#!/usr/bin/perl -w use IO::Socket; use strict; my %check=( 'whois.io' => 'whois.io', 'whois.nic.cx' => 'nic.cx', 'whois.nic.gi' => 'nic.gi', 'whois.nic.ly' => 'nic.ly', 'whois.nic.pw' => 'nic.pw', 'whois.nic.so' => 'nic.so', 'whois.nic.st' => 'nic.st', 'whois.uprr.pr' => 'uprr.pr', 'whois.nplus.gf' => 'nplus.gf', 'rwhois.reacciun.ve' => 'reacciun.ve', 'whois.adamsnames.tc' => 'adamsnames.vg', 'whois.idnic.net.id' => 'idnic.net.id', 'whois.ncst.ernet.in' => 'ncst.ernet.in', ); my @ripetest=('-V wC2.0', '-V2.0Md', '-VMd4.4'); my %ripeserv=qw( whois.ripe.net dfn.de whois.aunic.net connect.com.au whois.connect.com.au connect.com.au whois.ra.net AS1 whois.apnic.net whois.nic.it nic.it whois.ans.net AS1 whois.ripn.net demos.su whois.nic.fr nic.fr whois.nic.net.sg nic.net.sg whois.metu.edu.tr metu.edu.tr ); open(LIST, 'tld_serv_list'); while () { chomp; next if /^#/; my ($tld, $serv, $junk)=split; next unless ($tld =~/\.[a-z]{2}$/); # skip non-cctld # I'm sure these won't move without notifying... next if ($serv =~ /(?:isi\.edu|internic.net)/); if ($serv eq 'whois.ripe.net') { $tld =~ s/^\.//; print ">>>>>>>>>Querying $serv ($tld) for $tld<<<<<<<<<<\n"; print whois("-i domain $tld", $serv); # untested print "\n"; next; } my $q; if ($serv =~ /$tld$/) { $q = $serv; $q =~ s/.*\.([-a-z0-9]+?\...)$/$1/; # we know a real domain } else { $q = "nic$tld"; # make a random domain and try anyway } $tld =~ s/^\.//; print ">>>>>>>>>Querying $serv ($tld) for $q<<<<<<<<<<\n"; print whois($q, $serv); print "\n"; } close LIST; print "#" x 78 . "\n"; foreach (keys %check) { print ">>>>>>>>>Querying $_ for $check{$_}<<<<<<<<<<\n"; print whois($check{$_}, $_); print "\n"; } exit 0; print "#" x 78 . "\n"; foreach my $s (keys %ripeserv) { foreach (@ripetest) { my $q = "$_ $ripeserv{$s}"; print ">>>>>>>>>Querying $s for $q<<<<<<<<<<\n"; print whois($q, $s); print "\n"; } } exit 0; sub whois { my ($query, $serv, $port) = @_; my (@result, $remote); eval { local $^W=0; $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Timeout => 15, PeerAddr => $serv, PeerPort => $port || 43 ); }; if (defined $remote and ($@ eq '')) { print $remote "$query\r\n"; @result = <$remote>; close $remote; } elsif ($@ ne '') { @result = ("FATAL: $@"); } else { # FIXME should disconnect from rwhois servers or the connection will hang # until the timeout of the server @result = ("$!\n"); } return @result; }