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authorDaniel Burrows <>2009-07-07 08:21:18 -0700
committerDaniel Burrows <>2009-07-07 08:21:18 -0700
commit712a35af0233c003289f515878fe8f9276aa2c0b (patch)
parentadc26f8a81a4af4e30b25fa5b09ec1f7a694dc7f (diff)
Fix the sanity-check stuff to account for recent changes to the resolver code.
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/generic/problemresolver/problemresolver.h b/src/generic/problemresolver/problemresolver.h
index 9d860ba3..dc95537b 100644
--- a/src/generic/problemresolver/problemresolver.h
+++ b/src/generic/problemresolver/problemresolver.h
@@ -1304,6 +1304,64 @@ private:
+ class sanity_check_solver_promotions
+ {
+ const dep &d;
+ const step &s;
+ const generic_problem_resolver &resolver;
+ public:
+ sanity_check_solver_promotions(const dep &_d,
+ const step &_s,
+ const generic_problem_resolver &_resolver)
+ : d(_d), s(_s), resolver(_resolver)
+ {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const std::pair<choice, typename step::solver_information> &p) const
+ {
+ const choice &solver(p.first);
+ const typename step::solver_information &solver_inf(p.second);
+ // Verify that the deps-solved-by-choice list maps to this
+ // dep.
+ imm::list<dep> found_solved_deps;
+ if(!s.deps_solved_by_choice.try_get(solver, found_solved_deps) ||
+ std::find(found_solved_deps.begin(), found_solved_deps.end(), d) == found_solved_deps.end())
+ LOG_ERROR(resolver.logger, "In step " << s.step_num << ": no backlink from the choice "
+ << solver << " to the dependency " << d << "; backlinks are " << found_solved_deps << ".");
+ boost::unordered_map<choice, promotion> incipient;
+ resolver.promotions.find_highest_incipient_promotions_containing(s.actions,
+ solver,
+ s.deps_solved_by_choice,
+ discards_blessed(s.is_blessed_solution),
+ incipient);
+ typename boost::unordered_map<choice, promotion>::const_iterator
+ found_incipient = incipient.find(solver);
+ if(found_incipient != incipient.end() &&
+ solver_inf.get_tier() < found_incipient->second.get_tier())
+ LOG_ERROR(resolver.logger, "In step " << s.step_num
+ << ": incipient promotion " << found_incipient->second
+ << " was never applied to " << solver << ".");
+ choice_set test_set(s.actions);
+ test_set.insert_or_narrow(solver);
+ typename promotion_set::const_iterator found_promotion =
+ resolver.promotions.find_highest_promotion_containing(test_set, solver);
+ if(found_promotion != resolver.promotions.end() &&
+ solver_inf.get_tier() < found_promotion->get_tier())
+ LOG_ERROR(resolver.logger, "In step " << s.step_num
+ << ": the incipient promotion " << *found_promotion
+ << " was not detected as incipient for " << solver);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
void sanity_check_promotions(const step &s)
@@ -1331,57 +1389,14 @@ private:
<< *found_promotion << " was not applied.");
- typedef generic_solver_information<PackageUniverse> solver_information;
typedef generic_dep_solvers<PackageUniverse> dep_solvers;
- for(typename imm::map<dep, boost::flyweight<dep_solvers> >::const_iterator it =
+ for(typename imm::map<dep, typename step::flyweight_dep_solvers>::const_iterator it =
s.unresolved_deps.begin(); it != s.unresolved_deps.end(); ++it)
const dep &d(it->first);
- imm::map<choice, solver_information, compare_choices_by_effects>
- solvers = it->second.get_solvers();
- for(typename imm::map<choice, solver_information, compare_choices_by_effects>::const_iterator
- it = solvers.begin(); it != solvers.end(); ++it)
- {
- const choice &solver(it->first);
- const solver_information &solver_inf(it->second);
- // Verify that the deps-solved-by-choice list maps to this
- // dep.
- imm::list<dep> found_solved_deps;
- if(!s.deps_solved_by_choice.try_get(solver, found_solved_deps) ||
- std::find(found_solved_deps.begin(), found_solved_deps.end(), d) == found_solved_deps.end())
- LOG_ERROR(logger, "In step " << s.step_num << ": no backlink from the choice "
- << solver << " to the dependency " << d << "; backlinks are " << found_solved_deps << ".");
- boost::unordered_map<choice, promotion> incipient;
- promotions.find_highest_incipient_promotions_containing(s.actions,
- solver,
- s.deps_solved_by_choice,
- discards_blessed(s.is_blessed_solution),
- incipient);
- typename boost::unordered_map<choice, promotion>::const_iterator
- found_incipient = incipient.find(solver);
- if(found_incipient != incipient.end() &&
- solver_inf.get_tier() < found_incipient->second.get_tier())
- LOG_ERROR(logger, "In step " << s.step_num
- << ": incipient promotion " << found_incipient->second
- << " was never applied to " << solver << ".");
- choice_set test_set(s.actions);
- test_set.insert_or_narrow(solver);
- typename promotion_set::const_iterator found_promotion =
- promotions.find_highest_promotion_containing(test_set, solver);
- if(found_promotion != promotions.end() &&
- solver_inf.get_tier() < found_promotion->get_tier())
- LOG_ERROR(logger, "In step " << s.step_num
- << ": the incipient promotion " << *found_promotion
- << " was not detected as incipient for " << solver);
- }
+ it->second.get().for_each_solver(sanity_check_solver_promotions(d, s, *this));