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+<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <TITLE>Icon Programming Language FAQ</TITLE>
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+<!-- Archive-name: comp-lang-icon-faq-->
+<P><IMG SRC="wwwcube.gif" WIDTH="128" HEIGHT="144" ALT="" ALIGN=RIGHT>
+<H1>Frequently Asked Questions about the Icon programming language</H1>
+<A HREF=""></A>
+<BR>Last updated November 14, 2005<BR>
+<!-- $Id: faq.htm,v 1.45 2005/11/14 16:24:44 gmt Exp $ -->
+<P><STRONG>Learning about Icon</STRONG><BR>
+<A HREF="#whatsicon">A1. What is Icon?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#whatgood">A2. What is Icon good for?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#features">A3. What are Icon's distinguishing characteristics?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#library">A4. What is the Icon program library?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#intro">A5. Where can I learn more about Icon?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#examples">A6. Where are some simple examples?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#documentation">A7. How about comprehensive documentation?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#platforms">B1. What platforms support Icon?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#getstarted">B2. How do I get started with Icon?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#unicode">B3. Is there a Unicode version of Icon?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#iconc">B4. What happened to the compiler?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#iconproject">C1. What is the Icon Project?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#updates">C2. How often is the on-line material updated?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#lineage">C3. Where did Icon come from?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#futures">C4. Where is Icon going? </A><BR>
+<A HREF="#ugroup">D1. Is there a users' group for Icon?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#techsupport">D2. How do I get technical support?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#evread">E1. Why doesn't <CODE>read()</CODE> work with <CODE>every</CODE>?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#strinv">E2. Why doesn't string invocation such as <CODE>"foo"()</CODE> work?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#callc">E3. How can I call a C function?</A><BR>
+<A HREF="#rwpipe">E4. Can I open a bidirectional pipe?</A><BR>
+<P><HR><H2>Learning about Icon</H2>
+<H3><A NAME="whatsicon">A1.</A> What is Icon?</H3>
+Icon is a very high level general-purpose programming language with
+extensive features for processing strings (text) and data structures.
+Icon is an imperative, procedural language with a syntax that is
+reminiscent of C and Pascal, but with semantics at a much higher level.
+Icon has a novel expression-evaluation mechanism that integrates
+goal-directed evaluation and backtracking with conventional control structures.
+It has a string scanning facility for pattern matching that avoids the tedious
+details usually associated with analyzing strings.
+Icon's built-in data structures include sets and tables with associative
+lookup, lists that can be used as vectors or stacks and queues, and records.
+Icon is a strongly, though not statically, typed language.
+It provides transparent automatic type conversion:
+For example, if an integer is used in an operation that requires a string,
+the integer is automatically converted to a string.
+Several implementations of Icon have high-level graphics facilities with
+an easily programmed window interface.
+Icon manages storage automatically.
+Objects are created as needed during program execution and space is
+reclaimed by garbage collection as needed.
+The sizes of strings and data structures are limited only by the amount
+of available memory.
+<H3><A NAME="whatgood">A2.</A> What is Icon good for?</H3>
+As a general-purpose programming language with a large computational
+repertoire, Icon can be used for most programming tasks.
+It's especially strong at building software tools, for processing text,
+and for experimental and research applications.
+Icon is designed to make programming easy;
+it emphasizes the value of programmer's
+time and the importance of getting programs to work quickly.
+Consequently, Icon is used both for short, one-shot tasks and for
+very complex applications.
+<H3><A NAME="features">A3.</A>
+What are Icon's distinguishing characteristics?</H3>
+ <LI> A high-level, general-purpose programming language
+ <LI> Friendly line-oriented syntax (no semicolons needed)
+ <LI> Emphasis on programmer productivity
+ <LI> Usually interpreted
+ <LI> Evolved from programming languages (vs. scripting languages)
+ <LI> Procedural control flow plus generators and goal-directed evaluation
+ <LI> Values have types; variables are typeless, accept any value
+ <LI> Static scoping: global or (procedure) local
+ <LI> Automatic garbage collection
+ <LI> All integers have arbitrary precision
+ <LI> Uses strings (not chars) as basic text datatype
+ <LI> Has lists that function as arrays, queues, and stacks
+ <LI> Also has sets, tables, records (structs), reals (doubles), more
+ <LI> No second-class "primitive types"
+ <LI> Not "object-oriented" (no classes, inheritance, or instance methods)
+ <LI> No exception catching
+ <LI> No concurrency (no threads, monitors, semaphores, or synchronization)
+ <LI> Has co-expressions (coroutines)
+ <LI> Basic least-common-denominator system interface (a la ANSI C)
+ <LI> Procedural graphics (event-driven paradigm available but not mandated)
+ <LI> Retained windows (programs are never called to repaint)
+ <LI> Simple GUI builder that can re-edit its generated code
+ <LI> Turtle graphics package
+ <LI> Large library of contributed procedures and programs
+<H3><A NAME="library">A4.</A> What is the Icon program library?</H3>
+The library is a collection of programs and procedures written in Icon.
+User contributions are welcome and form a significant portion of the library.
+Library procedures effectively augment the built-in functions
+available to an Icon program.
+A wide variety of procedures currently exists, and most
+graphically-based programs are built around library procedures.
+The programs in the library range from simple demonstrations to
+handy tools to complex graphical applications.
+The library is a resource for both new and experienced programmers.
+In addition to their basic utility,
+its programs and procedures serve as examples of how things can be
+written in Icon.
+The library is indexed at
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+<H3><A NAME="intro">A5.</A> Where can I learn more about Icon?</H3>
+Here are some good places to start.
+<LI> Ralph Griswold's overview:
+ <A HREF="">
+<LI> Dave Hanson's introduction:
+ <A HREF="">
+<LI> Bill Mitchell's introduction and slides:
+ <A HREF="">
+<LI> John Shipman's tutorial:
+ <A HREF="">
+<H3><A NAME="examples">A6.</A> Where are some simple examples?</H3>
+For some simple text-based programs, see any of those
+introductory documents in the preceding question.
+For some simple graphics programs, see
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+Many more examples, typically larger, are found in the
+Icon program library; see the indexes of
+<A HREF="">Basic Programs</A>
+and <A HREF="">
+Graphics Programs</A>.
+<H3><A NAME="documentation">A7.</A> How about comprehensive documentation?</H3>
+Two books define the Icon language.
+The core language is covered in
+<A HREF="">
+<CITE>The Icon Programming Language (third edition)</CITE></A>,
+by Griswold and Griswold.
+Graphics facilities are described in
+<A HREF="">
+<CITE>Graphics Programming in Icon</CITE></A>
+by Griswold, Jeffery, and Townsend.
+These books contain both tutorial and reference material.
+Icon's internals are detailed in
+<A HREF="">
+<CITE>The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language</CITE></A>
+by Griswold and Griswold.
+Although considerable changes have occurred since Version 6,
+described in the book, the basic structure of Icon remains the same.
+Two technical reports,
+<A HREF="">IPD112</A> and
+<A HREF="">IPD239</A>,
+describe subsequent changes.
+Printed copies of the
+<CITE>Language</CITE> and <CITE>Graphics</CITE> books
+are available from Jeffery Systems
+(<A HREF=""></A>).
+All three books can be downloaded at no charge from the Icon books page,
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+The <CITE>Icon Programming Language Handbook</CITE>,
+by Thomas W. Christopher, is available on the web at
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+An on-line index to the Icon program library is found at
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+There is a large amount of additional information at the
+Icon web site,
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+<H3><A NAME="platforms">B1.</A> What platforms support Icon?</H3>
+Current implementations with graphics support
+are available for Unix (including Linux) and Windows.
+The Unix implementation also runs on Darwin,
+the Macintosh development environment, or the
+<A HREF="">Cygwin</A> environment under Windows.
+Older versions of Icon are available for some other systems.
+An alternative Java-based implementation for Unix,
+<A HREF="">Jcon</A>,
+is also available.
+<H3><A NAME="getstarted">B2.</A> How do I get started with Icon?</H3>
+Version 9.4.3 of Icon for <STRONG>Unix</STRONG> can be downloaded from
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+Source and binary packages are available, each with the
+complete Icon program library.
+Version 9.3 of Icon for <STRONG>Windows</STRONG> is compatible
+at the source level with version 9.4.3.
+It can be downloaded from
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+The Version 9.4.3 library can be obtained separately from
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+For older implementations, start at
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+Jcon is at <A HREF=""></A>.
+<H3><A NAME="unicode">B3.</A> Is there a Unicode version of Icon?</H3>
+Icon is defined in terms of 8-bit characters, and changing this presents
+several design challenges that would likely break existing programs.
+Also, modifying the C implementation is probably infeasible,
+but a Unicode version of Jcon might be possible.
+<H3><A NAME="iconc">B4.</A> What happened to the compiler?</H3>
+For a while, Unix distributions included both an interpreter and a compiler;
+but the interpreter is is usually fast enough even for production work, and
+most people found that using the compiler wasn't worth the extra compilation
+time or the hassles involved.
+We no longer advertise the compiler or produce binaries for it.
+It is still part of the source code distribution,
+and we have not deliberately broken it,
+but we no longer support it and we cannot offer help if problems arise.
+<H3><A NAME="iconproject">C1.</A> What is the Icon Project?</H3>
+The Icon Project is a name used by the group that
+distributes and supports the Icon programming language.
+The project maintains the Icon web site at
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+A non-commercial organization, the project is supported by the
+Department of Computer Science at the University of Arizona.
+<H3><A NAME="updates">C2.</A> How often is the on-line material updated?</H3>
+New material is added when it's available.
+Established implementations usually are updated only when there's a
+new version.
+This typically is every year or two.
+The Icon program library is updated on a similar schedule.
+<H3><A NAME="lineage">C3.</A> Where did Icon come from?</H3>
+Icon is the latest in a series of high-level programming languages designed
+to facilitate programming tasks involving strings and structures.
+The original language, SNOBOL, was developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories
+in the early 1960s.
+SNOBOL evolved into SNOBOL4, which is still in use.
+Subsequent languages were developed at the University of
+Arizona with support from the National Science Foundation.
+Although it has similar objectives and many similar capabilities,
+Icon bears little superficial resemblance to SNOBOL4.
+Icon implementations were developed by faculty, staff, and students
+at the University of Arizona,
+with significant contributions from volunteers around the world.
+An <A HREF="">Icon history</A>
+by Ralph and Madge Griswold appears in the preprints
+of the second History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-II),
+ACM SIGPLAN Notices, March 1993 (Vol 28, No 3).
+The name Icon is not an acronym, nor does it stand for anything in
+particular, although the word <CITE>iconoclastic</CITE> was mentioned
+when the name was chosen.
+The name predates the now common use of <CITE>icon</CITE>
+to refer to small images used in graphical user interfaces.
+This sometimes misleads people into thinking
+that Icon is designed to create or manipulate icons,
+but there's no good solution to that problem.
+<H3><A NAME="futures">C4.</A> Where is Icon going? </H3>
+We continue to use Icon on a daily basis, but no significant changes
+are planned.
+We expect to support the Unix version for the forseeable future,
+and to distribute ports to other systems as supplied by volunteers.
+The Unicon project is developing an object-oriented language based on Icon.
+For more information, see
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+An earlier object-oriented extension to Icon, Idol,
+can be found in the Icon program library.
+<H3><A NAME="ugroup">D1.</A> Is there a users' group for Icon?</H3>
+There is no official Icon users' group, but the Usenet newsgroup
+<A HREF="news:comp.lang.icon">comp.lang.icon</A>
+is dedicated to issues relating to the Icon language.
+<H3><A NAME="techsupport">D2.</A> How do I get technical support?</H3>
+The Icon Project is not a commercial organization, and its capacity for
+providing technical support is limited. Please use the appropriate resource
+when you need assistance:
+For <STRONG>programming</STRONG> questions,
+submit a query to the Usenet newsgroup
+<A HREF="news:comp.lang.icon">comp.lang.icon</A>.
+For <STRONG>porting</STRONG> assistance
+or <STRONG>Unix</STRONG> problems, contact
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+For problems with the <STRONG>Windows</STRONG> implementation,
+contact the implementor,
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+For general information and additional documentation, visit the Icon web site:
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+<H3><A NAME="evread">E1.</A>
+Why doesn't <CODE>read()</CODE> work with <CODE>every</CODE>?</H3>
+<CODE>every s := read() do {...}</CODE>
+doesn't loop because <CODE>read()</CODE> produces a single value and
+then fails if resumed.
+Other "consumer" procedures such as <CODE>get()</CODE> and <CODE>pop()</CODE>
+work the same way.
+Use a <CODE>while</CODE> loop with these procedures, and save
+<CODE>every</CODE> for use with generators such as <CODE>!x</CODE>
+or <CODE>key(T)</CODE>.
+<H3><A NAME="strinv">E2.</A>
+Why doesn't string invocation such as <CODE>"foo"()</CODE> work?</H3>
+String invocation works if the procedure is present;
+the catch is that the linker removes unreferenced procedures.
+To ensure a procedure's presence, reference it in the
+<CODE>main()</CODE> procedure.
+A simple reference suffices, as in
+<CODE>refs := [foo, bar, baz]</CODE>;
+it's not necessary to actually call it.
+(Why does the linker remove unreferenced procedures?
+Because this can save <EM>huge</EM> amounts of memory for
+programs that use the library.)
+<H3><A NAME="callc">E3.</A> How can I call a C function?</H3>
+You can't call an arbitrary C function,
+but if you're willing to write a function to Icon's specifications,
+there are two approaches.
+Under Unix, which provides <CODE>loadfunc()</CODE>,
+you can load one or more functions from a shared library,
+and then treat them as if they had been written in Icon.
+Some examples can be found in the
+<A HREF="">
+<CODE>cfuncs</CODE></A> and
+<CODE>packs/loadfuncs</CODE> directories of the Icon program library.
+The more cumbersome approach is to add code to the Icon interpreter
+and rebuild it; some hooks are provided for this purpose.
+Both approaches are discussed in <CITE>Calling C Functions from Icon</CITE>,
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+The <A HREF="">Jcon</A> implementation
+allows Icon programs to call Java code that is written to Jcon specifications.
+<H3><A NAME="rwpipe">E4.</A> Can I open a bidirectional pipe?</H3>
+No, this is not possible.
+Although the concept is simple &mdash;
+write a line to a program via a pipe, then read that program's output
+&mdash; it probably wouldn't work.
+Most I/O libraries don't write anything to a pipe until
+they've filled a buffer, and the most likely consequence would be
+a deadlock, with each program waiting for the other to send more data.
+This FAQ is edited by Gregg Townsend.
+It includes contributions from
+Ralph Griswold, Cliff Hathaway, Clint Jeffery, Bob Alexander,
+and Todd Proebsting.