/* * MRustC - Rust Compiler * - By John Hodge (Mutabah/thePowersGang) * * trans/target.cpp * - Target-specific information */ #include "target.hpp" #include #include "../expand/cfg.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include // tools/common const TargetArch ARCH_X86_64 = { "x86_64", 64, false, TargetArch::Atomics(/*atomic(u8)=*/true, false, true, true, true), TargetArch::Alignments(2, 4, 8, 16, 4, 8, 8) }; const TargetArch ARCH_X86 = { "x86", 32, false, { /*atomic(u8)=*/true, false, true, false, true }, TargetArch::Alignments(2, 4, /*u64*/4, /*u128*/4, 4, 4, /*ptr*/4) // u128 has the same alignment as u64, which is u32's alignment. And f64 is 4 byte aligned }; const TargetArch ARCH_ARM64 = { "aarch64", 64, false, { /*atomic(u8)=*/true, true, true, true, true }, TargetArch::Alignments(2, 4, 8, 16, 4, 8, 8) }; const TargetArch ARCH_ARM32 = { "arm", 32, false, { /*atomic(u8)=*/true, false, true, false, true }, TargetArch::Alignments(2, 4, 8, 16, 4, 8, 4) // Note, all types are natively aligned (but i128 will be emulated) }; const TargetArch ARCH_M68K = { "m68k", 32, true, { /*atomic(u8)=*/true, false, true, false, true }, TargetArch::Alignments(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) }; TargetSpec g_target; bool Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty, size_t& out_size, size_t& out_align); namespace { TargetSpec load_spec_from_file(const ::std::string& filename) { TargetSpec rv; TomlFile toml_file(filename); for(auto key_val : toml_file) { // Assertion: The way toml works, there has to be at least two entries in every path. assert(key_val.path.size() > 1); DEBUG(key_val.path << " = " << key_val.value); auto check_path_length = [&](const TomlKeyValue& kv, unsigned len) { if( kv.path.size() != len ) { if( kv.path.size() > len ) { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Unexpected sub-node to " << kv.path << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } else { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Expected sub-nodes in " << kv.path << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } exit(1); } }; auto check_path_length_min = [&](const TomlKeyValue& kv, unsigned len) { if( kv.path.size() < len ) { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Expected sub-nodes in " << kv.path << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } }; try { if( key_val.path[0] == "target" ) { check_path_length_min(key_val, 2); if( key_val.path[1] == "family" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_family = key_val.value.as_string(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "os-name" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_os_name = key_val.value.as_string(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "env-name" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_env_name = key_val.value.as_string(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "arch" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); if( key_val.value.as_string() == ARCH_ARM32.m_name ) { rv.m_arch = ARCH_ARM32; } else if( key_val.value.as_string() == ARCH_ARM64.m_name ) { rv.m_arch = ARCH_ARM64; } else if( key_val.value.as_string() == ARCH_X86.m_name ) { rv.m_arch = ARCH_X86; } else if( key_val.value.as_string() == ARCH_X86_64.m_name ) { rv.m_arch = ARCH_X86_64; } else if( key_val.value.as_string() == ARCH_M68K.m_name ) { rv.m_arch = ARCH_M68K; } else { // Error. ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Unknown architecture name '" << key_val.value.as_string() << "' in " << filename << ::std::endl; exit(1); } } else { // Warning ::std::cerr << "Warning: Unknown configuration item " << key_val.path[0] << "." << key_val.path[1] << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } } else if( key_val.path[0] == "backend" ) { check_path_length_min(key_val, 2); if( key_val.path[1] == "c" ) { check_path_length_min(key_val, 3); if( key_val.path[2] == "variant" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 3); if( key_val.value.as_string() == "msvc" ) { rv.m_backend_c.m_codegen_mode = CodegenMode::Msvc; } else if( key_val.value.as_string() == "gnu" ) { rv.m_backend_c.m_codegen_mode = CodegenMode::Gnu11; } else { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Unknown C variant name '" << key_val.value.as_string() << "' in " << filename << ::std::endl; exit(1); } } else if( key_val.path[2] == "target" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 3); rv.m_backend_c.m_c_compiler = key_val.value.as_string(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "emulate-i128" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 3); rv.m_backend_c.m_emulated_i128 = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "compiler-opts" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 3); for(const auto& v : key_val.value.as_list()) { rv.m_backend_c.m_compiler_opts.push_back( v.as_string() ); } } else if( key_val.path[2] == "linker-opts" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 3); for(const auto& v : key_val.value.as_list()) { rv.m_backend_c.m_linker_opts.push_back( v.as_string() ); } } else { ::std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown field backend.c." << key_val.path[2] << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } } // Does MMIR need configuration? else { ::std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown configuration item backend." << key_val.path[1] << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } } else if( key_val.path[0] == "arch" ) { check_path_length_min(key_val, 2); if( key_val.path[1] == "name" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); if( rv.m_arch.m_name != "" ) { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Architecture already specified to be '" << rv.m_arch.m_name << "'" << ::std::endl; exit(1); } rv.m_arch.m_name = key_val.value.as_string(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "pointer-bits" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_pointer_bits = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "is-big-endian" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_big_endian = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "has-atomic-u8" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_atomics.u8 = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "has-atomic-u16" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_atomics.u16 = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "has-atomic-u32" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_atomics.u32 = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "has-atomic-u64" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_atomics.u64 = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "has-atomic-ptr" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 2); rv.m_arch.m_atomics.ptr = key_val.value.as_bool(); } else if( key_val.path[1] == "alignments" ) { check_path_length(key_val, 3); if( key_val.path[2] == "u16" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.u16 = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "u32" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.u32 = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "u64" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.u64 = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "u128" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.u128 = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "f32" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.f32 = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "f64" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.f64 = key_val.value.as_int(); } else if( key_val.path[2] == "ptr" ) { rv.m_arch.m_alignments.ptr = key_val.value.as_int(); } else { ::std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown field arch.alignments." << key_val.path[1] << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } } else { ::std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown field arch." << key_val.path[1] << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } } else { ::std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown configuration item " << key_val.path[0] << " in " << filename << ::std::endl; } } catch(const TomlValue::TypeError& e) { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Invalid type for " << key_val.path << " - " << e << ::std::endl; exit(1); } } // TODO: Ensure that everything is set if( rv.m_arch.m_name == "" ) { ::std::cerr << "ERROR: Architecture not specified in " << filename << ::std::endl; exit(1); } return rv; } void save_spec_to_file(const ::std::string& filename, const TargetSpec& spec) { // TODO: Have a round-trip unit test ::std::ofstream of(filename); struct H { static const char* tfstr(bool v) { return v ? "true" : "false"; } static const char* c_variant_name(const CodegenMode m) { switch(m) { case CodegenMode::Gnu11: return "gnu"; case CodegenMode::Msvc: return "msvc"; } return ""; } }; of << "[target]\n" << "family = \"" << spec.m_family << "\"\n" << "os-name = \"" << spec.m_os_name << "\"\n" << "env-name = \"" << spec.m_env_name << "\"\n" //<< "arch = \"" << spec.m_arch.m_name << "\"\n" << "\n" << "[backend.c]\n" << "variant = \"" << H::c_variant_name(spec.m_backend_c.m_codegen_mode) << "\"\n" << "target = \"" << spec.m_backend_c.m_c_compiler << "\"\n" << "compiler-opts = ["; for(const auto& s : spec.m_backend_c.m_compiler_opts) of << "\"" << s << "\","; of << "]\n" << "linker-opts = ["; for(const auto& s : spec.m_backend_c.m_linker_opts) of << "\"" << s << "\","; of << "]\n" << "\n" << "[arch]\n" << "name = \"" << spec.m_arch.m_name << "\"\n" << "pointer-bits = " << spec.m_arch.m_pointer_bits << "\n" << "is-big-endian = " << H::tfstr(spec.m_arch.m_big_endian) << "\n" << "has-atomic-u8 = " << H::tfstr(spec.m_arch.m_atomics.u8) << "\n" << "has-atomic-u16 = " << H::tfstr(spec.m_arch.m_atomics.u16) << "\n" << "has-atomic-u32 = " << H::tfstr(spec.m_arch.m_atomics.u32) << "\n" << "has-atomic-u64 = " << H::tfstr(spec.m_arch.m_atomics.u64) << "\n" << "has-atomic-ptr = " << H::tfstr(spec.m_arch.m_atomics.ptr) << "\n" << "alignments = {" << " u16 = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.u16 ) << "," << " u32 = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.u32 ) << "," << " u64 = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.u64 ) << "," << " u128 = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.u128) << "," << " f32 = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.f32 ) << "," << " f64 = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.f64 ) << "," << " ptr = " << static_cast(spec.m_arch.m_alignments.ptr ) << " }\n" << "\n" ; } TargetSpec init_from_spec_name(const ::std::string& target_name) { // Options for all the fully-GNU environments #define BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU {"-ffunction-sections", "-pthread"}, {"-Wl,--gc-sections"} // If there's a '/' or a '\' in the filename, open it as a path, otherwise assume it's a triple. if( target_name.find('/') != ::std::string::npos || target_name.find('\\') != ::std::string::npos ) { return load_spec_from_file(target_name); } else if(target_name == "x86_64-pc-solaris2.11") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "solaris", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-pc-solaris2.11", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "i586-linux-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "linux", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "i586-linux-gnu", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-linux-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "linux", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-linux-gnu", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "arm-linux-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "linux", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "arm-elf-eabi", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_ARM32 }; } else if(target_name == "aarch64-linux-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "linux", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "aarch64-linux-gnu", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_ARM64 }; } else if(target_name == "m68k-linux-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "linux", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "m68k-linux-gnu", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_M68K }; } else if(target_name == "i586-pc-windows-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "windows", "windows", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "mingw32", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu") { return TargetSpec { "windows", "windows", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-w64-mingw32", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if (target_name == "x86-pc-windows-msvc") { // TODO: Should this include the "kernel32.lib" inclusion? return TargetSpec { "windows", "windows", "msvc", {CodegenMode::Msvc, true, "x86", {}, {}}, ARCH_X86 }; } else if (target_name == "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc") { return TargetSpec { "windows", "windows", "msvc", {CodegenMode::Msvc, true, "amd64", {}, {}}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "i686-unknown-freebsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "freebsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "i686-unknown-freebsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-unknown-freebsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "freebsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-unknown-freebsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "arm-unknown-freebsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "freebsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "arm-unknown-freebsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_ARM32 }; } else if(target_name == "aarch64-unknown-freebsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "freebsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "aarch64-unknown-freebsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_ARM64 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-unknown-netbsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "netbsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-unknown-netbsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "i686-unknown-openbsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "openbsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "i686-unknown-openbsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-unknown-openbsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "openbsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-unknown-openbsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "arm-unknown-openbsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "openbsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "arm-unknown-openbsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_ARM32 }; } else if(target_name == "aarch64-unknown-openbsd") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "openbsd", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "aarch64-unknown-openbsd", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_ARM64 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-unknown-dragonfly") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "dragonfly", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-unknown-dragonfly", BACKEND_C_OPTS_GNU}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-apple-macosx") { // NOTE: OSX uses Mach-O binaries, which don't fully support the defaults used for GNU targets return TargetSpec { "unix", "macos", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-apple-darwin", {}, {}}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else if(target_name == "arm-unknown-haiku") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "haiku", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, true, "arm-unknown-haiku", {}, {}}, ARCH_ARM32 }; } else if(target_name == "x86_64-unknown-haiku") { return TargetSpec { "unix", "haiku", "gnu", {CodegenMode::Gnu11, false, "x86_64-unknown-haiku", {}, {}}, ARCH_X86_64 }; } else { ::std::cerr << "Unknown target name '" << target_name << "'" << ::std::endl; abort(); } throw ""; } } const TargetSpec& Target_GetCurSpec() { return g_target; } void Target_ExportCurSpec(const ::std::string& filename) { save_spec_to_file(filename, g_target); } void Target_SetCfg(const ::std::string& target_name) { g_target = init_from_spec_name(target_name); if(g_target.m_family == "unix") { Cfg_SetFlag("unix"); } else if( g_target.m_family == "windows") { Cfg_SetFlag("windows"); } Cfg_SetValue("target_family", g_target.m_family); if( g_target.m_os_name == "linux" ) { Cfg_SetFlag("linux"); Cfg_SetValue("target_vendor", "gnu"); } if( g_target.m_os_name == "freebsd" ) { Cfg_SetFlag("freebsd"); Cfg_SetValue("target_vendor", "unknown"); } if( g_target.m_os_name == "netbsd" ) { Cfg_SetFlag("netbsd"); Cfg_SetValue("target_vendor", "unknown"); } if( g_target.m_os_name == "openbsd" ) { Cfg_SetFlag("openbsd"); Cfg_SetValue("target_vendor", "unknown"); } if( g_target.m_os_name == "dragonfly" ) { Cfg_SetFlag("dragonfly"); Cfg_SetValue("target_vendor", "unknown"); } Cfg_SetValue("target_env", g_target.m_env_name); Cfg_SetValue("target_os", g_target.m_os_name); Cfg_SetValue("target_pointer_width", FMT(g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits)); Cfg_SetValue("target_endian", g_target.m_arch.m_big_endian ? "big" : "little"); Cfg_SetValue("target_arch", g_target.m_arch.m_name); Cfg_SetValueCb("target_has_atomic", [&](const ::std::string& s) { if(s == "8") return g_target.m_arch.m_atomics.u8; // Has an atomic byte if(s == "16") return g_target.m_arch.m_atomics.u16; if(s == "32") return g_target.m_arch.m_atomics.u32; if(s == "64") return g_target.m_arch.m_atomics.u64; if(s == "ptr") return g_target.m_arch.m_atomics.ptr; // Has an atomic pointer-sized value if(s == "cas") return g_target.m_arch.m_atomics.ptr; // TODO: Atomic compare-and-set option return false; }); Cfg_SetValueCb("target_feature", [](const ::std::string& s) { return false; }); } bool Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty, size_t& out_size, size_t& out_align) { TRACE_FUNCTION_FR(ty, "size=" << out_size << ", align=" << out_align); TU_MATCHA( (ty.m_data), (te), (Infer, BUG(sp, "sizeof on _ type"); ), (Diverge, out_size = 0; out_align = 0; return true; ), (Primitive, switch(te) { case ::HIR::CoreType::Bool: case ::HIR::CoreType::U8: case ::HIR::CoreType::I8: out_size = 1; out_align = 1; // u8 is always 1 aligned return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::U16: case ::HIR::CoreType::I16: out_size = 2; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.u16; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::U32: case ::HIR::CoreType::I32: case ::HIR::CoreType::Char: out_size = 4; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.u32; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::U64: case ::HIR::CoreType::I64: out_size = 8; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.u64; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::U128: case ::HIR::CoreType::I128: out_size = 16; // TODO: If i128 is emulated, this can be 8 (as it is on x86, where it's actually 4 due to the above comment) if( g_target.m_backend_c.m_emulated_i128 ) out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.u64; else out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.u128; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::Usize: case ::HIR::CoreType::Isize: out_size = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.ptr; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::F32: out_size = 4; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.f32; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::F64: out_size = 8; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_alignments.f64; return true; case ::HIR::CoreType::Str: DEBUG("sizeof on a `str` - unsized"); out_size = SIZE_MAX; out_align = 1; return true; } ), (Path, if( te.binding.is_Opaque() ) return false; if( te.binding.is_ExternType() ) { DEBUG("sizeof on extern type - unsized"); out_align = 0; out_size = SIZE_MAX; return true; } const auto* repr = Target_GetTypeRepr(sp, resolve, ty); if( !repr ) { DEBUG("Cannot get type repr for " << ty); return false; } out_size = repr->size; out_align = repr->align; return true; ), (Generic, // Unknown - return false DEBUG("No repr for Generic - " << ty); return false; ), (TraitObject, out_align = 0; out_size = SIZE_MAX; DEBUG("sizeof on a trait object - unsized"); return true; ), (ErasedType, BUG(sp, "sizeof on an erased type - shouldn't exist"); ), (Array, if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, *te.inner, out_size,out_align) ) return false; if( out_size == SIZE_MAX ) BUG(sp, "Unsized type in array - " << ty); if( te.size_val == 0 || out_size == 0 ) { out_size = 0; } else { if( SIZE_MAX / te.size_val <= out_size ) BUG(sp, "Integer overflow calculating array size"); out_size *= te.size_val; } return true; ), (Slice, if( !Target_GetAlignOf(sp, resolve, *te.inner, out_align) ) return false; out_size = SIZE_MAX; DEBUG("sizeof on a slice - unsized"); return true; ), (Tuple, const auto* repr = Target_GetTypeRepr(sp, resolve, ty); if( !repr ) { DEBUG("Cannot get type repr for " << ty); return false; } out_size = repr->size; out_align = repr->align; return true; ), (Borrow, // - Alignment is machine native out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; // - Size depends on Sized-nes of the parameter // TODO: Handle different types of Unsized (ones with different pointer sizes) switch(resolve.metadata_type(sp, *te.inner)) { case MetadataType::Unknown: return false; case MetadataType::None: case MetadataType::Zero: out_size = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; break; case MetadataType::Slice: case MetadataType::TraitObject: out_size = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8 * 2; break; } return true; ), (Pointer, // - Alignment is machine native out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; // - Size depends on Sized-nes of the parameter switch(resolve.metadata_type(sp, *te.inner)) { case MetadataType::Unknown: return false; case MetadataType::None: case MetadataType::Zero: out_size = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; break; case MetadataType::Slice: case MetadataType::TraitObject: out_size = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8 * 2; break; } return true; ), (Function, // Pointer size out_size = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; out_align = g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits / 8; return true; ), (Closure, BUG(sp, "Encountered closure type at trans stage - " << ty); ) ) return false; } bool Target_GetSizeOf(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty, size_t& out_size) { size_t ignore_align; bool rv = Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, ty, out_size, ignore_align); if( out_size == SIZE_MAX ) BUG(sp, "Getting size of Unsized type - " << ty); return rv; } bool Target_GetAlignOf(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty, size_t& out_align) { size_t ignore_size; bool rv = Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, ty, ignore_size, out_align); if( rv && ignore_size == SIZE_MAX ) BUG(sp, "Getting alignment of Unsized type - " << ty); return rv; } namespace { // Returns NULL when the repr can't be determined ::std::unique_ptr make_type_repr_struct(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty) { TRACE_FUNCTION_F(ty); struct Ent { unsigned int field; size_t size; size_t align; }; ::std::vector fields; ::std::vector ents; bool packed = false; bool allow_sort = false; if( ty.m_data.is_Path() && ty.m_data.as_Path().binding.is_Struct() ) { const auto& te = ty.m_data.as_Path(); const auto& str = *te.binding.as_Struct(); auto monomorph_cb = monomorphise_type_get_cb(sp, nullptr, &te.path.m_data.as_Generic().m_params, nullptr); auto monomorph = [&](const auto& tpl) { auto rv = monomorphise_type_with(sp, tpl, monomorph_cb); resolve.expand_associated_types(sp, rv); return rv; }; TU_MATCHA( (str.m_data), (se), (Unit, ), (Tuple, unsigned int idx = 0; for(const auto& e : se) { auto ty = monomorph(e.ent); size_t size, align; if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, ty, size,align) ) { DEBUG("Can't get size/align of " << ty); return nullptr; } ents.push_back(Ent { idx++, size, align }); fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, mv$(ty) }); } ), (Named, unsigned int idx = 0; for(const auto& e : se) { auto ty = monomorph(e.second.ent); size_t size, align; if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, ty, size,align) ) { DEBUG("Can't get size/align of " << ty); return nullptr; } ents.push_back(Ent { idx++, size, align }); fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, mv$(ty) }); } ) ) switch(str.m_repr) { case ::HIR::Struct::Repr::Packed: // packed, not sorted packed = true; // NOTE: codegen_c checks m_repr for packing too break; case ::HIR::Struct::Repr::C: case ::HIR::Struct::Repr::Simd: // No sorting, no packing break; case ::HIR::Struct::Repr::Aligned: // TODO: Update the minimum alignment case ::HIR::Struct::Repr::Transparent: case ::HIR::Struct::Repr::Rust: allow_sort = true; break; } } else if( const auto* te = ty.m_data.opt_Tuple() ) { DEBUG("Tuple " << ty); unsigned int idx = 0; for(const auto& t : *te) { size_t size, align; if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, t, size,align) ) { DEBUG("Can't get size/align of " << t); return nullptr; } ents.push_back(Ent { idx++, size, align }); fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, t.clone() }); } } else { BUG(sp, "Unexpected type in creating type repr - " << ty); } if( allow_sort ) { // Sort by alignment then size (largest first) // - NOTE: ?Sized fields (which includes unsized fields) MUST be at the end, even after monomorph // - This means that this code needs to know if a field was ?Sized // TODO: Determine if a field was from a ?Sized generic (so should be fixed as last) //auto cmpfn_lt = [](const Ent& a, const Ent& b){ return a.align == b.align ? a.size < b.size : a.align < b.size; }; //::std::sort(ents.begin(), ents.end(), cmpfn_lt); } TypeRepr rv; size_t cur_ofs = 0; size_t max_align = 1; for(const auto& e : ents) { // Increase offset to fit alignment if( !packed && e.align > 0 ) { while( cur_ofs % e.align != 0 ) { cur_ofs ++; } } max_align = ::std::max(max_align, e.align); fields[e.field].offset = cur_ofs; if( e.size == SIZE_MAX ) { // Ensure that this is the last item ASSERT_BUG(sp, &e == &ents.back(), "Unsized item isn't the last item in " << ty); cur_ofs = SIZE_MAX; } else { cur_ofs += e.size; } } if( !packed && cur_ofs != SIZE_MAX ) { // Size must be a multiple of alignment while( cur_ofs % max_align != 0 ) { cur_ofs ++; } } rv.align = packed ? 1 : max_align; rv.size = cur_ofs; rv.fields = ::std::move(fields); DEBUG("size = " << rv.size << ", align = " << rv.align); return box$(rv); } bool get_nonzero_path(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty, TypeRepr::FieldPath& out_path) { switch(ty.m_data.tag()) { TU_ARM(ty.m_data, Path, te) { if( te.binding.is_Struct() ) { const TypeRepr* r = Target_GetTypeRepr(sp, resolve, ty); if( !r ) { return false; } for(size_t i = 0; i < r->fields.size(); i ++) { if( get_nonzero_path(sp, resolve, r->fields[i].ty, out_path) ) { out_path.sub_fields.push_back(i); return true; } } // Handle the NonZero lang item (Note: Checks just the simplepath part) if( te.path.m_data.as_Generic().m_path == resolve.m_crate.get_lang_item_path(sp, "non_zero") ) { out_path.sub_fields.push_back(0); out_path.size = r->size; return true; } } } break; TU_ARM(ty.m_data, Borrow, _te) { (void)_te; //out_path.sub_fields.push_back(0); Target_GetSizeOf(sp, resolve, ty, out_path.size); return true; } break; TU_ARM(ty.m_data, Function, _te) (void)_te; //out_path.sub_fields.push_back(0); Target_GetSizeOf(sp, resolve, ty, out_path.size); return true; default: break; } return false; } ::std::unique_ptr make_type_repr_enum(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty) { const auto& te = ty.m_data.as_Path(); const auto& enm = *te.binding.as_Enum(); auto monomorph_cb = monomorphise_type_get_cb(sp, nullptr, &te.path.m_data.as_Generic().m_params, nullptr); auto monomorph = [&](const auto& tpl) { auto rv = monomorphise_type_with(sp, tpl, monomorph_cb); resolve.expand_associated_types(sp, rv); return rv; }; TypeRepr rv; switch(enm.m_data.tag()) { case ::HIR::Enum::Class::TAGDEAD: throw ""; TU_ARM(enm.m_data, Data, e) { ::std::vector<::HIR::TypeRef> mono_types; for(const auto& var : e) { mono_types.push_back( monomorph(var.type) ); } TypeRepr::FieldPath nz_path; if( e.size() == 2 && mono_types[0] == ::HIR::TypeRef::new_unit() && get_nonzero_path(sp, resolve, mono_types[1], nz_path) ) { nz_path.index = 1; ::std::reverse(nz_path.sub_fields.begin(), nz_path.sub_fields.end()); DEBUG("nz_path = " << nz_path.sub_fields); size_t max_size = 0; size_t max_align = 0; for(auto& t : mono_types) { size_t size, align; if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, t, size, align) ) { DEBUG("Generic type in enum - " << t); return nullptr; } if( size == SIZE_MAX ) { BUG(sp, "Unsized type in enum - " << t); } max_size = ::std::max(max_size , size); max_align = ::std::max(max_align, align); rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, mv$(t) }); } rv.size = max_size; rv.align = max_align; rv.variants = TypeRepr::VariantMode::make_NonZero({ nz_path, 0 }); } else { size_t max_size = 0; size_t max_align = 0; for(auto& t : mono_types) { size_t size, align; if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, t, size, align) ) { DEBUG("Generic type in enum - " << t); return nullptr; } if( size == SIZE_MAX ) { BUG(sp, "Unsized type in enum - " << t); } max_size = ::std::max(max_size , size); max_align = ::std::max(max_align, align); rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, mv$(t) }); } DEBUG("max_size = " << max_size << ", max_align = " << max_align); // HACK: This is required for the C backend, because the union that contains the enum variants is // padded out to align. if(max_size > 0) { while(max_size % max_align) max_size ++; } size_t tag_size = 0; // TODO: repr(C) enums - they have different rules if( mono_types.size() == 0 ) { // Unreachable } else if( mono_types.size() == 1 ) { // No need for a tag } else if( mono_types.size() <= 255 ) { rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { max_size, ::HIR::CoreType::U8 }); tag_size = 1; DEBUG("u8 data tag"); } else { ASSERT_BUG(sp, mono_types.size() <= 0xFFFF, ""); while(max_size % 2) max_size ++; rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { max_size, ::HIR::CoreType::U16 }); tag_size = 2; DEBUG("u16 data tag"); } max_align = ::std::max(max_align, tag_size); ::std::vector vals; for(size_t i = 0; i < e.size(); i++) { vals.push_back(i); } if( vals.size() > 1 ) { rv.variants = TypeRepr::VariantMode::make_Values({ { mono_types.size(), tag_size, {} }, ::std::move(vals) }); } else { // Leave the enum with NoVariants } if( max_align > 0 ) { // Size must be a multiple of alignment rv.size = (max_size + tag_size); while(rv.size % max_align) rv.size ++; rv.align = max_align; } else { ASSERT_BUG(sp, max_size == 0, "Zero alignment, but non-zero size"); } } } break; TU_ARM(enm.m_data, Value, e) { switch(e.repr) { case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::C: // No auto-sizing, just i32? rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U32 }); break; case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::Rust: { int pow8 = 0; for( const auto& v : e.variants ) { auto v2 = static_cast(v.val); if( -0x80 <= v2 && v2 < 0x80 ) { pow8 = ::std::max(pow8, 1); } else if( -0x8000 <= v2 && v2 < 0x8000 ) { pow8 = ::std::max(pow8, 2); } else if( -0x80000000ll <= v2 && v2 < 0x80000000ll ) { pow8 = ::std::max(pow8, 3); } else { pow8 = 4; } } switch(pow8) { case 0: break; case 1: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::I8 }); break; case 2: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::I16 }); break; case 3: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::I32 }); break; case 4: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::I64 }); break; default: break; } } break; case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::U8: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U8 }); break; case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::U16: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U16 }); break; case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::U32: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U32 }); break; case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::U64: rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U64 }); break; case ::HIR::Enum::Repr::Usize: if( g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits == 16 ) { rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U16 }); } else if( g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits == 32 ) { rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U32 }); } else if( g_target.m_arch.m_pointer_bits == 64 ) { rv.fields.push_back(TypeRepr::Field { 0, ::HIR::CoreType::U64 }); } break; } if( rv.fields.size() > 0 ) { // Can't return false or unsized Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, rv.fields.back().ty, rv.size, rv.align); ::std::vector vals; for(const auto& v : e.variants) { vals.push_back(v.val); } rv.variants = TypeRepr::VariantMode::make_Values({ { 0, static_cast(rv.size), {} }, ::std::move(vals) }); } } break; } DEBUG("rv.variants = " << rv.variants.tag_str()); return box$(rv); } ::std::unique_ptr make_type_repr(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty) { TRACE_FUNCTION_F(ty); if( TU_TEST1(ty.m_data, Path, .binding.is_Struct()) || ty.m_data.is_Tuple() ) { return make_type_repr_struct(sp, resolve, ty); } else if( TU_TEST1(ty.m_data, Path, .binding.is_Union()) ) { const auto& te = ty.m_data.as_Path(); const auto& unn = *te.binding.as_Union(); auto monomorph_cb = monomorphise_type_get_cb(sp, nullptr, &te.path.m_data.as_Generic().m_params, nullptr); auto monomorph = [&](const auto& tpl) { auto rv = monomorphise_type_with(sp, tpl, monomorph_cb); resolve.expand_associated_types(sp, rv); return rv; }; TypeRepr rv; for(const auto& var : unn.m_variants) { rv.fields.push_back({ 0, monomorph(var.second.ent) }); size_t size, align; if( !Target_GetSizeAndAlignOf(sp, resolve, rv.fields.back().ty, size, align) ) { // Generic? - Not good. DEBUG("Generic type encounterd after monomorphise in union - " << rv.fields.back().ty); return nullptr; } if( size == SIZE_MAX ) { BUG(sp, "Unsized type in union"); } rv.size = ::std::max(rv.size , size ); rv.align = ::std::max(rv.align, align); } return box$(rv); } else if( TU_TEST1(ty.m_data, Path, .binding.is_Enum()) ) { return make_type_repr_enum(sp, resolve, ty); } else if( TU_TEST1(ty.m_data, Path, .binding.is_ExternType()) ) { // TODO: Do extern types need anything? return nullptr; } else if( ty.m_data.is_Primitive() ) { return nullptr; } else if( ty.m_data.is_Borrow() || ty.m_data.is_Pointer() ) { return nullptr; } else { TODO(sp, "Type repr for " << ty); return nullptr; } } } const TypeRepr* Target_GetTypeRepr(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const ::HIR::TypeRef& ty) { // TODO: Thread safety // Map of generic types to type representations. static ::std::map<::HIR::TypeRef, ::std::unique_ptr> s_cache; auto it = s_cache.find(ty); if( it != s_cache.end() ) { return it->second.get(); } auto ires = s_cache.insert(::std::make_pair( ty.clone(), make_type_repr(sp, resolve, ty) )); return ires.first->second.get(); } const ::HIR::TypeRef& Target_GetInnerType(const Span& sp, const StaticTraitResolve& resolve, const TypeRepr& repr, size_t idx, const ::std::vector& sub_fields, size_t ofs) { const auto& ty = repr.fields.at(idx).ty; if( sub_fields.size() == ofs ) { return ty; } const auto* inner_repr = Target_GetTypeRepr(sp, resolve, ty); ASSERT_BUG(sp, inner_repr, "No inner repr for " << ty); return Target_GetInnerType(sp, resolve, *inner_repr, sub_fields[ofs], sub_fields, ofs+1); }