path: root/ipl/gprocs/barchart.icn
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authorIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
committerIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
commit6ab0c0f5bf14ed9c15370407b9ee7e0b4b089ae1 (patch)
tree926065cf45450116098db664e3c61dced9e1f21a /ipl/gprocs/barchart.icn
Initial upstream version 9.4.3upstream/9.4.3
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gprocs/barchart.icn')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gprocs/barchart.icn b/ipl/gprocs/barchart.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5522ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprocs/barchart.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# File: barchart.icn
+# Subject: Procedures for dynamically growing barchart
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# These procedures draw barcharts that can grow dynamically.
+# barchart(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b) creates a barchart.
+# setbar(bc, n, v) sets the value of a bar.
+# rebar(bc, sf) redraws a barchart with a new scaling factor.
+# barchart(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b) -- establish a barchart
+# win window
+# x,y position of base of first bar
+# dx,dy distance to base of second bar (either dx or dy should be
+# zero)
+# sf scaling (pixels per unit of value, + or -, need not be
+# integer)
+# n number of bars
+# l,w length (maximum) and width of one bar
+# b logarithmic base, if bars are to be scaled logarithmically
+# barchart() establishes structures for building a barchart. Any of the
+# eight possible orthogonal orientations can be selected depending on the
+# signs of dx, dy, and sf.
+# The absolute value of sf establishes a linear scaling from barchart
+# values to number of pixels. Scaling is handled such that a value of 1
+# makes the first mark on a bar and then each increment of sf lengthens
+# the bar by one pixel. If a bar would exceed the limit then the entire
+# chart is rescaled so that only half the range is then used.
+# setbar(bc, n, v) - set bar n of barchart bc to represent value v
+# It is assumed that v>0 and that bars never shrink; but they may grow.
+# rebar(bc, sf) - redraw barchart with new scaling factor sf.
+# sf is assumed to be of the same sign as the previous scaling factor.
+# Example:
+# Suppose "scores" is a list of scores ranging from 0 to 100.
+# This code fragment dynamically draws a histogram using 21 bins.
+# The call to barchart() specifies:
+# The lower left-hand corner of the barchart is (10, 190).
+# The next bar is 10 pixels to its right, which would be (20, 190).
+# The bars grow upward, to smaller y values, so the scaling factor
+# is negative; each score will grow its bar by 5 pixels.
+# Each bar grows to a maximum length of 180 pixels; the width is 8.
+# No base is given, so scaling is linear.
+# bc := barchart(win, 10, 190, 10, 0, -5, 21, 180, 8)
+# b := list(21, 0) # histogram bins
+# every n := !scores do {
+# i := n / 5 # bin (and bar) number
+# b[i] +:= 1 # increment bin count
+# setbar(bc, i, b[i]) # update display
+# }
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+record BC_rec(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b, len, val, round)
+procedure barchart(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b) #: draw barchart
+ local bc
+ bc := BC_rec(win, x, y, dx, dy, sf, n, l, w, b)
+ bc.len := list(n, 0)
+ bc.val := list(n)
+ if sf > 0 then
+ bc.round := 0.99999
+ else
+ bc.round := -0.99999
+ rebar(bc, sf) # clear area
+ return bc
+## setbar(bc, n, v) - set bar n of barchart bc to represent value v
+# It is assumed that v>0 and that bars never shrink; but they may grow.
+procedure setbar(bc, n, v) #: set bar value on barchart
+ local x, y, o, oldlen, newlen, incr
+ v := log(v, \bc.b)
+ oldlen := bc.len[n] | fail
+ newlen := integer(v * bc.sf + bc.round)
+ if abs(newlen) > bc.l then {
+ # need to rescale first
+ rebar(bc, 0.5 * bc.sf * real(bc.l) / real(abs(newlen-1)))
+ return setbar(bc, n, v)
+ }
+ # lengthen the bar
+ if (incr := newlen - oldlen) ~= 0 then {
+ if bc.dx ~= 0 then {
+ # horizontal baseline
+ x := bc.x + (n - 1) * bc.dx
+ y := bc.y + oldlen
+ if incr < 0 then
+ FillRectangle(, x, y + incr, bc.w, -incr)
+ else
+ FillRectangle(, x, y, bc.w, incr)
+ }
+ else {
+ # vertical baseline
+ x := bc.x + oldlen
+ y := bc.y + (n - 1) * bc.dy
+ if incr < 0 then
+ FillRectangle(, x + incr, y, -incr, bc.w)
+ else
+ FillRectangle(, x, y, incr, bc.w)
+ }
+ bc.len[n] := newlen
+ bc.val[n] := v
+ }
+ return
+## rebar(bc, sf) - redraw barchart with new scaling factor sf.
+# sf is assumed to be of the same sign as the previous scaling factor.
+procedure rebar(bc, sf) #: redraw barchart
+ local i, l, x, y, dx, dy
+ if bc.sf > 0 then
+ l := bc.l
+ else
+ l := -bc.l
+ x := bc.x
+ y := bc.y
+ if bc.dx ~= 0 then {
+ dx := bc.n * bc.dx
+ dy := l
+ }
+ else {
+ dx := l
+ dy := bc.n * bc.dy
+ }
+ # force all values positive (negative is wrong, but works under OpenWindows!)
+ if dx < 0 then {
+ x +:= dx
+ dx := -dx
+ }
+ if dy < 0 then {
+ y +:= dy
+ dy := -dy
+ }
+ EraseArea(, x, y, dx, dy)
+ bc.len := list(bc.n, 0)
+ bc.sf := sf
+ every i := 1 to *bc.len do
+ setbar(bc, i, \bc.val[i])
+ return
+# ## test program
+# #
+# # usage: barchart [dx [dy [sf]]]
+# #
+# # background is deliberately different in order to see what gets cleared
+# procedure main(args)
+# local dx, dy, sf, win, n, l, bc, i
+# dx := args[1] | 5
+# dy := args[2] | 0
+# sf := args[3] | -1
+# win := open("bars", "g", "width=500", "height=500")
+# l := list(50, 0)
+# bc := barchart(win, 250, 250, dx, dy, sf, *l, 200, 4)
+# Fg(win, "papayawhip")
+# FillRectangle(win, 0, 0, 500, 500)
+# Fg(win, "black")
+# every 1 to 5000 do {
+# i := ?5 + ?5 + integer(10 * log(1+20*?0)) # nonuniform random bar
+# setbar(bc, i, l[i] +:= 1)
+# flush(win)
+# }
+# while not upto('qQ', reads(win))
+# end