path: root/ipl/gpacks/weaving/showrav.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/weaving/showrav.icn')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/weaving/showrav.icn b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/showrav.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..743befc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/showrav.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# File: showrav.icn
+# Subject: Program to display woven pattern
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: June 23, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Showrav displays an unraveled weaving using shading to show how
+# the threads (actually, they look more like ribbons) pass over
+# and under each other. It reads raw output of the form produced
+# by "unravel -r". At any intersection where both the warp and
+# weft threads are the correct color, the thread is chosen randomly.
+# Usage: showrav [winoptions] file...
+# Window commands are:
+# q quit
+# r render again with different random choices
+# s save image
+# <SP> advance to next file
+# <BS> go back one file
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, interact, random
+link graphics
+link interact
+link random
+$define CMAX 12 # maximum cell size
+$define CMIN 3 # minimum cell size (overrides WMAX/HMAX)
+global normal, lighter, darker # mapping strings for c1 palette colors
+global cols, rows, data
+global WMAX, HMAX # maximum window size
+global W # cell size
+global B # border width
+procedure main(args)
+ local n
+ Window("canvas=hidden", "size=1000,800", args) # that's MAXIMUM size
+ WMAX := WAttrib("width") # user may override
+ HMAX := WAttrib("height")
+ if *args = 0 then stop("usage: ", &progname, " [winoptions] file...")
+ setcolors()
+ randomize()
+ n := 1
+ load(args[n])
+ render()
+ repeat case Event() of {
+ !QuitEvents(): exit()
+ !"rR": render()
+ !"sS": snapshot()
+ !" \n\r": {
+ if n < *args then {
+ load(args[n +:= 1])
+ render()
+ }
+ }
+ !" \b\d": {
+ if n > 1 then {
+ load(args[n -:= 1])
+ render()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure load(fname)
+ local f, s
+ f := open(fname) | stop("cannot open ", fname)
+ cols := read(f)
+ rows := read(f)
+ data := read(f)
+ close(f)
+ (*\cols * *\rows = *\data) | stop("malformed input: ", fname)
+ W := WMAX / *cols
+ W >:= HMAX / *rows
+ W >:= CMAX
+ W <:= CMIN
+ B := W / 6
+ B <:= 1
+ s := "size=" || (W * *cols) || "," || (W * *rows)
+ WAttrib(s, "label=" || fname, "canvas=normal")
+ return
+procedure render()
+ local x, y, c
+ every x := 1 to *cols do
+ warp(x, cols[x])
+ data ? {
+ every y := 1 to *rows do {
+ every x := 1 to *cols do {
+ c := move(1)
+ if c ~== rows[y] then
+ vert(x, y, c)
+ else if c ~== cols[x] then
+ horz(x, y, c)
+ else
+ either(x, y, c)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure warp(x, c)
+ local h
+ x := W * (x - 1)
+ h := W * *rows
+ Fg(PaletteColor("c1", map(c, normal, lighter)))
+ FillRectangle(x, 0, B, h)
+ Fg(PaletteColor("c1", c))
+ FillRectangle(x + B, 0, W - 2 * B, h)
+ Fg(PaletteColor("c1", map(c, normal, darker)))
+ FillRectangle(x + W, 0, -B, h)
+ return
+procedure vert(x, y, c)
+ # nothing to do; let warp thread show through
+ return
+procedure horz(x, y, c)
+ x := W * (x - 1)
+ y := W * (y - 1)
+ Fg(PaletteColor("c1", map(c, normal, lighter)))
+ FillRectangle(x, y, W, B)
+ Fg(PaletteColor("c1", c))
+ FillRectangle(x, y + B, W, W - 2 * B)
+ Fg(PaletteColor("c1", map(c, normal, darker)))
+ FillRectangle(x, y + W, W, -B)
+ return
+procedure either(x, y, c)
+ static procs
+ initial procs := [horz, vert]
+ return (?procs)(x, y, c)
+procedure setcolors()
+ lighter := "2234565^[&Cpabc,;+*`ijklmABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ normal := "0123456789?!ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ darker := "1012344MKCp0NOPQRSTUVWXYZnopqrstuvwxyz0000000000000"
+ lighter ||:= "#$&,;+*`<([{^6666666666666#$&,;+*`<([{^"
+ normal ||:= "abcdefghijklm#$&,;+*`<([{^@%|.:-/'>)]}="
+ darker ||:= "@%|.:-/'>)]}=@%|.:-/'>)]}=nopqrstuvwxyz"
+ return