Important: * qualify /usr/lib/sm.bin/sendmail with version number for coexistance > react=rvrs_name, ret=0, name=broadcast.localhost. FAIL: * compile with tls, posix thread, pmilter * scan include() and add as dependancies * Complete RunAsUser setup for MTA * udpate_mc: update stats file and RunAsUser accordingly Misc: * MSP/MTA split related - -Am -bs failure if not root (can't write to /var/spool/mqueue) would have to make queue dir 0660 * Don't do that ;-) - queue cleaning for MSP -- do queue cleaning by subdirs * 8.12 related ? - recheck milter (Beta9+, its no longer _FFR_) - debian/examples/milter needs looking at * Debian stuff - removing /etc/cron.d/sendmail to stop gid mismatch errors doesn't work because cron may not see the update before scheduling... shipping binary suid may solve this (and removes a small window where calls to sendmail binary fail) - why doesn't a failure in lower make propogate up? - update debian/patches/patches.index - create an LDAP migration script - cleanup/extend sendmailconfig (debconf) - support updates (nullclient, etc) - put stuff in appropriately above/below MAILER_DEFINITIONS - sendmail -> mgetty/fax linkage - sensible-mda: make sure mbox exists, setgid mail, drop suid Doc: FHS: * /usr/lib/sendmail (obsolete link used by rmail/pine/others) IRC comments: * cowboy: I use a LUSER_RELAY here, which sends everything to another machine. That other machine uses a different maildomain, so I would like the luserrelay to rewrite the from-address when relaying wichert: does genericstable work with the relay? cowboy: that probably, but that will rewrite _all_ outgoing mail wichert: so you want it rewritten *only* when going through the relay? cowboy: indeed. And only for the receiving persons wichert: hrm... I guess a new mailer def for the relay eh? cowboy: probably, FEATUER(luser_relay,host,rewrite_to) or so, with the 3rd param being optional wichert: hrm... so you using aliases now? cowboy: no, people who do a group-reply to something I sent just get errors now wichert: interesting... have you considered masquerading as your luser_relay, and then using generictable/user db to override for the uids that actually exist? cowboy: sounds like a hack and certainly does not scale very well wichert: most definetly true ;-{ * cowboy: another thing: you might want to make a /usr/doc/sendmail/README.spam or so with info about all spam/relay-control hacks/features that are in the Debian package, with a couple of examples