first); } else { TU_IFLET( ::HIR::TypeRef::Data, ty.first.m_data, Path, te, TU_MATCHA( (te.binding), (tpb), (Unbound, throw ""; ), (Opaque, throw ""; ), (ExternType, //codegen->emit_extern_type(sp, te.path.m_data.as_Generic(), *tpb); ), (Struct, codegen->emit_struct(sp, te.path.m_data.as_Generic(), *tpb); ), (Union, codegen->emit_union(sp, te.path.m_data.as_Generic(), *tpb); ), (Enum, codegen->emit_enum(sp, te.path.m_data.as_Generic(), *tpb); ) ) ) codegen->emit_type(ty.first); } } for(const auto& ty : list.m_typeids) { codegen->emit_type_id(ty); } // Emit required constructor methods (and other wrappers) for(const auto& path : list.m_constructors) { // Get the item type // - Function (must be an intrinsic) // - Struct (must be a tuple struct) // - Enum variant (must be a tuple variant) const ::HIR::Module* mod_ptr = nullptr; if(path.m_path.m_components.size() > 1) { const auto& nse = crate.get_typeitem_by_path(sp, path.m_path, false, true); if(const auto* e = nse.opt_Enum()) { auto var_idx = e->find_variant(path.m_path.m_components.back()); codegen->emit_constructor_enum(sp, path, *e, var_idx); continue ; } mod_ptr = &nse.as_Module(); } else { mod_ptr = &crate.get_mod_by_path(sp, path.m_path, true); } // Not an enum, currently must be a struct const auto& te = mod_ptr->m_mod_items.at(path.m_path.m_components.back())->ent; codegen->emit_constructor_struct(sp, path, te.as_Struct()); } // 2. Emit function prototypes for(const auto& ent : list.m_functions) { DEBUG("FUNCTION " << ent.first); assert( ent.second->ptr ); const auto& fcn = *ent.second->ptr; // Extern if there isn't any HIR bool is_extern = ! static_cast(fcn.m_code); if( fcn.m_code.m_mir ) { codegen->emit_function_proto(ent.first, fcn, ent.second->pp, is_extern); } } // - External functions for(const auto& ent : list.m_functions) { //DEBUG("FUNCTION " << ent.first); assert( ent.second->ptr ); const auto& fcn = *ent.second->ptr; if( fcn.m_code.m_mir ) { } else { // TODO: Why would an intrinsic be in the queue? // - If it's exported it does. if( fcn.m_abi == "rust-intrinsic" ) { } else { codegen->emit_function_ext(ent.first, fcn, ent.second->pp); } } } // VTables (may be needed by statics) for(const auto& ent : list.m_vtables) { const auto& trait = ent.first.m_data.as_UfcsKnown().trait; const auto& type = *ent.first.m_data.as_UfcsKnown().type; DEBUG("VTABLE " << trait << " for " << type); codegen->emit_vtable(ent.first, crate.get_trait_by_path(Span(), trait.m_path)); } // 3. Emit statics for(const auto& ent : list.m_statics) { DEBUG("STATIC proto " << ent.first); assert(ent.second->ptr); const auto& stat = *ent.second->ptr; if( ! stat.m_value_res.is_Invalid() ) { codegen->emit_static_proto(ent.first, stat, ent.second->pp); } else { codegen->emit_static_ext(ent.first, stat, ent.second->pp); } } for(const auto& ent : list.m_statics) { DEBUG("STATIC " << ent.first); assert(ent.second->ptr); const auto& stat = *ent.second->ptr; if( ! stat.m_value_res.is_Invalid() ) { codegen->emit_static_local(ent.first, stat, ent.second->pp); } } // 4. Emit function code for(const auto& ent : list.m_functions) { if( ent.second->ptr && ent.second->ptr->m_code.m_mir ) { const auto& path = ent.first; const auto& fcn = *ent.second->ptr; const auto& pp = ent.second->pp; TRACE_FUNCTION_F(path); DEBUG("FUNCTION CODE " << path); // `is_extern` is set if there's no HIR (i.e. this function is from an external crate) bool is_extern = ! static_cast(fcn.m_code); // If this is a provided trait method, it needs to be monomorphised too. bool is_method = ( fcn.m_args.size() > 0 && visit_ty_with(fcn.m_args[0].second, [&](const auto& x){return x == ::HIR::TypeRef("Self",0xFFFF);}) ); if( pp.has_types() || is_method ) { ASSERT_BUG(sp, ent.second->monomorphised.code, "Function that required monomorphisation wasn't monomorphised"); // TODO: Flag that this should be a weak (or weak-er) symbol? // - If it's from an external crate, it should be weak, but what about local ones? codegen->emit_function_code(path, fcn, ent.second->pp, is_extern, ent.second->monomorphised.code); } else { codegen->emit_function_code(path, fcn, pp, is_extern, fcn.m_code.m_mir); } } } codegen->finalise(is_executable, opt); }