path: root/ipl/gprocs/imrutils.icn
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diff --git a/ipl/gprocs/imrutils.icn b/ipl/gprocs/imrutils.icn
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index 0000000..97b8c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/gprocs/imrutils.icn
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+# File: imrutils.icn
+# Subject: Procedures to deal with image records
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: January 23, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# Procedures to manipulate image strings as records.
+# imrcath(imr1, imr2)
+# concatenates imr1 and imr2 horizontally
+# imrcatv(imr1, imr2)
+# concatenates imr1 and imr2 vertically
+# imrcopy(imr) create copy of imr
+# imrdraw(win, x, y, imr)
+# draws an image record
+# imrfliph(imr) flips an image record horizontally
+# imrflipv(imr) flips an image record vertically
+# imrnegative(imr)
+# produces "negative" of image; intended for
+# grayscale palettes
+# imropen(imr) opens a hidden window with an image record
+# imror(imr) forms inclusive "or" of two images
+# imrpshift(imr, ir)
+# shifts colors by mapping rotated palette
+# imrrot180(imr)
+# rotates an image record 180 degrees
+# imrrot90cw(imr)
+# rotates an image record 90 degrees clockwise
+# imrshifth(imr, i)
+# shifts an image record horizontally by i pixels
+# with wrap-around; positive i to the right,
+# negative to the left.
+# imrshiftv(imr, i)
+# shifts an image record vertically by i pixels
+# with wrap-around; positive i to the top,
+# negative to the bottom.
+# imstoimr(s) converts an image string to an image record
+# imrtoims(imr) converts an image record to an image string
+# Note: All the procedures that produce image records modify their
+# argument records; they do not return modified copies.
+# Possible additions:
+# Make stripes from one (or more) rows/columns.
+# Convert from one palette to another.
+# Requires: Version 9 graphics
+# Links: strings, wopen
+link strings
+link wopen
+record ImageRecord(width, palette, pixels)
+procedure imrcath(imr1, imr2) #: horizontally concatenate image records
+ local imr, i, rows1, rows2
+ if *imr1.pixels / imr1.width ~= *imr2.pixels / imr2.width then fail
+ if imr1.palette ~== imr2.palette then fail
+ imr := ImageRecord()
+ imr.width := imr1.width + imr2.width
+ imr.palette := imr1.palette
+ rows1 := []
+ imr1.pixels ? {
+ while put(rows1, move(imr1.width))
+ }
+ rows2 := []
+ imr2.pixels ? {
+ while put(rows2, move(imr2.width))
+ }
+ imr.pixels := ""
+ every i := 1 to *rows1 do
+ imr.pixels ||:= rows1[i] || rows2[i]
+ return imr
+procedure imrcatv(imr1, imr2) #: vertically concatenate image records
+ local imr
+ if imr1.width ~= imr2.width then fail
+ if imr1.palette ~== imr2.palette then fail
+ imr := ImageRecord()
+ imr.width := imr1.width
+ imr.palette := imr1.palette # CHECK
+ imr.pixels := imr1.pixels || imr2.pixels
+ return imr
+procedure imrcopy(imr)
+ return copy(imr)
+procedure imrdraw(win, x, y, imr) #: draw image record
+ if type(win) ~== "window" then {
+ win :=: x :=: y :=: imr
+ win := \&window | runerr(140, &window)
+ }
+ /x := 0
+ /y := 0
+ return DrawImage(win, x, y, imrtoims(imr))
+procedure imrflipd(imr) #: flip image record diagonally
+ local height, columns, i, row
+ height := *imr.pixels / imr.width
+ columns := list(height, "")
+ imr.pixels ? {
+ while row := move(imr.width) do
+ every i := 1 to imr.width do
+ columns[i] ||:= row[i]
+ }
+ imr.pixels := ""
+ every imr.pixels ||:= !columns
+ imr.width := height
+ return imr
+procedure imrfliph(imr) #: flip image record horizontally
+ local pixels
+ pixels := ""
+ imr.pixels ? {
+ while pixels ||:= reverse(move(imr.width))
+ }
+ imr.pixels := pixels
+ return imr
+procedure imrflipv(imr) #: flip image record vertically
+ local pixels
+ pixels := ""
+ imr.pixels ? {
+ while pixels := move(imr.width) || pixels
+ }
+ imr.pixels := pixels
+ return imr
+procedure imrnegative(imr) #: form negative of image record
+ local chars
+ chars := PaletteChars(imr.palette)
+ imr.pixels := map(imr.pixels, chars, reverse(chars))
+ return imr
+procedure imropen(imr) #: open window with image record
+ local win
+ win := WOpen("canvas=hidden","size=" || imr.width || "," ||
+ *imr.pixels / imr.width)
+ imrdraw(win, 0, 0, imr) | {
+ WClose(win)
+ fail
+ }
+ return win
+procedure imrpshift(imr, i) #: map shifted palette
+ local chars
+ chars := PaletteChars(imr.palette)
+ imr.pixels := map(imr.pixels, chars, rotate(chars, i))
+ return imr
+procedure imrrot180(imr) #: rotate image record 180 degrees
+ imr.pixels := reverse(imr.pixels)
+ return imr
+procedure imrrot90cw(imr) #: rotate image record 90 deg. clockwise
+ local height, columns, i, row
+ height := *imr.pixels / imr.width
+ columns := list(imr.width, "")
+ imr.pixels ? {
+ while row := move(imr.width) do
+ every i := 1 to imr.width do
+ columns[i] := row[i] || columns[i]
+ }
+ imr.pixels := ""
+ every imr.pixels ||:= !columns
+ imr.width := height
+ return imr
+# Note: Since shifted out pixels enter in the top or bottom row, depending
+# on the direction of the shift, one full pass over the width raises the
+# image one pixel.
+procedure imrshifth(imr, i) #: shift image record horizontally
+ imr.pixels := rotate(imr.pixels, i)
+ return imr
+# See note on imrshifth()
+procedure imrshiftv(imr, i) #: shift image record vertically
+ /i := 1
+ imr.pixels := rotate(imr.pixels, i * imr.width)
+ return imr
+procedure imrtoims(imr) #: convert image record to image string
+ return imr.width || "," || imr.palette || "," || imr.pixels
+procedure imstoimr(s) #: convert image string to image record
+ local imr
+ imr := ImageRecord()
+ s ? {
+ imr.width := tab(upto(',')) | fail
+ move(1)
+ imr.palette := tab(upto(',')) | fail
+ move(1)
+ imr.pixels := tab(0)
+ }
+ return imr
+procedure imror(imr) #: form inclusive "or" of two images
+ local chars
+ chars := PaletteChars(imr.palette)
+ imr.pixels := map(imr.pixels, chars, reverse(chars))
+ return imr