/* Copyright (c) 1993-2002 * Juergen Weigert (jnweiger@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Michael Schroeder (mlschroe@immd4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de) * Copyright (c) 1987 Oliver Laumann * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA * **************************************************************** */ #include "rcs.h" RCS_ID("$Id: help.c,v 1.7 1994/05/31 12:32:04 mlschroe Exp $ FAU") #include #include "config.h" #include "screen.h" #include "extern.h" char version[40]; /* initialised by main() */ extern struct layer *flayer; extern struct display *display, *displays; extern char *noargs[]; extern struct mchar mchar_blank, mchar_so; extern char *blank; extern struct win *wtab[]; static void PadStr __P((char *, int, int, int)); extern char *wliststr; extern char *wlisttit; void exit_with_usage(myname, message, arg) char *myname, *message, *arg; { printf("Use: %s [-opts] [cmd [args]]\n", myname); printf(" or: %s -r [host.tty]\n\nOptions:\n", myname); printf("-a Force all capabilities into each window's termcap.\n"); printf("-A -[r|R] Adapt all windows to the new display width & height.\n"); printf("-c file Read configuration file instead of '.screenrc'.\n"); #ifdef REMOTE_DETACH printf("-d (-r) Detach the elsewhere running screen (and reattach here).\n"); printf("-dmS name Start as daemon: Screen session in detached mode.\n"); printf("-D (-r) Detach and logout remote (and reattach here).\n"); printf("-D -RR Do whatever is needed to get a screen session.\n"); #endif printf("-e xy Change command characters.\n"); printf("-f Flow control on, -fn = off, -fa = auto.\n"); printf("-h lines Set the size of the scrollback history buffer.\n"); printf("-i Interrupt output sooner when flow control is on.\n"); #if defined(LOGOUTOK) && defined(UTMPOK) printf("-l Login mode on (update %s), -ln = off.\n", UTMPFILE); #endif printf("-list or -ls. Do nothing, just list our SockDir.\n"); printf("-L Terminal's last character can be safely updated.\n"); printf("-m ignore $STY variable, do create a new screen session.\n"); printf("-O Choose optimal output rather than exact vt100 emulation.\n"); printf("-p window Preselect the named window if it exists.\n"); printf("-q Quiet startup. Exits with non-zero return code if unsuccessful.\n"); printf("-r Reattach to a detached screen process.\n"); printf("-R Reattach if possible, otherwise start a new session.\n"); printf("-s shell Shell to execute rather than $SHELL.\n"); printf("-S sockname Name this session .sockname instead of ...\n"); printf("-t title Set title. (window's name).\n"); printf("-T term Use term as $TERM for windows, rather than \"screen\".\n"); #ifdef UTF8 printf("-U Tell screen to use UTF-8 encoding.\n"); #endif printf("-v Print \"Screen version %s\".\n", version); printf("-wipe Do nothing, just clean up SockDir.\n"); #ifdef MULTI printf("-x Attach to a not detached screen. (Multi display mode).\n"); #endif /* MULTI */ printf("-X Execute as a screen command in the specified session.\n"); if (message && *message) { printf("\nError: "); printf(message, arg); printf("\n"); } exit(1); } /* ** Here come the help page routines */ extern struct comm comms[]; extern struct action ktab[]; static void HelpProcess __P((char **, int *)); static void HelpAbort __P((void)); static void HelpRedisplayLine __P((int, int, int, int)); static void add_key_to_buf __P((char *, int)); static void AddAction __P((struct action *, int, int)); static int helppage __P((void)); struct helpdata { char *class; struct action *ktabp; int maxrow, grow, numcols, numrows, num_names; int numskip, numpages; int command_search, command_bindings; int refgrow, refcommand_search; int inter, mcom, mkey; int nact[RC_LAST + 1]; }; #define MAXKLEN 256 static struct LayFuncs HelpLf = { HelpProcess, HelpAbort, HelpRedisplayLine, DefClearLine, DefRewrite, DefResize, DefRestore }; void display_help(class, ktabp) char *class; struct action *ktabp; { int i, n, key, mcom, mkey, l; struct helpdata *helpdata; int used[RC_LAST + 1]; if (flayer->l_height < 6) { LMsg(0, "Window height too small for help page"); return; } if (InitOverlayPage(sizeof(*helpdata), &HelpLf, 0)) return; helpdata = (struct helpdata *)flayer->l_data; helpdata->class = class; helpdata->ktabp = ktabp; helpdata->num_names = helpdata->command_bindings = 0; helpdata->command_search = 0; for (n = 0; n <= RC_LAST; n++) used[n] = 0; mcom = 0; mkey = 0; for (key = 0; key < 256; key++) { n = ktabp[key].nr; if (n == RC_ILLEGAL) continue; if (ktabp[key].args == noargs) { used[n] += (key <= ' ' || key == 0x7f) ? 3 : (key > 0x7f) ? 5 : 2; } else helpdata->command_bindings++; } for (n = i = 0; n <= RC_LAST; n++) if (used[n]) { l = strlen(comms[n].name); if (l > mcom) mcom = l; if (used[n] > mkey) mkey = used[n]; helpdata->nact[i++] = n; } debug1("help: %d commands bound to keys with no arguments\n", i); debug2("mcom: %d mkey: %d\n", mcom, mkey); helpdata->num_names = i; if (mkey > MAXKLEN) mkey = MAXKLEN; helpdata->numcols = flayer->l_width / (mcom + mkey + 1); if (helpdata->numcols == 0) { HelpAbort(); LMsg(0, "Width too small"); return; } helpdata->inter = (flayer->l_width - (mcom + mkey) * helpdata->numcols) / (helpdata->numcols + 1); if (helpdata->inter <= 0) helpdata->inter = 1; debug1("inter: %d\n", helpdata->inter); helpdata->mcom = mcom; helpdata->mkey = mkey; helpdata->numrows = (helpdata->num_names + helpdata->numcols - 1) / helpdata->numcols; debug1("Numrows: %d\n", helpdata->numrows); helpdata->numskip = flayer->l_height-5 - (2 + helpdata->numrows); while (helpdata->numskip < 0) helpdata->numskip += flayer->l_height-5; helpdata->numskip %= flayer->l_height-5; debug1("Numskip: %d\n", helpdata->numskip); if (helpdata->numskip > flayer->l_height/3 || helpdata->numskip > helpdata->command_bindings) helpdata->numskip = 1; helpdata->maxrow = 2 + helpdata->numrows + helpdata->numskip + helpdata->command_bindings; helpdata->grow = 0; helpdata->numpages = (helpdata->maxrow + flayer->l_height-6) / (flayer->l_height-5); flayer->l_x = 0; flayer->l_y = flayer->l_height - 1; helppage(); } static void HelpProcess(ppbuf, plen) char **ppbuf; int *plen; { int done = 0; while (!done && *plen > 0) { switch (**ppbuf) { case ' ': if (helppage() == 0) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '\r': case '\n': done = 1; break; default: break; } ++*ppbuf; --*plen; } if (done) HelpAbort(); } static void HelpAbort() { LAY_CALL_UP(LRefreshAll(flayer, 0)); ExitOverlayPage(); } static int helppage() { struct helpdata *helpdata; int col, crow, n, key, x; char buf[MAXKLEN], Esc_buf[5], cbuf[256]; struct action *ktabp; helpdata = (struct helpdata *)flayer->l_data; ktabp = helpdata->ktabp; if (helpdata->grow >= helpdata->maxrow) return -1; helpdata->refgrow = helpdata->grow; helpdata->refcommand_search = helpdata->command_search; /* Clear the help screen */ LClearAll(flayer, 0); sprintf(cbuf,"Screen key bindings, page %d of %d.", helpdata->grow / (flayer->l_height-5) + 1, helpdata->numpages); centerline(cbuf, 0); crow = 2; *Esc_buf = '\0'; *buf = '\0'; /* XXX fix escape character */ if (flayer->l_cvlist && flayer->l_cvlist->c_display) { add_key_to_buf(buf, flayer->l_cvlist->c_display->d_user->u_MetaEsc); add_key_to_buf(Esc_buf, flayer->l_cvlist->c_display->d_user->u_Esc); } else { strcpy(Esc_buf, "??"); strcpy(buf, "??"); } for (; crow < flayer->l_height - 3; crow++) { if (helpdata->grow < 1) { if (ktabp == ktab) sprintf(cbuf,"Command key: %s Literal %s: %s", Esc_buf, Esc_buf, buf); else sprintf(cbuf,"Command class: '%.80s'", helpdata->class); centerline(cbuf, crow); helpdata->grow++; } else if (helpdata->grow >= 2 && helpdata->grow-2 < helpdata->numrows) { x = 0; for (col = 0; col < helpdata->numcols && (n = helpdata->numrows * col + (helpdata->grow-2)) < helpdata->num_names; col++) { x += helpdata->inter - !col; n = helpdata->nact[n]; buf[0] = '\0'; for (key = 0; key < 256; key++) if (ktabp[key].nr == n && ktabp[key].args == noargs && strlen(buf) < sizeof(buf) - 7) { strcat(buf, " "); add_key_to_buf(buf, key); } PadStr(comms[n].name, helpdata->mcom, x, crow); x += helpdata->mcom; PadStr(buf, helpdata->mkey, x, crow); x += helpdata->mkey; } helpdata->grow++; } else if (helpdata->grow-2-helpdata->numrows >= helpdata->numskip && helpdata->grow-2-helpdata->numrows-helpdata->numskip < helpdata->command_bindings) { while ((n = ktabp[helpdata->command_search].nr) == RC_ILLEGAL || ktabp[helpdata->command_search].args == noargs) { if (++helpdata->command_search >= 256) return -1; } buf[0] = '\0'; add_key_to_buf(buf, helpdata->command_search); PadStr(buf, 4, 0, crow); AddAction(&ktabp[helpdata->command_search++], 4, crow); helpdata->grow++; } else helpdata->grow++; } sprintf(cbuf,"[Press Space %s Return to end.]", helpdata->grow < helpdata->maxrow ? "for next page;" : "or"); centerline(cbuf, flayer->l_height - 2); LaySetCursor(); return 0; } static void AddAction(act, x, y) struct action *act; int x, y; { char buf[256]; int del, l; char *bp, *cp, **pp; int fr; struct mchar mchar_dol; mchar_dol = mchar_blank; mchar_dol.image = '$'; fr = flayer->l_width - 1 - x; if (fr <= 0) return; l = strlen(comms[act->nr].name); if (l + 1 > fr) l = fr - 1; PadStr(comms[act->nr].name, l, x, y); x += l; fr -= l + 1; LPutChar(flayer, fr ? &mchar_blank : &mchar_dol, x++, y); pp = act->args; while (pp && (cp = *pp) != NULL) { del = 0; bp = buf; if (!*cp || (index(cp, ' ') != NULL)) { if (index(cp, '\'') != NULL) *bp++ = del = '"'; else *bp++ = del = '\''; } while (*cp && bp < buf + 250) bp += AddXChar(bp, *(unsigned char *)cp++); if (del) *bp++ = del; *bp = 0; if ((fr -= (bp - buf) + 1) < 0) { fr += bp - buf; if (fr > 0) PadStr(buf, fr, x, y); if (fr == 0) LPutChar(flayer, &mchar_dol, x, y); return; } PadStr(buf, strlen(buf), x, y); x += strlen(buf); pp++; if (*pp) LPutChar(flayer, fr ? &mchar_blank : &mchar_dol, x++, y); } } static void add_key_to_buf(buf, key) char *buf; int key; { buf += strlen(buf); if (key < 0) strcpy(buf, "unset"); else if (key == ' ') strcpy(buf, "sp"); else buf[AddXChar(buf, key)] = 0; } static void HelpRedisplayLine(y, xs, xe, isblank) int y, xs, xe, isblank; { if (y < 0) { struct helpdata *helpdata; helpdata = (struct helpdata *)flayer->l_data; helpdata->grow = helpdata->refgrow; helpdata->command_search = helpdata->refcommand_search; helppage(); return; } if (y != 0 && y != flayer->l_height - 1) return; if (!isblank) LClearArea(flayer, xs, y, xe, y, 0, 0); } /* ** ** here is all the copyright stuff ** */ static void CopyrightProcess __P((char **, int *)); static void CopyrightRedisplayLine __P((int, int, int, int)); static void CopyrightAbort __P((void)); static void copypage __P((void)); struct copydata { char *cps, *savedcps; /* position in the message */ char *refcps, *refsavedcps; /* backup for redisplaying */ }; static struct LayFuncs CopyrightLf = { CopyrightProcess, CopyrightAbort, CopyrightRedisplayLine, DefClearLine, DefRewrite, DefResize, DefRestore }; static const char cpmsg[] = "\ \n\ Screen version %v\n\ \n\ Copyright (c) 1993-2000 Juergen Weigert, Michael Schroeder\n\ Copyright (c) 1987 Oliver Laumann\n\ \n\ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or \ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published \ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) \ any later version.\n\ \n\ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, \ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of \ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the \ GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ \n\ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License \ along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the \ Free Software Foundation, Inc., \ 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n\ \n\ Send bugreports, fixes, enhancements, t-shirts, money, beer & pizza to \ screen@uni-erlangen.de\n"; static void CopyrightProcess(ppbuf, plen) char **ppbuf; int *plen; { int done = 0; struct copydata *copydata; copydata = (struct copydata *)flayer->l_data; while (!done && *plen > 0) { switch (**ppbuf) { case ' ': if (*copydata->cps) { copypage(); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '\r': case '\n': CopyrightAbort(); done = 1; break; default: break; } ++*ppbuf; --*plen; } } static void CopyrightAbort() { LAY_CALL_UP(LRefreshAll(flayer, 0)); ExitOverlayPage(); } void display_copyright() { struct copydata *copydata; if (flayer->l_width < 10 || flayer->l_height < 5) { LMsg(0, "Window size too small for copyright page"); return; } if (InitOverlayPage(sizeof(*copydata), &CopyrightLf, 0)) return; copydata = (struct copydata *)flayer->l_data; copydata->cps = (char *)cpmsg; copydata->savedcps = 0; flayer->l_x = 0; flayer->l_y = flayer->l_height - 1; copypage(); } static void copypage() { register char *cps; char *ws; int x, y, l; char cbuf[80]; struct copydata *copydata; ASSERT(flayer); copydata = (struct copydata *)flayer->l_data; LClearAll(flayer, 0); x = y = 0; cps = copydata->cps; copydata->refcps = cps; copydata->refsavedcps = copydata->savedcps; while (*cps && y < flayer->l_height - 3) { ws = cps; while (*cps == ' ') cps++; if (strncmp(cps, "%v", 2) == 0) { copydata->savedcps = cps + 2; cps = version; continue; } while (*cps && *cps != ' ' && *cps != '\n') cps++; l = cps - ws; cps = ws; if (l > flayer->l_width - 1) l = flayer->l_width - 1; if (x && x + l >= flayer->l_width - 2) { x = 0; y++; continue; } if (x) { LPutChar(flayer, &mchar_blank, x, y); x++; } if (l) LPutStr(flayer, ws, l, &mchar_blank, x, y); x += l; cps += l; if (*cps == 0 && copydata->savedcps) { cps = copydata->savedcps; copydata->savedcps = 0; } if (*cps == '\n') { x = 0; y++; } if (*cps == ' ' || *cps == '\n') cps++; } while (*cps == '\n') cps++; sprintf(cbuf,"[Press Space %s Return to end.]", *cps ? "for next page;" : "or"); centerline(cbuf, flayer->l_height - 2); copydata->cps = cps; LaySetCursor(); } static void CopyrightRedisplayLine(y, xs, xe, isblank) int y, xs, xe, isblank; { ASSERT(flayer); if (y < 0) { struct copydata *copydata; copydata = (struct copydata *)flayer->l_data; copydata->cps = copydata->refcps; copydata->savedcps = copydata->refsavedcps; copypage(); return; } if (y != 0 && y != flayer->l_height - 1) return; if (isblank) return; LClearArea(flayer, xs, y, xe, y, 0, 0); } /* ** ** here is all the displays stuff ** */ #ifdef MULTI static void DisplaysProcess __P((char **, int *)); static void DisplaysRedisplayLine __P((int, int, int, int)); static void displayspage __P((void)); struct displaysdata { int dummy_element_for_solaris; }; static struct LayFuncs DisplaysLf = { DisplaysProcess, HelpAbort, DisplaysRedisplayLine, DefClearLine, DefRewrite, DefResize, DefRestore }; static void DisplaysProcess(ppbuf, plen) char **ppbuf; int *plen; { int done = 0; ASSERT(flayer); while (!done && *plen > 0) { switch (**ppbuf) { case ' ': displayspage(); break; case '\r': case '\n': HelpAbort(); done = 1; break; default: break; } ++*ppbuf; --*plen; } } void display_displays() { if (flayer->l_width < 10 || flayer->l_height < 5) { LMsg(0, "Window size too small for displays page"); return; } if (InitOverlayPage(sizeof(struct displaysdata), &DisplaysLf, 0)) return; flayer->l_x = 0; flayer->l_y = flayer->l_height - 1; displayspage(); } /* * layout of the displays page is as follows: xterm 80x42 jnweiger@/dev/ttyp4 0(m11) &rWx facit 80x24 nb mlschroe@/dev/ttyhf 11(tcsh) rwx xterm 80x42 jnhollma@/dev/ttyp5 0(m11) &R.x | | | | | | | | ¦___ window permissions | | | | | | | | (R. is locked r-only, | | | | | | | | W has wlock) | | | | | | | |___ Window is shared | | | | | | |___ Name/Title of window | | | | | |___ Number of window | | | | |___ Name of the display (the attached device) | | | |___ Username who is logged in at the display | | |___ Display is in nonblocking mode. Shows 'NB' if obuf is full. | |___ Displays geometry as width x height. |___ the terminal type known by screen for this display. */ static void displayspage() { int y, l; char tbuf[80]; struct display *d; struct win *w; LClearAll(flayer, 0); leftline("term-type size user interface window", 0); leftline("---------- ------- ---------- ----------------- ----------", 1); y = 2; for (d = displays; d; d = d->d_next) { w = d->d_fore; if (y >= flayer->l_height - 3) break; sprintf(tbuf, "%-10.10s%4dx%-4d%10.10s@%-16.16s%s", d->d_termname, d->d_width, d->d_height, d->d_user->u_name, d->d_usertty, d->d_nonblock ? ((( d->d_obufp - d->d_obuf) > d->d_obufmax) ? "NB" : "nb") : " "); if (w) { l = 10 - strlen(w->w_title); if (l < 0) l = 0; sprintf(tbuf + strlen(tbuf), "%3d(%.10s)%*s%c%c%c%c", w->w_number, w->w_title, l, "", /* w->w_dlist->next */ 0 ? '&' : ' ', /* * The rwx triple: * -,r,R no read, read, read only due to foreign wlock * -,.,w,W no write, write suppressed by foreign wlock, * write, own wlock * -,x no execute, execute */ #ifdef MULTIUSER (AclCheckPermWin(d->d_user, ACL_READ, w) ? '-' : ((w->w_wlock == WLOCK_OFF || d->d_user == w->w_wlockuser) ? 'r' : 'R')), (AclCheckPermWin(d->d_user, ACL_READ, w) ? '-' : ((w->w_wlock == WLOCK_OFF) ? 'w' : ((d->d_user == w->w_wlockuser) ? 'W' : 'v'))), (AclCheckPermWin(d->d_user, ACL_READ, w) ? '-' : 'x') #else 'r', 'w', 'x' #endif ); } leftline(tbuf, y); y++; } sprintf(tbuf,"[Press Space %s Return to end.]", 1 ? "to refresh;" : "or"); centerline(tbuf, flayer->l_height - 2); LaySetCursor(); } static void DisplaysRedisplayLine(y, xs, xe, isblank) int y, xs, xe, isblank; { ASSERT(flayer); if (y < 0) { displayspage(); return; } if (y != 0 && y != flayer->l_height - 1) return; if (isblank) return; LClearArea(flayer, xs, y, xe, y, 0, 0); /* To be filled in... */ } #endif /* MULTI */ /* ** ** here is the windowlist ** */ static void WListProcess __P((char **, int *)); static void WListRedisplayLine __P((int, int, int, int)); static void wlistpage __P((void)); static void WListLine __P((int, int, int, int)); static void WListLines __P((int, int)); static void WListMove __P((int, int)); static void WListUpdate __P((struct win *)); static int WListNormalize __P((void)); static int WListResize __P((int, int)); struct wlistdata { int pos; int ypos; int npos; int numwin; int first; int last; int start; }; static struct LayFuncs WListLf = { WListProcess, HelpAbort, WListRedisplayLine, DefClearLine, DefRewrite, WListResize, DefRestore }; static int WListResize(wi, he) int wi, he; { struct wlistdata *wlistdata; if (wi < 10 || he < 5) return -1; wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; flayer->l_width = wi; flayer->l_height = he; wlistdata->numwin = he - 3; if (wlistdata->ypos >= wlistdata->numwin) wlistdata->ypos = wlistdata->numwin - 1; flayer->l_y = he - 1; return 0; } static void WListProcess(ppbuf, plen) char **ppbuf; int *plen; { int done = 0; struct wlistdata *wlistdata; int h; ASSERT(flayer); wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; h = wlistdata->numwin; while (!done && *plen > 0) { switch ((unsigned char)**ppbuf) { case 0220: case 'k': WListMove(-1, -1); break; case 0216: case 'j': WListMove(1, -1); break; case '\025': WListMove(-(h / 2), wlistdata->ypos); break; case '\004': WListMove(h / 2, wlistdata->ypos); break; case 0002: case 'b': WListMove(-h, -1); break; case 0006: case 'f': WListMove(h, -1); break; case 0201: WListMove(-wlistdata->pos, -1); break; case 0205: WListMove(MAXWIN, -1); break; case '\r': case '\n': case ' ': done = 1; h = wlistdata->pos; if (!display || !wtab[h] || wtab[h] == D_fore || (flayer->l_cvlist && flayer->l_cvlist->c_lnext)) HelpAbort(); #ifdef MULTIUSER else if (AclCheckPermWin(D_user, ACL_READ, wtab[h])) HelpAbort(); #endif else ExitOverlayPage(); /* no need to redisplay */ SwitchWindow(h); break; case 0033: case 0007: h = wlistdata->start; HelpAbort(); if (h >= 0 && wtab[h]) SwitchWindow(h); else if (h == -2) { struct win *p = FindNiceWindow(display ? D_other : (struct win *)0, 0); if (p) SwitchWindow(p->w_number); } done = 1; break; default: break; } ++*ppbuf; --*plen; } } static void WListLine(y, i, pos, isblank) int y, i; int pos; int isblank; { char *str; int n; display = 0; str = MakeWinMsgEv(wliststr, wtab[i], '%', flayer->l_width, (struct event *)0); n = strlen(str); if (i != pos && isblank) while (n && str[n - 1] == ' ') n--; LPutWinMsg(flayer, str, (i == pos || !isblank) ? flayer->l_width : n, i == pos ? &mchar_so : &mchar_blank, 0, y + 2); #if 0 LPutStr(flayer, str, n, i == pos ? &mchar_so : &mchar_blank, 0, y + 2); if (i == pos || !isblank) while(n < flayer->l_width) LPutChar(flayer, i == pos ? &mchar_so : &mchar_blank, n++, y + 2); #endif return; } static void WListLines(up, oldpos) int up, oldpos; { struct wlistdata *wlistdata; int ypos, pos; int y, i, first; wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; ypos = wlistdata->ypos; pos = wlistdata->pos; first = ypos; for (i = pos; i >= 0; i--) if (wtab[i] && first-- == 0) break; for (y = 0; y < wlistdata->numwin; y++) { while (i < MAXWIN && wtab[i] == 0) i++; if (i == MAXWIN) continue; if (y == 0) wlistdata->first = i; wlistdata->last = i; if (((i == oldpos || i == pos) && pos != oldpos) || (up > 0 && y >= wlistdata->numwin - up) || (up < 0 && y < -up)) WListLine(y, i, pos, i != oldpos); if (i == pos) wlistdata->ypos = y; i++; } } static int WListNormalize() { struct wlistdata *wlistdata; int i, n; int ypos, pos; wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; ypos = wlistdata->ypos; pos = wlistdata->pos; if (ypos < 0) ypos = 0; if (ypos >= wlistdata->numwin) ypos = wlistdata->numwin - 1; for (n = 0, i = pos; i < MAXWIN && n < wlistdata->numwin; i++) if (wtab[i]) n++; if (ypos < wlistdata->numwin - n) ypos = wlistdata->numwin - n; for (n = i = 0; i < pos; i++) if (wtab[i]) n++; if (ypos > n) ypos = n; wlistdata->ypos = ypos; wlistdata->npos = n; return ypos; } static void WListMove(num, ypos) int num; int ypos; { struct wlistdata *wlistdata; int oldpos, oldypos, oldnpos; int pos, up, i; wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; oldpos = wlistdata->pos; oldypos = wlistdata->ypos; oldnpos = wlistdata->npos; wlistdata->ypos = ypos == -1 ? oldypos + num : ypos; pos = oldpos; i = pos; while (num > 0 && i < MAXWIN - 1) if (wtab[++i]) { pos = i; num--; } while (num < 0 && i > 0) if (wtab[--i]) { pos = i; num++; } wlistdata->pos = pos; ypos = WListNormalize(); up = wlistdata->npos - ypos - (oldnpos - oldypos); if (up) { LScrollV(flayer, up, 2, 2 + wlistdata->numwin - 1, 0); WListLines(up, oldpos); LaySetCursor(); return; } if (pos == oldpos) return; WListLine(oldypos, oldpos, pos, 0); WListLine(ypos, pos, pos, 1); LaySetCursor(); } static void WListRedisplayLine(y, xs, xe, isblank) int y, xs, xe, isblank; { ASSERT(flayer); if (y < 0) { wlistpage(); return; } if (y != 0 && y != flayer->l_height - 1) return; if (!isblank) LClearArea(flayer, xs, y, xe, y, 0, 0); } void display_wlist(onblank) int onblank; { struct win *p; struct wlistdata *wlistdata; if (flayer->l_width < 10 || flayer->l_height < 5) { LMsg(0, "Window size too small for window list page"); return; } if (onblank) { debug3("flayer %x %d %x\n", flayer, flayer->l_width, flayer->l_height); if (!display) { LMsg(0, "windowlist -b: display required"); return; } p = D_fore; SetForeWindow((struct win *)0); Activate(0); if (flayer->l_width < 10 || flayer->l_height < 5) { LMsg(0, "Window size too small for window list page"); return; } debug3("flayer %x %d %x\n", flayer, flayer->l_width, flayer->l_height); } else p = Layer2Window(flayer); if (InitOverlayPage(sizeof(*wlistdata), &WListLf, 0)) return; wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; flayer->l_x = 0; flayer->l_y = flayer->l_height - 1; wlistdata->start = onblank && p ? p->w_number : -1; wlistdata->pos = p ? p->w_number : 0; wlistdata->ypos = 0; wlistdata->numwin= flayer->l_height - 3; wlistpage(); } static void wlistpage() { struct wlistdata *wlistdata; char *str; int pos; wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; LClearAll(flayer, 0); if (wlistdata->start >= 0 && wtab[wlistdata->start] == 0) wlistdata->start = -2; pos = wlistdata->pos; if (wtab[pos] == 0) { /* find new position */ while(++pos < MAXWIN) if (wtab[pos]) break; if (pos == MAXWIN) while (--pos > 0) if (wtab[pos]) break; } wlistdata->pos = pos; display = 0; str = MakeWinMsgEv(wlisttit, (struct win *)0, '%', flayer->l_width, (struct event *)0); LPutWinMsg(flayer, str, strlen(str), &mchar_blank, 0, 0); WListNormalize(); WListLines(wlistdata->numwin, -1); LaySetCursor(); } static void WListUpdate(p) struct win *p; { struct wlistdata *wlistdata; int i, n, y; if (p == 0) { wlistpage(); return; } wlistdata = (struct wlistdata *)flayer->l_data; n = p->w_number; if (n < wlistdata->first || n > wlistdata->last) return; i = wlistdata->first; for (y = 0; y < wlistdata->numwin; y++) { while (i < MAXWIN && wtab[i] == 0) i++; if (i == MAXWIN) return; if (i == n) break; i++; } if (y == wlistdata->numwin) return; WListLine(y, i, wlistdata->pos, 0); LaySetCursor(); } void WListUpdatecv(cv, p) struct canvas *cv; struct win *p; { if (cv->c_layer->l_layfn != &WListLf) return; CV_CALL(cv, WListUpdate(p)); } int InWList() { if (flayer && flayer->l_layfn == &WListLf) return 1; return 0; } /* ** ** The bindkey help page ** */ #ifdef MAPKEYS extern char *kmap_extras[]; extern int kmap_extras_fl[]; extern struct term term[]; static void BindkeyProcess __P((char **, int *)); static void BindkeyAbort __P((void)); static void BindkeyRedisplayLine __P((int, int, int, int)); static void bindkeypage __P((void)); struct bindkeydata { char *title; struct action *tab; int pos; int last; int page; int pages; }; static struct LayFuncs BindkeyLf = { BindkeyProcess, BindkeyAbort, BindkeyRedisplayLine, DefClearLine, DefRewrite, DefResize, DefRestore }; void display_bindkey(title, tab) char *title; struct action *tab; { struct bindkeydata *bindkeydata; int i, n; if (flayer->l_height < 6) { LMsg(0, "Window height too small for bindkey page"); return; } if (InitOverlayPage(sizeof(*bindkeydata), &BindkeyLf, 0)) return; bindkeydata = (struct bindkeydata *)flayer->l_data; bindkeydata->title = title; bindkeydata->tab = tab; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < KMAP_KEYS+KMAP_AKEYS+KMAP_EXT; i++) { if (tab[i].nr != RC_ILLEGAL) n++; } bindkeydata->pos = 0; bindkeydata->page = 1; bindkeydata->pages = (n + flayer->l_height - 6) / (flayer->l_height - 5); if (bindkeydata->pages == 0) bindkeydata->pages = 1; flayer->l_x = 0; flayer->l_y = flayer->l_height - 1; bindkeypage(); } static void BindkeyAbort() { LAY_CALL_UP(LRefreshAll(flayer, 0)); ExitOverlayPage(); } static void bindkeypage() { struct bindkeydata *bindkeydata; char tbuf[256]; int del, i, ch, y; struct action *act; char *xch, *s, *p; bindkeydata = (struct bindkeydata *)flayer->l_data; LClearAll(flayer, 0); sprintf(tbuf, "%s key bindings, page %d of %d.", bindkeydata->title, bindkeydata->page, bindkeydata->pages); centerline(tbuf, 0); y = 2; for (i = bindkeydata->pos; i < KMAP_KEYS+KMAP_AKEYS+KMAP_EXT && y < flayer->l_height - 3; i++) { p = tbuf; act = &bindkeydata->tab[i]; if (act->nr == RC_ILLEGAL) continue; xch = " "; if (i < KMAP_KEYS) { del = *p++ = ':'; s = term[i + T_CAPS].tcname; } else if (i < KMAP_KEYS+KMAP_AKEYS) { del = *p++ = ':'; s = term[i + (T_CAPS - T_OCAPS + T_CURSOR)].tcname; xch = "[A]"; } else { del = 0; s = kmap_extras[i - (KMAP_KEYS+KMAP_AKEYS)]; if (kmap_extras_fl[i - (KMAP_KEYS+KMAP_AKEYS)]) xch = "[T]"; } while ((ch = *(unsigned char *)s++)) p += AddXChar(p, ch); if (del) *p++ = del; *p++ = ' '; while (p < tbuf + 15) *p++ = ' '; sprintf(p, "%s -> ", xch); p += 7; if (p - tbuf > flayer->l_width - 1) { tbuf[flayer->l_width - 2] = '$'; tbuf[flayer->l_width - 1] = 0; } PadStr(tbuf, strlen(tbuf), 0, y); AddAction(act, strlen(tbuf), y); y++; } y++; bindkeydata->last = i; sprintf(tbuf,"[Press Space %s Return to end.]", bindkeydata->page < bindkeydata->pages ? "for next page;" : "or"); centerline(tbuf, flayer->l_height - 2); LaySetCursor(); } static void BindkeyProcess(ppbuf, plen) char **ppbuf; int *plen; { int done = 0; struct bindkeydata *bindkeydata; bindkeydata = (struct bindkeydata *)flayer->l_data; while (!done && *plen > 0) { switch (**ppbuf) { case ' ': if (bindkeydata->page < bindkeydata->pages) { bindkeydata->pos = bindkeydata->last; bindkeydata->page++; bindkeypage(); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case '\r': case '\n': done = 1; break; default: break; } ++*ppbuf; --*plen; } if (done) BindkeyAbort(); } static void BindkeyRedisplayLine(y, xs, xe, isblank) int y, xs, xe, isblank; { if (y < 0) { bindkeypage(); return; } if (y != 0 && y != flayer->l_height - 1) return; if (!isblank) LClearArea(flayer, xs, y, xe, y, 0, 0); } #endif /* MAPKEYS */ static void PadStr(str, n, x, y) char *str; int n, x, y; { int l; l = strlen(str); if (l > n) l = n; LPutStr(flayer, str, l, &mchar_blank, x, y); if (l < n) LPutStr(flayer, blank, n - l, &mchar_blank, x + l, y); }