path: root/src/mine/board.h
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authorDaniel Burrows <>2005-10-01 23:40:49 +0000
committerDaniel Burrows <>2005-10-01 23:40:49 +0000
commitdb949f313eb10b747a875067623b89c47ee2b81d (patch)
tree95891553696a84cc382aa9a92bacdc88950361e1 /src/mine/board.h
parente5434a5aaf63b1602c81606824b94f0368e4aaa0 (diff)
[aptitude @ Import the Subversion repository into darcs.]
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mine/board.h')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mine/board.h b/src/mine/board.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8d9f0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mine/board.h
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+// board.h -*-c++-*-
+// Copyright 2000 Daniel Burrows
+// Contains the information and routines necessary to play a game of
+// minesweeper.
+#ifndef BOARD_H
+#define BOARD_H
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+class mine_board
+// A 'dumb' class that just contains information necessary to manipulate the
+// game board. Quick note: this doesn't contain any bounds-checking; the
+// caller should do that. (this isn't really the best way to do it but I
+// don't think it's a critical issue)
+ struct board_entry
+ // Making this a class would be total overkill. Just tracks information
+ // about a square. (note that the state /could/ be contained in a single
+ // char, using the same format as for the save files; I prefer decomposing
+ // it this way)
+ //
+ // (of course, structs and classes are really the same, and I gave it a
+ // default constructor..hmmm..)
+ {
+ bool contains_mine;
+ // True if the square contains a mine
+ bool flagged;
+ // True if it's been flagged by the player
+ bool uncovered;
+ // True if it's been uncovered by the player
+ int adjacent_mines;
+ // The number of mines in adjacent squares.
+ board_entry():
+ contains_mine(false), flagged(false), uncovered(false), adjacent_mines(0)
+ {}
+ };
+ enum game_state {playing, won, lost};
+ board_entry *board;
+ // The actual board. Access via get_entry() is a Good Idea; C++ doesn't
+ // handle dynamically allocated two-dimensional arrays in an automated
+ // fashion.
+ int width, height;
+ // The size of the board.
+ int covered_squares;
+ // The number of squares which are still covered.
+ int mines,flags;
+ // The number of mines and flags on the board.
+ // It would be obvious to store the number of unflagged mines instead of
+ // the number of flags, but that makes things more complicated, since
+ // updating the number of flags requires knowledge of how many mines there
+ // are (in particular, loading games is more difficult, not much but a
+ // little) -- besides which, this is just cleaner.
+ game_state state;
+ int minex, miney;
+ // If the player has lost, these are the coordinates of the mine that did
+ // him or her in.
+ time_t starttime;
+ // When the game started.
+ time_t endtime;
+ // How long it took for the game to end (if the game is over, of course)
+ void seed_square(int x, int y);
+ // Adds a mine to the given square, updating counters as needed. Used to
+ // generate the board.
+ board_entry &get_entry(int x, int y) {return board[x+width*y];}
+ void init_board(int _width, int _height, int _mines);
+ // Used by the constructors..shouldn't be called after the board is
+ // initialized (which is much of why it's private)
+ mine_board(int _width, int _height, int _mines)
+ {
+ init_board(_width, _height, _mines);
+ }
+ // Creates a new, random board with the given width, height, and number of
+ // mines
+ mine_board(int _width, int _height)
+ {
+ init_board(_width, _height, _width*_height/5);
+ // Use a density of 1 mine per 5 squares
+ }
+ mine_board():board(NULL), width(0), height(0), covered_squares(0), mines(0), flags(0), state(playing) {}
+ // Creates an empty board (used to load a game, but handling parse errors
+ // inside a constructor is a major pain) -- if this constructor is used, the
+ // load() method should be called before anything else is done.
+ bool load(std::istream &s);
+ // Loads a game from the given stream.
+ void print(std::ostream &o);
+ // Prints just the board to the given stream (without the save-game header)
+ void save(std::ostream &o)
+ {
+ o<<width<<" "<<height<<" "<<mines<<" "<<mines-flags<<" "<<get_duration()<<std::endl;
+ print(o);
+ }
+ // Player actions:
+ void uncover(int x, int y);
+ // Uncovers a given square
+ void sweep(int x, int y);
+ // Sweeps around a given square if it is uncovered and the number of adjacent
+ // flags equals the number of adjacent mines. (say that 5 times fast!)
+ bool flag(int x, int y);
+ // Adds a flag at the given square. Returns true if successful, false if
+ // it wasn't possible.
+ bool unflag(int x, int y);
+ // Removes a flag at the given square
+ bool toggle_flag(int x, int y)
+ {
+ if(state!=playing)
+ return false;
+ return get_entry(x, y).flagged?unflag(x, y):flag(x, y);
+ }
+ // Query functions:
+ int get_width() {return width;}
+ int get_height() {return height;}
+ game_state get_state() {return state;}
+ int get_minex() {assert(state==lost); return minex;}
+ int get_miney() {assert(state==lost); return miney;}
+ double get_duration()
+ {
+ if(state==playing)
+ return difftime(time(0), starttime);
+ else
+ return difftime(endtime, starttime);
+ }
+ int get_nummines() {return mines;}
+ int get_numflags() {return flags;}
+ const board_entry &get_square(int x, int y) {return board[x+y*width];}
+ // Like the internal get_entry(), but returns a const reference (to
+ // discourage evil people doing stuff they shouldn't (although it's still
+ // possible with casting))
+ ~mine_board() {delete[] board;}
+// Helper routines to create hardcoded difficulty levels
+inline mine_board *easy_game() {return new mine_board(8, 8, 10);}
+inline mine_board *intermediate_game() {return new mine_board(16, 16, 40);}
+inline mine_board *hard_game() {return new mine_board(16, 30, 100);}