path: root/tools/resolver-visualize
diff options
authorDaniel Burrows <>2009-03-21 08:42:47 -0700
committerDaniel Burrows <>2009-03-21 08:42:47 -0700
commit4d6973ebe27bebb2c9071d29c4ab0508a3ae16f7 (patch)
tree8476f4004d545d12e6d14304df95f58fbac5eba8 /tools/resolver-visualize
parentcb145a029546f5317a0b5b3c9a924b2e651f2f98 (diff)
Fix the logic that decides when to update the progress bar.
Before, we were updating it on every line. With this change, log files are still slow to load, but they load in a somewhat reasonable amount of time.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/resolver-visualize')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/tools/resolver-visualize/Main.hs b/tools/resolver-visualize/Main.hs
index 07082791..23f6ab79 100755
--- a/tools/resolver-visualize/Main.hs
+++ b/tools/resolver-visualize/Main.hs
@@ -291,19 +291,19 @@ load fn = do loadedFile <- liftIO $ do (xml, win) <- loadLoadingProgressXML
labelSetText title ("Loading " ++ fn ++ "...")
widgetShow win
h <- openFile fn ReadMode
- currTime <- getClockTime
- lastTime <- newIORef currTime
+ lastTime <- newIORef Nothing
log <- loadLogFile h fn (showProgress progressBar lastTime)
return log
(xml, ctx) <- newMainWindow
liftIO $ runVis (setLog loadedFile) ctx
liftIO $ xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "main_window" >>= widgetShow
return ()
- where showProgress :: ProgressBar -> IORef ClockTime -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
+ where showProgress :: ProgressBar -> IORef (Maybe ClockTime) -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
showProgress pb lastTime cur max =
do oldf <- progressBarGetFraction pb
currTime <- getClockTime
last <- readIORef lastTime
+ writeIORef lastTime (Just currTime)
let updateInterval = TimeDiff { tdYear = 0,
tdMonth = 0,
tdDay = 0,
@@ -313,7 +313,9 @@ load fn = do loadedFile <- liftIO $ do (xml, win) <- loadLoadingProgressXML
tdPicosec = milliToPicoseconds 100 }
newf = if max == 0 then 0 else ((fromInteger cur) / (fromInteger max))
bigUpdate = oldf - newf >= 0.01
- longUpdate = diffClockTimes currTime last >= updateInterval
+ longUpdate = case last of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just time -> diffClockTimes currTime time >= updateInterval
shouldUpdate = bigUpdate || longUpdate
when shouldUpdate (do progressBarSetFraction pb newf
mainContextIteration mainContextDefault False