path: root/man/man3
diff options
authorNathan Scott <>2002-03-11 23:42:35 +0000
committerNathan Scott <>2002-03-11 23:42:35 +0000
commit84233d472fbea2750199c9785a3b28a079551905 (patch)
tree57b9f873ecab86d2ea58d1f06a562d2ed5ae3b9e /man/man3
parent659175e0055fff18ebf5505ab1963dd00b8316a8 (diff)
man page and test script updates from Andreas. fix syscall numbering
a/ on sparc (fremovexattr was wrong) and b/ if arch doesn't have numbers defined yet, handle it cleanly (errno.h missing).
Diffstat (limited to 'man/man3')
6 files changed, 292 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/man/man3/Makefile b/man/man3/Makefile
index 029c2c4..32a0030 100644
--- a/man/man3/Makefile
+++ b/man/man3/Makefile
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ MAN_SECTION = 3
MAN_PAGES = $(shell echo *.$(MAN_SECTION))
+LDIRT = $( $(MAN_PAGES:%=%.html)
default install : $(MAN_PAGES)
@@ -47,3 +48,13 @@ install-dev : default
$(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(MAN_DEST)
+html : $(MAN_PAGES:%=%.html)
+ps : $(
+ groff -man -T ps $< > $@
+%.$(MAN_SECTION).html : %.$(MAN_SECTION)
+ groff -man -T html $< > $@
diff --git a/man/man3/attr_get.3 b/man/man3/attr_get.3
index bff7c86..f573843 100644
--- a/man/man3/attr_get.3
+++ b/man/man3/attr_get.3
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ attr_get, attr_getf \- get the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
.B #include <attr/attributes.h>
-.B "int attr_get (const char \(**path, const char \(**attrname, "
-.B " char \(**attrvalue, int \(**valuelength, int flags);"
+.B "int attr_get (const char **path, const char **attrname, "
+.B " char **attrvalue, int **valuelength, int flags);"
-.B "int attr_getf (int fd, const char \(**attrname, "
-.B " char \(**attrvalue, int \(**valuelength, int flags);"
+.B "int attr_getf (int fd, const char **attrname, "
+.B " char **attrvalue, int **valuelength, int flags);"
diff --git a/man/man3/attr_list.3 b/man/man3/attr_list.3
index e69de29..4037d28 100644
--- a/man/man3/attr_list.3
+++ b/man/man3/attr_list.3
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+attr_list, attr_listf \- list the names of the user attributes of a filesystem object
+.B #include <attr/attributes.h>
+.B "int attr_list (const char **path, char **buffer, "
+.B " const int buffersize, int flags,"
+.B " attrlist_cursor_t **cursor);"
+.B "int attr_listf (int fd, char **buffer, "
+.B " const int buffersize, int flags,"
+.B " attrlist_cursor_t **cursor);"
+.I attr_list
+.I attr_listf
+functions provide a way to list the existing attributes of a
+filesystem object.
+.I Path\^
+points to a path name for a filesystem object, and
+.I fd\^
+refers to the file descriptor associated with a file.
+.I buffer
+will be filled with a structure describing at least a portion of the
+attributes associated with the given filesystem object.
+.I Buffer
+will be overwritten with an \f4attrlist_t\fP structure
+containing a list of the attributes associated with
+that filesystem object, up to a maximum of
+.I buffersize
+.I buffer
+must be sufficiently large to hold the appropriate data structures
+plus at least one maximally sized attribute name,
+but cannot be more than ATTR_MAX_VALUELEN (currently 64KB) bytes in length.
+.Op c p a
+The contents of an \f4attrlist_t\fP structure include the following members:
+.RS 3
+.ft 4
+.ta 9n 22n
+__int32_t al_count; /** number of entries in attrlist **/
+__int32_t al_more; /** T/F: more attrs (do syscall again) **/
+__int32_t al_offset[1]; /** byte offsets of attrs [var-sized] **/
+.ft 1
+.I al_count
+field shows the number of attributes represented in this buffer,
+which is also the number of elements in the
+.I al_offset
+.I al_more
+field will be non-zero if another
+.I attr_list
+call would result in more attributes.
+.I al_offset
+array contains the byte offset within the
+.I buffer
+of the structure describing each of the attributes,
+an \f4attrlist_ent_t\fP structure.
+The \f4ATTR_ENTRY(buffer, index)\fP macro will help with decoding the list.
+It takes a pointer to the
+.I buffer
+and an
+.I index
+into the
+.I al_offset
+array and returns a pointer to the corresponding
+\f4attrlist_ent_t\fP structure.
+The contents of an \f4attrlist_ent_t\fP structure
+include the following members:
+.RS 3
+.ft 4
+.ta 9n 22n
+u_int32_t a_valuelen; /** number bytes in value of attr **/
+char a_name[]; /** attr name (NULL terminated) **/
+.ft 1
+.I a_valuelen
+field shows the size in bytes of the value
+associated with the attribute whose name is stored in the
+.I a_name
+The name is a NULL terminated string.
+Note that the value of the attribute cannot be obtained through
+this interface, the
+.I attr_get
+call should be used to get the value.
+.I attr_list
+interface tells the calling process how large of a buffer
+it must have in order to get the attribute\'s value.
+.I flags
+argument can contain the following symbols bitwise OR\'ed together:
+List the attributes that are in the
+.B root
+address space, not in the
+.B user
+address space.
+(limited to use by super-user only)
+Do not follow symbolic links when resolving a
+.I path
+on an
+.I attr_list
+function call.
+The default is to follow symbolic links.
+.I cursor
+argument is a pointer to an opaque data structure that the kernel uses
+to track the calling process\'s position in the attribute list.
+The only valid operations on a
+.I cursor
+are to pass it into an
+.I attr_list
+function call or to zero it out.
+It should be zero\'ed out before the first
+.I attr_list
+Note that multi-threaded applications may keep more than one
+.I cursor
+in order to serve multiple contexts, ie: the
+.I attr_list
+call is "thread-safe".
+.I attr_list
+will fail if one or more of the following are true:
+.TP 17
+The named file does not exist.
+The effective user
+does not match the owner of the file
+and the effective user
+is not super-user.
+A component of the
+path prefix
+is not a directory.
+Search permission is denied on a
+component of the
+path prefix.
+A bit was set in the
+.I flag
+argument that is not defined for this system call,
+or the buffer was too small or too large.
+.I Path
+.I buffer
+points outside the allocated address space of the process, or
+.I buffer
+.I bufsize
+are not 32bit aligned.
+A path name lookup involved too many symbolic links.
+The length of
+.I path
+or a pathname component is longer than
+.I attribute\^
+does not exist for this file.
+.I attr_listf\^
+will fail if:
+.TP 15
+A bit was set in the
+.I flag
+argument that is not defined for this system call, or
+.I fd\^
+refers to a socket, not a file,
+or the buffer was too small or too large.
+.I Path
+.I buffer
+points outside the allocated address space of the process, or
+.I buffer
+.I bufsize
+are not 32bit aligned.
+.I Fd\^
+does not refer to a valid descriptor.
+attr_get(3), attr_getf(3),
+attr_multi(3), attr_multif(3)
+attr_remove(3), attr_removef(3),
+attr_set(3), attr_set(3)
+Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned.
+Otherwise, a value of \-1 is returned and
+.I errno\^
+is set to indicate the error.
diff --git a/man/man3/attr_multi.3 b/man/man3/attr_multi.3
index 699d218..aaab0b2 100644
--- a/man/man3/attr_multi.3
+++ b/man/man3/attr_multi.3
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ attr_multi, attr_multif \- manipulate multiple user attributes on a filesystem o
.B #include <attr/attributes.h>
-.B "int attr_multi (const char \(**path, attr_multiop_t \(**oplist, "
+.B "int attr_multi (const char **path, attr_multiop_t **oplist, "
.B " int count, int flags);"
-.B "int attr_multif (int fd, attr_multiop_t \(**oplist, "
+.B "int attr_multif (int fd, attr_multiop_t **oplist, "
.B " int count, int flags);"
diff --git a/man/man3/attr_remove.3 b/man/man3/attr_remove.3
index 4360c5f..ccae1dd 100644
--- a/man/man3/attr_remove.3
+++ b/man/man3/attr_remove.3
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ attr_remove, attr_removef \- remove a user attribute of a filesystem object
.B #include <attr/attributes.h>
-.B "int attr_remove (const char \(**path, const char \(**attrname, int flags);"
+.B "int attr_remove (const char **path, const char **attrname, int flags);"
-.B "int attr_removef (int fd, const char \(**attrname, int flags);"
+.B "int attr_removef (int fd, const char **attrname, int flags);"
diff --git a/man/man3/attr_set.3 b/man/man3/attr_set.3
index 79b1e83..567ba74 100644
--- a/man/man3/attr_set.3
+++ b/man/man3/attr_set.3
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ attr_set, attr_setf \- set the value of a user attribute of a filesystem object
.B #include <attr/attributes.h>
-.B "int attr_set (const char \(**path, const char \(**attrname, "
-.B " const char \(**attrvalue, const int valuelength,"
+.B "int attr_set (const char **path, const char **attrname, "
+.B " const char **attrvalue, const int valuelength,"
.B " int flags);"
-.B "int attr_setf (int fd, const char \(**attrname, "
-.B " const char \(**attrvalue, const int valuelength,"
+.B "int attr_setf (int fd, const char **attrname, "
+.B " const char **attrvalue, const int valuelength,"
.B " int flags);"