diff options
authorNiels Thykier <>2018-01-02 14:08:08 +0000
committerNiels Thykier <>2018-01-02 14:08:08 +0000
commit486dc1195346ed6aa35dae7e3ef35b4c4d37b7ee (patch)
parent33788cb6ce471f5ee4b02444414a20163e428a25 (diff)
dh: Isolate some (now) "compat 9"-only code
Signed-off-by: Niels Thykier <>
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/dh b/dh
index 537d5e72..0945d175 100755
--- a/dh
+++ b/dh
@@ -696,52 +696,37 @@ my ($rules_targets, $full_sequence) = optimize_sequence(\%sequences,
-# Lazy cache of the result of optimize_sequence on the "build"
-# sequence
-my $optimized_build_seq;
-foreach my $package (@packages) {
- my @log;
- if (compat(9)) {
- @log = load_log($package, \%logged);
- } elsif (exists($stamp_file{$package})) {
- if (not defined($optimized_build_seq)) {
- # Expand "build" so we can accurately filter out
- # everything (admittedly, it is bit of an over
- # approximation)
- # Related bug: #851071
- my (undef, $seq) = optimize_sequence(\%sequences, 'build', 1);
- $optimized_build_seq = $seq;
+if (compat(9)) {
+ foreach my $package (@packages) {
+ my @log = load_log($package, \%logged);
+ if ($dh{AFTER}) {
+ # Run commands in the sequence that come after the
+ # specified command.
+ $startpoint{$package} = command_pos($dh{AFTER}, @{$full_sequence}) + 1;
+ # Write a dummy log entry indicating that the specified
+ # command was, in fact, run. This handles the case where
+ # no commands remain to run after it, communicating to
+ # future dh instances that the specified command should not
+ # be run again.
+ write_log($full_sequence->[$startpoint{$package} - 1], $package);
- @log = @{$optimized_build_seq};
- # We do not need %logged in compat 10
- }
- if ($dh{AFTER}) {
- # Run commands in the sequence that come after the
- # specified command.
- $startpoint{$package} = command_pos($dh{AFTER}, @{$full_sequence}) + 1;
- # Write a dummy log entry indicating that the specified
- # command was, in fact, run. This handles the case where
- # no commands remain to run after it, communicating to
- # future dh instances that the specified command should not
- # be run again.
- write_log($full_sequence->[$startpoint{$package}-1], $package);
- }
- elsif ($dh{REMAINING}) {
- # Start at the beginning so all remaining commands will get
- # run.
- $startpoint{$package}=0;
- }
- else {
- # Find the last logged command that is in the sequence, and
- # continue with the next command after it. If no logged
- # command is in the sequence, we're starting at the beginning..
- $startpoint{$package}=0;
-COMMAND: foreach my $command (reverse @log) {
- foreach my $i (0..$#{$full_sequence}) {
- if ($command eq $full_sequence->[$i]) {
- $startpoint{$package}=$i+1;
- last COMMAND;
+ elsif ($dh{REMAINING}) {
+ # Start at the beginning so all remaining commands will get
+ # run.
+ $startpoint{$package} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Find the last logged command that is in the sequence, and
+ # continue with the next command after it. If no logged
+ # command is in the sequence, we're starting at the beginning..
+ $startpoint{$package} = 0;
+ foreach my $command (reverse @log) {
+ foreach my $i (0 .. $#{$full_sequence}) {
+ if ($command eq $full_sequence->[$i]) {
+ $startpoint{$package} = $i + 1;
+ last COMMAND;
+ }