path: root/ipl/gpacks/weaving/unravel.icn
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/gpacks/weaving/unravel.icn')
1 files changed, 727 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/gpacks/weaving/unravel.icn b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/unravel.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b15750b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gpacks/weaving/unravel.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+# File: unravel.icn
+# Subject: Program to find thread colors for weaving
+# Author: Gregg M. Townsend
+# Date: June 23, 2000
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Unravel solves a coloring problem inspired by weaving. Given a
+# multicolored rectangular pattern, assign colors to warp and weft
+# threads that will allow the pattern to be woven on a loom.
+# We ignore questions of structural integrity and insist only
+# that each cell's color be matched by either the corresponding
+# warp thread (column color) or weft thread (row color).
+# Usage: unravel [-bdnrtv] filename
+# -b: run in batch mode (don't show results in window)
+# -d: show details of solution on &error
+# -n: no shortcuts: retain solid & duplicate rows & cols
+# -r: raw output on &output of columns, rows, grid data
+# -t: include timing breakdown in result message
+# -v: write verbose commentary on &output
+# Input is an image file (GIF, XBM) to be mapped to the c1 palette
+# (these require graphics, even in batch mode) or an image string
+# acceptable to readims(). The maximum size is 256 x 256.
+# After analysis, the pattern is declared "solved" or "insoluble".
+# This result is displayed in the title of the result window and
+# printed on standard error output.
+# The output window shows an enlarged copy of the pattern with row
+# and column color assignments along the top, bottom, and sides.
+# With an insoluble or pattern, colors just reflect the program
+# state at termination. Type "q" in the window to exit.
+# A one-line result summary is always written to &errout. The -d
+# option adds two more lines giving the row and column assignments,
+# with the colors coded by the "c1" color palette.
+# With the -r option, three lines are written to &output:
+# column colorings
+# row colorings
+# grid data
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: graphics, imscolor, imsutils, numbers, options, random
+link graphics
+link imscolor
+link imsutils
+link numbers
+link options
+link random
+record vector( # one row or column
+ index, # index of this row/column (1-based)
+ label, # row/column label: "rnnn" or "cnnn"
+ mchar, # char used in mapping
+ cells, # string of colors in row/column cells
+ live, # string of colors in active row/column cells
+ fam, # color family
+ ignored # non-null if to be ignored (if solved, or if redundant)
+record family( # a family of vectors that must all be the same color
+ vset, # set of vectors
+ color # assigned color (null if not yet set)
+global opts # command options
+global fname # input file name
+global logfile # output file for logging, if -v specified
+global t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 # &time measurements
+global imstring # image string of original pattern specification
+global data # raw cell data
+global rows # list of row vectors
+global cols # list of column vectors
+global mapchars # string of chars used for col & row mapping
+global rowvalid # valid columns in row
+global colvalid # valid columns in column
+############################## CONTROL ##############################
+procedure main(args)
+ local n, v
+ opts := options(args, "bdnrtv")
+ if \opts["v"] then
+ logfile := &output
+ else
+ log := 1 # disable logging function
+ *args = 1 | stop("usage: ", &progname, " [-bdnrtv] imsfile")
+ fname := get(args)
+ imstring := load(fname) | abort("can't load file")
+ t1 := &time
+ setpattern(imstring) | abort("can't parse pattern string")
+ setmaps() # initialize mapping strings
+ loggrid() # show problem diagram
+ t2 := &time
+ if /opts["n"] then { # if not -n, then reduce problem
+ while dupls(rows | cols) | solids() do
+ setmaps() # reduce problem size
+ loggrid() # show reduced problem
+ }
+ t3 := &time
+ # check for quads until no longer worthwhile
+ while (not trivial()) & quad(rows | cols) do {
+ setmaps() # reduce problem size
+ loggrid() # show reduced problem
+ }
+ t4 := &time
+ log("choosing colors arbitrarily")
+ every v := active(rows | cols) do # will solve or show impossible
+ setcolor(v, ?
+ setmaps() # should detect solved problem
+ abort("didn't finish!")
+############################## INPUT ##############################
+# load(fname) -- load image from file, convert to imstring if necessary
+procedure load(fname)
+ local f, s
+ if f := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "image=" || fname) then {
+ if WAttrib(f, "width" | "height") > 256 then
+ abort("image exceeds 256 x 256")
+ s := Capture(f, "c1")
+ WClose(f)
+ return s
+ }
+ f := open(fname) | fail
+ s := readims(f) | fail
+ close(f)
+ return s
+# setpattern(im) -- initialize pattern data from image string
+procedure setpattern(im)
+ local ncols, nrows, i, j, s
+ mapchars := string(&cset)
+ imstring := im
+ ncols := imswidth(imstring) | fail
+ nrows := imsheight(imstring) | fail
+ data := (imstring ? 3(tab(upto(',')+1), tab(upto(',')+1), tab(0))) | fail
+ if *data ~= nrows * ncols then
+ abort("malformed image string: wrong data length")
+ if nrows > 256 || ncols > 256 then
+ abort("pattern exceeds 256 x 256")
+ rows := []
+ data ? while addvector(rows, "r", move(ncols))
+ cols := []
+ every i := 1 to ncols do {
+ s := ""
+ every j := i to *data by ncols do
+ s ||:= data[j]
+ addvector(cols, "c", s)
+ }
+ return
+# addvector(vlist, lchar, data) -- add new vector to vlist, labeled with lchar
+procedure addvector(vlist, lchar, data)
+ local v, f
+ v := vector()
+ f := family()
+ v.index := *vlist + 1
+ v.label := lchar || v.index
+ v.mchar := mapchars[*vlist + 1]
+ v.cells := data
+ v.fam := f
+ f.vset := set()
+ insert(f.vset, v)
+ put(vlist, v)
+ return
+############################## ANALYSIS ##############################
+# solids() -- check for families with remaining members all one color
+# succeeds if it accomplishes anything
+procedure solids()
+ local f, v, n
+ log("checking for solids (r,c)")
+ n := 0
+ every v := active(rows) | active(cols) do {
+ if *cset( = 1 then {
+ setcolor(v,[1])
+ n +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 < n
+# dupls(vlist) -- check for duplicate (identical) vectors in a list
+# succeeds if it accomplishes anything
+procedure dupls(vlist)
+ local s, t, v, w, n
+ log("checking for duplicates (", vlist[1].label[1], ")")
+ t := table()
+ n := 0
+ every v := active(vlist) do {
+ s := v.cells
+ if not (/t[s] := v) then {
+ samecolor(t[s], v)
+ v.ignored := 1 # set inactive
+ n +:= 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 < n
+# trivial() -- succeed if this is a trivial case
+# A trivial case is one that can be solved by coloring remaining
+# vectors arbitrarily with any of the colors they contain.
+# (Color one vector, force others, repeat until done.)
+procedure trivial()
+ local c, s, cs, union, isectn
+ if *rowvalid < 3 & *colvalid < 3 then
+ return # trivial (2x2 or smaller)
+ if *rowvalid < 2 | *colvalid < 2 then
+ return # trivial (1xn)
+ union := ''
+ isectn := &cset
+ every cs := cset(active(rows | cols).live) do {
+ union ++:= cs
+ isectn **:= cs
+ }
+ if *union < 3 then
+ return # trivial (bilevel or solid pattern)
+# If a pattern can be permuted into a solid color except for
+# one diagonal line (or parts of one), then it is trivially solved.
+ if *isectn = 1 then { # if single background color
+ c := string(isectn)
+ every s := active(rows | cols).live do {
+ s ? {
+ tab(many(c))
+ move(1)
+ tab(many(c))
+ if not pos(0) then
+ fail # if not a diagonal case
+ }
+ }
+ log("found diagonal case")
+ return # trivial (diagonal case)
+ }
+ fail # not a trivial case
+# quad(vlist) -- find a 2x2 forcing subproblem
+# Looks for AABC pattern with AA oriented along one vector of vlist.
+# Succeeds after finding one quad pattern and forcing colors.
+procedure quad(vlist)
+ local wlist, a, b, c, s, t, x1, x2, y1, y2, ss, ts
+ log("checking quads (", vlist[1].label[1], ")")
+ every put(wlist := [], active(vlist))
+ shuffle(wlist) # for better chance of quick solution
+ every x1 := 1 to *wlist do {
+ s := wlist[x1].live # potential AA vector
+ ss := cset(s)
+ every x2 := (x1 ~= (1 to *wlist)) do {
+ t := wlist[x2].live # potential BC vector
+ ts := cset(t)
+ if *(ss ++ ts) < 3 then
+ next
+ every y1 := 1 to *s do {
+ a := s[y1]
+ b := t[y1]
+ if a == b then next
+ if *(ts -- a -- b) = 0
+ then next
+ every y2 := y1 + 1 to *s do {
+ if s[y2] ~== a then next
+ # now have found AA at subscripts y1, y2
+ c := t[y2]
+ if c == (a | b) then next
+ log("found pattern: ", a, a, b, c, " ",
+ wlist[x1].label, " ", wlist[x2].label,
+ " [", y1, "] [", y2, "]")
+ setcolor(wlist[x1], a)
+ return # return after finding and forcing one
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fail
+# active(vlist) -- generate vlist entries that are not being ignored
+procedure active(vlist)
+ local v
+ every v := !vlist do
+ if /v.ignored then
+ suspend v
+############################## MANIPULATION ##############################
+# setmaps() -- recompute mapping strings for ignoring cols and rows
+procedure setmaps()
+ local v
+ rowvalid := vectmap(cols)
+ colvalid := vectmap(rows)
+ every v := active(rows) do
+ := map(rowvalid, mapchars[1+:*cols], v.cells)
+ every v := active(cols) do
+ := map(colvalid, mapchars[1+:*rows], v.cells)
+ if *colvalid = 0 | *rowvalid = 0 then
+ success()
+ return
+# vectmap(vlist) -- concatenate mapping chars of non-ignored vector entries
+procedure vectmap(vlist)
+ local s, v
+ s := ""
+ every v := active(vlist) do
+ s ||:= v.mchar
+ return s
+############################## CONSTRAINTS ##############################
+# samecolor(v, w) -- link together two vectors that must be the same color
+procedure samecolor(v, w)
+ local vfam, wfam, f, x
+ vfam := v.fam
+ wfam := w.fam
+ if vfam === wfam then {
+ log("samecolor ", v.label, " ", w.label, ": ",
+ *vfam.vset, " vectors already linked")
+ return
+ }
+ if \vfam.color ~== \wfam.color then
+ insoluble("cannot merge " || v.label || " and " || w.label)
+ f := family()
+ f.vset := vfam.vset ++ wfam.vset
+ f.color := \vfam.color | \wfam.color | &null
+ every x := !f.vset do
+ x.fam := f
+ log("samecolor ", v.label, " ", w.label, ": ", *f.vset, " vectors")
+ return
+# setcolor(v, c) -- force vector v to color c, checking consequences
+procedure setcolor(v, c)
+ local f, fc
+ static depth, todo
+ initial {
+ depth := 0
+ todo := set()
+ }
+ f := v.fam
+ fc := f.color
+ if \v.ignored & fc === c then
+ return
+ log("setcolor ", v.label, " ", c)
+ if \fc ~== c then {
+ f.color := &null
+ insoluble(v.label || " cannot be both " || fc || " and " || c)
+ }
+ f.color := c
+ v.ignored := 1 # set inactive
+ insert(todo, v) # but make note check forcings
+ if depth > 0 then # avoid deep recursion
+ return
+ # check forcings only if not nested
+ depth +:= 1
+ while v := ?todo do {
+ ckforce(v)
+ delete(todo, v)
+ }
+ depth -:= 1
+ return
+# ckforce(v) -- check for forced colorings of vectors intersecting v
+procedure ckforce(v)
+ local c, cs, vlist
+ log("checking consequences of coloring ", v.label, " ", v.fam.color)
+ cs := &cset -- v.fam.color
+ vlist := case v.label[1] of {
+ "r": cols
+ "c": rows
+ default: abort("bad label in ckforce(): ", v.label)
+ }
+ v.cells ? while tab(upto(cs)) do
+ setcolor(vlist[&pos], move(1))
+ return
+############################## LOGGING ##############################
+# log(s,...) -- write a log message
+procedure log(args[])
+ if *args > 0 then
+ push(args, " ", &time - t1, "t=")
+ push(args, logfile)
+ write ! args
+# loggrid() -- write grid diagram to logfile
+$define LBLSIZE 4 # number of rows to allow for vertical column labels
+$define PADUPTO 32 # space between columns if no more than this many
+procedure loggrid()
+ local i, r, c, n, pad
+ if /logfile then
+ return
+ log("loggrid: ", *rowvalid, " x ", *colvalid)
+ if *cols <= PADUPTO then
+ pad := " "
+ # col labels
+ every i := 1 to LBLSIZE do {
+ writes(logfile, " ")
+ every c := active(cols) do
+ writes(logfile, pad, right(c.label, LBLSIZE)[i])
+ write(logfile)
+ }
+ write(logfile)
+ # rows: labels, data, color[s]
+ every r := active(rows) do {
+ i := r.index
+ writes(logfile, right(r.label, 5), " ")
+ every writes(logfile, pad, !
+ write(logfile, " ", \r.fam.color | " ")
+ }
+ # bottom label: column color
+ write(logfile)
+ writes(logfile, " ")
+ every c := active(cols) do
+ writes(logfile, pad, \c.fam.color | " ")
+ write(logfile)
+ return
+############################## TERMINATION ##############################
+# abort(s,...) -- abort due to error
+procedure abort(s[])
+ push(s, ": ", fname, " ")
+ stop ! s
+# insoluble(reason) -- terminate run, because no solution is possible
+procedure insoluble(reason)
+ log()
+ log("no solution possible: ", reason)
+ done("insoluble")
+# success() -- report successful solution
+procedure success()
+ local v, r, c
+ log()
+ log("solution found!")
+ every v := !rows | !cols do # set colors for don't-cares
+ /v.fam.color := ?v.cells
+ every (!rows | !cols).ignored := &null # to get them printed
+ setmaps() # likewise
+ r := c := ""
+ every r ||:= (!rows).fam.color
+ every c ||:= (!cols).fam.color
+ done("solved", r, c)
+# done(label, rowcolors, colcolors) -- display final resolution, and exit
+procedure done(label, rowcolors, colcolors)
+ local fn, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6
+ loggrid()
+ log()
+ flush(\logfile)
+ if /opts["t"] then
+ write(&errout, " ", left(label, 11), fname)
+ else {
+ t5 := &time
+ /t4 := t5
+ /t3 := t5
+ /t2 := t5
+ s1 := frn((t1 - 0) / 1000.0, 7, 2) # loading time
+ s2 := frn((t2 - t1) / 1000.0, 6, 2) # parsing
+ s3 := frn((t3 - t2) / 1000.0, 6, 2) # solids & duplicates
+ s4 := frn((t4 - t3) / 1000.0, 6, 2) # quads
+ s5 := frn((t5 - t4) / 1000.0, 6, 2) # arbitrary
+ s6 := frn((t5 - t1) / 1000.0, 8, 2) # total excl loading
+ write(&errout, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, " ", left(label, 11), fname)
+ }
+ if \opts["d"] then { # if details wanted
+ write(&errout, " cols: ", \colcolors)
+ write(&errout, " rows: ", \rowcolors)
+ }
+ flush(&errout)
+ if \opts["r"] & \colcolors then { # if raw data wanted (and if solved)
+ write(colcolors)
+ write(rowcolors)
+ every writes(active(rows).live)
+ write()
+ flush(&output)
+ }
+ if /opts["b"] then { # if not batch mode, display in window
+ dpygrid(label)
+ WDone()
+ }
+ exit()
+# dpygrid(label) -- display grid in window
+$define BACKGROUND "pale-weak-blue-cyan"
+$define PREFSZ 800 # preferred size after scaling
+$define MAXMAG 10 # maximum magnification
+$define STRIPE 2 # space for thread color(s)
+$define GAP 1 # margin around image
+procedure dpygrid(label)
+ local s
+ static w, h, z, p, v
+ initial {
+ p := imspalette(imstring)
+ w := STRIPE + GAP + *cols + GAP + STRIPE
+ h := STRIPE + GAP + *rows + GAP + STRIPE
+ z := PREFSZ / w
+ z >:= PREFSZ / h
+ z <:= 1
+ z >:= MAXMAG
+ WOpen("width=" || (z * w), "height=" || (z * h), "bg=" || BACKGROUND) |
+ abort("can't open window")
+ }
+ EraseArea()
+ DrawImage(STRIPE + GAP, STRIPE + GAP, imstring)
+ every v := !rows do {
+ dpycolor(v, p, STRIPE - 1, STRIPE + GAP + v.index - 1)
+ dpycolor(v, p, w - STRIPE, STRIPE + GAP + v.index - 1)
+ }
+ every v := !cols do {
+ dpycolor(v, p, STRIPE + GAP + v.index - 1, STRIPE - 1)
+ dpycolor(v, p, STRIPE + GAP + v.index - 1, h - STRIPE)
+ }
+ Fg("black")
+ Zoom(0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, z * w, z * h)
+ if *rows <= z * STRIPE & *cols <= z * STRIPE then
+ every DrawImage(1 | z * w - *cols - 1, 1 | z * h - *rows - 1, imstring)
+ WAttrib("label=" || fname || ": " || label)
+ return
+# dpycolor(v, p, x, y) -- display assigned color, if any
+procedure dpycolor(v, p, x, y)
+ if Fg(PaletteColor(p, \v.fam.color)) then
+ DrawPoint(x, y)