path: root/ipl/gpacks/carpets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/carpets')
6 files changed, 1737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/carpets/Makefile b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c814a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# note that only carport is built here
+# carplay is built by the carport program after generating carpincl.icn
+ icont -usc carputil carprec
+ icont -us carport
+# build executable and copy to ../../iexe
+# (nothing done in this case because the executable doesn't stand alone)
+ rm -f carport carplay carpincl.icn *.u[12]
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/carpets/README b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b744040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Programs for exploring numerical carpets.
+See issue 45 of the Icon Analyst.
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carplay.icn b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carplay.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34fe2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carplay.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# File: carplay.icn
+# Subject: Program to create "carpets"
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 11, 1998
+# This is an experimental program under development to produce carpets
+# as specificed in the include file, carpincl.icn, which is produced by
+# carport.icn.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics and large integers
+# Links: carputil, lists, matrix, mirror, options, wopen
+# Note: The include file may contain link declarations.
+link carputil
+link lists
+link matrix
+link mirror
+link options
+link wopen
+$include "carpincl.icn"
+$ifdef Randomize
+link random
+$ifdef Scramble
+link random
+$ifdef Background
+$undef Hidden
+$undef Save_carpet
+$undef Dialogs
+$undef Save_mirror
+$define Hidden
+$define Save_carpet
+$ifdef Dialogs
+link interact
+$undef Save_carpet
+$undef Save_mirror
+global array
+global cmod
+global colors
+global height
+global modulus
+global width
+procedure main()
+ local mcarpet
+$ifdef Randomize
+ randomize()
+# The carpet-generation process is now done by two procedures, the first to
+# initialize the edges and the second to actually create the carpet. This
+# has been done to allow possible extensions.
+ init()
+ weave()
+$ifdef Mirror
+ mcarpet := mirror(&window) # produced mirrored image
+$ifndef Hidden
+$ifdef Mirror
+ WAttrib(mcarpet, "canvas=normal") # make the mirrored image visible
+ Raise()
+$ifdef Dialogs
+ Bg("light gray") # reset colors for dialogs
+ Fg("black")
+ repeat { # provide user dialog
+ case TextDialog("Save images?", , , ,
+ ["Quit", "Save Image", "Save Mirrored"]) of {
+ "Quit" : exit()
+ "Save Image" : snapshot()
+ "Save Mirrored" : snapshot()
+ }
+ }
+$ifdef Save_carpet
+ WriteImage(Name || ".gif")
+$ifdef Save_mirror
+ WriteImage(Name || "_m.gif")
+$ifndef Hidden
+ repeat case Event() of { # process low-level user events
+ "q" : exit()
+ "s" : WriteImage(Name || ".gif")
+ "m" : WriteImage(Name || "_m.gif")
+ }
+# Initialize the carpet
+procedure init()
+ local m, n, v, canvas
+ colors := carpcolr(Colors) | {
+$ifdef Dialogs
+ Notice("Unrecognized color specification.", "Palette c2 substituted.")
+ write(&errout, "Unrecognized color specification.", "\n",
+ "Palette c2 substituted.")
+ colors := colrplte("c2")
+ }
+ cmod := *colors
+ # The definitions in the following expressions may not be constants.
+ # Assignments are made to avoid expressions being evaluated multiple
+ # times. This not only prevents unnecessary evaluation later, but it
+ # also prevents values from changing while the carpet is being
+ # generated.
+ modulus := Modulus
+ width := Width
+ height := Height
+ array := create_matrix(height, width, 0)
+$ifdef Hidden
+ canvas := "canvas=hidden"
+ canvas := "canvas=normal"
+ WOpen(canvas, "size=" || width || "," || height) | {
+$ifdef Dialogs
+ ExitNotice("Cannot open window for carpet.")
+ stop("Cannot open window for carpet.")
+ }
+ # Initialize the edges.
+ m := 0
+ every v := (Left \ height) do {
+ array[m +:= 1, 1] := v % modulus
+ }
+ n := 0
+ every v := (Top \ width) do {
+ array[1, n +:= 1] := v % modulus
+ }
+ return
+$ifndef Twopass # do modulus reduction on the fly.
+# Create the carpet.
+procedure weave()
+ local m, n
+ every m := 1 to height do {
+ if *Pending() > 0 then {
+ if Event() === "q" then exit()
+ }
+ every n := 1 to width do {
+$ifdef Wrap
+ array[m, n] := neighbor(
+ array[(m - 1) | -1, (n - 1) | -1],
+ array[(m - 1) | -1, n],
+ array[m, (n - 1) | -1]
+ ) % modulus
+ array[m, n] := neighbor(
+ array[m, n - 1],
+ array[m - 1, n - 1],
+ array[m - 1, n],
+ ) % modulus
+ Fg(colors[(abs(integer(array[m, n])) % cmod) + 1])
+ DrawPoint(n - 1, m - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+$else # do modulus reduction on a second pass
+# In this version, the computations are made in plain arithmethic and
+# then modulo-reduced in a second pass. The results are the same as
+# long as all operations have satisfy the relationship (i op j) % n =
+# (i % n) op (j % n). This is true for addition, subtraction, and
+# multiplication.
+procedure weave()
+ local m, n
+ every m := 1 to height do {
+ if *Pending() > 0 then {
+ if Event() === "q" then exit()
+ }
+ }
+ every n := 1 to width do {
+$ifdef Wrap
+ array[m, n] := neighbor(
+ array[(m - 1) | -1, (n - 1) | -1],
+ array[(m - 1) | -1, n],
+ array[m, (n - 1) | -1]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ array[m, n] := neighbor(
+ array[m, n - 1],
+ array[m - 1, n - 1],
+ array[m - 1, n],
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ every m := 1 to height do {
+ if *Pending() > 0 then {
+ if Event() === "q" then exit()
+ }
+ }
+ every n := 1 to width do {
+ Fg(colors[(abs(integer(array[m, n] % modulus)) % cmod) + 1])
+ DrawPoint(n - 1, m - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure neighbor(n, nw, w)
+ return Neighbors
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carport.icn b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carport.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12c0351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carport.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+# File: carport.icn
+# Subject: Program to create numerical carpets
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: September 17, 1998
+# This is a program for specifying "numerical carpets". It writes a $include
+# file and compiles and executes carplay.icn to produce the actual carpet.
+# For the basic idea that motivated this program, see "Carpets and Rugs: An
+# Exercise in Numbers", Dann E. Passoja and Akhlesh Lakhtakia, in The
+# Visual Mind: Art and Mathematics, Michele Emmer, ed., The MIT Press,
+# 1993, pp. 121-123.
+# The concepts and general operation of this application are described in
+# Issue 45 of The Icon Analyst (December, 1997). For on-line documentation
+# on using this program, see
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics, system(), and carplay.icn.
+# Links: carputil, interact, io, tables, vsetup, xcode
+link carputil
+link carprec
+link interact
+link io
+link tables
+link vsetup
+link xcode
+global db_entries # list of specifications in database
+global db_file # name of database file
+global spec # current carpet specification
+global database # database of specifications
+global def_entries # list of definitions
+global dopt_list # list of display options
+global dset_list # list of display option states
+global fopt_list # list of generation options
+global fset_list # list of generation option states
+global touched # database changed switch
+global vidgets # table of interface tools
+$define NameDefault "default"
+$define TopDefault "1"
+$define LeftDefault "Top"
+$define WidthDefault "128"
+$define HeightDefault "Width"
+$define ModulusDefault "5"
+$define NeighborsDefault "n + nw + w"
+$define LinksDefault ["seqfncs"]
+$define ColorsDefault image("c2")
+$define SymWidth 15 # width of definition name field
+$define DefWidth 80 # width of definition field
+$define ExprWidth 80 # width of expression field
+$define NameWidth 40 # width of name field
+procedure main()
+ carprec
+ init()
+ GetEvents(vidgets["root"], , shortcuts)
+# Add (or overwrite) definition.
+procedure add_def()
+ if TextDialog("Add definition:", ["name", "definition"], ,
+ [SymWidth, ExprWidth]) == "Cancel" then fail
+ spec.Defns[dialog_value[1]] := dialog_value[2]
+ refresh_defs()
+ return
+# Add link
+procedure add_link()
+ if OpenDialog("Add link:", , , , 20) == "Cancel" then fail
+ put(spec.Links, dialog_value)
+ refresh_links()
+ return
+# Clear the database of specifications (a default one is then added).
+procedure clear_db()
+ case TextDialog("Are you sure you want to clear the current database?",
+ , , , ["Yes", "No"]) of {
+ "No" : fail
+ "Yes": {
+ database := table()
+ new_spec()
+ database[spec.Name] := spec
+ refresh_db()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+# Clear the table of definitions.
+procedure clear_defs()
+ if TextDialog("Do you really want to clear the definition table?") ==
+ "Cancel" then fail
+ spec.Defns := table()
+ refresh_defs()
+ return
+# Clear all the links.
+procedure clear_links()
+ if TextDialog("Do you really want to clear all links?") ==
+ "Cancel" then fail
+ spec.Links := []
+ refresh_links()
+ return
+# Edit specification comments.
+procedure comments()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Comments:", , spec.Comments, ExprWidth,
+ ["Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Comments := &dateline # default comments
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Comments := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Create a carpet from the current specification.
+procedure create_cb()
+ local path, output, i
+ WAttrib("pointer=watch")
+ output := open("carpincl.icn", "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open include file for writing.")
+ fail
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *dopt_list do
+ if \dset_list[i] then
+ write(output, "$define ", map(dopt_list[i][1], &lcase, &ucase),
+ map(dopt_list[i][2:0], " ", "_"))
+ every i := 1 to *fopt_list do
+ if \fset_list[i] then
+ write(output, "$define ", map(fopt_list[i][1], &lcase, &ucase),
+ fopt_list[i][2:0])
+ close(output)
+ write_spec("carpincl.icn", spec) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open include file for writing.")
+ fail
+ }
+ path := dpath("carplay.icn") | {
+ Notice("Fatal error; cannot find carpet generation program.")
+ exit()
+ }
+ system("icont -s " || path || " -x")
+ WAttrib("pointer=arrow")
+ return
+# Items for Database menu.
+procedure database_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "load ^@L": load_db()
+ "merge ^@M": load_db(1) # argument indicates merger
+ "revert ^@R": load_db(2) # argument indicates reversion
+ "save ^@S": save_db()
+ "save as ^@T": save_as_db()
+ "clear ^@Z": clear_db()
+ }
+# Callback for item selected from database list.
+procedure db_cb(vidget, value)
+ local state
+ static db, sw
+ initial db := vidgets["db"]
+ if /value then return # deselected item
+ if \sw then { # prevent loop from internal call
+ sw := &null
+ return
+ }
+ state := VGetState(db) # save state to restore position
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Specification " || value, , , ,
+ ["Delete", "Display", "Okay", "Cancel"], 3) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Name := value
+ spec := database[spec.Name]
+ refresh_defs()
+ refresh_db()
+ sw := 1
+ VSetState(db, state)
+ refresh_links()
+ return
+ }
+ "Delete": {
+ if value == spec.Name then {
+ Notice("You cannot delete the current specification.")
+ next
+ }
+ delete(database, value)
+ refresh_db()
+ return
+ }
+ "Display": {
+ display_spec(database[value])
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Make the expression in the current dialog into a definition.
+procedure define(s)
+ if TextDialog("Add definition:", ["name", "definition"], [, s],
+ [SymWidth, ExprWidth]) == "Cancel" then fail
+ spec.Defns[dialog_value[1]] := dialog_value[2]
+ refresh_defs()
+ return
+# Items for the Definitions menu.
+procedure definitions_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "add @A": add_def()
+ "clear @Z": clear_defs()
+ "load @F": load_defs()
+ "merge @J": load_defs(1) # nonnull argument indicates merger
+ "save @S": save_defs()
+ }
+ return
+# Callback for selection from the definitions text-list.
+procedure defs_cb(vidget, value)
+ if /value then fail
+ case TextDialog("Name: " || value, "definition", spec.Defns[value],
+ ExprWidth , ["Remove", "Okay", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Remove": {
+ delete(spec.Defns, value)
+ refresh_defs()
+ }
+ "Okay" : spec.Defns[value] := dialog_value[1]
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ return
+# Display all the current definitions.
+procedure display_defs()
+ local definition, lines, i
+ if *def_entries = 0 then {
+ Notice("The definition table is empty.")
+ fail
+ }
+ lines := []
+ every definition := !def_entries do
+ put(lines, left(definition, 12) ||
+ left(spec.Defns[definition], ExprWidth))
+ push(lines, "", "name definition ")
+ Notice ! lines
+ return
+# Display a carpet specification.
+$define FieldWidth (SymWidth + 1)
+procedure display_spec(dspec)
+ local lines, s, lst
+ /dspec := spec
+ lines := [
+ "Specifications:",
+ "",
+ left("Name", FieldWidth) || dspec.Name,
+ left("Modulus", FieldWidth) || dspec.Modulus,
+ left("Width", FieldWidth) || dspec.Width,
+ left("Height", FieldWidth) || dspec.Height,
+ left("Top Row", FieldWidth) || dspec.Top,
+ left("Left Column", FieldWidth) || dspec.Left,
+ left("Neighbors", FieldWidth) || dspec.Neighbors,
+ left("Colors", FieldWidth) || dspec.Colors,
+ left("Comments", FieldWidth) || (\dspec.Comments | "")
+ ]
+ if *dspec.Defns > 0 then {
+ put(lines, "", "Definitions:", "")
+ every put(lines, left(s := !keylist(dspec.Defns), FieldWidth) ||
+ (\dspec.Defns[s] | "") \ 1)
+ }
+ if *dspec.Links > 0 then {
+ put(lines, "", "Links:", "")
+ every put(lines, !dspec.Links)
+ }
+ Notice ! lines
+ return
+# Write all specifications in include form
+procedure dump_all()
+ local spec
+ static dump_file
+ repeat {
+ case OpenDialog("Save database as text:", dump_file) of {
+ "Okay" : {
+ every spec := database[!db_entries] do
+ write_spec(dialog_value, spec)
+ dump_file := dialog_value
+ return
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ }
+# Duplicate the current specification and make it current.
+procedure dupl_spec()
+ spec := copy(spec)
+ spec.Defns := copy(spec.Defns)
+ refresh_defs()
+ name_spec(1) # nonnull means don't delete the old one
+ refresh_db()
+ return
+# Items for the File menu.
+procedure file_cb(vidgets, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "generate @G": create_cb()
+ "display @D": doptions()
+ "options @O": foptions()
+ "quit @Q": quit()
+ }
+ return
+# Display options.
+procedure doptions()
+ if ToggleDialog("Specify display options:", dopt_list, dset_list) ==
+ "Cancel" then fail
+ else {
+ dset_list := dialog_value
+ return
+ }
+# Display options.
+procedure foptions()
+ if ToggleDialog("Specify generation options:", fopt_list, fset_list) ==
+ "Cancel" then fail
+ else {
+ fset_list := dialog_value
+ return
+ }
+# Set the carpet height.
+procedure height()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Height:", , spec.Height, NameWidth,
+ ["Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Height := HeightDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Height := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Initialize the application.
+procedure init()
+ local atts
+ atts := ui_atts()
+ push(atts, "posx=10", "posy=10")
+ (WOpen ! atts) | ExitNotice("Cannot open interface window.")
+ vidgets := ui()
+ database := table()
+ new_spec()
+ db_file := &null
+ touched := &null
+ dopt_list := [ # list of display options
+ "mirror", # show mirror image
+ "hidden", # hide images
+ "save carpet", # save carpet image automatically
+ "save mirror", # save mirror image automatically
+ "dialogs", # provide dialogs
+ "background" # run in background
+ ]
+ dset_list := list(*dopt_list) # choices
+ dset_list[1] := 1 # initially only enable mirroring
+ fopt_list := [ # list of generation options
+ "wrap", # wrap edges
+ "randomize", # randomize
+ "two pass" # two-pass generation
+ ]
+ fset_list := list(*fopt_list) # choices
+ return
+# Edit the left-side expression.
+procedure left_expr()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Left:", , spec.Left, ExprWidth,
+ ["Define", "Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 3) of {
+ "Define" : {
+ define(dialog_value[1])
+ break
+ }
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Left := LeftDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Left := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Items for the Link menu.
+procedure link_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "add ^@A": add_link()
+ "clear ^@C": clear_links()
+ }
+ return
+# Callback for selection of an item from the links text-list.
+procedure links_cb(vidget, value)
+ local i, j, tmp
+ if /value then return # deselected item
+ case TextDialog("Link: " || value, , , , ["Remove", "Cancel"], 1) of {
+ "Remove": {
+ i := VGetState(vidgets["links"])[2] # second element is line number
+ tmp := []
+ every (j := 1 to i - 1) | (j := i + 1 to *spec.Links) do
+ put(tmp, spec.Links[j])
+ spec.Links := tmp
+ refresh_links()
+ }
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+ return
+# Load a carpet database. If sw is null, it replaces the current database.
+# If sw is one, it is merged with the current database. If sw is 2, the
+# database reverts to the last one loaded.
+procedure load_db(sw)
+ local input, tbl, caption
+ caption := if sw === 2 then {
+ if \touched & \db_file then "Revert to last saved database?"
+ else {
+ Notice("Revert not possible or not necessary.")
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ else "Load database:"
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog(caption, db_file) == "Cancel" then fail
+ input := open(dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open database.")
+ next
+ }
+ tbl := xdecode(input) | {
+ Notice("Cannot decode carpet database.")
+ next
+ }
+ db_file := dialog_value
+ close(input)
+ database := if sw === 1 then tblunion(database, tbl) else tbl
+ refresh_db(1)
+ spec := database[db_entries[1]]
+ return
+ }
+# Load definitions file.
+procedure load_defs(sw)
+ local input, tbl
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Specify definition file:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ input := open(dialog_value) | {
+ Notice("Cannot open definitions file.")
+ next
+ }
+ tbl := xdecode(input) | {
+ Notice("Cannot decode definitions.")
+ next
+ }
+ spec.Defns := if /sw then tbl else tblunion(spec.Defns, tbl)
+ close(input)
+ refresh_defs()
+ return
+ }
+# Edit the modulus.
+procedure modulus()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Modulus:", , spec.Modulus, NameWidth,
+ ["Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Modulus := ModulusDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Modulus := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure colors()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Colors:", , spec.Colors, ExprWidth,
+ ["Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Colors := ColorsDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Colors := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Edit the specification name.
+procedure name_spec(sw)
+ local old_name
+ old_name := spec.Name
+ if OpenDialog("Name:", spec.Name) == "Cancel" then fail
+ else {
+ spec.Name := dialog_value
+ database[dialog_value] := spec
+ if /sw then delete(database, old_name)
+ refresh_db()
+ }
+ return
+# Edit the neighbors expression.
+procedure neighbors()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Neighborhood:", , spec.Neighbors, ExprWidth,
+ ["Define", "Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 3) of {
+ "Define" : {
+ define(dialog_value[1])
+ break
+ }
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Neighbors := NeighborsDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Neighbors := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Create a fresh, empty definitions table.
+procedure new_defs()
+ spec.Defns := table()
+ refresh_defs()
+ return
+# Create a fresh, empty links list. ??? what about clear_links()?
+procedure new_links()
+ spec.Links := LinksDefault
+ refresh_links()
+ return
+# Create a new carpet specification from the default.
+procedure new_spec()
+ spec := carpet()
+ spec.Name := NameDefault
+ spec.Width := WidthDefault
+ spec.Height := HeightDefault
+ spec.Modulus := ModulusDefault
+ spec.Top := TopDefault
+ spec.Left := LeftDefault
+ spec.Neighbors := NeighborsDefault
+ spec.Colors := ColorsDefault
+ spec.Comments := &dateline
+ new_defs()
+ new_links()
+ database[spec.Name] := spec
+ refresh_db()
+ return
+# Items for the Parameters menu.
+procedure edit_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "modulus @M": modulus()
+ "width @W": width()
+ "height @H": height()
+ "top @T": top_expr()
+ "left @L": left_expr()
+ "neighbors @N": neighbors()
+ "colors @C": colors()
+ "name @I": name_spec()
+ "comments @K": comments()
+ }
+ return
+# Quit the application.
+procedure quit()
+ if /touched then exit()
+ case SaveDialog("Save database?", db_file) of {
+ "Cancel": fail
+ "No" : exit()
+ "Yes" : {
+ save_db()
+ exit()
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Refresh the carpet database.
+procedure refresh_db(sw)
+ VSetItems(vidgets["db"], db_entries := keylist(database))
+ if sw === 1 then spec := database[db_entries[1]]
+ update()
+ if /sw then touched := 1
+ return
+# Refresh the table of definitions.
+procedure refresh_defs()
+ VSetItems(vidgets["defs"], def_entries := keylist(spec.Defns))
+ touched := 1
+ return
+# Refresh the list of links.
+procedure refresh_links()
+ VSetItems(vidgets["links"], sort(spec.Links))
+ touched := 1
+ return
+# Save the current database to a specified file.
+procedure save_as_db()
+ local output, file
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Save database:", db_file) == "Cancel" then fail
+ file := dialog_value
+ if exists(file) then {
+ if TextDialog("Overwrite existing file?") == "Cancel" then next
+ }
+ output := open(file, "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open database file for writing.")
+ next
+ }
+ db_file := file
+ xencode(database, output)
+ close(output)
+ touched := &null
+ return
+ }
+# Save the current database
+procedure save_db()
+ local output
+ if /db_file then return save_as_db()
+ output := open(db_file, "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot write database file.")
+ fail
+ }
+ xencode(database, output)
+ close(output)
+ touched := &null
+ return
+# Save the current table of definitions to a file.
+procedure save_defs()
+ local output, file
+ repeat {
+ if OpenDialog("Defns file:") == "Cancel" then fail
+ file := dialog_value
+ if exists(file) then {
+ if TextDialog("Overwrite existing file?") == "Cancel" then next
+ }
+ output := open(file, "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open definitions file for writing.")
+ next
+ }
+ xencode(spec.Defns, output)
+ close(output)
+ return
+ }
+# Save the current specification as an include file.
+procedure save_spec()
+ static file
+ initial file := "untitled.cpt"
+ repeat {
+ if TextDialog("Save specifications:", ["name", "comments", "file"],
+ [spec.Name, spec.Comments, file], NameWidth) == "Cancel" then fail
+ spec.Name := dialog_value[1]
+ spec.Comments := dialog_value[2]
+ write_spec(dialog_value[3], spec) | {
+ Notice("Cannot write specification.")
+ next
+ }
+ file := dialog_value[3]
+ return
+ }
+# Keyboard shortcuts.
+procedure shortcuts(e)
+ if e === "\r" then create_cb() # quick generation initiation
+ else if &meta then case map(e, &lcase, &ucase) of {
+ "A" : add_def()
+ "C" : colors()
+ "D" : doptions()
+ "F" : load_defs()
+ "G" : create_cb()
+ "H" : height()
+ "I" : name_spec()
+ "J" : load_defs(1)
+ "K" : comments()
+ "L" : left_expr()
+ "M" : modulus()
+ "N" : neighbors()
+ "O" : foptions()
+ "Q" : quit()
+ "R" : show_colors()
+ "S" : save_defs()
+ "T" : top_expr()
+ "W" : width()
+ "X" : create_cb()
+ "Y" : display_defs()
+ "Z" : clear_defs()
+ "\^A": add_link()
+ "\^C": clear_links()
+ "\^D": dupl_spec()
+ "\^L": load_db()
+ "\^M": load_db(1)
+ "\^N": new_spec()
+ "\^R": load_db(2)
+ "\^S": save_db()
+ "\^T": save_as_db()
+ "\^W": save_spec()
+ "\^X": dump_all()
+ "\^Y": display_spec()
+ "\^Z": clear_db()
+ }
+ return
+procedure show_colors()
+ local colors
+ colors := draw_colors(carpcolr(spec.Colors)) | {
+ Notice("Invalid color specification.")
+ fail
+ }
+ WAttrib(colors, "label=" || spec.Colors)
+ Event(colors)
+ WClose(colors)
+ Raise()
+ return
+# Items for the Specification menu.
+procedure specification_cb(vidget, value)
+ case value[1] of {
+ "new ^@N": new_spec()
+ "copy ^@D": dupl_spec()
+ "display ^@Y": display_spec()
+ "write ^@W": save_spec()
+ }
+ return
+# Edit the top-row specification.
+procedure top_expr()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Top:", , spec.Top, ExprWidth,
+ ["Define", "Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 3) of {
+ "Define" : {
+ define(dialog_value[1])
+ break
+ }
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Top := TopDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Top := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+# Update the name of the current specification on the interface.
+procedure update()
+ static previous_name, sx, sy
+ initial {
+ sx := vidgets["placeholder"].ax
+ sy := vidgets["placeholder"].ay
+ }
+ # Update selection information on interface.
+ WAttrib("drawop=reverse")
+ DrawString(sx, sy, \previous_name)
+ DrawString(sx, sy, spec.Name)
+ WAttrib("drawop=copy")
+ previous_name := spec.Name
+ return
+# Edit the width of the carpet.
+procedure width()
+ repeat {
+ case TextDialog("Width:", , spec.Width, NameWidth,
+ ["Default", "Okay", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Cancel" : fail
+ "Default": {
+ spec.Width := WidthDefault
+ next
+ }
+ "Okay" : {
+ spec.Width := dialog_value[1]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
+procedure ui_atts()
+ return ["size=457,276", "bg=gray-white", "label=carpets"]
+procedure ui(win, cbk)
+return vsetup(win, cbk,
+ [":Sizer:::0,0,457,276:carpets",],
+ ["current label:Label:::15,253,161,13:current specification: ",],
+ ["database:Menu:pull::35,0,64,21:Database",database_cb,
+ ["load ^@L","merge ^@J","save ^@S","save as ^@T","clear ^@Z",
+ "revert ^@R"]],
+ ["db:List:w::15,41,125,160:",db_cb],
+ ["definitions:Menu:pull::234,0,85,21:Definitions",definitions_cb,
+ ["add @A","load @F","merge @J","save @S","clear @Z"]],
+ ["definitions:Label:::166,209,98,13: definitions ",],
+ ["defs:List:w::160,41,125,160:",defs_cb],
+ ["edit:Menu:pull::99,0,36,21:Edit",edit_cb,
+ ["modulus @M","width @W","height @H","top @T","left @L",
+ "neighbors @N","colors @C","name @I","comments @K"]],
+ ["file:Menu:pull::0,0,36,21:File",file_cb,
+ ["generate @G","display @D","options @O","quit @Q"]],
+ ["line1:Line:::0,21,457,21:",],
+ ["line2:Line:::0,238,458,238:",],
+ ["link:Menu:pull::320,0,43,21:Links",link_cb,
+ ["add ^@A","clear ^@C"]],
+ ["link:Label:::313,209,98,13: links ",],
+ ["links:List:w::308,41,125,160:",links_cb],
+ ["placeholder:Label:::180,264,35,13: ",],
+ ["specification:Menu:pull::135,0,99,21:Specification",specification_cb,
+ ["new ^@N","copy ^@D","display ^@Y","write ^@W"]],
+ ["specifications:Label:::21,209,98,13:specifications",],
+ )
+#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carprec.icn b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carprec.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4601ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carprec.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+record carprec(
+ Name,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ Modulus,
+ Colors,
+ Hexpr,
+ Vexpr,
+ Nexpr,
+ Symbols,
+ Comments
+ )
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carputil.icn b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carputil.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77f0e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/carpets/carputil.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# File: carputil.icn
+# Subject: Procedures to support numerical carpets
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 16, 1998
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Links: colrlist
+link colrlist
+record carpet( # carpet specification
+ Name,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ Modulus,
+ Colors,
+ Top,
+ Left,
+ Neighbors,
+ Defns,
+ Links,
+ Comments
+ )
+record karpet( # karpet specification
+ Name,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ Modulus,
+ Colors,
+ Paths,
+ Sweeps,
+ Neighbors,
+ Defns,
+ Links,
+ Comments
+ )
+record pathexpr( # path expression
+ x,
+ y,
+ v
+ )
+procedure carpcolr(cspec)
+ local clist
+ clist := (colrhues | colrspec | colrplte | colrlist)(cspec) | fail
+ return clist
+# Convert string of color specifications to color list.
+procedure colrspec(s)
+ local lst, spec
+ lst := []
+ s ? {
+ while spec := tab(upto(':')) do {
+ put(lst, ColorValue(spec)) | fail
+ move(1)
+ }
+ if not pos(0) then fail else return lst
+ }
+# Interpret string of characters as hues.
+procedure colrhues(s)
+ local lst, c
+ static hue_tbl, hues
+ initial {
+ hue_tbl := table()
+ hue_tbl["R"] := "red"
+ hue_tbl["G"] := "green"
+ hue_tbl["B"] := "blue"
+ hue_tbl["C"] := "cyan"
+ hue_tbl["Y"] := "yellow"
+ hue_tbl["M"] := "magenta"
+ hue_tbl["k"] := "black"
+ hue_tbl["W"] := "white"
+ hue_tbl["O"] := "orange"
+ hue_tbl["P"] := "purple"
+ hue_tbl["V"] := "violet"
+ hue_tbl["b"] := "brown"
+ hue_tbl["p"] := "pink"
+ hue_tbl["G"] := "gray"
+ }
+ lst := []
+ every c := !s do
+ put(lst, \hue_tbl[c]) | fail
+ return lst
+procedure write_spec(name, spec)
+ local n, output
+ static bar
+ initial bar := repl("#", 72)
+ output := open(name, "a") | fail
+ every write(output, "link ", !sort(spec.Links))
+ write(output, "$define Comments ", image(spec.Comments))
+ write(output, "$define Name ", image(spec.Name))
+ write(output, "$define Width (", spec.Width, ")")
+ write(output, "$define Height (", spec.Height, ")")
+ write(output, "$define Modulus (", spec.Modulus, ")")
+ write(output, "$define Top (", spec.Top, ")")
+ write(output, "$define Left (", spec.Left, ")")
+ write(output, "$define Neighbors (", spec.Neighbors, ")")
+ write(output, "$define Colors ", spec.Colors)
+ every n := !keylist(spec.Defns) do
+ write(output, "$define ", n, " (", spec.Defns[n], ")")
+ write(output, bar)
+ close(output)
+ return
+procedure write_spek(file, spec)
+ local n, output, links, initializers, p, weavers, neighbors, i
+ static bar
+ initial bar := repl("#", 72)
+ output := open(file, "w") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open include file for writing.")
+ fail
+ }
+ every i := 1 to *dopt_list do
+ if \dset_list[i] then
+ write(output, "$define ", map(dopt_list[i][1], &lcase, &ucase),
+ map(dopt_list[i][2:0], " ", "_"))
+ every i := 1 to *fopt_list do
+ if \fset_list[i] then
+ write(output, "$define ", map(fopt_list[i][1], &lcase, &ucase),
+ fopt_list[i][2:0])
+ write(output, "$define Comments ", image(specification["comments"]))
+ write(output, "$define Name ", image(specification["name"]))
+ write(output, "$define Width (", specification["width"], ")")
+ write(output, "$define Height (", specification["height"], ")")
+ write(output, "$define Modulus (", specification["modulus"], ")")
+ write(output, "$define Colors ", specification["colors"])
+ every n := !keylist(specification["definitions"]) do
+ write(output, "$define ", n, " (", specification["definitions"][n], ")")
+ if *entries["initializers"] = 0 then {
+ Notice("No initializers.")
+ fail
+ }
+ else {
+ initializers := "$define Paths ["
+ every n := !entries["initializers"] do {
+ p := specification["initializers"][n]
+ initializers ||:= "pathexpr(create " || p.x || ", create " || p.y ||
+ ", create " || p.v || "),"
+ }
+ write(output, initializers[1:-1], "]")
+ }
+ if *entries["weavers"] = 0 then {
+ Notice("No weavers.")
+ fail
+ }
+ else {
+ weavers := "$define Weavers ["
+ every n := !entries["weavers"] do {
+ p := specification["weavers"][n]
+ weavers ||:= "pathexpr(create " || p.x || ", create " || p.y || "),"
+ }
+ write(output, weavers[1:-1], "]")
+ }
+ if *specification["links"] > 0 then {
+ links := "$define Link "
+ every links ||:= !sort(specification["links"]) || ", "
+ write(output, links[1:-2])
+ }
+ if *specification["neighbors"] = 0 then {
+ Notice("No neighborhood expressions.")
+ fail
+ }
+ else {
+ neighbors := "$define Neighbors ["
+ every n := !keylist(specification["neighbors"]) do
+ neighbors ||:= "create " || specification["neighbors"][n] || ","
+ write(output, neighbors[1:-1], "]")
+ }
+ write(output, bar)
+ close(output)
+ return
+$define Cells 16
+$define Width 20
+procedure draw_colors(clist)
+ local i, j, k, depth, color, colors
+ depth := *clist / Cells
+ if *clist % Cells ~= 0 then depth +:= 1
+ WClose(\colors)
+ colors := WOpen("size=" || (Cells * Width) || "," || (depth * Width),
+ "bg=black") | {
+ Notice("Cannot open window for color map.")
+ exit()
+ }
+ every j := 0 to depth - 1 do
+ every i := 0 to Cells - 1 do {
+ color := get(clist) | break break
+ Fg(colors, color) | {
+ Notice("Cannot set foreground to " || image(color) || ".")
+ next
+ }
+ FillRectangle(colors, i * Width + 1, j * Width + 1, Width - 1,
+ Width - 1)
+ }
+ Bg(colors, "dark gray")
+ Fg(colors, "black")
+ WAttrib(colors, "fillstyle=textured")
+ WAttrib(colors, "pattern=checkers")
+ every k := i to Width - 1 do # fill out rest
+ FillRectangle(colors, k * Width + 1, j * Width + 1, Width - 1, Width - 1)
+ return colors