path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorIan Jackson <>1996-08-06 02:31:52 +0100
committerIan Jackson <>1996-08-06 02:31:52 +0100
commita9fe21f068524faa2e32a76c412a29371bba08da (patch)
treebe5a5f5e1811b6d9dea4e473d7c9c788a3a2c9db /scripts/
parentc496eb18f7cffdb660c341d4b4c1f62fb39d4426 (diff)
dpkg (1.3.0) experimental; urgency=LOW
* dpkg can install named pipes. * dpkg-deb supports directory for destination, generates filename. * dpkg-{source,gencontrol,genchanges,parsechangelog,buildpackage}, dpkg-distaddfile scripts to support new source package format. * a.out build no longer supported. * Changed to new source package format. -- Ian Jackson <> Tue, 6 Aug 1996 02:31:52 +0100
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f91cb479b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+$dpkglibdir= ".";
+$version= '1.3.0'; # This line modified by Makefile
+$controlfile= 'debian/control';
+$changelogfile= 'debian/changelog';
+$fileslistfile= 'debian/files';
+$varlistfile= 'debian/substvars';
+use POSIX;
+use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
+require '';
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR
+"Debian GNU/Linux dpkg-gencontrol $version. Copyright (C) 1996
+Ian Jackson. This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence
+version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
+Usage: dpkg-gencontrol [options ...]
+Options: -p<package> print control file for package
+ -c<controlfile> get control info from this file
+ -l<changelogfile> get per-version info from this file
+ -F<changelogformat> force change log format
+ -v<forceversion> set version of binary package
+ -f<fileslistfile> write files here instead of debian/files
+ -is include section field
+ -ip include priority field
+ -isp|-ips include both section and priority
+ -D<field>=<value> override or add a field and value
+ -U<field> remove a field
+ -V<name>=<value> set a substitution variable
+ -T<varlistfile> read variables here, not debian/substvars
+ qw(Package Version Section Priority Architecture Essential
+ Pre-Depends Depends Recommends Suggests Optional Conflicts Replaces
+ Provides Maintainer Source Description));
+while (@ARGV) {
+ $_=shift(@ARGV);
+ if (m/^-p([-+0-9a-z.]+)$/) {
+ $oppackage= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-c/) {
+ $controlfile= $';
+ } elsif (m/^-l/) {
+ $changelogfile= $';
+ } elsif (m/^-f/) {
+ $fileslistfile= $';
+ } elsif (m/^-v(.+)$/) {
+ $forceversion= $1;
+ } elsif (m/^-is$/) {
+ $spinclude{'Section'}=1;
+ } elsif (m/^-ip$/) {
+ $spinclude{'Priority'}=1;
+ } elsif (m/^-isp$/ || m/^-ips$/) {
+ $spinclude{'Section'}=1;
+ $spinclude{'Priority'}=1;
+ } elsif (m/^-F([0-9a-z]+)$/) {
+ $changelogformat=$1;
+ } elsif (m/^-D([^\=:]+)[=:]/) {
+ $override{$1}= $';
+ } elsif (m/^-U([^\=:]+)$/) {
+ $remove{$1}= 1;
+ } elsif (m/^-V(\w+)[=:]/) {
+ $substvar{$1}= $';
+ } elsif (m/^-T/) {
+ $varlistfile= $';
+ } elsif (m/^-h$/) {
+ &usageversion; exit(0);
+ } else {
+ &usageerr("unknown option \`$_'");
+ }
+$arch=`dpkg --print-architecture`;
+$? && &subprocerr("dpkg --print-architecture");
+$arch =~ s/\n$//;
+if (length($oppackage)) {
+ defined($p2i{"C $oppackage"}) || &error("package $oppackage not in control info");
+ $myindex= $p2i{"C $oppackage"};
+} else {
+ @packages= grep(m/^C /,keys %p2i);
+ @packages==1 ||
+ &error("must specify package since control info has many (@packages)");
+ $myindex=1;
+#print STDERR "myindex $myindex\n";
+for $_ (keys %fi) {
+ $v= $fi{$_};
+ if (s/^C //) {
+#print STDERR "G key >$_< value >$v<\n";
+ if (m/^Maintainer$/) { $f{$_}=$v; }
+ elsif (m/^Source$/) { &setsourcepackage; }
+ elsif (s/^X[CS]*B[CS]*-//i) { $f{$_}= $v; }
+ elsif (m/^X[CS]+-|^Standards-Version$/i) { }
+ elsif (m/^Section$|^Priority$/) { $spdefault{$_}= $v; }
+ else { &unknown('general section of control info file'); }
+ } elsif (s/^C$myindex //) {
+#print STDERR "P key >$_< value >$v<\n";
+ if (m/^(Package|Description|Essential|Pre-Depends|Depends)$/ ||
+ m/^(Recommends|Suggests|Optional|Conflicts|Provides|Replaces)$/) {
+ $f{$_}= $v;
+ } elsif (m/^Section$|^Priority$/) {
+ $spvalue{$_}= $v;
+ } elsif (m/^Architecture$/) {
+ if ($v eq 'all') {
+ $f{$_}= $v;
+ } elsif ($v eq 'any') {
+ $f{$_}= $arch;
+ } else {
+ @archlist= split(/\s+/,$v);
+ grep($arch eq $_, @archlist) ||
+ &error("current build architecture $arch does not".
+ " appear in package's list (@archlist)");
+ $f{$_}= $arch;
+ }
+ } elsif (s/^X[CS]*B[CS]*-//i) {
+ $f{$_}= $v;
+ } elsif (!m/^X[CS]+-/i) {
+ &unknown("package's section of control info file");
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^C\d+ /) {
+#print STDERR "X key >$_< value not shown<\n";
+ } elsif (s/^L //) {
+#print STDERR "L key >$_< value >$v<\n";
+ if (m/^Source$/) {
+ &setsourcepackage;
+ } elsif (m/^Version$/) {
+ $sourceversion= $v;
+ $f{$_}= $v unless length($forceversion);
+ } elsif (m/^(Maintainer|Changes|Urgency|Distribution|Date)$/) {
+ } elsif (s/^X[CS]*B[CS]*-//i) {
+ $f{$_}= $v;
+ } elsif (!m/^X[CS]+-/i) {
+ &unknown("parsed version of changelog");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &internerr("value from nowhere, with key >$_< and value >$v<");
+ }
+$f{'Version'}= $forceversion if length($forceversion);
+for $f (qw(Section Priority)) {
+ $spvalue{$f}= $spdefault{$f} unless length($spvalue{$f});
+ $f{$f}= $spvalue{$f} if $spinclude{$f} && length($spvalue{$f});
+for $f (qw(Package Version)) {
+ defined($f{$f}) || &error("missing information for output field $f");
+for $f (qw(Maintainer Description Architecture)) {
+ defined($f{$f}) || &warn("missing information for output field $f");
+$oppackage= $f{'Package'};
+$verdiff= $f{'Version'} ne $sourceversion;
+if ($oppackage ne $sourcepackage || $verdiff) {
+ $f{'Source'}= $sourcepackage;
+ $f{'Source'}.= " ($sourceversion)" if $verdiff;
+$fileslistfile="./$fileslistfile" if $fileslistfile =~ m/^\s/;
+open(Y,"> $") || &syserr("open new files list file");
+if (open(X,"< $fileslistfile")) {
+ while (<X>) {
+ s/\n$//;
+ next if m/^([-+0-9a-z.]+)_[^_]+_\w+\.deb / && $1 eq $oppackage;
+ print(Y "$_\n") || &syserr("copy old entry to new files list file");
+ }
+} elsif ($! != ENOENT) {
+ &syserr("read old files list file");
+print(Y &substvars(sprintf("%s_%s_%s.deb %s %s\n",
+ $oppackage,$f{'Version'},$f{'Architecture'},
+ &spfileslistvalue('Section'), &spfileslistvalue('Priority'))))
+ || &syserr("write new entry to new files list file");
+close(Y) || &syserr("close new files list file");
+rename("$",$fileslistfile) || &syserr("install new files list file");
+for $f (keys %override) { $f{&capit($f)}= $override{$f}; }
+for $f (keys %remove) { delete $f{&capit($f)}; }
+sub spfileslistvalue {
+ $r= $spvalue{$_[0]};
+ $r= '-' if !length($r);
+ return $r;