path: root/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibfile.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/vib/vibfile.icn')
1 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibfile.icn b/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibfile.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1dd43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/vib/vibfile.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+# vibfile.icn -- procedures for reading and writing specs to files
+# This file is in the public domain.
+$include "vibdefn.icn"
+$include "vdefns.icn"
+# constants and globals that are used only in this file:
+$define PTITLE "#===<<vib prototype file>>==="
+$define HEADER "#===<<vib:begin>>===\tmodify using vib; do not remove this marker line"
+$define TRAILER "#===<<vib:end>>===\tend of section maintained by vib"
+$define XHEADER "#===<<xie:begin>>===" # for detecting old files
+$define XTRAILER "#===<<xie:end>>==="
+$define HMATCH 20 # number of chars that must match in header
+$define TMATCH 18 # number of chars that must match in trailer
+global USER_PREFIX, # user code preceding spec
+ USER_SUFFIX # user code following spec
+# new_session() creates a new, empty VIB session
+procedure new_session()
+ local fname
+ if not flush_session() then fail
+ SIZER := create_sizer()
+ clear_screen()
+ SESSION := newname()
+ label_session()
+ return
+# load_session() reads in a saved VIB session file so that it can be
+# re-edited.
+procedure load_session(s)
+ local line, ifile, l, o
+ ifile := open(s, "r") | fail
+ clear_screen()
+ while line := read(ifile) do {
+ if line ? match((HEADER | XHEADER)[1 +: HMATCH]) then
+ break
+ if line ? match("# Session Code:") then {
+ Notice("Old file format; use uix to convert")
+ fail
+ }
+ USER_PREFIX ||:= line
+ USER_PREFIX ||:= "\n"
+ line := &null
+ }
+ DIRTY := &null
+ if not (\line ? match((HEADER | XHEADER)[1 +: HMATCH])) then {
+ Notice("No interface section found; creating one")
+ USER_PREFIX ||:= "\n\n\n"
+ DIRTY := 1
+ }
+ while o := load_object(ifile) do case o.typ of {
+ "Button" : init_object(load_button, button_obj(), o)
+ "Text" : init_object(load_text_input, text_input_obj(), o)
+ "Scrollbar" : init_object(load_slider, slider_obj(), o)
+ "Slider" : init_object(load_slider, slider_obj(), o)
+ "Line" : init_object(load_line, line_obj(), o)
+ "Rect" : init_object(load_rect, rect_obj(), o)
+ "Label" : init_object(load_label, label_obj(), o)
+ "Message" : init_object(load_label, label_obj(), o)
+ "Choice" : init_object(load_radio_button, radio_button_obj(), o)
+ "Menu" : init_object(load_menu, menu_obj(), o)
+ "Sizer" : init_object(load_sizer, sizer_obj(), o)
+ "Check" : init_object(load_xbox, button_obj(), o)
+ "List" : init_object(load_list, list_obj(), o)
+ }
+ while USER_SUFFIX ||:= read(ifile) do
+ USER_SUFFIX ||:= "\n"
+ close(ifile)
+ return
+# init_object() initializes an object record and calls a proc to register it.
+procedure init_object(proc, r, o)
+ :=
+ r.proc := o.proc
+ r.x := integer(o.x)
+ r.y := o.y + CANVASY
+ r.w := integer(o.w)
+ r.h := integer(o.h)
+ r.focus := 0
+ push(O_LIST, r) # must precede proc call
+ proc(r, o) # call object-specific procedure
+ update_bb(r)
+ draw_object(r)
+# load_object() reads the next object from a saved session file.
+procedure load_object(f)
+ local c, s, l, r
+ # find a line where the first nonblank character is a "["
+ repeat {
+ while (c := reads(f, 1)) & upto(' \t\f', c)
+ if \c == "[" then
+ break
+ s := (c || read(f)) | fail
+ if s ? match((TRAILER | XTRAILER)[1 +: TMATCH]) then
+ fail
+ }
+ # load the list of values
+ l := load_strings(f) | fail
+ # break them down into an ext_rec record
+ r := ext_rec()
+ s := get(l) | fail
+ s ? {
+ := tab(upto(':')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.typ := tab(upto(':')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.sty := tab(upto(':')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.num := tab(upto(':')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.x := tab(upto(',')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.y := tab(upto(',')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.w := tab(upto(',')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.h := tab(upto(':')) | fail; move(1)
+ r.lbl := tab(0)
+ }
+ r.proc := get(l) | ""
+ r.etc := get(l) | []
+ return r
+# load_strings() reads a list of strings after "[" has already been consumed.
+procedure load_strings(f)
+ local l, c, s, n
+ l := []
+ n := 0
+ while c := reads(f, 1) do case c of {
+ "]": return l # end of list
+ ",": (n <:= *l) | put(l, &null)
+ " ": next # whitespace: do nothing
+ "\t": next
+ "\r": next
+ "\n": next
+ "[": put(l, load_strings(f)) # nested list
+ "\"": { # string constant
+ s := ""
+ while (c := reads(f, 1)) & not upto('"\n"', c) do
+ if s == "\\" then
+ s ||:= reads(f, 1)
+ else
+ s ||:= c
+ put(l, s)
+ }
+ default: { # anything else: consume to separator
+ s := c
+ while (c := reads(f, 1)) & not upto(',] \t\r\n', c) do
+ s ||:= c
+ put(l, s)
+ if c == "]" then
+ return l
+ }
+ }
+ fail # EOF hit
+# save_session() saves the current session to a file. If "pflag" is set,
+# the standard prefix is used (for prototype mode).
+procedure save_session(s, pflag)
+ local ofile
+ sanity_check() | fail
+ ofile := open(s, "w")
+ if /ofile then {
+ Notice("Could not open " || s, "(FILE WAS NOT SAVED)")
+ fail
+ }
+ if /SIZER.dlog then
+ save_app(ofile, pflag, s)
+ else
+ save_dlog(ofile, pflag, s)
+ close(ofile)
+ if /pflag then
+ DIRTY := &null
+ return
+# sanity_check() issues warnings if certain things don't look right.
+procedure sanity_check()
+ local messages, npush, ndflt, nrect, nlist, o
+ messages := []
+ npush := ndflt := nrect := nlist := 0
+ every o := !O_LIST do {
+ case type(o) of {
+ "button_obj": {
+ if /o.toggle then npush +:= 1
+ if \o.dflt then ndflt +:= 1
+ }
+ "rect_obj": {
+ nrect +:= 1
+ }
+ "list_obj": {
+ nlist +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if \SIZER.dlog then {
+ if ndflt > 1 then
+ put(messages, "",
+ "More than one button is marked as the default.",
+ "Only one will be used.")
+ if npush = 0 then
+ put(messages, "",
+ "There is no non-toggle button, so it will not",
+ "be possible to dismiss the dialog box.")
+ if nrect > 0 | nlist > 0 then
+ put(messages, "",
+ "There are one or more regions or text lists,",
+ "but these do not function in dialog boxes.")
+ }
+ else {
+ if ndflt > 0 then
+ put(messages, "",
+ "A button is marked as a dialog default,",
+ "but this is not a dialog specification.")
+ }
+ if *messages = 0 then
+ return
+ push(messages, "Warning:")
+ case TextDialog(messages, , , , ["Continue", "Cancel"], 2) of {
+ "Continue": return
+ "Cancel": fail
+ }
+# save_app() saves the session as an application. If "pflag" is set,
+# the standard prefix is used (for prototype mode).
+procedure save_app(ofile, pflag, filename)
+ local id
+ id := ("" ~== \ | "ui"
+ if \pflag then
+ write(ofile, PTITLE, "\n\n")
+ if \pflag | /USER_PREFIX then {
+ if /pflag then
+ ipl_header(ofile, filename, "Program to", "vsetup")
+ app_prologue(ofile, id, pflag)
+ if /pflag then
+ save_procs(ofile)
+ }
+ else
+ writes(ofile, USER_PREFIX)
+ write(ofile, HEADER)
+ write(ofile, "procedure ", id, "_atts()")
+ writes(ofile, " return [\"size=", SIZER.x + SIZER.w, ",",
+ SIZER.y - CANVASY + SIZER.h, "\", \"bg=", VBackground, "\"")
+ writes(ofile, ", \"label=", "" ~== SIZER.label, "\"")
+ write(ofile, "]")
+ write(ofile,"end")
+ write(ofile)
+ write(ofile, "procedure ", id, "(win, cbk)")
+ write(ofile, "return vsetup(win, cbk,")
+ output_spec(ofile, SIZER)
+ output_all(ofile, O_LIST)
+ write(ofile, " )")
+ write(ofile, "end")
+ write(ofile, TRAILER)
+ if /pflag & \USER_SUFFIX then
+ writes(ofile, USER_SUFFIX)
+ return
+# save_procs() generates empty callback procedures in lexical order.
+procedure save_procs(ofile)
+ local o, t, l
+ t := table()
+ every o := !O_LIST do
+ t["" ~== \o.proc] := o
+ l := sort(t, 3)
+ while get(l) do {
+ o := get(l)
+ writes(ofile, "procedure ", o.proc, "(vidget, ")
+ if type(o) == "rect_obj" then
+ write(ofile, "e, x, y)")
+ else
+ write(ofile, "value)")
+ write(ofile, " return")
+ write(ofile, "end")
+ write(ofile)
+ }
+ return
+# save_dlog() saves the session as a dialog. If "pflag" is set,
+# the standard prefix is used (for prototype mode).
+procedure save_dlog(ofile, pflag, filename)
+ local id
+ id := ("" ~== \ | "dl"
+ if \pflag then
+ dlog_prototype(ofile, id)
+ else if /USER_PREFIX then {
+ ipl_header(ofile, filename, "Procedure to", "dsetup")
+ dlog_prologue(ofile)
+ }
+ else
+ writes(ofile, USER_PREFIX)
+ write(ofile, HEADER)
+ write(ofile, "procedure ", id, "(win, deftbl)")
+ write(ofile, "static dstate")
+ write(ofile, "initial dstate := dsetup(win,")
+ output_spec(ofile, SIZER)
+ output_all(ofile, O_LIST)
+ write(ofile, " )")
+ write(ofile, "return dpopup(win, deftbl, dstate)")
+ write(ofile, "end")
+ write(ofile, TRAILER)
+ if /pflag & \USER_SUFFIX then
+ writes(ofile, USER_SUFFIX)
+ return
+# output_all() outputs the members of an object list, sorted by ID,
+# but with rectangles last so that they can enclose other objects.
+record output_rec(obj, key)
+procedure output_all(f, l)
+ local t, e, k
+ t := []
+ every e := !l do {
+ if type(e) == "rect_obj" then
+ k := "~" || right(e.w * e.h, 20) || # rects last, by area
+ else
+ k :=
+ put(t, output_rec(e, k))
+ }
+ t := sortf(t, 2)
+ every e := !t do
+ output_spec(f, e.obj)
+ return
+# output_spec() outputs the spec for an object.
+procedure output_spec(f, o)
+ local r
+ # set standard fields
+ r := ext_rec(o)
+ :=
+ r.proc := o.proc
+ r.x := o.x
+ r.y := o.y - CANVASY
+ r.w := o.w
+ r.h := o.h
+ # set type-dependent fields
+ case type(o) of {
+ "sizer_obj" : save_sizer(r, o)
+ "button_obj" : save_button(r, o)
+ "text_input_obj" : save_text_input(r, o)
+ "line_obj" : save_line(r, o)
+ "rect_obj" : save_rect(r, o)
+ "slider_obj" : save_slider(r, o)
+ "radio_button_obj" : save_radio_button(r, o)
+ "label_obj" : save_label(r, o)
+ "menu_obj" : save_menu(r, o)
+ "list_obj" : save_list_obj(r, o)
+ }
+ writes(f, " [\"")
+ writes(f,, ":", r.typ, ":", r.sty, ":", r.num, ":")
+ writes(f, r.x, ",", r.y, ",", r.w, ",", r.h, ":")
+ writes(f, r.lbl, "\",")
+ if /SIZER.dlog then
+ writes(f, r.proc)
+ if \r.etc then
+ output_list(f, r.etc)
+ write(f, "],")
+ return
+# output_list() outputs a list in Icon form preceded by ",\n".
+procedure output_list(f, a)
+ local prefix, elem, n
+ static indent
+ initial indent := " "
+ n := 0
+ indent ||:= " "
+ writes(f, ",\n", indent, "[")
+ prefix := ""
+ while elem := get(a) do
+ if type(elem) == "list" then {
+ output_list(f, elem)
+ prefix := ",\n" || indent
+ n := 0
+ }
+ else {
+ writes(f, prefix, image(elem))
+ if (n +:= 1) % 5 = 0 then
+ prefix := ",\n" || indent
+ else
+ prefix := ","
+ }
+ writes(f, "]")
+ indent := indent[1:-3]
+# prototype() saves, compiles, and executes the current session.
+procedure prototype()
+ local f, line
+ if f := open(PROTOFILE) then {
+ line := read(f)
+ close(f)
+ if \line & not (line ? =PTITLE) then {
+ Notice("Cannot create prototype file " || PROTOFILE || ":",
+ "it already contains something that is not a VIB prototype")
+ fail
+ }
+ }
+ # write source file
+ if save_session(PROTOFILE, 1) then {
+ # translate and execute
+ WAttrib("pointer=" || ("wait" | "watch"))
+ system(BUILDPROTO)
+ remove(PROTOFILE)
+ WAttrib("pointer=" || ("left ptr" | "arrow"))
+ system(EXECPROTO)
+ }
+# newname() invents a name when creating a new file.
+procedure newname()
+ local s, i, f
+ every i := seq() do {
+ s := "app" || i || ".icn" # invent "app<n>.icn" file name
+ if f := open(s) then
+ close(f) # can't use this name; already exists
+ else
+ return s # found a safe new name
+ }
+# ipl_header() writes a standard IPL application header.
+procedure ipl_header(ofile, filename, subject, links)
+ local hline, date
+ hline := repl("#", 76)
+ &dateline ? {
+ tab(upto(',') + 2)
+ date := tab(upto(',') + 6)
+ }
+ write(ofile, hline)
+ write(ofile, "#\n#\tFile: ", filename)
+ write(ofile, "#\n#\tSubject: ", subject, " ...")
+ write(ofile, "#\n#\tAuthor: ")
+ write(ofile, "#\n#\tDate: ", date)
+ write(ofile, "#\n", hline)
+ write(ofile, "#\n#\n#\n", hline)
+ write(ofile, "#\n# Requires:\n#\n", hline)
+ write(ofile, "#\n# Links: ", links)
+ write(ofile, "#\n", hline)
+ write(ofile)
+ return
+# app_prologue() writes a main program and other code for a new application.
+procedure app_prologue(f, id, pflag)
+ local vecho, e
+ if \pflag then
+ vecho := ", VEcho"
+ else
+ vecho := ""
+ every write(f, ![
+ "# This vib interface specification is a working program that responds",
+ "# to vidget events by printing messages. Use a text editor to replace",
+ "# this skeletal program with your own code. Retain the vib section at",
+ "# the end and use vib to make any changes to the interface.",
+ "",
+ "link vsetup",
+ "",
+ "procedure main(args)",
+ " local vidgets, root, paused",
+ "",
+ " (WOpen ! " || id || "_atts()) | stop(\"can't open window\")",
+ " vidgets := " || id || "(" || vecho || ")\t\t\t\t# set up vidgets",
+ " root := vidgets[\"root\"]"
+ ])
+ # generate a sample VSetItems call for every list object (prototyping only)
+ if \pflag then
+ every e := !O_LIST do
+ if type(e) == "list_obj" then
+ write(f, " VSetItems(vidgets[\"",,
+ "\"], [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\"])");
+ every write(f, ![
+ "",
+ " paused := 1\t\t\t\t\t# flag no work to do",
+ " repeat {",
+ " # handle any events that are available, or",
+ " # wait for events if there is no other work to do",
+ " while (*Pending() > 0) | \\paused do {",
+ " ProcessEvent(root, QuitCheck)",
+ " }",
+ " # if <paused> is set null, code can be added here",
+ " # to perform useful work between checks for input",
+ " }",
+ "end",
+ ""])
+# dlog_prologue() writes a header for a dialog file.
+procedure dlog_prologue(f)
+every write(f, ![
+ "# Link this dialog specification with the rest of your program code.",
+ "# Use vib to make any changes.",
+ "",
+ "link dsetup",
+ ""])
+# dlog_prototype() writes a header for a dialog prototyping run.
+procedure dlog_prototype(f, id)
+ write(f, PTITLE)
+ write(f)
+ write(f, "link dsetup, graphics")
+ write(f)
+ write(f, "procedure main(args)")
+ write(f, " remove(", image(PROTOEXE), ")")
+ write(f, " dproto(", id, ", , ",
+ SIZER.x + SIZER.w, ", ", SIZER.y - CANVASY + SIZER.h, ", args)")
+ write(f, "end")
+ write(f)