path: root/debian/local/update_conf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/local/update_conf')
1 files changed, 577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/local/update_conf b/debian/local/update_conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dfd025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/local/update_conf
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# $Sendmail: update_conf,v 8.14.3 2009-02-28 22:32:11 cowboy Exp $
+# Parse and update /etc/mail/sendmail.conf and reflect its values in
+# /etc/cron.d/sendmail and /etc/inetd.conf.
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Richard Nelson. All Rights Reserved.
+use strict; # be kosher
+use Cwd; # provide cwd()
+use Env; # A few environmental references
+use integer; # Peformance
+use Sys::Hostname; # make sure we have a valid hostname
+use Getopt::Long; # parameter handling
+use FileHandle; # I/O
+# Local libraries - for Debian Sendmail Perl helper functions
+# BEGIN { $main::my_path = substr($0,$[,rindex($0,'/')) };
+use lib ('.', substr($0,$[,rindex($0,'/')), "/usr/share/sendmail");
+require Parse_conf;
+require Parse_mc;
+$main::program_name = $0; #'update_conf';
+$main::program_version = '8.14.3';
+$main::program_date = '2009-02-28 22:32:11 cowboy';
+$main::debug = 0;
+my $interp_pgm = "$^X";
+my $interp_vrm = $];
+$interp_vrm = ("$^V" | '000') if (defined $^V);
+my $current_time = scalar localtime;
+my $user = getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] || "Unknown!!";
+my $hostname = hostname();
+my $directory = getcwd();
+my $Conffile = "/etc/mail/sendmail.conf";
+my $output_file = '';
+my $ofh = new FileHandle;
+my $debug = 0;
+# Global variables
+# Finally, some code (almost)
+# Argument handling...
+my @options = qw(
+ help|h
+ output-file|output_file|o:s
+ input-file|input_file|i:s
+ debug!
+ test!
+ static!
+ );
+my $result = GetOptions(@options);
+if ( ! $result ) {
+ die "Terminating due to parameter error";
+ };
+if ( $main::opt_help ) {
+ warn "$main::program_name $main::program_version $main::program_date\n";
+ warn "$0 \n";
+ warn " -help\n" if $main::opt_help;
+ warn " -debug\n" if $main::opt_debug;
+ warn " -test\n" if $main::opt_debug;
+ warn " -static\n" if $main::opt_static;
+ warn " -o $main::opt_output_file\n" if $main::opt_output_file;
+ warn " -i $main::opt_input_file\n" if $main::opt_input_file;
+ exit 0;
+ };
+if ( $main::opt_test ) {
+ &sm2cron_time("");
+ &sm2cron_time("6s");
+ &sm2cron_time("5m");
+ &sm2cron_time("4h");
+ &sm2cron_time("3d");
+ &sm2cron_time("2w");
+ &sm2cron_time("2w3d4h5m6s");
+ &sm2cron_time("89s");
+ &sm2cron_time("90m");
+ &sm2cron_time("150m");
+ &sm2cron_time("125");
+ &sm2cron_time("31d");
+ &sm2cron_time("35d");
+ &sm2cron_time("5w");
+ &sm2cron_time("9w");
+ exit 0;
+ };
+$output_file = $main::opt_output_file if ($main::opt_output_file);
+my $input_file = $main::opt_input_file || $Conffile;
+# $main::debug is used in Parse_mc !
+$main::debug = $main::opt_debug || $main::debug;
+# Read /etc/mail/sendmail.conf (if extant)
+# [Re]write /etc/mail/sendmail.config
+my ($ok, $value) = &Parse_conf::get_value('HANDS_OFF');
+if ($value ne '0') {
+ unlink "/etc/cron.d/sendmail";
+ exit;
+ };
+# Reflect settings in /etc/cron.d/sendmail
+if ( $output_file eq '' ) {
+ chown '0', '0', "/etc/cron.d/sendmail";
+ chmod 0644, "/etc/cron.d/sendmail";
+ };
+# Reflect settings in /etc/inetd.conf
+# Create/Delete files
+exit (0);
+# Check for nullclient mode in /etc/mail/
+sub check_nullclient {
+ my $nullclient = 0;
+ my $in_file = "/etc/mail/";
+ if ( -r $in_file ) {
+ my $ifh;
+ unless ( open($ifh, "<$in_file") ) {
+ warn("Could not open $in_file($!), ignoring it.\n");
+ };
+ line: while (<$ifh>) {
+ next line if /^$/; # skip empty lines
+ next line if /^#/; # skip comments
+ next line if /^dnl /; # skip comments
+ chomp; # drop tailing \n
+ if (/^\s*FEATURE\(\s*`?nullclient/) {
+ $nullclient = 1;
+ last line;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ return $nullclient;
+ };
+# Compute time setting for Crontab entry (simplistic)
+# NOTE: It does the basics pretty darned well... *BUT*
+# It fails, miserably, on things that would multiple lines:
+# 90 minutes: does it at 30 minutes (90-60)
+# Or are just edge conditions:
+# 25 hours: treated as 24 hours
+# 35 days: does it the 7rd of every month (35-28)
+sub sm2cron_time {
+ my $month = 0;
+ my $week = 0;
+ my $day = 0;
+ my $hour = 0;
+ my $minute = 0;
+ my $second = 0;
+ my $tmp = 0;
+ my $t = '';
+ my $cron = '';
+ my ($sm) = @_;
+ my $seconds = 0;
+ my $elapsed = 0;
+ my $randstart = '00';
+ if ($sm eq '') {
+ if ( $main::opt_test ) {
+ print "mm hh dom mon dow = sm2cron_time($sm);\n";
+ };
+ return ($cron, $seconds);
+ };
+ # Convert sendmail time
+ # 1w2d3h4m5s
+ # to cron time
+ # m h dom mon dow
+ $t = $sm;
+ if ( $t =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
+ $minute = $sm; }
+ else {
+ ($week = $sm) =~ s/.*?(\d+)w.*/$1/ if ( $t =~ /w/ );
+ ($day = $sm) =~ s/.*?(\d+)d.*/$1/ if ( $t =~ /d/ );
+ ($hour = $sm) =~ s/.*?(\d+)h.*/$1/ if ( $t =~ /h/ );
+ ($minute = $sm) =~ s/.*?(\d+)m.*/$1/ if ( $t =~ /m/ );
+ ($second = $sm) =~ s/.*?(\d+)s.*/$1/ if ( $t =~ /s/ );
+ }
+ # Rationalize the time
+ $seconds = ($week * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
+ + ($day * 24 * 60 * 60)
+ + ($hour * 60 * 60)
+ + ($minute * 60)
+ + $second;
+ $elapsed = $seconds;
+ $month = $seconds / (4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
+ $seconds = $seconds % (4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
+ $week = $seconds / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
+ $seconds = $seconds % (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
+ $day = $seconds / (24 * 60 * 60);
+ $seconds = $seconds % (24 * 60 * 60);
+ $hour = $seconds / (60 * 60);
+ $seconds = $seconds % (60 * 60);
+ $minute = $seconds / (60);
+ $seconds = $seconds % (60);
+ $second = $seconds;
+ # Cron doesn't do seconds, round to minutes or ignore
+ $minute = $minute + 1 if ($second > 30);
+ # Minute of hour (0-59)
+ $minute = sprintf("%02d", $minute);
+ $randstart = sprintf("%02d", int(rand(60))) if (!$main::opt_static);
+ if (0 < $hour + $day + $week + $month) {
+ if (1 >= $minute) {
+ $cron = "$randstart "; }
+ else {
+ $cron = "$minute "; }
+ }
+ elsif (1 >= $minute) {
+ $cron = "* ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cron = "*/$minute";
+ };
+ # Hour of day (0-23)
+ $hour = sprintf("%02d", $hour);
+ $randstart = sprintf("%02d", int(rand(24))) if (!$main::opt_static);
+ if (0 < $day + $week + $month) {
+ if (1 >= $hour) {
+ $cron = "$cron $randstart "; }
+ else {
+ $cron = "$cron $hour "; }
+ }
+ elsif (1 >= $hour) {
+ $cron = "$cron * ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cron = "$cron */$hour";
+ };
+ # Day of month (1-31)
+ $day = $day + (7 * $week);
+ $day = sprintf("%02d", $day);
+ $randstart = 1 + sprintf("%02d", int(rand(31))) if (!$main::opt_static);
+ if (0 < $month) {
+ if (1 >= $day) {
+ $cron = "$cron $randstart "; }
+ else {
+ $cron = "$cron $day "; }
+ }
+ elsif (1 >= $day) {
+ $cron = "$cron * ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cron = "$cron */$day";
+ };
+ # Month in year (1-12)
+ $month = sprintf("%02d", $month);
+ $randstart = 1 + sprintf("%02d", int(rand(12))) if (!$main::opt_static);
+ if (1 >= $month) {
+ $cron = "$cron * ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cron = "$cron */$month";
+ };
+ $cron = "$cron *"; # Day of week (0-7)
+ if ( $main::opt_test ) {
+ print "$cron = sm2cron_time($sm);\n";
+ };
+ return ($cron, $elapsed);
+ };
+# Write updated cron file
+sub write_crontab {
+ my $var;
+ my $interval = '';
+ my $cronint = '';
+ my $test = "test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail";
+ my $command = '';
+ my $ok = '';
+ my $mailto = '';
+ my $mmode = '';
+ my $qmode = '';
+ my $msp_line = '';
+ my $mta_line = '';
+ my $age_line = '';
+ ($ok, $mailto) = &Parse_conf::get_value('CRON_MAILTO');
+ if ( ! $ok ) {
+ return;
+ };
+ my $out_file = $output_file || "/etc/cron.d/sendmail";
+ print STDOUT "Writing $out_file.\n";
+ $out_file = '&STDOUT' if ($out_file eq '-');
+ unless ( open($ofh, ">$out_file") ) {
+ warn("Could not open $out_file($!), using STDOUT\n");
+ open($ofh, ">&STDOUT");
+ };
+ $out_file = '-' if ($out_file eq '&STDOUT');
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+##### This file is automagically generated -- edit at your own risk
+##### file: ${out_file}
+##### generated via: (${interp_pgm} ${interp_vrm})
+##### ${main::program_name}
+##### version: ${main::program_version} ${main::program_date}
+##### by: ${user}\@${hostname}
+##### on: ${current_time}
+##### in: ${directory}
+##### input files:
+ foreach my $file ( split(' ', $input_file) ) {
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+##### ${file}
+ };
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+# $out_file
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Richard Nelson. All Rights Reserved.
+# Version: ${main::program_version}
+# Time-stamp: <${main::program_date}>
+# Sendmail crontab - Call sendmail at various times to do the following:
+# 1) Age queues - move undelivered mail to a slower queue
+# 2) Retry any mail queued by the message submission process
+# 3) run the queues (deliver mail) if a standalone daemon is not desired
+# Each processes is independant and guided by /etc/mail/sendmail.conf and
+# {sendmail,submit}.mc files.
+# There isn't anything here that should need touching.
+# Any requisite queue/misc parameters must be set in /etc/mail/sendmail.conf
+# and reflected herein via /usr/sbin/sendmailconfig (or more directly via
+# ${main::program_name}).
+# use default path, shell, home
+# send mail to this user, as `mail/smmsp` isn't real.
+# format of entries:
+# m h dom mon dow user command
+# Every so often, give sendmail a chance to run the MSP queues.
+ ($ok, $interval) = &Parse_conf::get_value('MSP_INTERVAL');
+ ($cronint, $ok) = &sm2cron_time($interval);
+ $command = "$test && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp";
+ ($ok, $mmode) = &Parse_conf::get_value('MSP_MODE');
+ ($ok, $qmode) = &Parse_conf::get_value('QUEUE_MODE');
+ if ($mmode eq 'Cron'
+ and ($interval ne '')
+ #or ($mmode eq 'None' and $qmode eq 'Cron')
+ ) {
+ $msp_line =
+ "$cronint\t\tsmmsp\t$command";
+ }
+ else {
+ $msp_line =
+ "#$cronint\t\tsmmsp\t$command";
+ };
+ print $ofh "$msp_line\n";
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+# Every so often, give sendmail a chance to run the MTA queues.
+# Will also run MSP queues if enabled
+ ($ok, $interval) = &Parse_conf::get_value('QUEUE_INTERVAL');
+ ($cronint, $ok) = &sm2cron_time($interval);
+ $command = "$test && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-mta";
+ if ($qmode eq 'Cron'
+ and ($interval ne '')
+ ) {
+ $mta_line =
+ "$cronint\t\troot\t$command";
+ }
+ else {
+ $mta_line =
+ "#$cronint\t\troot\t$command";
+ };
+ print $ofh "$mta_line\n";
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+# Every so often, give sendmail a chance to age the queues.
+ ($ok, $var) = &Parse_conf::get_value('AGE_DATA');
+ my $tmpval = eval $var;
+ if ($@) {
+ warn $@;
+ }
+ else {
+ $var = $tmpval;
+ };
+ if (not ref $var) {
+ print $ofh "# No queue aging\n";
+ }
+ elsif (@{$var} == 0) {
+ print $ofh "# No queue aging\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach my $entry (@{$var}) {
+ ($interval, $ok) = &sm2cron_time(@$entry[0]);
+ my $criteria = @$entry[1] || join('','-s ',$ok);
+ my $to = @$entry[2];
+ my $from = @$entry[3];
+ $command = "$test && /usr/share/sendmail/";
+ $from = "/var/spool/mqueue/$from"
+ if ($from !~ /^\//);
+ $to = "/var/spool/mqueue/$to"
+ if ($to !~ /^\//);
+ $age_line =
+ "$interval\t\troot\t$command $criteria $to $from";
+ print $ofh "$age_line >/dev/null\n";
+ };
+ };
+ print $ofh <<"EOT";
+ close($ofh);
+ };
+# Update /etc/inetd.conf file
+sub update_inetd {
+ # Don't try to write if we're debugging
+ if ($output_file ne '') {
+ return;
+ };
+ my ($ok, $mode) = &Parse_conf::get_value('DAEMON_MODE');
+ if ( $ok and -x '/usr/sbin/update-inetd' ) {
+ if ( $mode eq 'Inetd' ) {
+ system 'update-inetd --group MAIL --enable smtp,smtps,submission'
+ }
+ else {
+ system 'update-inetd --group MAIL --disable smtp,smtps,submission'
+ };
+ };
+ };
+# Update mail statistics information (create/delete files)
+sub update_files {
+ # Don't try to write if we're debugging
+ if ($output_file ne '') {
+ return;
+ };
+ my ($class, $flags, $files, $options);
+ my ($ok, $stats);
+ my $file;
+ #
+ # Read the mc/m4 files
+ &Parse_mc::read_dbs('', '');
+ # Obtain entry for HOST_STATUS_DIRECTORY
+ ($class, $flags, $files, $options) =
+ &Parse_mc::entry_dbs('confHOST_STATUS_DIRECTORY');
+ $file = @{$files}[0];
+ ($ok, $stats) = &Parse_conf::get_value('DAEMON_HOSTSTATS');
+ if ( $ok and $file ne '-' ) {
+ if ( $stats and ! -d $file) {
+ print STDOUT "Enabling HOST statistics file($file).\n";
+ system "mkdir ${file}";
+ my $gid = getgrnam('smmsp');
+ chown '0', $gid, $file;
+ chmod 02755, $file;
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $stats and -d $file ) {
+ print STDOUT "Disabling HOST statistics file($file).\n";
+ system "rm -rf ${file}";
+ };
+ };
+ # Obtain entry for STATUS_FILE
+ ($class, $flags, $files, $options) =
+ &Parse_mc::entry_dbs('STATUS_FILE');
+ $file = @{$files}[0];
+ ($ok, $stats) = &Parse_conf::get_value('DAEMON_MAILSTATS');
+ if ( $ok and $file ne '-' ) {
+ if ( $stats and ! -e $file) {
+ print STDOUT "Enabling MTA statistics file($file).\n";
+ open 'STATS', ">$file";
+ close 'STATS';
+ my $gid = getgrnam('smmsp');
+ chown '0', $gid, $file;
+ chmod 0640, $file;
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $stats and -e $file ) {
+ print STDOUT "Disabling MTA statistics file($file).\n";
+ unlink $file;
+ };
+ };
+ # Obtain entry for MSP_STATUS_FILE
+ ($class, $flags, $files, $options) =
+ &Parse_mc::entry_dbs('MSP_STATUS_FILE');
+ $file = @{$files}[0];
+ ($ok, $stats) = &Parse_conf::get_value('MSP_MAILSTATS');
+ if ( $ok and $file ne '-') {
+ if ( $stats and ! -e $file ) {
+ print STDOUT "Enabling MSP statistics file($file).\n";
+ open 'STATS', ">$file";
+ close 'STATS';
+ my $gid = getgrnam('smmsp');
+ chown '0', $gid, $file;
+ chmod 0660, $file;
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $stats and -e $file ) {
+ print STDOUT "Disabling MSP statistics file($file).\n";
+ unlink $file;
+ };
+ };
+ };