path: root/ipl/Makefile
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/Makefile')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/Makefile b/ipl/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a438946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Makefile for the Icon Program Library
+All: Ilib Ibin
+# Make a library distribution (portable ucode and include files).
+Ilib: cfuncs/
+cfuncs/ ../bin/icont
+ cp incl/*.icn gincl/*.icn cfuncs/icall.h ../lib
+ cd procs; LPATH= ../../bin/icont -usc *.icn; mv *.u? ../../lib
+ cd gprocs; LPATH= ../../bin/icont -usc *.icn; mv *.u? ../../lib
+ if grep '^ *# *define LoadFunc' ../src/h/define.h >/dev/null; \
+ then $(MAKE) Cfunctions; fi
+# Make C functions. Only called if LoadFunc is defined.
+ cd cfuncs; LPATH= $(MAKE) ICONT=../../bin/icont
+ cp cfuncs/*.u? ../lib
+ cp cfuncs/ ../bin
+# Make selected graphics program binaries (platform-dependent icode)
+# for ../bin, given that ../lib is ready
+Ibin: gpacks/vib/vib
+gpacks/vib/vib: ../bin/icont
+ MAKE=$(MAKE) ./BuildBin
+# Make a full set of program binaries (not usually done) in ./iexe,
+# given that ../lib is ready
+ rm -f iexe/*
+ MAKE=$(MAKE) ./BuildExe
+# Check for undefined identifiers in ../lib.
+# (A few are expected: references to Mp, program, init, goal).
+ cd ../lib; for f in *.u2; do (echo $$f; icont -us -fs $$f); done
+# Check for stray files
+ for d in *procs *progs *incl; do (cd $$d; pwd; gcomp CVS *.icn); done
+# Verify that all procedures and programs build, including packs,
+# and perform some other sanity checks
+ ./CheckAll
+# Make Zip files for separate distribution of the library
+ZipFiles: Ilib
+ rm -rf ilib *.zip
+ zip -qrX9 docs incl procs progs packs data cfuncs -x '*/CVS/*'
+ zip -qrX9 gdocs gincl gprocs gprogs gpacks gdata -x '*/CVS/*'
+ zip -qrX9 mincl mprocs mprogs -x '*/CVS/*'
+ mkdir ilib
+ cp ../lib/*.* ilib
+ zip -qrX9 ilib
+ rm -rf ilib
+# Clean up.
+Clean Pure:
+ -rm -rf ilib iexe *.zip */*.u[12] */*.zip */*.so
+ -rm -f xx `find *procs *progs -type f -perm -100 -print`
+ for d in cfuncs *packs/[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]*; do \
+ (cd $$d; $(MAKE) Clean); done