path: root/ipl/progs/based.icn
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
committerIgor Pashev <>2013-01-27 23:51:56 +0000
commit6ab0c0f5bf14ed9c15370407b9ee7e0b4b089ae1 (patch)
tree926065cf45450116098db664e3c61dced9e1f21a /ipl/progs/based.icn
Initial upstream version 9.4.3upstream/9.4.3
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/based.icn')
1 files changed, 540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/based.icn b/ipl/progs/based.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518c677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/based.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+# File: based.icn
+# Subject: Program to do BASIC-style editing
+# Author: Chris Tenaglia
+# Date: February 18, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program models a line editor for BASIC.
+global chars,program,cmd,token,name
+procedure main(param)
+ local ff, old
+ if find("p",map(param[1])) then ff := "\014"
+ else ff := "\e[2J\e[H"
+ chars := &cset -- '\t '
+ program := list()
+ name := &null
+ write("Basic Line Editor V1.3 by Tenaglia 910104.1700")
+ write(&host," ",&dateline,"\n")
+ repeat
+ {
+ writes(">")
+ (cmd := read()) | { quit() ; next }
+ if cmd == "!!" then
+ {
+ cmd := old
+ write("> ",cmd)
+ }
+ token := parse(cmd)
+ if integer(token[1]) then
+ {
+ entry(token[1])
+ token[1] := ""
+ }
+ old := cmd
+ case map(token[1]) of
+ {
+ "" : "ignore this case"
+ "load" : write(load())
+ "save" : write(save())
+ "resave" : write(resave())
+ "read" : write(basread())
+ "write" : write(baswrite())
+ "merge" : write(merge())
+ "new" : write(new())
+ "list" : write(print())
+ "renum" : write(renum())
+ "del" : write(del())
+ "dir" : write(dir())
+ "size" : write("Buffer contains ",*program," lines.")
+ "find" : write(search())
+ "cls" : write(ff)
+ "compile": write(compile())
+ "build" : write(build())
+ "test" : write(build(),run())
+ "run" : write(run())
+ "ver" : write("Basic Line Editor V1.3 by Tenaglia 910104.1700")
+ "date" : write(&host," ",&dateline)
+ "time" : write(&host," ",&dateline)
+ "help" : write(help())
+ "?" : write(help())
+ "$" : write(shell())
+ "exit" : break
+ "quit" : break
+ default : write("\007What ?")
+ }
+ }
+ write("Returning to operating system")
+ write(&host," ",&dateline)
+procedure quit() # allows CTRL_Z exit under VMS
+ local test
+ writes("QUIT! Are you sure? Y/N :")
+ (test := read()) | stop("Returning to operating system\n",&host," ",&dateline)
+ if map(test)[1] == "y" then stop("Returning to operating system\n",&host," ",&dateline)
+ return
+ end
+procedure load()
+ local file, in, lnum
+ if not(token[2]) then
+ {
+ writes("_file:")
+ if (file := string(read())) == "" then return
+ } else file := token[2]
+ lnum := 0
+ (in := open(file)) | return ("Can't open " || file)
+ name := file
+ program := []
+ while put(program,((lnum+:=10) || " " || read(in))) do
+ not(find("00",lnum)) | (writes("."))
+ close(in)
+ return ("\n" || file || " loaded.")
+procedure save()
+ local file, i, line, lnum, out, text
+ if not(token[2]) then
+ {
+ writes("_file:")
+ if (file := string(read())) == "" then return
+ } else file := token[2]
+ (out := open(file,"w")) | return ("Can't open " || file)
+ name := file
+ every line := !program do
+ {
+ i := upto(' \t',line)
+ lnum := line[1:i]
+ text := line[i+1:0]
+ write(out,text)
+ not(find("00",lnum)) | (writes("."))
+ }
+ close(out)
+ return ("\n" || file || " saved.")
+procedure resave()
+ local i, line, lnum, out, text
+ if not(string(name)) then return("Nothing LOADed to resave.")
+ (out := open(name,"w")) | return ("Can't open " || name)
+ every line := !program do
+ {
+ i := upto(' \t',line)
+ lnum := line[1:i]
+ text := line[i+1:0]
+ write(out,text)
+ not(find("00",lnum)) | (writes("."))
+ }
+ close(out)
+ return ("\n" || name || " resaved.")
+procedure basread()
+ local file, in, line, lnum, test
+ if not(token[2]) then
+ {
+ writes("_file:")
+ if (file := string(read())) == "" then return
+ } else file := token[2]
+ lnum := 0
+ (in := open(file)) | return ("Can't open " || file)
+ name := file
+ program := []
+ while line := read(in) do
+ {
+ test := (line[1:upto(' \t',line)]) | ""
+ if integer(test) then put(program,line)
+ not(find("00",(lnum+:=10))) | (writes("."))
+ }
+ close(in)
+ return ("\n" || file || " read in.")
+procedure baswrite()
+ local file, lnum, out
+ if not(token[2]) then
+ {
+ writes("_file:")
+ if (file := string(read())) == "" then return
+ } else file := token[2]
+ (out := open(file,"w")) | return ("Can't open " || file)
+ name := file ; lnum := 0
+ every write(out,!program) do
+ not(find("00",(lnum+:=10))) | (writes("."))
+ close(out)
+ return ("\n" || file || " writen out.")
+procedure merge()
+ local file, i, in, line, lnum
+ if not(token[2]) then
+ {
+ writes("_file:")
+ if (file := string(read())) == "" then return
+ } else file := token[2]
+ (in := open(file)) | return ("Can't open " || file)
+ every line := !in do
+ {
+ (lnum := integer(line[1:(i:=upto(' \t',line))])) | next
+ cmd := line
+ entry(lnum)
+ not(find("00",lnum)) | writes(".")
+ }
+ close(in)
+ return (file || " merged in current buffer.")
+procedure dir()
+ local spec
+ spec := (token[2]) | ("")
+ if &host == "MS-DOS" then
+ {
+ system(("dir/w " || spec))
+ return ""
+ }
+ if find("nix",map(&host)) then
+ system(("ls -l " || spec || " | more")) else
+ system(("dir " || spec))
+ return ""
+procedure del()
+ local From, To, element, lnum, num, other
+ if (From := integer(token[2])) & (To := integer(token[3])) then
+ {
+ other := []
+ every element := !program do
+ {
+ lnum := element[1:upto(' \t',element)]
+ if (lnum >= From) & (lnum <= To) then next
+ put(other,element)
+ }
+ program := copy(other)
+ return ("Lines " || From || " - " || To || " deleted.")
+ }
+ if not(num := integer(token[2])) then
+ {
+ writes("_line:")
+ (num := integer(read())) | (return ("Not a line number."))
+ }
+ other := []
+ every element := !program do
+ {
+ lnum := element[1:upto(' \t',element)]
+ if lnum = num then next
+ put(other,element)
+ }
+ program := copy(other)
+ return ("Line " || num || " deleted.")
+procedure new()
+ program := []
+ name := &null
+ return ("Buffer cleared.")
+procedure search()
+ local From, To, delta, diff, i, item, j, k, l, line, lnum
+ if (From := token[2]) & (To := token[3]) then
+ {
+ diff := (*token[3]) - (*token[2])
+ every i := 1 to *program do
+ {
+ line := program[i]
+ l := upto(' \t',line) + 1
+ delta:= 0
+ every j := find(From,line,l) do
+ {
+ k := j + delta
+ line[k+:*From] := ""
+ line[((k-1)|(1))] ||:= To
+ delta +:= diff
+ writes(".")
+ }
+ program[i] := line
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ if not(item := token[2]) then
+ {
+ writes("_string:")
+ if (item := read()) == "" then return ""
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *program do
+ {
+ line := program[i]
+ l := upto(' \t',line) + 1
+ if find(item,line,l) then
+ {
+ lnum := line[1:l-1]
+ writes(lnum,",")
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+procedure compile() # compile only
+ local fid, opt
+ local i, ext, command, val
+ find(".",name) | return "Can't compile! Language &or Filename not recognized"
+ i := last(".",name)
+ fid := map(name[1:i])
+ ext := map(name[i:0])
+ command := case ext of
+ {
+ ".icn" : "icont -c " || name
+ ".c" : "cc " || opt || " " || name
+ ".f" : "f77 "|| opt || " " || name
+ ".asm" : "asm "|| opt || " " || name
+ ".p" : "pc " || opt || " " || name
+ ".for" : "fortran " || name
+ ".bas" : "basic " || name
+ ".cob" : "cobol " || name
+ ".mar" : "macro " || name
+ ".pas" : "pascal " || name
+ default: return "Can't compile! Language &or Filename not recognized"
+ }
+ write("Issuing -> ",command)
+ val := system(command)
+ return " Completion Status = " || val
+ end
+procedure build() # compile and link
+ local i, ext, command, val1, val2, fid
+ find(".",name) | return "Can't compile! Language &or Filename not recognized"
+ i := last(".",name)
+ fid := map(name[1:i])
+ ext := map(name[i:0])
+ command := case ext of
+ {
+ ".icn" : ["icont " || name]
+ ".c" : ["cc " || name]
+ ".f" : ["f77 " || name]
+ ".asm" : ["asm " || name]
+ ".p" : ["pc " || name]
+ ".for" : ["fortran " || name, "link " || fid]
+ ".bas" : ["basic " || name, "link " || fid]
+ ".cob" : ["cobol " || name, "link " || fid]
+ ".mar" : ["macro " || name, "link " || fid]
+ ".pas" : ["pascal " || name, "link " || fid]
+ default: return "Can't compile! Language &or Filename not recognized"
+ }
+ write("Issuing -> ",command[1])
+ val1 := system(command[1])
+ val2 := if *command = 2 then
+ {
+ write("And Issuing -> ",command[2])
+ system(command[2])
+ } else -1
+ return " Completion status = " || val1 || " and " || val2
+ end
+procedure run() # run built ware
+ local i, ext, command, val, fid
+ find(".",name) | return "Can't compile! Language &or Filename not recognized"
+ i := last(".",name)
+ fid := map(name[1:i])
+ ext := map(name[i:0])
+ command := case ext of
+ {
+ ".icn" : "iconx " || fid
+ ".c" : fid
+ ".f" : fid
+ ".asm" : fid
+ ".p" : fid
+ ".com" : "@" || name
+ ".for" : "run " || fid
+ ".bas" : "run " || fid
+ ".cob" : "run " || fid
+ ".mar" : "run " || fid
+ ".pas" : "run " || fid
+ default: return "Can't Run ! Language &or Filename not recognized"
+ }
+ write("Issuing -> ",command)
+ val := system(command)
+ return " Completion status = " || val
+ end
+procedure print()
+ local From, To, items, line
+ if *token = 1 then
+ {
+ every write(!program)
+ return ""
+ }
+ if not(numeric(token[2])) then return proc_list()
+ From := integer(token[2])
+ To := integer(token[3])
+ if not(integer(To)) then
+ {
+ every line := !program do
+ {
+ items := parse(line)
+ if items[1] > From then return ""
+ if items[1] = From then
+ {
+ write(line)
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ every line := !program do
+ {
+ items := parse(line)
+ if items[1] < From then next
+ if items[1] > To then return ""
+ write(line)
+ }
+ return ""
+procedure proc_list()
+ local flag, line
+ flag := 0
+ every line := !program do
+ {
+ if find("procedure",line) & find(token[2],line) then flag := 1
+ if flag = 1 then write(line)
+ if (parse(line)[2] == "end") & (flag = 1) then
+ {
+ write("")
+ flag := 0
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
+ end
+procedure renum()
+ local inc, line, lnum, other
+ (lnum := integer(token[2])) | (lnum := 10)
+ (inc := integer(token[3])) | (inc := 10)
+ other := list()
+ every line := !program do
+ {
+ line[1:upto(' \t',line)] := lnum
+ put(other,line)
+ not(find("00",lnum)) | (writes("."))
+ lnum +:= inc
+ }
+ program := copy(other)
+ return ("\nProgram renumbered.")
+procedure help()
+ write("Basic Line Editor V1.3 by Tenaglia")
+ write(" This editor works on the same principle as basic interpreter")
+ write(" environments. The lines are all prefixed with line numbers.")
+ write(" These line numbers are used to reference lines in the file.")
+ write(" The line numbers are not written to, or read from the file.")
+ write(" This editor is designed to work on a hard copy terminal like")
+ write(" a teletype or decwriter as well as a crt.")
+ write("Command Summary : (parameters are space delimited)")
+ write(" NEW - erase buffer | CLS - clear screen or form feed")
+ write(" LOAD file - load file | SAVE file - save file")
+ write(" READ file - read w/line numbers | WRITE file - write w/line numbers")
+ write(" RESAVE - resave current file | MERGE file - insert w/line numbers")
+ write(" DIR [spec]- list directory | SIZE - lines in editing buffer")
+ write(" RENUM - renumber the lines | VER - current version number")
+ write(" COMPILE - current source | BUILD - compile & link")
+ write(" TEST - compile,link, & run | RUN - run last compiled")
+ write(" $ - command to system (shell) | HELP or ? - this help screen")
+ write(" TIME or DATE - displays time | !! - repeat last command")
+ write("*---------------------------------+--------------------------------------*")
+ write(" LIST or DEL [from [to]] - list or delete line(s)")
+ write(" FIND str [repl] - find or replace string")
+ return " EXIT or QUIT - return to operating system"
+procedure entry(stuff)
+ local element, finish, flag, lnum, other
+ other := list()
+ flag := "i"
+ finish := 9999999
+ every element := !program do
+ {
+ lnum := integer(element[1:upto(' \t',element)])
+ if stuff = lnum then
+ {
+ put(other,cmd)
+ stuff := finish
+ next
+ }
+ if stuff < lnum then
+ {
+ put(other,cmd)
+ stuff := finish
+ }
+ put(other,element)
+ }
+ if stuff ~= finish then put(other,cmd)
+ program := copy(other)
+ end
+procedure shell()
+ local command
+ command := cmd[find(" ",cmd):0]
+ if trim(detab(command))=="" then return "No shell command"
+ system(command)
+ return "\nReturn to editor"
+ end
+procedure parse(line)
+ local tokens
+ tokens := []
+ line ? while tab(upto(chars)) do put(tokens,tab(many(chars)))
+ return tokens
+ end
+procedure last(substr,str)
+ local i
+ every i := find(substr,str)
+ return i
+ end