/* Copyright (c) 1993-2002 * Juergen Weigert (jnweiger@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Michael Schroeder (mlschroe@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Copyright (c) 1987 Oliver Laumann * #ifdef HAVE_BRAILLE * Modified by: * Authors: Hadi Bargi Rangin bargi@dots.physics.orst.edu * Bill Barry barryb@dots.physics.orst.edu * * Modifications Copyright (c) 1995 by * Science Access Project, Oregon State University. #endif * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * **************************************************************** */ #include "config.h" #include "acls.h" #include "comm.h" #define bcopy :-( /* or include screen.h here */ /* Must be in alpha order ! */ struct comm comms[RC_LAST + 1] = { #ifdef MULTIUSER { "acladd", ARGS_1234 }, { "aclchg", ARGS_23 }, { "acldel", ARGS_1 }, { "aclgrp", ARGS_12 }, { "aclumask", ARGS_1|ARGS_ORMORE }, #endif { "activity", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef MULTIUSER { "addacl", ARGS_1234 }, #endif { "allpartial", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_1 }, { "altscreen", ARGS_01 }, { "at", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_2|ARGS_ORMORE }, #ifdef COLOR { "attrcolor", ARGS_12 }, #endif { "autodetach", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef AUTO_NUKE { "autonuke", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_1 }, #endif { "backtick", ARGS_1|ARGS_ORMORE }, #ifdef COLOR { "bce", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #endif #ifdef HAVE_BRAILLE /* keywords for braille display (bd) */ { "bd_bc_down", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_bc_left", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_bc_right", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_bc_up", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_bell", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_braille_table", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_eightdot", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_info", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_link", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_lower_left", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_lower_right", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_ncrc", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_port", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_scroll", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_skip", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_start_braille", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_type", ARGS_01 }, { "bd_upper_left", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_upper_right", ARGS_0 }, { "bd_width", ARGS_01 }, #endif { "bell", ARGS_01 }, { "bell_msg", ARGS_01 }, { "bind", ARGS_1|ARGS_ORMORE }, #ifdef MAPKEYS { "bindkey", ARGS_0|ARGS_ORMORE }, #endif { "blanker", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0}, #ifdef BLANKER_PRG { "blankerprg", ARGS_1|ARGS_ORMORE }, #endif { "break", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "breaktype", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "bufferfile", ARGS_01 }, #endif { "c1", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "caption", ARGS_12 }, #ifdef MULTIUSER { "chacl", ARGS_23 }, #endif { "charset", NEED_FORE|ARGS_1 }, { "chdir", ARGS_01 }, { "clear", NEED_FORE|ARGS_0 }, { "colon", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_01 }, { "command", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_02 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "compacthist", ARGS_01 }, #endif { "console", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "copy", NEED_FORE|ARGS_0 }, { "crlf", ARGS_01 }, #endif { "debug", ARGS_01 }, #ifdef AUTO_NUKE { "defautonuke", ARGS_1 }, #endif #ifdef COLOR { "defbce", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "defbreaktype", ARGS_01 }, { "defc1", ARGS_1 }, { "defcharset", ARGS_01 }, #ifdef ENCODINGS { "defencoding", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "defescape", ARGS_1 }, { "defflow", ARGS_12 }, { "defgr", ARGS_1 }, { "defhstatus", ARGS_01 }, #ifdef ENCODINGS { "defkanji", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "deflog", ARGS_1 }, #if defined(UTMPOK) && defined(LOGOUTOK) { "deflogin", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "defmode", ARGS_1 }, { "defmonitor", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef MULTI { "defnonblock", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "defobuflimit", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "defscrollback", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "defshell", ARGS_1 }, { "defsilence", ARGS_1 }, { "defslowpaste", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef UTF8 { "defutf8", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "defwrap", ARGS_1 }, { "defwritelock", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef DETACH { "detach", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_01 }, #endif { "digraph", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_01 }, { "dinfo", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "displays", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_0 }, { "dumptermcap", NEED_FORE|ARGS_0 }, { "echo", ARGS_12 }, #ifdef ENCODINGS { "encoding", ARGS_12 }, #endif { "escape", ARGS_1 }, { "eval", ARGS_1|ARGS_ORMORE }, #ifdef PSEUDOS { "exec", NEED_FORE|ARGS_0|ARGS_ORMORE }, #endif { "fit", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "flow", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "focus", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_01 }, { "gr", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "hardcopy", ARGS_012 }, { "hardcopy_append", ARGS_1 }, { "hardcopydir", ARGS_01 }, { "hardstatus", ARGS_012 }, { "height", ARGS_0123 }, { "help", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_02 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "history", NEED_DISPLAY|NEED_FORE|ARGS_0 }, #endif { "hstatus", NEED_FORE|ARGS_1 }, { "idle", ARGS_0|ARGS_ORMORE }, { "ignorecase", ARGS_01 }, { "info", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_0 }, #ifdef ENCODINGS { "kanji", NEED_FORE|ARGS_12 }, #endif { "kill", NEED_FORE|ARGS_0 }, { "lastmsg", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "license", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_0 }, #ifdef LOCK { "lockscreen", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, #endif { "log", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "logfile", ARGS_012 }, #if defined(UTMPOK) && defined(LOGOUTOK) { "login", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #endif { "logtstamp", ARGS_012 }, #ifdef MAPKEYS { "mapdefault", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "mapnotnext", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "maptimeout", ARGS_01 }, #endif #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "markkeys", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "maxwin", ARGS_1 }, { "meta", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_0 }, { "monitor", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "msgminwait", ARGS_1 }, { "msgwait", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef MULTIUSER { "multiuser", ARGS_1 }, #endif #ifdef NETHACK { "nethack", ARGS_1 }, #endif { "next", ARGS_0 }, #ifdef MULTI { "nonblock", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_01 }, #endif { "number", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "obuflimit", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_01 }, { "only", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "other", ARGS_0 }, { "partial", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #ifdef PASSWORD { "password", ARGS_01 }, #endif #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "paste", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_012 }, { "pastefont", ARGS_01 }, #endif { "pow_break", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #if defined(DETACH) && defined(POW_DETACH) { "pow_detach", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "pow_detach_msg", ARGS_01 }, #endif { "prev", ARGS_0 }, { "printcmd", ARGS_01 }, { "process", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_01 }, { "quit", ARGS_0 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "readbuf", ARGS_0123 }, #endif { "readreg", ARGS_0|ARGS_ORMORE }, { "redisplay", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "register", ARGS_24 }, { "remove", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "removebuf", ARGS_0 }, #endif { "reset", NEED_FORE|ARGS_0 }, { "resize", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_01 }, { "screen", ARGS_0|ARGS_ORMORE }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "scrollback", NEED_FORE|ARGS_1 }, #endif { "select", ARGS_01 }, { "sessionname", ARGS_01 }, { "setenv", ARGS_012 }, { "setsid", ARGS_1 }, { "shell", ARGS_1 }, { "shelltitle", ARGS_1 }, { "silence", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "silencewait", ARGS_1 }, { "sleep", ARGS_1 }, { "slowpaste", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "sorendition", ARGS_012 }, { "source", ARGS_1 }, { "split", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "startup_message", ARGS_1 }, { "stuff", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_12 }, #ifdef MULTIUSER { "su", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_012 }, #endif #ifdef BSDJOBS { "suspend", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, #endif { "term", ARGS_1 }, { "termcap", ARGS_23 }, { "termcapinfo", ARGS_23 }, { "terminfo", ARGS_23 }, { "time", ARGS_01 }, { "title", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "umask", ARGS_1|ARGS_ORMORE }, { "unsetenv", ARGS_1 }, #ifdef UTF8 { "utf8", NEED_FORE|ARGS_012 }, #endif { "vbell", ARGS_01 }, { "vbell_msg", ARGS_01 }, { "vbellwait", ARGS_1 }, { "verbose", ARGS_01 }, { "version", ARGS_0 }, { "wall", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_1}, { "width", ARGS_0123 }, { "windowlist", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_012 }, { "windows", NEED_DISPLAY|ARGS_0 }, { "wrap", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, #ifdef COPY_PASTE { "writebuf", ARGS_0123 }, #endif { "writelock", NEED_FORE|ARGS_01 }, { "xoff", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_0 }, { "xon", NEED_LAYER|ARGS_0 }, #ifdef ZMODEM { "zmodem", ARGS_012 }, #endif { "zombie", ARGS_01 } };