# NIC? means I have not been able to find the registry # NIC-FR means the TLD is managed by AFNIC, but I could not find any info # UPR means the TLD is managed by UPR, but I could not find any info # .br.com whois.centralnic.net .cn.com whois.centralnic.net .eu.com whois.centralnic.net .gb.com whois.centralnic.net .gb.net whois.centralnic.net .hu.com whois.centralnic.net .no.com whois.centralnic.net .qc.com whois.centralnic.net .sa.com whois.centralnic.net .se.com whois.centralnic.net .se.net whois.centralnic.net .uk.com whois.centralnic.net .uk.net whois.centralnic.net .us.com whois.centralnic.net .uy.com whois.centralnic.net .za.com whois.centralnic.net .eu.org whois.eu.org .com CRSNIC .net CRSNIC .org CRSNIC .edu whois.educause.net .gov whois.nic.gov .int whois.icann.org .mil whois.nic.mil .aero WEB http://www.nic.aero/whois.php .biz whois.nic.biz .coop whois.nic.coop .info whois.afilias.info .museum whois.museum .name whois.nic.name # not yet delegated, I hope they will not screw up the hostname .pro whois.nic.pro .ac whois.nic.ac .ad NONE # www.nic.ad .ae WEB http://www.uaenic.ae/ .af NONE # was whois.nic.af .ag whois.nic.ag .ai NONE # http://www.offshore.com.ai/domain_names/ .al NONE # http://www.inima.al/Domains.html .am whois.amnic.net # down? .am WEB https://www.amnic.net/whois/ .an NONE # http://www.una.net/an_domreg/ .ao NONE # www.dns.ao .aq NONE # 2day.com .ar WEB http://www.nic.ar/consultas/consdom.htm .as whois.nic.as .at whois.aco.net .net.au whois.connect.com.au .au whois.aunic.net #.aw # NIC? www.setarnet.aw .az NONE # www.nic.az .ba NONE # http://www.utic.net.ba/domen/ .bb WEB http://domains.org.bb/regsearch/ .bd NONE # NIC? .be whois.dns.be .bf NONE # http://www.onatel.bf/domaine.htm .bg whois.ripe.net #.bh NONE # NIC? www.inet.com.bh .bi WEB http://www.nic.bi/cgi-bin/whoisbi.pl #.bj # NIC? www.opt.bj .bm WEB http://www.bermudanic.bm/cgi-bin/BermudaNIC/rwhois_query.pl # rwhois.bermudanic.bm:4321 #.bn NONE # NIC? www.brunet.bn .bo NONE # www.nic.bo .br whois.nic.br .bs WEB http://www.nic.bs/cgi-bin/search.pl .bt whois.nic.tm .bv NONE # http://www.uninett.no/navn/bv-sj.html #.bw # NIC? www.botsnet.bw btc.bw .by WEB http://www.tld.by/indexeng.html .bz whois.belizenic.bz .ca whois.cira.ca .cc whois.nic.cc .cd whois.nic.cd .cf WEB http://www.nic.cf/whois.php3 .cg WEB http://www.nic.cg/cgi-bin/whoiscg.pl .ch whois.nic.ch .ci www.nic.ci .ck whois.nic.ck .cl whois.nic.cl .cm NONE # http://info.intelcam.cm .ac.cn whois.cnc.ac.cn .edu.cn whois.edu.cn .cn whois.cnnic.net.cn .uk.co whois.uk.co .co WEB http://daimon.uniandes.edu.co:8890/dominio/plsql/PConsulta.ConsultarDominio .cr WEB http://www.nic.cr/consulta-dns.html .cu WEB http://www.nic.cu/consultas/consult.html #.cv # NIC? dns.cv? .cx whois.nic.cx .cy NONE # www.nic.cy .cz whois.nic.cz .de whois.denic.de .dj NONE # www.nic.dj (NOT YET) .dk whois.dk-hostmaster.dk .dm NONE # www.domains.dm ? .do WEB http://www.nic.do .dz NONE .ec WEB http://www.nic.ec .ee whois.eenet.ee .eg NONE # http://www.ise.org.eg/domain.htm #.eh .er NONE # NO NIC http://www.afridns.org/er/ .es WEB http://www.nic.es/whois/ #.et NONE # NIC? www.telecom.net.et .fi WEB http://cgi.ficora.fi/wwwbin/domains.pl?language=eng .fj whois.usp.ac.fj .fk NONE # http://www.fidc.org.fk/domain-registration/home.htm .fm WEB http://www.nic.fm/register.html .fo whois.ripe.net # www.nic.fo .fr whois.nic.fr #.fx #.ga # NIC? www.inet.ga .gb NONE #.gd # NO NIC (UPR) .ge WEB http://www.nic.net.ge .gf whois.nplus.gf .gg whois.channelisles.net .gh NONE # http://www.ghana.com/domreg.html .gi NONE # http://www.gibnet.gi/nic/ .gl whois.ripe.net .gm whois.ripe.net # www.nic.gm .gn NONE # http://www.psg.com/dns/gn/ #.gp # www.nic.gp - broken like mq #.gq # NO NIC http://www.intnet.gq .gr WEB https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/english/index.html .gs whois.adamsnames.tc .gt WEB http://www.gt/whois.htm .gu WEB http://gadao.gov.gu/Scripts/wwsquery/wwsquery.dll?hois=guamquery #.gw # no NIC? #.gy # NIC? (UPR) .hk WEB http://web.hkdnr.net.hk/hkdnr/ .hm whois.registry.hm .hn NONE # www.nic.hn .hr WEB http://www.dns.hr/pretrazivanje.html #.ht # NIC? http://www.haitiworld.com/ .hu whois.nic.hu .id whois.idnic.net.id .ie whois.domainregistry.ie .il whois.isoc.org.il .im WEB http://www.nic.im/exist.html #broken .in whois.ncst.ernet.in .in WEB http://domain.ncst.ernet.in/search.php .io WEB http://www.io.io/whois.html #.iq # NIC? .ir whois.nic.ir .is whois.isnet.is .it whois.nic.it .je whois.channelisles.net #.jm # NIC? uwimona.edu.jm http://nic.jm .jo WEB http://amon.nic.gov.jo/dns/ .jp whois.nic.ad.jp .ke NONE # http://www.nbnet.co.ke/domain.htm .kg whois.domain.kg .kh NONE # http://www.mptc.gov.kh/Reculation/DNS.htm #.ki # NIC? www.tsk.net.ki .km NONE # NO NIC #.kn # NO NIC (UPR) #.kp .kr whois.krnic.net .kw WEB http://www.domainname.net.kw .ky NONE # www.nic.ky .kz whois.domain.kz .la whois.nic.la .lb WEB http://www.aub.edu.lb/lbdr/search.html .lc NONE # http://www.isisworld.lc/domains/ .li whois.nic.li .lk whois.nic.lk .lr NONE # http://www.psg.com/dns/lr/ .ls NONE .lt whois.ripe.net .lu whois.restena.lu .lv whois.ripe.net .ly WEB http://www.lydomains.com/whois.asp #.ma # NIC? http://www.anrt.net.ma/ .mc whois.ripe.net .md WEB http://www.nic.md/search.html .mg NONE # www.nic.mg .mh NONE # www.nic.net.mh #.mk # NIC? http://www.mpt.com.mk #.ml # NIC? www.sotelma.ml .mm whois.nic.mm .mn WEB http://whois.nic.mn .mo WEB http://www.monic.net.mo # whois.umac.mo .mp NONE # www.marketplace.mp #.mq # www.nic.mq broken like gp .mr NONE # http://www.univ-nkc.mr/nic_mr.html .ms whois.adamsnames.tc .mt WEB http://www.um.edu.mt/nic/dir/ .mu WEB http://www.nic.mu/cgi-bin/mu_whois.cgi #.mv # NIC? dhiraagu.com.mv .mw WEB http://www.tarsus.net/whois/ .mx whois.nic.mx .my WEB http://www.mynic.net.my/newhp/mynic-lookup.htm #.mz # NIC? www.uem.mz .na WEB http://www.lisse.na/cgi-bin/whois.cgi .nc whois.cctld.nc #.ne # NIC? http://www.intnet.ne .nf NONE # http://www.names.nf .ng whois.rg.net .ni NONE # www.nic.ni .nl whois.domain-registry.nl .no whois.norid.no .np WEB http://www.mos.com.np/domsearch.html #.nr # NIC? www.cenpan.net.nr .nu whois.nic.nu .nz whois.domainz.net.nz #.om NONE # NIC? http://www.gto.net.om .pa WEB http://www.nic.pa .pe whois.nic.pe #.pf # NIC? mana.pf .pg NONE # http://www.unitech.ac.pg/Unitech_General/ITS/ITS_Dns.htm .ph WEB http://www.names.ph/search.html .pk WEB www.pknic.net.pk .pl whois.dns.pl .pm whois.nic.fr .pn NONE # 2day.com www.nic.pn .pr NONE # http://www.uprr.pr/main.html .ps WEB http://www.nic.ps/whois/ .pt NONE # www.dns.pt .pw whois.nic.pw .py WEB http://www.nic.py/consultas/ .qa NONE # http://www.qatar.net.qa/services/virtual.htm .re whois.nic.fr .ro whois.rotld.ro .ru whois.ripn.net .rw WEB http://www.nic.rw/cgi-bin/whoisrw.pl .sa WEB http://www.saudinic.net.sa/domain/whois.htm .sb WEB http://www.sbnic.net.sb/search.html .sc NONE # www.nic.sc #.sd # NIC? http://www.sudatel.sd .se whois.nic-se.se .sg whois.nic.net.sg .sh whois.nic.sh .si whois.arnes.si .sj NONE # http://www.uninett.no/navn/bv-sj.html .sk whois.ripe.net #.sl # NIC? http://www.sierratel.sl/ .sm whois.ripe.net .sn NONE # www.nic.sn .so NONE # www.nic.so - no country, no NIC .sr whois.register.sr .st whois.nic.st .su whois.ripn.net .sv WEB http://www.uca.edu.sv/dns/ # http://www.svnet.org.sv/ #.sy # NIC? (usually offline?) .sz NONE # http://www.iafrica.sz/domreg/ .tc whois.adamsnames.tc #.td # NIC? http://www.tit.td .tf whois.adamsnames.tc .tg WEB http://www.nic.tg .th whois.thnic.net .tj whois.nic.tj .tk whois.dot.tk .tm whois.nic.tm .tn NONE # http://www.ati.tn/Nic/ .to whois.tonic.to .tp NONE # www.nic.tp .tr whois.metu.edu.tr .tt WEB http://www.nic.tt/cgi-bin/search.pl .tv whois.tv .tw whois.twnic.net .tz NONE # http://www.psg.com/dns/tz/ .ua whois.com.ua .ug www.registry.co.ug .gov.uk whois.ja.net .ac.uk whois.ja.net .uk whois.nic.uk .um NONE # see .us .fed.us whois.nic.gov .us whois.nic.us .com.uy WEB http://dns.antel.net.uy/clientes/consultar.htm .uy WEB http://www.rau.edu.uy/rau/dom/reg.htm #.uz # www.noc.uz (broken) .va whois.ripe.net .vc whois.opensrs.net .ve WEB http://www.nic.ve/nicwho01.html # rwhois.reacciun.ve:4321 .vg whois.adamsnames.tc .vi WEB .vn WEB http://www.vnnic.net.vn/english/reg_domain/ .vu WEB http://www.vunic.vu/whois #.wf # NIC-FR! .ws whois.samoanic.ws #.ye # NIC? www.y.net.ye #.yt # NIC-FR! .yu NONE # www.nic.yu .ac.za whois.ac.za #.bourse.za whois.bourse.za # broken .co.za WEB http://whois.co.za/ .net.za whois.net.za .org.za WEB http://www.org.za/ # rwhois.org.za:4321 .za NONE # http://www2.frd.ac.za/uninet/zadomains.html .zm NONE # http://www.zamnet.zm/domain.shtml #.zw # NIC? zptc.co.zw http://www.zispa.co.zw/ -au-dom whois.aunic.net -dom whois.networksolutions.com -org whois.networksolutions.com -hst whois.networksolutions.com -arin whois.arin.net -ripe whois.ripe.net -mnt whois.ripe.net -lacnic whois.lacnic.net -gandi whois.gandi.net -ap whois.apnic.net -au whois.aunic.net -cn whois.cnnic.net.cn -dk whois.dk-hostmaster.dk -ti whois.telstra.net -is whois.isnet.is -6bone whois.6bone.net -norid whois.norid.no -ripn whois.ripn.net -sgnic whois.nic.net.sg -metu whois.metu.edu.tr -cknic whois.nic.ck -cz whois.nic.cz -kg whois.domain.kg -rotld whois.rotld.ro -itnic whois.nic.it -frnic whois.nic.fr -nicat whois.nic.at -il whois.isoc.org.il -lrms whois.afilias.net -tw whois.twnic.net -nicir whois.nic.ir