path: root/debian/faq.txt
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diff --git a/debian/faq.txt b/debian/faq.txt
index 7907d48..840b762 100644
--- a/debian/faq.txt
+++ b/debian/faq.txt
@@ -4,12 +4,10 @@
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Last updated March 3, 2003
+ Last updated January 12, 2005
Comments and questions on this FAQ should be directed to
- General questions about sendmail should be directed to
Bug reports should be directed to
If you post a message to comp.mail.sendmail and send it to one of the
@@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ Table of Contents
+ 2.1 What is this newsgroup?
+ 2.2 What is the scope of this FAQ?
+ 2.3 Where can I find the latest version of this FAQ?
- + 2.4 How do I access comp.mail.sendmail by email?
+ + 2.4 deprecated
+ 2.5 Where can I ask email-related DNS questions?
+ 2.6 How can I subscribe to these newsgroups?
+ 2.7 Which version of sendmail should I run?
@@ -156,6 +154,9 @@ Table of Contents
recipient addresses?
+ 4.21 How can I send mail to all users?
+ 4.22 Why can't I receive external mail?
+ + 4.23 How do I restrict attachments with sendmail?
+ + 4.24 Can I get sendmail to verify an entire e-mail address
+ instead of just the domain?
+ 5.1 Sun Microsystems SunOS/Solaris 1.x/2.x
o 5.1.1 How can I solve "line 273: replacement $3 out of
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ Table of Contents
* 2.1 What is this newsgroup?
* 2.2 What is the scope of this FAQ?
* 2.3 Where can I find the latest version of this FAQ?
- * 2.4 How do I access comp.mail.sendmail by email?
+ * 2.4 (deprecated)
* 2.5 Where can I ask email-related DNS questions?
* 2.6 How can I subscribe to these newsgroups?
* 2.7 Which version of sendmail should I run?
@@ -345,18 +346,7 @@ Q2.3 -- Where can I find the latest version of this FAQ?
-Q2.4 -- How do I access comp.mail.sendmail by email?
- Date: November 24, 1996
- Send email to with the command "sub
- comp-news.comp.mail.sendmail full-US-ordered-email-address" as the
- body of the message (with your correct address in place of the
- "full-US-ordered-email-address", and omitting the double quotes in all
- cases of this example).
- E-mail you want posted on comp.mail.sendmail should be sent to
+Q2.4 -- has been deprecated.
Q2.5 -- Where can I ask email-related DNS questions?
@@ -473,16 +463,24 @@ Q2.7 -- Which version of sendmail should I run?
Q2.8 -- What is the latest release of sendmail?
Date: October 24, 1997
- Updated: March 3, 2003
+ Updated: January 12, 2005
- For version 8 sendmail, there are four release trees.
+ For version 8 sendmail, there are five release trees.
For those people who, for whatever reason, are unable or unwilling to
- upgrade to version 8.12.x, releases of versions 8.11, 8.10 and 8.9
- sendmail are still available but are not being updated. The last
+ upgrade to version 8.13.x, releases of versions 8.12, 8.11, 8.10 and
+ 8.9 sendmail are still available but are not being updated. The last
release of version 8.9 sendmail was 8.9.3; the last release of 8.10
- was 8.10.2; the last release of 8.11 was 8.11.6 .
+ was 8.10.2; the last release of 8.11 was 8.11.6; the last release of
+ 8.12 was 8.12.11 .
+ Version 8.13.3 was released on January 11, 2005.
+ Version 8.13.2 was released on December 15, 2004.
+ Version 8.13.1 was released on July 30, 2004.
+ Version 8.13.0 was released on June 20, 2004.
+ Version 8.12.11 was released on January 18, 2004.
+ Version 8.12.10 was released on September 17, 2003.
+ Version 8.12.9 was released on March 29, 2003.
Version 8.12.8 was released on March 3, 2003.
Version 8.12.7 was released on December 29, 2002.
Version 8.12.6 was released on August 26, 2002.
@@ -508,8 +506,8 @@ Q2.8 -- What is the latest release of sendmail?
Version 8.9.0 was released on May 20, 1998.
On machines exposed directly to the Internet, you should either
- already be running sendmail 8.12.8 or plan on upgrading in the
- immediate future. 8.12.8 is considered "stable", has fixes included
+ already be running sendmail 8.13.3 or plan on upgrading in the
+ immediate future. 8.13.3 is considered "stable", has fixes included
that will not be found in any previous release, and therefore
supercedes all previous releases.
@@ -942,6 +940,7 @@ Q3.4 -- So what was the user database feature intended for?
Q3.5 -- Why the hostility toward using full names for email addresses?
Date: May 12, 1997
+ Updated: April 7, 2004
Because full names are not unique. For example, the computer community
has two Peter Deutsches. At one time, Bell Labs had two Stephen R.
@@ -949,6 +948,9 @@ Q3.5 -- Why the hostility toward using full names for email addresses?
addresses (e.g., Stephen_R_Bourne_2), but that's even worse -- which
one of them has to have their name desecrated in this way? And you can
bet that one of them will get most of the other person's email.
+ Moreover, at institutions with high turnover (such as universities), a
+ given name may refer to different people at different times, which can
+ again lead to mail going to the wrong person.
So called "full names" are just an attempt to create longer versions
of unique names. Rather that lulling people into a sense of security,
@@ -1331,6 +1333,7 @@ Q3.22 -- How do I configure sendmail not to use DNS?
Date: March 24, 1997
Updated: April 6, 2000
Updated: June 4, 2002
+ Updated: January 14, 2004
In situations where you're behind a firewall, or across a dial-up
line, there are times when you need to make sure that programs (such
@@ -1358,6 +1361,10 @@ define(`SMART_HOST', `')dnl
.mc file:
+ And starting with 8.12, changes to are required as well; the
+ following in your can minimize the problem:
Q3.23 -- How do I get all my queued mail delivered to my Unix box from my ISP?
@@ -1491,6 +1498,8 @@ multiple users in a virtual domain go to a single mailbox?
Date: July 2, 1998
Updated: June 21, 2002
+ Fixed typo: October 10, 2003
+ Updated URL: April 6, 2004
Stuffing multiple user's mail into a single mail box is not a good
method of distributing user mail but if you must do this, the
@@ -1511,7 +1520,7 @@ ENV_TO=$1
* ENV_TO ?? .
-| formail -i "X-Envelope-To: "$ENV_TO@$DOMAIN
+| formail -i "X-Envelope-To: $ENV_TO@$DOMAIN"
| formail -i "X-Envelope-To: UNKNOWN"
@@ -1819,20 +1828,33 @@ Q3.38 -- What does "may be forged" mean?
Q3.39 -- How do I send using an alternate port?
Date: May 5, 2002
+ Updated: January 10, 2004
+ The port used for outgoing SMTP connections can be changed via the
+ respective *_MAILER_ARGS macros for the various SMTP mailers. In a
+ default configuration, sendmail uses either the relay mailer (for e.g.
+ SMART_HOST when no mailer is specified) or the esmtp mailer (when
+ sending directly to the MX of the recipient domain).
- You can have Sendmail use port 2525 when sending to your domain.
- define(`SMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 2525')
+ So, if you want all outgoing SMTP connections to use port 2525, you
+ can use this in your .mc file:
+ define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 2525')
+ define(`ESMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 2525')
- or editing .cf directly,
- A=TCP $h 2525
+ If you want to use an alternate port only for specific destinations,
+ change (e.g.) only the RELAY_MAILER_ARGS, and make sure the relay
+ mailer is not used for anything else. E.g. you can have sendmail use
+ port 2525 only when sending to your domain with this in your .mc file:
+ FEATURE(`mailertable')
+ define(`confRELAY_MAILER', `esmtp')
+ define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 2525')
- will force sendmail to use port 2525. But, this will be for all SMTP
- connections. To do it only for your domain, use /etc/mail/mailertable,
+ and then in your mailertable:
- where 'mysmtp' is an exact duplicate of the 'esmtp' mailer definition,
- except for the port number in 'A=...'. Of course, change 2525 to
- whatever alternate port number you wish to use.
+ This will force sendmail to use port 2525 for connections to
+ Of course, change 2525 to whatever alternate port
+ number you wish to use.
Q3.40 -- Why can't I use BerkeleyDB 4.1.x?
@@ -1971,6 +1993,9 @@ FEATURE(`msp', `[]')dnl
recipient addresses?
* 4.21 How can I send mail to all users?
* 4.22 Why can't I receive external mail?
+ * 4.23 How do restrict attachments with sendmail?
+ * 4.24 Can I get sendmail to verify an entire e-mail address instead
+ of just the domain?
Q4.1 -- Should I use a wildcard MX for my domain?
@@ -2293,6 +2318,7 @@ delivering local mail immediately?
Date: October 14, 1997
Updated: February 9, 1999
+ Updated: May 19, 2004
First, you need to get sendmail not to use DNS on your local machine
so your host doesn't trying to connect to your ISP for a DNS query.
@@ -2313,6 +2339,9 @@ delivering local mail immediately?
Finally, you need to run a program periodically to check in with your
ISP and get them to deliver any mail they may have queued for you. See
+ Andrzej Filip offers a different solution based on use of the dsmtp
+ mailer (introduced in 8.10) instead of expensive mailers.
Subject: Q4.13 -- What does "unknown mailer error 1" mean?
@@ -2333,6 +2362,7 @@ Subject: Q4.14 -- How do I queue mail for another domain?
Date: April 28, 1999
Updated: December 21, 2000
+ Updated: May 19, 2004
Situation: Your system should act as a backup
mailserver for mailserver.destination.domain. The client wants to
@@ -2356,6 +2386,11 @@ mailserver.destination.domain. IN MX 20
destination.domain to the required files (8.9) (or for 8.8). Don't
add destination.domain or mailserver.destination.domain to class w
on your system!
+ If you want finer-grained control, then instead of updating
+ /etc/mail/relay-domains, add the following to /etc/mail/access, as
+ the access map entries allows relaying only "To:" a domain, while
+ relay-domains allows both directions.
+To:destination.domain RELAY
3. sendmail on your system will try to deliver mail during queue
runs, however, the client may trigger delivery by using the ETRN
@@ -2516,6 +2551,7 @@ alluser: :include:/etc/mail/allusers
Subject: Q4.22 -- Why can't I receive external mail?
Date: December 4, 2002
+ Updated: August 16, 2004
Several vendors have changed the way that sendmail is run. They
decided that most people need a client-only version of sendmail. So it
@@ -2524,7 +2560,8 @@ Subject: Q4.22 -- Why can't I receive external mail?
of where some vendors ship their sendmail configuration hierarchy:
sendmail distribution ./cf
- Solaris /usr/lib/mail
+ Solaris 7,8,9 /usr/lib/mail
+ Solaris 10 /etc/mail/cf
Red Hat 6.2 /usr/lib/sendmail-cf
Red Hat 7 /usr/share/sendmail-cf
Slackware 7.1 /usr/src/sendmail/cf
@@ -2536,6 +2573,38 @@ Subject: Q4.22 -- Why can't I receive external mail?
See also for discussion about this problem as it relates
specifically to Red Hat 7.1 and later.
+ _________________________________________________________________
+Subject: Q4.23 -- How do I restrict attachments with sendmail?
+ Date: May 19, 2004
+ sendmail itself does not look at the content of a message, so it is
+ not in a position to strip attachments. You need a filtering package
+ that works with sendmail. You might want to look at for
+ some open source solutions that use our "milter" facility. There's
+ also something called MIMEDefang that can do it. You can also get
+ commercial products to do it (see for example).
+ _________________________________________________________________
+Subject: Q4.24 -- Can I get sendmail to verify an entire e-mail address instead
+of just the domain?
+ Date: May 19, 2004
+ If the e-mail comes from, you have to look up the MX or A
+ records for to figure out which mail server to ask if the
+ user is valid. The DNS could be slow or unresponsive. The remote
+ server could be slow or unresponsive.
+ If you were to make such checks, a bad guy could bombard you with mail
+ claiming to come from users, and then suddenly you would
+ be connection-bombing Hotmail's mail servers asking them about the
+ recipients the bad guy is claiming to be.
+ The only safe way to do this is to verify that the sender exists when
+ the sender claims to be in your domain. Naturally you are then in a
+ position to confirm or deny the sender is valid.