path: root/lib
diff options
authorIan Jackson <>1996-06-10 03:52:01 +0100
committerIan Jackson <>1996-06-10 03:52:01 +0100
commitf48836f8589e17fabed7bddcc402422b394e1820 (patch)
tree97a07c455310ae49790947bc0eef39205fbfada7 /lib
parentd240358e13aef925147156a6a9687195554a9376 (diff)
dpkg (1.2.4); priority=MEDIUM
* New dpkg-name from Erick (<pkg>_<version>_<arch>.deb convention). * Disappeared packages can't own conffiles any more ! (Bug#3214.) * install-info creates Miscellaneous sections with a newline following the heading. (Bug#3218.) * cleanup-info script installed in /usr/sbin; called as appropriate by postinst. Thanks to Kim-Minh Kaplan. (Bug#3125.) * Allow superseded Essential packages to be purged after they've been removed (clear the Essential flag on removal, and ignore it on packages that are in stat_configfiles). * dselect disk methods understand `y' as well as `yes' for using development tree. * dselect doesn't make packages appear as `new' again if update of available packages fails. * dselect places method selection cursor over option last selected. * dpkg-scanpackages doesn't die when repeated packages are found. * dpkg-scanpackages allows many old maintainers (`//'-separated). * `Version' field is now mandatory (some operations already wouldn't work right anyway if it was't there). * update-rc.d(8) now says you must remove the script. (Bug#3215.) * dpkg --force-help says that --force-overwrite is on by default. * dpkg-deb manpage rewritten. * debian.README (= /usr/doc/copyright/dpkg) edited slightly. * Some database parsing grunge removed (pdb_preferversion, &c). * Source tree doc/sgml contains some embryonic manuals. * Leftover files in lib directory in source tree deleted. -- Ian Jackson <> Mon, 10 Jun 1996 03:52:01 +0100
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 49 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/lib/database.c b/lib/database.c
index 4f410488f..02c3c3cf9 100644
--- a/lib/database.c
+++ b/lib/database.c
@@ -145,11 +145,10 @@ int informative(struct pkginfo *pkg, struct pkginfoperfile *info) {
* out.
if (info == &pkg->installed &&
- ((pkg->want != want_unknown && pkg->want != want_purge) ||
+ (pkg->want != want_unknown ||
pkg->eflag != eflagv_ok ||
pkg->status != stat_notinstalled ||
- informativeversion(&pkg->configversion) ||
- pkg->files))
+ informativeversion(&pkg->configversion)))
/* We ignore Section and Priority, as these tend to hang around. */
return 1;
if (!info->valid) return 0;
diff --git a/lib/dbmodify.c b/lib/dbmodify.c
index 0fbbe9c57..54bb36a2a 100644
--- a/lib/dbmodify.c
+++ b/lib/dbmodify.c
@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ enum modstatdb_rw modstatdb_init(const char *adir, enum modstatdb_rw readwritere
if (cstatus != msdbrw_needsuperuserlockonly) {
parsedb(statusfile, pdb_weakclassification, 0,0,0);
- pdb_recordavailable|pdb_rejectstatus|
- (cflags & msdbrw_availablepreferversion ? pdb_preferversion : 0),
+ pdb_recordavailable|pdb_rejectstatus,
@@ -206,9 +205,7 @@ void modstatdb_shutdown(void) {
switch (cstatus) {
case msdbrw_write:
- if (!(cflags & msdbrw_availablepreferversion))
- writedb(availablefile,1,0);
+ writedb(availablefile,1,0);
/* tidy up a bit, but don't worry too much about failure */
strcpy(updatefnrest, IMPORTANTTMP); unlink(updatefnbuf);
diff --git a/lib/parse.c b/lib/parse.c
index 0d367f46c..e14db139f 100644
--- a/lib/parse.c
+++ b/lib/parse.c
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ int parsedb(const char *filename, enum parsedbflags flags,
&newpifp->description, "description");
parsemustfield(file,filename,lno, warnto,warncount,&newpig,1,
&newpifp->maintainer, "maintainer");
- parsemustfield(file,filename,lno, warnto,warncount,&newpig,1,
+ parsemustfield(file,filename,lno, warnto,warncount,&newpig,0,
&newpifp->version.version, "version");
if (flags & pdb_recordavailable)
@@ -222,51 +222,57 @@ int parsedb(const char *filename, enum parsedbflags flags,
+ /* There was a bug that could make a not-installed package have
+ * conffiles, so we check for them here and remove them (rather than
+ * calling it an error, which will do at some point -- fixme).
+ */
+ if (!(flags & pdb_recordavailable) &&
+ newpig.status == stat_notinstalled &&
+ newpifp->conffiles) {
+ parseerr(file,filename,lno, warnto,warncount,&newpig,1,
+ "Package which in state not-installed has conffiles, forgetting them");
+ newpifp->conffiles= 0;
+ }
pigp= findpackage(;
pifp= (flags & pdb_recordavailable) ? &pigp->available : &pigp->installed;
if (!pifp->valid) blankpackageperfile(pifp);
- if (!(flags & pdb_preferversion) ||
- versioncompare(&newpifp->version,&pifp->version) >= 0) {
- /* If we're ignoring older versions compare version numbers
- * and only process this entry if it's a higher version.
- */
- /* Copy the priority and section across, but don't overwrite existing
- * values if the pdb_weakclassification flag is set.
- */
- if (newpig.section && *newpig.section &&
- !((flags & pdb_weakclassification) && pigp->section && *pigp->section))
- pigp->section= newpig.section;
- if (newpig.priority != pri_unknown &&
- !((flags & pdb_weakclassification) && pigp->priority != pri_unknown)) {
- pigp->priority= newpig.priority;
- if (newpig.priority == pri_other) pigp->otherpriority= newpig.otherpriority;
- }
+ /* Copy the priority and section across, but don't overwrite existing
+ * values if the pdb_weakclassification flag is set.
+ */
+ if (newpig.section && *newpig.section &&
+ !((flags & pdb_weakclassification) && pigp->section && *pigp->section))
+ pigp->section= newpig.section;
+ if (newpig.priority != pri_unknown &&
+ !((flags & pdb_weakclassification) && pigp->priority != pri_unknown)) {
+ pigp->priority= newpig.priority;
+ if (newpig.priority == pri_other) pigp->otherpriority= newpig.otherpriority;
+ }
- /* Sort out the dependency mess. */
- copy_dependency_links(pigp,&pifp->depends,newpifp->depends,
- (flags & pdb_recordavailable) ? 1 : 0);
- /* Leave the `depended' pointer alone, we've just gone to such
- * trouble to get it right :-). The `depends' pointer in
- * pifp was indeed also updated by copy_dependency_links,
- * but since the value was that from newpifp anyway there's
- * no need to copy it back.
- */
- newpifp->depended= pifp->depended;
+ /* Sort out the dependency mess. */
+ copy_dependency_links(pigp,&pifp->depends,newpifp->depends,
+ (flags & pdb_recordavailable) ? 1 : 0);
+ /* Leave the `depended' pointer alone, we've just gone to such
+ * trouble to get it right :-). The `depends' pointer in
+ * pifp was indeed also updated by copy_dependency_links,
+ * but since the value was that from newpifp anyway there's
+ * no need to copy it back.
+ */
+ newpifp->depended= pifp->depended;
- /* Copy across data */
- memcpy(pifp,newpifp,sizeof(struct pkginfoperfile));
- if (!(flags & pdb_recordavailable)) {
- pigp->want= newpig.want;
- pigp->eflag= newpig.eflag;
- pigp->status= newpig.status;
- pigp->configversion= newpig.configversion;
- pigp->files= 0;
- } else {
- pigp->files= newpig.files;
- }
+ /* Copy across data */
+ memcpy(pifp,newpifp,sizeof(struct pkginfoperfile));
+ if (!(flags & pdb_recordavailable)) {
+ pigp->want= newpig.want;
+ pigp->eflag= newpig.eflag;
+ pigp->status= newpig.status;
+ pigp->configversion= newpig.configversion;
+ pigp->files= 0;
+ } else {
+ pigp->files= newpig.files;
if (donep) *donep= pigp;
if (c == EOF) break;