path: root/ipl/mprogs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/mprogs')
33 files changed, 0 insertions, 4844 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/alcscope.icn b/ipl/mprogs/alcscope.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 2629cf6..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/alcscope.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# File: alcscope.icn
-# Subject: Program to visualize allocation as a kaleidoscopic display
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: July 14, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program displays kaleidoscopic images. The controls on the
-# user interface are relatively intuitive -- trying them will give
-# a better idea of what's possible than a prose description here.
-# This program is based on an earlier one by Steve Wampler, which in
-# turn was based on a C program by Lorraine Callahan.
-# This version is adapted to visualize storage management.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: interact, random, vsetup
-link interact
-link vsetup
-link colormap
-link evinit
-# Interface globals
-global vidgets # table of vidgets
-global root # the root vidget
-global size # size of view area (width & height)
-global half # half size of view area
-global pane # graphics context for viewing
-# Parameters that can be set from the interface
-global delayval # delay between drawing circles
-global density # number of circles in steady state
-global draw_proc # drawing procedure
-global max_off # maximum offset of circle
-global min_off # minimum offset of circle
-global scale # scaling factor for sizes
-global color # color table
-# State information
-global draw_list # list of pending drawing parameters
-global reset # nonnull when view area needs resetting
-global state # nonnull when display paused
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- init(args)
- kaleidoscope()
-procedure init(args)
- color := colormap()
- vidgets := ui()
- root := vidgets["root"]
- size := vidgets["region"].uw
- if vidgets["region"].uh ~= size then stop("*** improper interface layout")
-# Set initial values.
- draw_proc := FillCircle
- state := &null
-# Initialize vidget values.
- density := VGetState(vidgets["density"])
- delayval := VGetState(vidgets["speed"])
- scale := VGetState(vidgets["scale"])
- VSetState(vidgets["shape"], "rings")
-# Get graphics context for drawing.
- half := size / 2
- pane := Clone("bg=black", "dx=" || (vidgets["region"].ux + half),
- "dy=" || (vidgets["region"].uy + half), "drawop=reverse")
- Clip(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
- EvInit(args) | ExitNotice("Cannot load SP.")
- every variable("write" | "writes", &eventsource) := -1
- return
-procedure kaleidoscope()
- # Each time through this loop, the display is cleared and a
- # new drawing is started.
- repeat {
- EraseArea(pane, -half, -half, size, size) # clear display
- draw_list := [] # new drawing list
- reset := &null
- # In this loop a new circle is drawn and an old one erased, once the
- # specified density has been reached. This maintains a steady state.
- repeat {
- while (*Pending() > 0) | \state do {
- ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
- if \reset then break break next
- }
- putcircle()
- WDelay(delayval)
- # Don't start clearing circles until the specified density has
- # reached. (The drawing list has four elements for each circle.)
- if *draw_list > (4 * density) then clrcircle()
- }
- }
-procedure putcircle()
- local off1, off2, radius, fg
- EvGet(AllocMask) | ExitNotice("SP terminated.")
- fg := color[&eventcode]
- radius := sqrt(&eventvalue * scale)
- # get a random center point and radius
- off1 := ?size % half
- off2 := ?size % half
- put(draw_list, off1, off2, radius, fg)
- outcircle(off1, off2, radius, fg)
- return
-procedure clrcircle()
- outcircle(
- get(draw_list), # off1
- get(draw_list), # off2
- get(draw_list), # radius
- get(draw_list) # color
- )
- return
-procedure outcircle(off1, off2, radius, color)
- Fg(pane, color)
- # Draw in symmetric positions.
- draw_proc(pane, off1, off2, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, off1, -off2, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, -off1, off2, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, -off1,-off2, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, off2, off1, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, off2, -off1, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, -off2, off1, radius)
- draw_proc(pane, -off2,-off1, radius)
- return
-procedure density_cb(vidget, value)
- density := value
- reset := 1
-procedure speed_cb(vidget, value)
- delayval := value
- return
-procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
- case value[1] of {
- "snapshot @S": snapshot(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
- "quit @Q": exit()
- }
- return
-procedure scale_cb(vidget, value)
- scale := value
- return
-procedure pause_cb(vidget, value)
- state := value
- return
-procedure reset_cb(vidget, value)
- reset := 1
- return
-procedure shape_cb(vidget, value)
- draw_proc := case value of {
- "discs": FillCircle
- "rings": DrawCircle
- }
- reset := 1
- return
-procedure shortcuts(e)
- if &meta then
- case map(e) of { # fold case
- "q": exit()
- "s": snapshot(pane, -half, -half, size, size)
- }
- return
-#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
-procedure ui_atts()
- return ["size=600,455", "bg=gray-white", "label=kaleido"]
-procedure ui(win, cbk)
-return vsetup(win, cbk,
- [":Sizer:::0,0,600,455:kaleido",],
- ["density:Slider:h:1:41,171,100,15:10,100,50",density_cb],
- ["file:Menu:pull::12,3,36,21:File",file_cb,
- ["snapshot @S","quit @Q"]],
- ["label07:Label:::7,120,28,13:slow",],
- ["label08:Label:::151,120,28,13:fast",],
- ["label10:Label:::64,270,7,13:1",],
- ["label11:Label:::124,270,7,13:5",],
- ["label12:Label:::47,200,14,13:10",],
- ["label13:Label:::116,200,21,13:100",],
- ["label14:Label:::78,200,14,13:50",],
- ["label9:Label:::43,270,14,13:.2",],
- ["lbl_density:Label:::67,151,49,13:density",],
- ["lbl_scale:Label:::74,220,35,13:scale",],
- ["lbl_speed:Label:::74,100,35,13:speed",],
- ["line:Line:::0,30,600,30:",],
- ["line1:Line:::68,256,68,266:",],
- ["line2:Line:::128,256,128,266:",],
- ["line3:Line:::54,256,54,266:",],
- ["line4:Line:::128,186,128,196:",],
- ["line5:Line:::55,186,55,196:",],
- ["line6:Line:::86,186,86,196:",],
- ["pause:Button:regular:1:33,55,45,20:pause",pause_cb],
- ["reset:Button:regular::111,55,45,20:reset",reset_cb],
- ["scale:Slider:h:1:42,240,100,15:0.1,5,1",scale_cb],
- ["shape:Choice::2:64,330,64,42:",shape_cb,
- ["discs","rings"]],
- ["speed:Slider:h:1:41,121,100,15:100,0,0",speed_cb],
- ["region:Rect:raised::187,42,400,400:",],
- )
-#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/alcview.icn b/ipl/mprogs/alcview.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a007a..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/alcview.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-# File: alcview.icn
-# Subject: Program to display allocation events in various ways
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: February 16, 1998
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program maps allocation events into colors and provides various
-# abstract visualizations of them.
-# Several visualizations are available:
-# beacon blinking light
-# curves random closed curves
-# haystack* randomly oriented lines
-# nova* radiating lines
-# pinwheel revolving sequence of sectors in a circle
-# polygons random polygons
-# splatter* randomly placed dots
-# strip scrolling strip of vertical lines
-# symplat as splatter, but in symmetric pattern
-# vortex* expanding/contracting square vortex
-# web* random walk
-# The visualizations marked with asterisks use the size information. The
-# others do not.
-# In terms of the monitoring framework terminology, this program
-# provides abstract visualizations for in an event space consisting
-# of category/size pairs -- 2CS -- in which the categories are colors.
-# The interface controls provide for:
-# control of the display speed
-# pausing the display
-# resetting the display
-# setting the period between automatic resetting
-# changing the view
-# Requires: MT Icon, event monitoring, Version 9 graphics
-# Links: colormap, evinit, interact, viewpack, vsetup
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link colormap
-link evinit
-link interact
-link viewpack
-link vsetup
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-global color
-global vidgets
-global viewer
-global root
-global pane
-global state
-global reset # vidget for resetting callback
-global snap
-global name
-global point
-global count # drawing count
-global done
-global default_color # default in case of bad color specification
-global draw # drawing procedure for visualization
-global width
-global height
-global period # automatic resetting count
-global refresh # resetting switch
-# Prevent linker from deleting procedures that are not explicitly referenced.
-invocable "beacon"
-invocable "curves"
-invocable "haystack"
-invocable "nova"
-invocable "pinwheel"
-invocable "polygons"
-invocable "splatter"
-invocable "strip"
-invocable "symsplat"
-invocable "vortex"
-invocable "web"
-# Main procedure
-procedure main(args)
- init(args)
- display()
-# Initialization
-procedure init(args)
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load SP.")
- vidgets := ui()
- root := vidgets["root"]
- reset := vidgets["reset"]
- state := &null
- width := vidgets["pane"].uw
- height := vidgets["pane"].uh
- default_color := "black"
- refresh := period := -1
- count := 0
- done := &null
- viewer := "symsplat"
- color := colormap()
- draw := proc(viewer) | stop("*** internal inconsistency")
- pane := Clone("dx=" || vidgets["pane"].ux, "dy=" || vidgets["pane"].uy,
- "bg=" || default_color)
- Clip(pane, 0, 0, width, height)
- reset_cb()
-# Display driver
-procedure display()
- repeat {
- if period = 0 then reset_cb()
- while (*Pending() > 0) | \state do
- ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
- EvGet(AllocMask) | exit()
- draw(pane, color[&eventcode], &eventvalue)
- period -:= 1
- }
-# Callbacks
-procedure quit_cb()
- exit()
-procedure snapshot_cb()
- snapshot(pane, 0, 0, width, height)
- return
-procedure period_cb()
- repeat {
- if TextDialog("Reset period (negative value disables _
- automatic resetting:", , refresh, 6) == "Cancel" then fail
- if refresh := period := integer(dialog_value[1]) then return
- else {
- Notice("Invalid period specification.")
- next
- }
- }
-procedure reset_cb()
- EraseArea(pane, 0, 0, width, height)
- period := refresh
- return
-procedure view_cb()
- static views
- initial {
- views := [
- "beacon",
- "curves",
- "haystack",
- "nova",
- "pinwheel",
- "polygons",
- "splatter",
- "strip",
- "symsplat",
- "vortex",
- "web"
- ]
- }
- if SelectDialog("Select viewer:", views, viewer) == "Cancel" then fail
- viewer := dialog_value
- draw := proc(viewer) |
- return FailNotice("Internal inconsistency; viewer not found.")
- reset_cb()
- return
-procedure shortcuts(e)
- if &meta then
- case map(e) of {
- "q": exit()
- "r": reset_cb()
- }
-#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
-procedure ui_atts()
- return ["size=311,210", "bg=pale gray"]
-procedure ui(win, cbk)
-return vsetup(win, cbk,
- [":Sizer:::0,0,311,210:",],
- ["period:Button:regular::11,96,91,20:reset period",period_cb],
- ["quit:Button:regular::34,19,42,20:quit",quit_cb],
- ["reset:Button:regular::34,55,42,20:reset",reset_cb],
- ["view:Button:regular::15,133,84,20:select view",view_cb],
- ["pane:Rect:grooved::113,9,190,190:",],
- )
-#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn b/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a92952..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/algae.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-# File: algae.icn
-# Subject: Program to show expression evaluation as ``algae''
-# Author: Clinton Jeffery
-# Date: November 22, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# Press ESC or q to quit
-# Left mouse assigns specific (row,column) break "points"
-# Middle mouse assigns absolute depth and width break lines
-# Right button erases assigned break "points"
-# When paused due to a break, you can:
-# c to continue
-# s to single step
-# C to clear one point and continue
-# " " to clear everything and continue
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link evinit
-link evutils
-link options
-link optwindw
-link hexlib
-link evaltree
-global scale, # cell (hexagon or square) size
- step, # single step mode
- numrows, # number of cell rows
- numcols, # number of cell columns
- spot, # cell-fill procedure (hex or square)
- mouse, # cell-mouse-locator procedure
- Visualization, # the window
- wHexOutline, # binding for drawing cell outlines
- depthbound, # call-depth on which to break
- breadthbound, # suspension-width on which to break
- hotspots # table of individual cells on which to break
-record algae_activation(node, row, column, parent, children, color)
-# main() - program entry point. The main loop is in evaltree().
-procedure main(av)
- local codes, algaeoptions
- #
- # pull off algae options (don't consume child's options in this call
- # to options()).
- #
- algaeoptions := []
- while av[1][1] == "-" do {
- put(algaeoptions, pop(av))
- if algaeoptions[-1] == "-f" then put(algaeoptions, pop(av))
- }
- EvInit(av) | stop("Can't EvInit ",av[1])
- codes := algae_init(algaeoptions)
- evaltree(codes, algae_callback, algae_activation)
- WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae: finished")
- EvTerm(&window)
-# algae_init() - initialization and command-line processing.
-# This procedure supplies default behavior and handles options.
-procedure algae_init(algaeoptions)
- local t, position, geo, codes, i, cb, coord, e, s, x, y, m, row, column
- t := options(algaeoptions,
- winoptions() || "P:S:-geo:-square!-func!-scan!-op!-noproc!")
- /t["L"] := "Algae"
- /t["B"] := "cyan"
- scale := \t["S"] | 12
- if \t["square"] then {
- spot := square_spot
- mouse := square_mouse
- }
- else {
- scale /:= 4
- spot := hex_spot
- mouse := hex_mouse
- }
- codes := cset(E_MXevent)
- if /t["noproc"] then codes ++:= ProcMask
- if \t["scan"] then codes ++:= ScanMask
- if \t["func"] then codes ++:= FncMask
- if \t["op"] then codes ++:= OperMask
- hotspots := table()
- &window := Visualization := optwindow(t) | stop("no window")
- numrows := (XHeight() / (scale * 4))
- numcols := (XWidth() / (scale * 4))
- wHexOutline := Color("white") # used by the hexagon library
- if /t["square"] then starthex(Color("black"))
- return codes
-# algae_callback() - evaltree callback procedure for algae.
-# Called for each event, it updates the screen to correspond
-# to the change in the activation tree.
-procedure algae_callback(new, old)
- local coord, e
- initial {
- old.row := old.parent.row := 0; old.column := old.parent.column := 1
- }
- case &eventcode of {
- !CallCodes: {
- new.column := (old.children[-2].column + 1 | computeCol(old)) | stop("eh?")
- new.row := old.row + 1
- new.color := Color(&eventcode)
- spot(\old.color, old.row, old.column)
- }
- !ReturnCodes |
- !FailCodes: spot(Color("light blue"), old.row, old.column)
- !SuspendCodes |
- !ResumeCodes: spot(old.color, old.row, old.column)
- !RemoveCodes: {
- spot(Color("black"), old.row, old.column)
- WFlush(Color("black"))
- delay(100)
- spot(Color("light blue"), old.row, old.column)
- }
- E_MXevent: do1event(&eventvalue, new)
- }
- spot(Color("yellow"), new.row, new.column)
- coord := location(new.column, new.row)
- if \step | (\breadthbound <= new.column) | (\depthbound <= new.row) |
- \ hotspots[coord] then {
- step := &null
- WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae stopped: (s)tep (c)ont ( )clear ")
- while e := Event() do
- if do1event(e, new) then break
- WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae")
- if \ hotspots[coord] then spot(Color("light blue"), new.row, new.column)
- }
-# procedures for the "-square" option, display Algae using squares
-# instead of hexagons.
-# Draw a square at (row, column)
-procedure square_spot(w, row, column)
- FillRectangle(w, (column - 1) * scale, (row - 1) * scale, scale, scale)
-# encode a location value (base 1) for a given x and y pixel
-procedure square_mouse(y, x)
- return location(x / scale + 1, y / scale + 1)
-# clearspot() removes a "breakpoint" at (x,y)
-procedure clearspot(spot)
- local x, y, s2, x2, y2
- hotspots[spot] := &null
- y := vertical(spot)
- x := horizontal(spot)
- every s2 := \!hotspots do {
- x2 := horizontal(s2)
- y2 := vertical(s2)
- }
- spot(Visualization, y, x)
-# setspot() sets a breakpoint at (x,y) and marks it orange
-procedure setspot(loc)
- local x, y
- hotspots[loc] := loc
- y := vertical(loc)
- x := horizontal(loc)
- spot(Color("orange"), y, x)
-# do1event() processes a single user input event.
-procedure do1event(e, new)
- local m, xbound, ybound, row, column, x, y, s, p
- case e of {
- "q" |
- "\e": exit()
- "s": { # execute a single step
- step := 1
- return
- }
- "C": { # clear a single break point
- clearspot(location(new.column, new.row))
- return
- }
- " ": { # space character: clear all break points
- if \depthbound then {
- every y := 1 to numcols do {
- if not who_is_at(depthbound, y, new) then
- spot(Visualization, depthbound, y)
- }
- }
- if \breadthbound then {
- every x := 1 to numrows do {
- if not who_is_at(x, breadthbound, new) then
- spot(Visualization, x, breadthbound)
- }
- }
- every s := \!hotspots do {
- x := horizontal(s)
- y := vertical(s)
- spot(Visualization, y, x)
- }
- hotspots := table()
- depthbound := breadthbound := &null
- return
- }
- &mpress | &mdrag: { # middle button: set bound box break lines
- if m := mouse(&y, &x) then {
- row := vertical(m)
- column := horizontal(m)
- if \depthbound then { # erase previous bounding box, if any
- every spot(Visualization, depthbound, 1 to breadthbound)
- every spot(Visualization, 1 to depthbound, breadthbound)
- }
- depthbound := row
- breadthbound := column
- #
- # draw new bounding box
- #
- every x := 1 to breadthbound do {
- if not who_is_at(depthbound, x, new) then
- spot(Color("orange"), depthbound, x)
- }
- every y := 1 to depthbound - 1 do {
- if not who_is_at(y, breadthbound, new) then
- spot(Color("orange"), y, breadthbound)
- }
- }
- }
- &lpress | &ldrag: { # left button: toggle single cell breakpoint
- if m := mouse(&y, &x) then {
- xbound := horizontal(m)
- ybound := vertical(m)
- if hotspots[m] === m then
- clearspot(m)
- else
- setspot(m)
- }
- }
- &rpress | &rdrag: { # right button: report node at mouse location
- if m := mouse(&y, &x) then {
- column := horizontal(m)
- row := vertical(m)
- if p := who_is_at(row, column, new) then
- WAttrib("windowlabel=Algae " || image(p.node))
- }
- }
- }
-# who_is_at() - find the activation tree node at a given (row, column) location
-procedure who_is_at(row, col, node)
- while node.row > 1 & \node.parent do
- node := node.parent
- return sub_who(row, col, node) # search children
-# sub_who() - recursive search for the tree node at (row, column)
-procedure sub_who(row, column, p)
- local k
- if p.column === column & p.row === row then return p
- else {
- every k := !p.children do
- if q := sub_who(row, column, k) then return q
- }
-# computeCol() - determine the correct column for a new child of a node.
-procedure computeCol(parent)
- local col, x, node
- node := parent
- while \node.row > 1 do # find root
- node := \node.parent
- if node === parent then return parent.column
- if col := subcompute(node, parent.row + 1) then {
- return max(col, parent.column)
- }
- else return parent.column
-# subcompute() - recursive search for the leftmost tree node at depth row
-procedure subcompute(node, row)
- # check this level for correct depth
- if \node.row = row then return node.column + 1
- # search children from right to left
- return subcompute(node.children[*node.children to 1 by -1], row)
-# Color(s) - return a binding of &window with foreground color s;
-# allocate at most one binding per color.
-procedure Color(s)
- static t, magenta
- initial {
- magenta := Clone(&window, "fg=magenta") | stop("no magenta")
- t := table()
- /t[E_Fcall] := Clone(&window, "fg=red") | stop("no red")
- /t[E_Ocall] := Clone(&window, "fg=chocolate") | stop("no chocolate")
- /t[E_Snew] := Clone(&window, "fg=purple") | stop("no purple")
- }
- if *s > 1 then
- / t[s] := Clone(&window, "fg=" || s) | stop("no ",image(s))
- else
- / t[s] := magenta
- return t[s]
-procedure max(x,y)
- if x < y then return y else return x
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/allocwrl.icn b/ipl/mprogs/allocwrl.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8521a8f..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/allocwrl.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# File: allocwrl.icn
-# Subject: Program to display storage allocation in VRML
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 26, 2002
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program produces VRML 1.0 worlds with shapes representing storage
-# allocation in the program it monitors.
-# The structures normally are laid out in the x-z plane along a path with
-# the shapes rising in the y direction. The size of the allocation
-# determines the size of the shapes. The same shape is used for all
-# allocations, but the color indicates the type of allocation.
-# The kinds of allocation modeled are given by masks:
-# structs only allocation related to Icon's structure types
-# blocks all allocations in the block region
-# non-structs all allocations except for structures
-# The supported shapes are:
-# cylinder
-# cuboid
-# cone
-# In this version, if the path file is exhausted before the SP terminates,
-# the path file is closed and reopened.
-# Requires: MT Icon
-# Links: colormap, dialog, emutils, evinit, interact, options, vrml,
-# vrml1lib
-link colormap
-link dialog
-link emutils
-link evinit
-link interact
-link vrml
-link vrml1lib
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local model, color_table, code, object_list, trans, mask, object
- local path, input, scale, steps, symbol, hfactor, color, shape
- local ashape, output
- if TextDialog("Configuration:",
- ["SP", "path file", "coordinate scale", "shape scale",
- "number of events", "mask", "shape", "world file"],
- ["structalc", "line.path", 10.0, 0.2,
- 200, "structs", "cylinder", "alloc.wrl"],
- [15, 30, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 20]
- ) == "Cancel" then exit()
- args := [dialog_value[1]]
- path := dialog_value[2]
- scale := dialog_value[3]
- hfactor := dialog_value[4]
- steps := dialog_value[5]
- mask := case dialog_value[6] of {
- "structs" | &null: cset(E_List || E_Lelem || E_Record || E_Selem ||
- E_Set || E_Slots || E_Table || E_Telem || E_Tvtbl)
- "blocks": AllocMask -- (E_String || E_Coexpr)
- "strings": cset(E_String)
- default: ExitNotice("Invalid mask.")
- }
- ashape := case dialog_value[7] of {
- "cylinder" | &null: Cylinder(2, 2)
- "cuboid": Cube(4, 2, 4)
- "cone": Cone(2, 2)
- default: ExitNotice("Invalid shape.")
- }
- output := open(dialog_value[8], "w") |
- ExitNotice("Cannot open " || dialog_value[8])
- EvInit(args) | ExitNotice("Cannot load SP.")
- variable("write", &eventsource) := -1 # turn off output in SP
- variable("writes", &eventsource) := -1
- model := [] # list of children
- color_table := colormap() # standard colors
- every code := key(color_table) do { # convert colors to shapes
- color := vrml_color(color_table[code]) # standard color
- symbol := evsym(code) # use event code name
- shape := Separator([
- Material(color), # diffuse color only
- Translation("0 1 0"),
- ashape,
- Translation("0 -1 0")
- ])
- color_table[code] := USE(symbol) # put USE node in table
- put(model, DEF(symbol, shape)) # create DEF node
- }
- model := [Switch(-1, model)]
- input := open(path) | ExitNotice("Cannot open path file.")
- trans := "0 0 0" # initial "translation"
- every 1 to steps do {
- EvGet(mask) | { # get allocation event
- write(&errout, "*** event stream terminated")
- break
- }
- object := \color_table[&eventcode] | { # get shape
- write(&errout, "*** no entry for ", evsym(&eventcode))
- next
- }
- trans := Translation(scale_translate(read(input), scale)) | {
- Notice("Path ended.")
- break
- }
- put(
- model,
- Separator([
- trans,
- Transform(, , "1.0 " || (&eventvalue * hfactor) || " 1.0"),
- object
- ])
- )
- }
- vrml1(Group(model), output) # generate world
-procedure scale_translate(s, n)
- local x, y, z
- s ? {
- x := tab(find(" "))
- move(1)
- y := tab(find(" "))
- move(1)
- z := tab(0)
- }
- return (x * n) || " " || (y * n) || " " || (z * n)
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn b/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 604acca..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/anim.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# File: anim.icn
-# Subject: Program to show animated display of Icon source code
-# Author: Gregg M. Townsend, modified by Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: February 28, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# anim displays a miniaturized program listing, highlighting each
-# line as it is executed.
-# Two accompanying barcharts display execution profiles. The one on
-# the extreme left shows the number of clock ticks attributable to each
-# source line. The second chart shows the number of times each line was
-# executed.
-# A chart to the right of the listing displays a time-based history
-# similar to that of the "roll" program (q.v.).
-# usage: anim [options] [arg...]
-# -d n decay after n new line events
-# -b n length of barcharts (0 to disable)
-# -z n length of history (0 to disable)
-# -t n ticks per history pixel
-# -s n vertical line spacing, in pixels
-# -w n width of one character, in pixels
-# -h n height of one character, in pixels
-# -p n set in pointsize n (OpenWindows only; overrides -w and -h)
-# -P x program text color
-# -C x comment color
-# -A x active text color
-# -O x old-text color (after fading)
-# -R x background color for barcharts and history
-# -S n spacing between sections of the display
-# plus standard options from optwindow.icn
-# (-F sets the color used for the barcharts and history)
-# Setting -s or -p establishes good defaults for the other sizes.
-# It is assumed that the program source file can be found by appending
-# ".icn" to the icode file name.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: em_setup, evinit, evmux, barchart, decay, options, optwindw,
-# strpchrt
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link em_setup
-link evinit
-link evmux
-link barchart
-link decay
-link options
-link optwindw
-link strpchrt
-global progname, opttab, ifile, font
-global gcP, gcC, gcA, gcO, gcR
-global margin, gutter, textx
-global code, pos1, pos2
-global xsiz, ysiz, spacing, dp
-procedure main(args)
- local win, len, lno, cs, i, maxlines, lifetime
- local hchart, hlength, hscale
- local barlength, barwidth, linescale, linecount, linebars
- local nticks, tickscale, tickcount, tickbars
- local src, linemask
- linemask := 2 ^ 16 -1
- progname := "anim"
- maxlines := 1000
- opttab := options (args, winoptions() || "d+b+z+t+s+w+h+p+P:C:A:O:R:S:")
- lifetime := \opttab["d"] | 3
- barlength := \opttab["b"] | 40
- hlength := \opttab["z"] | 90
- tickscale := 1.00
- linescale := 0.25
- hscale := \opttab["t"] | 10
- gutter := \opttab["S"] | 10
- # default to tiny-text mode under OpenWindows
- if (not \opttab[!"swhp"]) & getenv ("NEWSSERVER") then
- opttab["p"] := 6
- if i := \opttab["p"] then {
- i >:= 13 # maximum size
- font := "lucidasanstypewriter-" || i
- # -p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- xsiz := [1,1,2,2,3,4,4, 5, 5 ,6, 7, 7, 8] [i]
- ysiz := [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14] [i]
- spacing := \opttab["s"] | i
- }
- else {
- spacing := \opttab["s"] | \opttab["h"] + 1 | 4
- xsiz := \opttab["w"] | 0 < integer (0.6 * spacing + 0.5) | 1
- ysiz := \opttab["h"] | 0 < spacing - 1 | 1
- }
- EvInit (args) | stop ("can't load icode file")
- # read source file into memory
- src := prog_name()
- ifile := open(src) | stop (progname, ": can't open ", src)
- every put(code := [], detab(trim(!ifile \ maxlines)))
- pos1 := list(*code)
- pos2 := list(*code)
- every i := 1 to *code do
- code[i] ? {
- tab(many(' '))
- if pos(0) | ="#" then next
- pos1[i] := &pos
- pos2[i] := pos1[i] + *trim(tab(upto('#')|0))
- }
- if /opttab["W"] then { # calculate window width if not specified
- len := 0
- every len <:= *!code
- len *:= xsiz
- if barlength > 0 then
- len +:= 2 * barlength + 2 * gutter
- if hlength > 0 then
- len +:= gutter + hlength
- opttab["W"] := len
- }
- /opttab["H"] := spacing * *code
- /opttab["L"] := "Anim"
- /opttab["F"] := "goldenrod"
- /opttab["R"] := "floralwhite"
- /opttab["M"] := -1
- win := optwindow (opttab, "cursor=off", "echo=off")
- if \font then
- Font (win, font) | stop ("can't set font ", font)
- margin := opttab["M"]
- Bg (gcR := Clone(win), opttab["R"])
- if barlength = 0 then
- textx := margin
- else {
- barwidth := spacing - 1
- if barwidth = 0 then
- barwidth := 1
- tickcount := list (*code, 0)
- tickbars := barchart (gcR, margin+barlength-1, margin,
- 0, spacing, -tickscale, *code, barlength, barwidth)
- linecount := list (*code, 0)
- linebars := barchart (gcR, margin+barlength+gutter+barlength-1, margin,
- 0, spacing, -linescale, *code, barlength, barwidth)
- textx := margin + 2 * gutter + 2 * barlength
- }
- if hlength > 0 then {
- hchart := stripchart (gcR, margin + opttab["W"] - hlength, margin,
- hlength, spacing * *code)
- }
- if \font then {
- Fg (gcP := Clone(win), \opttab["P"] | "gray70")
- Fg (gcC := Clone(win), \opttab["C"] | "gray90")
- Fg (gcO := Clone(win), \opttab["O"] | "black")
- Bg (gcA := Clone(gcO), \opttab["A"] | "red")
- }
- else {
- Fg (gcP := Clone(win), \opttab["P"] | "gray70")
- Fg (gcC := Clone(win), \opttab["C"] | "gray90")
- Fg (gcA := Clone(win), \opttab["P"] | "indianred")
- Fg (gcO := Clone(win), \opttab["O"] | "peachpuff")
- }
- every i := 1 to *code do {
- docmt (gcC, i) # show comments
- docode (gcP, i) # show initial code listing
- }
- dp := dpipe (docode, lifetime, gcA, gcO) # initialize decay pipe
- cs := E_Loc ++ E_Tick
- nticks := 0
- while EvGet (cs) do # for each line event
- if &eventcode === E_Loc then {
- decay (dp, lno := iand(&eventvalue, linemask)) # mark line
- setbar (\linebars, lno, linecount[lno] +:= 1)
- smark (\hchart, margin + spacing * (lno-1), margin + spacing * lno - 1)
- }
- else if &eventcode === E_Tick then {
- setbar (\tickbars, \lno, tickcount[\lno] +:= 1)
- if (nticks +:= 1) % hscale = 0 then
- sadvance (\hchart)
- }
- every 1 to lifetime do
- decay (dp) # flush decay pipe
- quitsensor (win, 1) # wait for quit signal
- end
-procedure docode (gc, lno)
- doblock (gc, lno, \pos1[lno], pos2[lno]);
- return
- end
-procedure docmt (gc, lno)
- local p
- code[lno] ? {
- tab(upto('#')) | return
- while not pos(0) do {
- p := &pos
- doblock (gc, lno, p, tab(upto(' ')|0) & &pos)
- tab(many(' '))
- }
- }
- return
- end
-procedure doblock (gc, lno, pos1, pos2)
- local x
- x := textx + xsiz * (pos1 - 1)
- if \font then {
- GotoXY(gc, x, margin + spacing * lno - 1)
- writes(gc, code[lno][pos1:pos2])
- }
- else {
- FillRectangle(gc, x, margin + spacing*(lno-1), xsiz*(pos2-pos1), ysiz)
- }
- return
- end
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/callcnt.icn b/ipl/mprogs/callcnt.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index c4063cf..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/callcnt.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# File: callcnt.icn
-# Subject: Program to count calls
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: June 8, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program tabulates calls in a monitored program.
-# Links: evinit, opsyms
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link opsyms
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local opertable, fnctable, rectable, proctable, opmap, output, mask, oper
- local count, fnc
- EvInit(args)
- opertable := table(0)
- fnctable := table(0)
- proctable := table(0)
- opmap := opsyms()
- output := open("callcnt", "x", "height=800", # If this fails, output goes to
- "width=200") # standard output
- write(output, " Tabulating calls for ", args[1])
- mask := E_Ocall ++ E_Fcall ++ E_Pcall
- while EvGet(mask) do
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Ocall: opertable[&eventvalue] +:= 1
- E_Fcall: fnctable[&eventvalue] +:= 1
- E_Pcall: proctable[&eventvalue] +:= 1
- }
- opertable := sort(opertable,3)
- fnctable := sort(fnctable,3)
- rectable :=copy(fnctable)
- proctable := sort(proctable,3)
- write(output, "\n operation calls\n")
- while oper := get(opertable) do {
- count := get(opertable)
- write(output, " ", left(\opmap[oper], 20), right(count, 7))
- }
- write(output, "\n function calls\n")
- while fnc := get(fnctable) do {
- count := get(fnctable)
- write(output, " ", left(fname(fnc), 20), right(count, 7))
- }
- write(output, "\n record constructor calls\n")
- while fnc := get(rectable) do {
- count := get(rectable)
- write(output, " ", left(cname(fnc), 20), right(count, 7))
- }
- write(output, "\n procedure calls\n")
- while write(output, " ", left(pname(get(proctable)), 20),
- right(get(proctable), 7))
- Event(\output) # wait for event if window
-procedure cname(f)
- return image(f) ? {
- ="function "
- if ="record constructor " then return tab(0)
- else fail
- }
-procedure fname(f)
- return image(f) ? {
- ="function "
- if ="record constructor " then fail
- else tab(0)
- }
-procedure pname(p)
- return image(p) ? {
- ="procedure "
- tab(0)
- }
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/cmpsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/cmpsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 79fdf8f..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/cmpsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# File: cmpsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate comparisons
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: September 27, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates comparisons. It is called as
-# cmpsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, options, procname
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link options
-link procname
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime, output, succtbl, failtbl, cmask, rmask, cmplist, op
- local greater, greatereq, noteql, eql, less, lesseq, valeql, valnoteql
- local strgreater, strgreatereq, strnoteql, streql, strless, strlesseq
- opts := options(args, "o:t")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- succtbl := table(0)
- failtbl := table(0)
- cmask := E_Ocall
- rmask := E_Oret ++ E_Ofail
- eql := proc("=", 2)
- less := proc("<", 2)
- lesseq := proc("<=", 2)
- greater := proc(">", 2)
- greatereq := proc(">=", 2)
- noteql := proc("~=", 2)
- streql := proc("==", 2)
- strless := proc("<<", 2)
- strlesseq := proc("<<=", 2)
- strgreater := proc(">>", 2)
- strgreatereq := proc(">>=", 2)
- strnoteql := proc("~==", 2)
- valeql := proc("===", 2)
- valnoteql := proc("~===", 2)
- while EvGet(cmask) do {
- if (op := &eventvalue) === (
- eql | less | lesseq | greater | greatereq | noteql |
- streql | strless | strlesseq | strgreater | strgreatereq | strnoteql |
- valeql | valnoteql
- ) then {
- EvGet(rmask)
- if &eventcode === E_Oret then succtbl[op] +:= 1
- else failtbl[op] +:= 1
- }
- }
- write(output, "\nSuccessful comparisons:\n")
- cmplist := sort(succtbl, 3)
- while write(output, left(procname(get(cmplist)), 6), right(get(cmplist), 7))
- write(output, "\nFailed comparisons:\n")
- cmplist := sort(failtbl, 3)
- while write(output, left(procname(get(cmplist)), 6), right(get(cmplist), 7))
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/cnvsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/cnvsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index b5e446a..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/cnvsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# File: cnvsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate type-conversion activity
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: August 13, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates type-conversion activity. It is called as
-# cnvsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, options, procname, typecode
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link options
-link procname
-link typecode
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime, cnvlist, esucctbl, efailtbl, isucctbl, ifailtbl, output
- local mmask, cmask, in, pair, name
- opts := options(args, "o:t")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- esucctbl := table(0)
- efailtbl := table(0)
- isucctbl := table(0)
- ifailtbl := table(0)
- mmask := E_Fcall ++ E_Aconv
- cmask := E_Fconv ++ E_Sconv ++ E_Nconv
- while EvGet(mmask) do {
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Fcall: {
- if (name := procname(&eventvalue)) ==
- ("integer" | "string" | "cset" | "real") then {
- in := name[1]
- EvGet(E_Tconv)
- pair := in || typecode(&eventvalue)
- EvGet(cmask)
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Sconv: esucctbl[pair] +:= 1
- E_Fconv: efailtbl[pair] +:= 1
- }
- }
- }
- E_Aconv: {
- in := typecode(&eventvalue)
- EvGet(E_Tconv)
- pair := in || typecode(&eventvalue)
- EvGet(cmask)
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Sconv: isucctbl[pair] +:= 1
- E_Fconv: ifailtbl[pair] +:= 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- cnvlist := sort(esucctbl, 3)
- write(output, "\nExplicit successful conversions:\n")
- while write(output, get(cnvlist), right(get(cnvlist), 7))
- cnvlist := sort(efailtbl, 3)
- write(output, "\nExplicit failed conversions:\n")
- while write(output, get(cnvlist), right(get(cnvlist), 7))
- cnvlist := sort(isucctbl, 3)
- write(output, "\nImplicit successful conversions:\n")
- while write(output, get(cnvlist), right(get(cnvlist), 7))
- cnvlist := sort(ifailtbl, 3)
- write(output, "\nImplicit failed conversions:\n")
- while write(output, get(cnvlist), right(get(cnvlist), 7))
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/cvtsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/cvtsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e6dfc8..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/cvtsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# File: cvtsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to count conversion event tuples
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: November 25, 1996
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program counts conversion events that occur during the monitoring
-# of Icon program execution.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link numbers
-link typecode
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local counts, total, futile, triple, target, value, failure
- EvInit(args)
- counts := table(0)
- total := -1 # account for first vacuous entry
- futile := 0
- failure := 0
- while EvGet(ConvMask) do
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Aconv: {
- total +:= 1
- if total % 1000 = 0 then writes(&errout, ".")
- counts[triple] +:= 1
- target := typecode(&eventvalue)
- triple := target
- }
- E_Tconv: {
- value := typecode(&eventvalue)
- if value == target then futile +:= 1
- triple ||:= value
- }
- E_Nconv: triple ||:= " S"
- E_Sconv: triple ||:= " S"
- E_Fconv: {
- failure +:= 1
- triple ||:= " F"
- }
- default: stop("*** illegal event code")
- }
- delete(counts,&null)
- counts := sort(counts, 3)
- while write(get(counts), right(get(counts),6))
- write("\ntotal = ",total,"\n")
- write(fix(futile / real(total), .01, 3, 2),"% futile")
- write(fix(failure / real(total), .01, 3, 2),"% failed")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/events.icn b/ipl/mprogs/events.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 624c1cb..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/events.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# File: events.icn
-# Subject: Program to show events
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: September 20, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program lists the events that occur in the execution of the icode
-# file given as the first argument on the command line. Any other command-
-# line arguments are passed to the icode file.
-# The image of the event code is given in the first column, its
-# description is given in the second column, and an image of the
-# event value is given in the third column.
-# The following option is supported:
-# -o s direct output to file named s; default &output
-# Requires: MT-Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, evnames, evsyms, options
-link evinit
-link evnames
-link evsyms
-link options
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, output, symmap
- symmap := evsyms()
- opts := options(args, "o:")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot open icode file ***")
- while EvGet() do
- write(output, left(\symmap[&eventcode], 14),
- left(evnames(&eventcode), 35), image(&eventvalue))
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/evstream.icn b/ipl/mprogs/evstream.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 4773b40..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/evstream.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# File: evstream.icn
-# Subject: Program to show events
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: June 8, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program lists the events that occur in the execution of the icode
-# file given as the first argument on the command line. Any other command-
-# line arguments are passed to the icode file.
-# The image of the event code is given in the first column, its
-# description is given in the second column, and an image of the
-# event value is given in the third column.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, evnames, convert
-link evinit
-link evnames
-link convert
-procedure main(args)
- local name
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot open icode file ***")
- name := evnames()
- while EvGet() do
- write(left(rimage(&eventcode), 8),
- left(\name[&eventcode] | "unknown event",35), image(&eventvalue))
-procedure rimage(s)
- local i
- i := ord(s)
- if 32 <= i <= 126 then return image(s)
- else return "\"\\" || exbase10(i, 8) || "\""
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/evsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/evsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index c5cf228..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/evsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# File: evsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate event codes
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 26, 2002
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates event codes. It is called as
-# evsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -m s sets the event mask named s. If no mask is specified, all
-# events are tabulated. (See evdefs.icn for a list of event
-# mask names.)
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, evnames, numbers, options
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link evnames
-link numbers
-link options
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local summary, total, i, subscr, opts, mask, output, alltotal
- local itime
- opts := options(args, "m:o:t")
- mask := &cset
- mask := case \opts["m"] of {
- "AllocMask": AllocMask
- "AssignMask": AssignMask
- "TypeMask": TypeMask
- "ConvMask": ConvMask
- "ProcMask": ProcMask
- "FncMask": FncMask
- "OperMask": OperMask
- "ListMask": ListMask
- "RecordMask": RecordMask
- "ScanMask": ScanMask
- "SetMask": SetMask
- "TableMask": TableMask
- "StructMask": StructMask
- default: stop("*** invalid event mask name")
- }
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- summary := table(0)
- total := 0
- while EvGet(mask) do
- summary[&eventcode] +:= 1
- every total +:= !summary
- alltotal := total
- total /:= 100.0
- summary := sort(summary, 4)
- write(output, left("event",45), right("count",9), right("percent",10))
- write(output)
- while i := pull(summary) do
- write(output, left(evnames(pull(summary)), 45),
- right(i, 9), " ", fix(i, total, 5, 2))
- write(output, "\n", left("total:", 45), right(alltotal, 9))
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/exprsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/exprsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 802d3b6..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/exprsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# File: exprsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate operator and function evaluation
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: February 20, 1995
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates operator and function activity. It is called as
-# exprsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: Version 9 MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, evnames, options, procname
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evaltree # maintenance of call tree
-link evinit # event monitoring initialization
-link evnames # mapping of events to names
-link options # command-line options
-link procname # string name for procedure
-$include "evdefs.icn" # event code and mask definitions
-global callcount
-global calltbl
-global failtbl
-global namemap
-global names
-global output
-global remvtbl
-global resmtbl
-global retntbl
-global susptbl
-$define NameColumn 14
-$define ValueColumn 10
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime
- namemap := evnames()
- opts := options(args, "o:t")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- # Load and initialize the source program.
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load source program")
- # Assign tables to for the various kinds of activity.
- every calltbl | retntbl | susptbl | failtbl | resmtbl | remvtbl := table(0)
- # Process the events using the procedure note().
- evaltree(FncMask ++ OperMask, note)
- # Format the results.
- format(output)
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
-procedure format(output)
- write(output,
- left("name", NameColumn),
- right("calls", ValueColumn),
- right("returns", ValueColumn),
- right("suspends", ValueColumn),
- right("failures", ValueColumn),
- right("resumps", ValueColumn),
- right("removals", ValueColumn)
- )
- write(output)
- # sort names by number of calls
- names := sort(calltbl, 4)
- while callcount := pull(names) do {
- name := pull(names)
- write(output,
- left(name, NameColumn),
- right(callcount, ValueColumn),
- right(retntbl[name], ValueColumn),
- right(susptbl[name], ValueColumn),
- right(failtbl[name], ValueColumn),
- right(resmtbl[name], ValueColumn),
- right(remvtbl[name], ValueColumn)
- )
- }
- write(output,
- "\n",
- left("total", NameColumn),
- right(tblsum(calltbl), ValueColumn),
- right(tblsum(retntbl), ValueColumn),
- right(tblsum(susptbl), ValueColumn),
- right(tblsum(failtbl), ValueColumn),
- right(tblsum(resmtbl), ValueColumn),
- right(tblsum(remvtbl), ValueColumn)
- )
-procedure note(new, old)
- case &eventcode of {
- !CallCodes: calltbl[procname(new.node, 1)] +:= 1
- !ReturnCodes: retntbl[procname(old.node, 1)] +:= 1
- !SuspendCodes: susptbl[procname(old.node, 1)] +:= 1
- !FailCodes: failtbl[procname(old.node, 1)] +:= 1
- !ResumeCodes: resmtbl[procname(new.node, 1)] +:= 1
- !RemoveCodes: remvtbl[procname(old.node, 1)] +:= 1
- }
- return
-procedure tblsum(tbl)
- local count
- count := 0
- every count +:= !tbl
- return count
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/listev.icn b/ipl/mprogs/listev.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 6372ac0..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/listev.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# File: listev.icn
-# Subject: Program to list events
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: August 16, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program list events. Event information is written
-# by using image().
-# This program is called as
-# listev tp args
-# Requires: Version 9.0 MT Icon with event monitoring
-# Links: evinit, options
-$include "etdefs.icn"
-link evinit
-link options
-procedure main(args)
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load TP")
- while EvGet(T_Mask1) do
- write(image(&eventcode), " : ", image(&eventvalue))
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/locus.icn b/ipl/mprogs/locus.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1581a..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/locus.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# File: locus.icn
-# Subject: Program to trace execution locus
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 4, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program traces the locus of program execution.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: em_setup, evinit, xcompat, wopen
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link em_setup
-link evinit
-link wopen
-link xcompat
-global Visualization, Limit
-procedure main(args)
- local program_name, Width, Height, x, y, blowup, i, Context, value
- local program, line, progarray, Color, ymul, maxheight
- local colmask, linemask, mask
- colmask := 2 ^ 16
- linemask := colmask - 1
- maxheight := 500
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program to monitor")
- program_name := prog_name()
- program := open(program_name) | stop("*** cannot open ", program_name)
- Height := 0
- Width := 0
- while line := read(program) do {
- Height +:= 1
- Width <:= *line
- }
- if Height < maxheight / 2 then blowup := 4
- else if Height < maxheight / 4 then blowup := 2
- else blowup := 1
- progarray := list(Height)
- every !progarray := list(Width, 0)
- if Height > maxheight then {
- ymul := real(maxheight) / Height
- Height := maxheight
- }
- else ymul := 1
- Width *:= blowup
- Height *:= blowup
- close(program)
- Visualization := WOpen("label=locus", "bg=white", "width=" || Width,
- "height=" || Height) | stop("*** cannot open window for visualization")
- Color := list(6)
- Color[6] := XBind(Visualization, , "fg=red")
- Color[5] := XBind(Visualization, , "fg=orange")
- Color[4] := XBind(Visualization, , "fg=yellow")
- Color[3] := XBind(Visualization, , "fg=green")
- Color[2] := XBind(Visualization, , "fg=blue")
- Color[1] := XBind(Visualization, , "fg=gray")
- mask := cset(E_Loc)
- x := y := -10
- Limit := 10
- i := 0
- repeat {
- i := (i + 1) % Limit
- if i = 0 then {
- while *Pending(Visualization) > 0 do
- if Event(Visualization) === (&lpress | &mpress | &rpress) then {
- event(E_ALoc, (&x / blowup + 1) * colmask +
- (&y / blowup) / ymul + 1)
- }
- }
- EvGet(mask) | break
- y := iand(&eventvalue, linemask)
- x := &eventvalue / colmask
- value := progarray[y, x] +:= 1
- value := integer(log(value, 6)) + 1
- Context := Color[value | *Color]
- y := (y * ymul - 1) * blowup
- x := (x - 1) * blowup
- FillRectangle(Visualization, x, y, blowup, blowup)
- FillRectangle(Context, x, y, blowup, blowup)
- }
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/memsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/memsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 95ef2c1..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/memsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# File: memsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate memory allocation
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: August 17, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates storage allocation. It is called as
-# memsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, evnames, numbers, options
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link evnames
-link numbers
-link options
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-global highlights, alloccnt, alloctot, collections, output
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime, mask
- opts := options(args, "to:")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- alloccnt := table(0) # count of allocations
- alloctot := table(0) # total allocation
- collections := table(0) # garbage collection counts
- # Be sure all allocation types are listed even if there is no allocation
- # for them.
- every alloccnt[!AllocMask] := 0
- every alloctot[!AllocMask] := 0
- mask := AllocMask ++ E_Collect
- while EvGet(mask) do
- if &eventcode === E_Collect then collections[&eventvalue] +:= 1
- else {
- alloccnt[&eventcode] +:= 1
- alloctot[&eventcode] +:= &eventvalue
- }
- report()
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
-# Display a table of allocation data
-procedure report()
- local i, cnttotal, tottotal, cnt, tot, totalcoll
- static col1, col2, gutter # column widths
- initial {
- col1 := 20 # name field
- col2 := 10 # number field
- gutter := " "
- }
- write(output, "\n", # write column headings
- left("type",col1), right("number",col2), gutter,
- right("bytes",col2), gutter, right("average",col2), gutter,
- right("% bytes",col2), "\n"
- )
- alloccnt := sort(alloccnt, 3) # get the data
- alloctot := sort(alloctot, 3)
- cnttotal := 0
- tottotal := 0
- every i := 2 to *alloccnt by 2 do {
- cnttotal +:= alloccnt[i]
- tottotal +:= alloctot[i]
- }
- while write(output, # write the data
- left(name(get(alloccnt)), col1),
- right(cnt := get(alloccnt), col2), gutter,
- get(alloctot) & right(tot := get(alloctot), col2), gutter,
- fix(tot, cnt, col2, 2) | right("0.00", col2), gutter,
- fix(100.0 * tot, tottotal, col2, 2) | right("0.00", col2)
- )
- write(output, "\n", # write totals
- left("total:",col1), right(cnttotal,col2), gutter, right(tottotal,col2),
- gutter, fix(tottotal,cnttotal,col2) | repl(" ",col2)
- )
- totalcoll := 0 # garbage collections
- every totalcoll +:= !collections
- write(output,"\n",left("collections:",col1),right(totalcoll,col2))
- if totalcoll > 0 then {
- write(output,left(" static region:",col1),right(collections[1],col2))
- write(output,left(" string region:",col1),right(collections[2],col2))
- write(output,left(" block region:",col1),right(collections[3],col2))
- write(output,left(" no region:",col1),right(collections[0],col2))
- }
- return
-# Produce event name
-procedure name(code)
- local result
- result := evnames(code)
- result ?:= tab(find(" allocation"))
- result ?:= {
- tab(find("trapped variable")) || "tv"
- }
- return result
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn b/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index a9688cd..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/mmm.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# File: mmm.icn
-# Subject: Program to show allocation as a miniature "MemMon"
-# Author: Clinton Jeffery
-# Date: August 12, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# Displays a tiny rendition of internal heap allocation.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: evinit, options, optwindw, typebind, colormap, wipe, xcompat
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link evinit
-link options
-link optwindw
-link typebind
-link colormap
-link wipe
-link xcompat
-global Visualization, contexts
-global t, sum, threesixty, wid, hei
-procedure main(av)
- local c_string, lines, mymask, allocstr, blockall, sum1, sum2, row1, row2,
- Regions, c, start, sum2div4, verbose
- if *av>0 then
- EvInit(av) | stop("EvInit() can't load ",av[1])
- else
- EvInit() | stop("can't EvInit()")
- threesixty := 360 * 64
- t := options(av)
- /t["W"] := 650
- /t["H"] := 50
- &window := optwindow(t) | stop("no window")
- Visualization := &window
- contexts := itypebind(&window)
- c_string := contexts[E_String] | stop("eh?")
- / contexts[E_Tvsubs] := c_string
- wid := WAttrib("width")
- hei := WAttrib("height")
- lines := WAttrib("lines")
- mymask := AllocMask ++ cset("\360"||E_Collect||E_BlkDeAlc||E_StrDeAlc)
- allocstr := string(AllocMask)
- blockall := 0
- sum1 := 0
- sum2 := 0
- row1 := 0
- row2 := hei/2+1
- Regions := []
- every put(Regions,keyword("regions",EventSource))
- pop(Regions)
- while EvGet(mymask) do {
- if &eventcode === E_Lelem then &eventcode := E_List
- if &eventcode === (E_Telem|E_Tvtbl|E_Slots) then &eventcode := E_Table
- if &eventcode === E_Selem then &eventcode := E_Set
- if &eventcode === E_Refresh then &eventcode := E_Coexpr
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Collect: {
- wipe(&window)
- sum1 := sum2 := 0
- row1 := 0
- row2 := hei/2+1
- }
- E_EndCollect: {
- }
- E_String: {
- DrawLine(c_string,sum1/4,row1,(sum1+&eventvalue)/4,row1)
- sum1 +:= &eventvalue
- while sum1/4 >= wid do {
- sum1 -:= wid * 4
- row1 +:= 1
- if row1 > hei/2 then {
- EraseArea(0,0,wid,hei/2)
- row1 := 0
- }
- DrawLine(c_string,0,row1,sum1/4,row1)
- }
- }
- !.allocstr: {
- c := \contexts[&eventcode] | stop("what is ",&eventcode)
- start := sum2/4
- sum2 +:= &eventvalue
- sum2div4 := sum2/4
- DrawLine(c,start,row2,sum2div4,row2)
- while sum2div4 >= wid do {
- sum2 -:= wid * 4
- sum2div4 := sum2/4
- row2 +:= 1
- DrawLine(c,0,row2,sum2div4,row2)
- }
- }
- default: {
- if \verbose then write("unknown event code ",&eventcode)
- }
- }
- }
-procedure itypebind(z)
- static t
- initial {
- t := table()
- }
- /(t[z]):=typebind(z,E_Integer||E_Real||E_Record||E_Set||E_String||E_Cset||
- E_File||E_List||E_Null||E_Proc||E_Table,table())
-# if type(t[z][E_Proc])=="file" then close(t[z][E_Proc])
- t[z][E_Proc] := XBind(z,"fg=#999")
- return t[z]
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/mtutils.icn b/ipl/mprogs/mtutils.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fe42ac..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/mtutils.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# File: mtutils.icn
-# Subject: Program fpr MT Icon
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 3, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# Utility procedures for use with MT Icon programs (threads)
-# Requires: MT Icon
-procedure root()
- C := &main
- while C := parent(C)
- return C
-procedure main()
- if root(&main) === &main then write("safe to talk")
- else write("someone may be listening")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/napoleon.icn b/ipl/mprogs/napoleon.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 026a2ea..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/napoleon.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# File: napoleon.icn
-# Subject: Program to track memory usage by type
-# Author: Clinton Jeffery
-# Date: August 12, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# Displays an animated chart showing recent memory usage by Icon type.
-# Currently not interactive, hence, keys and clicks don't do anything.
-# Resizes are handled.
-# usage: napoleon [-r | -c] prog [args...]
-# -r provides a regions view, separating the string and block regions
-# and displaying memory quantities proportional to the total region size
-# rather than the total amount allocated
-# -c provides continuous updates on each allocation, instead of updating
-# only when a change is significant (i.e. when proportions change by >= 1%).
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: evinit, options, optwindw, typebind
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link evinit
-link options
-link optwindw
-link typebind
-global Visualization, contexts
-global t, sum, wid, hei, realhei, x, optable
-procedure main(av)
- local lines, mymask, allocstr, p, update, e
- optable := options(av,"c!r!")
- if *av>0 then
- EvInit(av) | stop("EvInit() can't load ",av[1])
- else
- EvInit() | stop("can't EvInit()")
- /optable["W"] := 100
- /optable["H"] := 400
- &window := optwindow(optable) | stop("no window")
- Visualization := &window
- contexts := typebind(&window,E_Integer||E_Real||E_Record||E_Set||E_String||
- E_Cset||E_File||E_List||E_Null||E_Proc||E_Table||
- E_Tvsubs, table())
- wid := WAttrib("width")
- hei := WAttrib("height")
- realhei := real(hei)
- if \optable["r"] then {
- realhei /:= 2
- sum := 65000
- }
- else {
- sum := 0
- }
- lines := WAttrib("lines")
- mymask := AllocMask ++ cset(E_EndCollect||E_Collect)
- allocstr := string(AllocMask)
- t := table(0.0)
- p := table(0)
- update := 1
- while EvGet(mymask) do {
- if &eventcode === E_Lelem then &eventcode := E_List
- if &eventcode === (E_Telem|E_Tvtbl|E_Slots) then &eventcode := E_Table
- if &eventcode === E_Selem then &eventcode := E_Set
- if &eventcode === E_Refresh then &eventcode := E_Coexpr
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Collect: {
- EraseArea(x,0)
- every !t := 0.0
- if /optable["r"] then sum := 0
- update := &null
- }
- E_EndCollect: {
- update := 1
- if sum=0 then sum := 1
- redraw()
- }
- !.allocstr: {
- t[&eventcode] +:= &eventvalue
- if /optable["r"] then sum +:= &eventvalue
- if \optable["c"] |
- p[&eventcode] ~=:= integer(t[&eventcode] / (0<sum) * 100) then {
- if \update then redraw()
- }
- }
- default: {
- write("unknown event code ",&eventcode)
- }
- }
- if Pending()[1] then {
- e := Event()
- case e of {
- &resize: {
- wid := &x
- hei := &y
- EraseArea()
- realhei := real(hei)
- if \optable["r"] then {
- realhei /:= 2
- }
- if \update then redraw()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- EvTerm()
- close(&window)
-procedure redraw()
- local start, fract, k, path
- initial {
- x := 0
- }
- if \optable["r"] then
- start := integer(realhei)
- else
- start := 0
- fract := realhei / sum
- every k := key(t) do {
- path := fract * t[k]
- if \optable["r"] & k==E_String then
- FillRectangle(\contexts[k]|Visualization, x, 0, 1, path)
- else {
- FillRectangle(\contexts[k]|Visualization, x, start, 1, path)
- start +:= path
- }
- }
- x +:= 1
- if x > wid then {
- x := 0
- EraseArea(0,0,5)
- }
- EraseArea(x+3,0,1)
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/novae.icn b/ipl/mprogs/novae.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 71cd5d3..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/novae.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# File: novae.icn
-# Subject: Program to show allocations as exploding stars
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: June 25, 1996
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program shows allocation on two stars with radiating lines
-# The tool-specific options are:
-# -h i Height of panel, default 300
-# -w i Width of one panel, default 300
-# -s i number of lines, default 360
-# -d draw dot at end of line instead of full line
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: em_setup, visprocs
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link em_setup
-link visprocs
-$define Height 300
-$define Width 300
-$define Sectors 360
-procedure main(args)
- local clear, sdegrees, bdegrees
- local degrees, arc, advance, fullcircle
- local xorg, yorg, radius, radians, dots, sxorg, syorg, bxorg, byorg
- em_setup(args)
- fullcircle := 360
- sdegrees := bdegrees := 0
- radians := 0
- advance := fullcircle / Sectors # amount to advance
- sxorg := integer(Width / 2.0)
- syorg := (Height / 2.0)
- bxorg := sxorg + Width
- byorg := syorg
- radius := ((Height < Width) | Height) / 2.0
- vis_setup("label=novae", "size=" || (2 * Width) || "," || Height,
- "bg=black")
- Context := context_setup(AllocMask)
- while EvGet(AllocMask) do {
- if &eventcode === E_String then {
- xorg := sxorg
- yorg := syorg
- sdegrees +:= advance
- sdegrees %:= fullcircle
- radians := -dtor(sdegrees)
- }
- else {
- xorg := bxorg
- yorg := byorg
- bdegrees +:= advance
- bdegrees %:= fullcircle
- radians := -dtor(bdegrees)
- }
- DrawLine(Context[&eventcode], xorg, yorg, &eventvalue * cos(radians) +
- xorg, &eventvalue * sin(radians) + yorg)
- }
- em_end()
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/numsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/numsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index f08f15e..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/numsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# File: numsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate numerical computation
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: September 20, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates numerical-computation activity. It is called as
-# numsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, options, procname
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link options
-link procname
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime, output, inttbl, reltbl, cmask, rmask, numlist, op
- local pos, neg, plus, minus, mpy, div, pwr, mod, count
- opts := options(args, "o:t")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- inttbl := table(0)
- reltbl := table(0)
- cmask := E_Fcall ++ E_Ocall
- rmask := E_Fret ++ E_Oret ++ E_Ffail ++ E_Ofail
- pos := proc("+", 1)
- neg := proc("-", 1)
- plus := proc("+", 2)
- minus := proc("-", 2)
- mpy := proc("*", 2)
- div := proc("/", 2)
- mod := proc("%", 2)
- pwr := proc("^", 2)
- while EvGet(cmask) do {
- if (op := &eventvalue) === (
- plus | minus | mpy | div | neg | pwr | mod |
- iand | ior | ixor | icom | ishift | pos
- ) then {
- EvGet(rmask)
- if &eventcode === (E_Ofail | E_Ffail) then next
- case type(&eventvalue) of {
- "integer": inttbl[op] +:= 1
- "real": reltbl[op] +:= 1
- }
- }
- }
- write(output, "\nInteger computation:\n")
- numlist := sort(inttbl, 4)
- while count := pull(numlist) do
- write(output, left(procname(pull(numlist)), 6), right(count, 9))
- write(output, "\nReal computation:\n")
- numlist := sort(reltbl, 4)
- while count := pull(numlist) do
- while write(output, left(procname(pull(numlist)), 6), right(count, 9))
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/opersum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/opersum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6ffce..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/opersum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# File: opersum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate operation activity
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 10, 1998
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates operation activity. It is called as
-# opersum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -m s sets the event mask named s. The supported masks are
-# FncMask (the default), OperMask, ProcMask, ScanMask,
-# and Oper+Mask, which includes both ScanMask and
-# OperMask.
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, evnames, options, procname
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evaltree
-link evinit
-link evnames
-link options
-link procname
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-global namemap, output, fncset, scan, fnames, mask
-global calltbl, retntbl, susptbl, failtbl, resmtbl, remvtbl
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime
- namemap := evnames()
- opts := options(args, "m:o:t")
- mask := FncMask
- mask := case \opts["m"] of {
- "ProcMask": ProcMask
- "FncMask": FncMask
- "OperMask": OperMask
- "ScanMask": {
- scan := 1
- ScanMask
- }
- "Oper+Mask": {
- scan := 1
- OperMask ++ ScanMask
- }
- default: stop("*** invalid event mask name")
- }
- if mask === FncMask then { # beware record constructors
- fnames := set() # valid function names
- every insert(fnames, function() || "()")
- }
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- calltbl := table(0)
- retntbl := table(0)
- susptbl := table(0)
- failtbl := table(0)
- resmtbl := table(0)
- remvtbl := table(0)
- fncset := set()
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- evaltree(mask, note)
- write(output,
- left("name", 14),
- right("calls", 10),
- right("returns", 10),
- right("suspends", 10),
- right("failures", 10),
- right("resumps", 10),
- right("removals", 10)
- )
- write(output)
- every name := !sort(fncset) do
- write(output,
- left(name, 14),
- right(calltbl[name], 10),
- right(retntbl[name], 10),
- right(susptbl[name], 10),
- right(failtbl[name], 10),
- right(resmtbl[name], 10),
- right(remvtbl[name], 10)
- )
- write(output,
- "\n",
- left("total", 14),
- right(tblsum(calltbl), 10),
- right(tblsum(retntbl), 10),
- right(tblsum(susptbl), 10),
- right(tblsum(failtbl), 10),
- right(tblsum(resmtbl), 10),
- right(tblsum(remvtbl), 10)
- )
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
-procedure note(new, old)
- case &eventcode of {
- !CallCodes: {
- name := ename(new.node)
- if (mask === FncMask) & not(member(fnames, name)) then return
- calltbl[name] +:= 1
- insert(fncset, name)
- }
- !ReturnCodes: {
- name := ename(old.node)
- if (mask === FncMask) & not(member(fnames, name)) then return
- retntbl[name] +:= 1
- }
- !SuspendCodes: {
- name := ename(old.node)
- if (mask === FncMask) & not(member(fnames, name)) then return
- susptbl[name] +:= 1
- }
- !FailCodes: {
- name := ename(old.node)
- if (mask === FncMask) & not(member(fnames, name)) then return
- failtbl[name] +:= 1
- }
- !ResumeCodes: {
- name := ename(new.node)
- if (mask === FncMask) & not(member(fnames, name)) then return
- resmtbl[name] +:= 1
- }
- !RemoveCodes: {
- name := ename(old.node)
- if (mask === FncMask) & not(member(fnames, name)) then return
- remvtbl[name] +:= 1
- }
- }
- return
-procedure ename(x)
- if /x then return "bogon"
- else if \scan & not(proc(x)) then return "e1 ? e2"
- else return procname(x, 1) # use the expanded form
-procedure tblsum(tbl)
- local count
- count := 0
- every count +:= !tbl
- return count
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/ostrip.icn b/ipl/mprogs/ostrip.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 44091a5..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/ostrip.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# File: ostrip.icn
-# Subject: Program to show virtual-machine op-code strip
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 26, 2002
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program produces a listing of virtual machine codes and the events
-# that occur between them.
-# The following option is supported:
-# -o s direct output to file s; default &output
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring
-# Links: evinit, evsyms, opnames, options
-link evinit
-link evsyms
-link opnames
-link options
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local codes, esmap, opmap, opcode, opts, output
- opts := options(args, "o:")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load SP")
- opmap := opnames()
- esmap := evsyms()
- opcode := cset(E_Opcode)
- while EvGet(opcode) do { # get to first "real" op-code
- if opmap[integer(&eventvalue)] == "Invoke" then {
- writes(output, "Invoke |")
- break()
- }
- }
- while EvGet() do {
- if &eventcode === E_Opcode then {
- write(output)
- writes(output, left(opmap[integer(&eventvalue)], 10), "|")
- }
- else writes(output, " ", esmap[&eventcode])
- }
- write(output)
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/playev.icn b/ipl/mprogs/playev.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fdf595..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/playev.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# File: playev.icn
-# Subject: Program to play back events
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: August 16, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program plays back events saved by recordev. Since recordev
-# uses image() for recording, some information may be lost.
-# This program is called as
-# playev em <history
-# where history is a file produced by recordev.
-# Requires: Version 9.0 MT Icon with event monitoring
-# Links: evinit, ivalue
-link evinit
-link ivalue
-procedure main(args)
- local mask, prog
- prog := load(pop(args), args) | stop("*** cannot EM")
- variable("&eventsource", prog) := &current | stop("no eventsource?")
- mask := @prog # activate EM to get its mask
- while &eventcode := read() do {
- &eventcode := ivalue(&eventcode) # can fail
- &eventvalue := read() | break
- if find(&eventcode, mask) then {
- &eventvalue := ivalue(&eventvalue) # can fail
- mask := event(, , prog) # pass event; get mask back
- }
- }
- cofail(prog)
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/program.icn b/ipl/mprogs/program.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index ad32344..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/program.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# File: program.icn
-# Subject: Program to display portion of a program in a window
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: February 28, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program views the text of a program through a window. The image
-# of the program is maintained in a pixmap. Positioning the desired
-# portion of the program amounts to copying the appropriate portion
-# of the pixmap to the window.
-# The pixmap has half a window's white space at the top and at the
-# bottom to that the beginning and ends of a program can be shown
-# using the same logic as for interior portions of the program.
-# The program is written as a visual monitor to run under the control
-# of another program, such as Eve.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: basename, em_setup, filedim
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link basename
-link em_setup
-link filedim
-global Visualization, textmap, twidth, wheight, oheight, hsize, ncols
-global highlight
-procedure main(args)
- local vrows, SourceFile, size, mrows, mcols
- local input, line_no, cwidth, x, colmask, column
- local xwidth, wwidth, maxcols, linemask, line, i
- colmask := 2 ^ 16
- linemask := colmask - 1
- em_setup(args)
- vrows := 10 # ad hoc for now
- ncols := 6 # ditto
- maxcols := 85 # ditto
- hsize := 4
- SourceFile := prog_name()
- size := filedim(SourceFile)
- mrows := vrows + size.rows # white space at top and bottom
- mcols := size.cols
- mcols >:= maxcols
- mcols +:= ncols + 1 # space for line numbers and bar
-# Now create hidden canvases for the program and identifying line numbers.
- textmap := WOpen("canvas=hidden", "lines=" || mrows,
- "columns=" || mcols) | stop("*** cannot hidden canvas for program")
- twidth := WAttrib(textmap, "width")
- oheight := (WAttrib(textmap, "height") / mrows) / 2 + (hsize / 2)
-# Set positions in the pixmaps to leave space at the top and the bottom.
- GotoRC(textmap, vrows / 2, 1)
-# Put the text of the program into the canvas, while adding line
-# numbers to the other canvas.
- input := open(SourceFile) | stop("*** cannot open ", SourceFile)
- line_no := 0
- while write(textmap, right(line_no +:= 1, ncols - 1), " ", read(input))
-# Draw a line in linemap to separate the line numbers from the
-# program text when they get copied into the window.
- cwidth := TextWidth(textmap, repl("x", ncols + 1))
- x := cwidth - (cwidth / (2 * (ncols))) - 5
- DrawLine(textmap, x, 0, x, WAttrib(textmap, "height"))
- vis_setup("label=" || basename(SourceFile), "lines=" || vrows,
- "columns=80")
- highlight := Clone(Visualization, "fg=red")
- wwidth := WAttrib(Visualization, "width")
- wheight := WAttrib(Visualization, "height")
- focus(1, 0) # start-up view
- while EvGet('', 1) do
- if &eventcode === E_ALoc then {
- line := iand(&eventvalue, linemask) - 1 # for positioning
- column := &eventvalue / colmask
- focus(line, column)
- }
-procedure focus(line, column)
- local x, y
- y := (line - 1) * WAttrib("leading") # for positioning
- CopyArea(textmap, Visualization, 0, y, twidth, wheight)
- FillRectangle(highlight, 2, y := wheight / 2 - oheight, hsize, hsize)
- if column > 0 then {
- x := (column + ncols + 1) * WAttrib("fwidth")
- FillRectangle(highlight, x, y + 10, 6, 1)
- }
- return
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/recordev.icn b/ipl/mprogs/recordev.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ad0f8f..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/recordev.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# File: recordev.icn
-# Subject: Program to record events
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: August 16, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program records events in a file. Event information is stored
-# by using image(), so some information may be lost.
-# This program is called as
-# recordev <options> tp args
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write event history to the file named s; default standard
-# output.
-# -c s prefix the event history with a comment event whose value
-# is s.
-# Warning: If -o is not given and tp also writes to standard output,
-# the event history file will be corrupted.
-# If args contains options, use -- to prevent recordev from consuming them,
-# as in
-# recordev -o history -- tp args
-# Requires: Version 9.0 MT Icon with event monitoring
-# Links: evinit, options
-link evinit
-link options
-procedure main(args)
- local file, output, opts
- opts := options(args, "c:o:")
- if file := \opts["o"] then {
- output := open(file, "w") | stop("*** cannot open ", image(file))
- }
- else output := &output
- write(output, image("#"), "\n", image(\opts["c"]))
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load TP")
- while EvGet() do
- write(output, image(&eventcode), "\n", image(&eventvalue))
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/roll.icn b/ipl/mprogs/roll.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f1ea32..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/roll.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# File: roll.icn
-# Subject: Program to display the program counter on a stripchart
-# Author: Gregg M. Townsend and Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: June 25, 1996
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# roll displays a chart recording a time-history of program execution
-# by line number.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: em_setup, filedim, strpchrt
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link em_setup
-link filedim
-link strpchrt
-$define Width 500
-$define MaxHeight 500
-global ifile, Limit
-global maxln
-procedure main(args)
- local fname, sc, h, t, y, mask, ymul, maxln
- local size, i, linemask
- linemask := 2 ^ 16 - 1
- em_setup(args)
- size := filedim(prog_name())
- maxln := size.rows
- if maxln > MaxHeight then {
- ymul := real(MaxHeight) / maxln
- maxln := MaxHeight
- }
- else ymul := 1
- Limit := 10
- vis_setup("size=" || Width || "," || maxln, "label=roll")
- sc := stripchart(Visualization, 0, 0, Width, maxln)
- t := 0
- i := 0
- mask := E_Loc ++ E_Tick
- repeat {
- i := (i + 1) % Limit
- if i = 0 then {
- while *Pending(Visualization) > 0 do
- case Event(Visualization) of {
- &lpress | &mpress | &rpress: {
- event(E_ALoc, integer(&y / ymul) + 1, &eventsource)
- }
- }
- }
- EvGet(mask) | break
- if &eventcode === E_Loc then {
- y := ymul * iand(&eventvalue, linemask)
- DrawPoint(, sc.x, y)
- }
- else if &eventcode === E_Tick then sadvance(sc, &eventvalue)
- }
- sadvance(sc)
- Fg(, "red")
- DrawLine(, sc.x, 0, sc.x, maxln)
- em_end()
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/scat.icn b/ipl/mprogs/scat.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 631be9c..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/scat.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# File: scat.icn
-# Subject: Program to produce call/result scatterplot
-# Author: Clinton Jeffery
-# Date: November 11, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# Press the left mouse button atop any plotted point to see the list of
-# procedures at that point. Execution (and point motion) is suspended
-# until the mouse button is released.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics
-# Links: eemutils, vinit
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link emutils
-link evinit
-global at, # table of counts of procedures at a given point
- call, # table of call counts
- rslt # table of result counts
-record activation (p, parent, children)
-procedure main(av)
- local mask, maxmax, maxmatch, current_proc, L, max, i, k, child, e
- EvInit(av) | stop("*** cannot load SP")
- kill_output()
- &window := open("scat","x","geometry=150x180") | stop("can't open window")
- current_proc := activation(,activation(,,,,[]),[])
- call := table(0)
- rslt := table(0)
- at := table(0)
- mask := ProcMask ++ E_MXevent
- maxmax := 0
- maxmatch := 0
- while EvGet(mask) do {
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Pcall: {
- move(&eventvalue, 1, 0)
- current_proc := activation(&eventvalue, current_proc, [])
- put(current_proc.parent.children, current_proc)
- }
- E_Psusp: {
- move(current_proc.p, 0, 1)
- current_proc := current_proc.parent
- }
- E_Presum: {
- current_proc := current_proc.children[-1]
- }
- E_Pret: {
- move(current_proc.p, 0, 1)
- pull(current_proc.parent.children)
- current_proc := current_proc.parent
- }
- E_Pfail: {
- pull(current_proc.parent.children)
- current_proc := current_proc.parent
- }
- E_Prem: {
- child := pull(current_proc.children)
- current_proc.children |||:= child.children
- }
- E_MXevent: {
- case &eventvalue of {
- "q" | "\033": stop("terminated")
- &lpress | &ldrag : {
- repeat {
- L := []
- every k := key(call) do {
- if -3 < 2*log(call[k]+2,1.25)+2 - &x < 3 &
- -3 < 2*log(rslt[k]+2,1.25)+2 - &y < 3 then {
- put(L, procedure_name(k))
- }
- }
- if max := * (L[1]) then {
- every max <:= *( !L )
- maxmax <:= max
- }
- maxmatch <:= *L
- &col := WAttrib("columns") - maxmax
- &row := WAttrib("lines") - maxmatch - 1
- EraseArea(&x,&y)
- if *L > 0 then {
- every i := 1 to *L do {
- GotoRC(WAttrib("lines")-*L+i,WAttrib("columns")-max)
- writes(&window,L[i])
- }
- e := Event()
- every i := 1 to *L do {
- GotoRC(WAttrib("lines")-*L+i,WAttrib("columns")-max)
- writes(&window,L[i])
- }
- }
- else e := Event()
- if e === &lrelease then break
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-procedure procedure_name(p)
- return image(p) ? { ="procedure "; tab(0) }
-procedure move(who, iscall, isrslt)
- if (at[integer(2*log(call[who]+2,1.25)) || "," || integer(2*log(rslt[who]+2,1.25))] -:= 1) = 0 then
- EraseArea(2*log(call[who]+2,1.25) + 2, 2*log(rslt[who]+2,1.25) + 2, 2, 2)
- call[who] +:= iscall
- rslt[who] +:= isrslt
- if (at[integer(2*log(call[who]+2,1.25)) || "," || integer(2*log(rslt[who]+2,1.25))] +:= 1) = 1 then
- FillRectangle(2*log(call[who]+2,1.25) + 2, 2*log(rslt[who]+2,1.25) + 2, 2, 2)
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/scater.icn b/ipl/mprogs/scater.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index aad7502..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/scater.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# File: scater.icn
-# Subject: Program to display visualize string concatenation
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 1, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program displays successive numbers by lines of corresponding
-# height. When the display area is full, it scrolls from right to
-# left.
-# In this version, input is piped in.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics, MT Icon and instrumentation
-# Links: evinit, interact, vsetup
-link evinit
-link interact
-link vsetup
-global vidgets
-global root
-global strip
-global state
-global gc_black
-global reset
-global scale
-global width
-global height
-global window
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- init(args)
- display()
-procedure init(args)
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load SP.")
- /EventSource := &eventsource
- variable("write", EventSource) := -1
- variable("writes", EventSource) := -1
- window := WOpen ! ui_atts()
- vidgets := ui()
- root := vidgets["root"]
- state := &null
- scale := 1
- width := vidgets["strip"].uw
- height := vidgets["strip"].uh
- strip := Clone(window, "dx=" || vidgets["strip"].ux, "dy=" ||
- vidgets["strip"].uy)
- Clip(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
- gc_black := Clone(strip, "fg=black")
-procedure display()
- static cat, cmask, rmask
- initial {
- cat := proc("||", 2)
- cmask := cset(E_Ocall)
- rmask := cset(E_Oret)
- }
- repeat {
- while (*Pending() > 0) | \state do
- ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
- EvGet(cmask) | exit()
- if &eventvalue === cat then {
- EvGet(rmask) | exit()
- &eventvalue := *&eventvalue
- &eventvalue *:= scale
- &eventvalue >:= height # Motif bug avoidance
- CopyArea(strip, 1, 0, width - 1, height, 0, 0)
- EraseArea(strip, width - 1, 0, width, height)
- DrawLine(gc_black, width - 1, height - &eventvalue, width - 1, height)
- }
- }
-procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
- case value[1] of {
- "snapshot @S": return snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
- "quit @Q": exit()
- }
- fail
-procedure configure_cb(vidget, value)
- case value[1] of {
- "scale": {
- repeat {
- if TextDialog(, "scale", scale, 10) == "Okay" then {
- scale := (0 < numeric(dialog_value[1])) | {
- Notice("Invalid scale value.")
- next
- }
- reset_cb()
- return
- }
- else fail # user canceled
- }
- }
- }
- fail
-procedure reset_cb()
- EraseArea(strip)
- return
-procedure shortcuts(e)
- if &meta then
- case map(e) of {
- "q": exit()
- "s": return snapshot(strip, 0, 0, width, height)
- }
- else fail
-#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
-procedure ui_atts()
- return ["size=477,255", "bg=gray-white"]
-procedure ui(win, cbk)
-return vsetup(win, cbk,
- [":Sizer:::0,0,477,255:",],
- ["configure:Menu:pull::36,0,71,21:Configure",configure_cb,
- ["scale"]],
- ["file:Menu:pull::0,1,36,21:File",file_cb,
- ["snapshot @S","quit @Q"]],
- ["line1:Line:::0,22,477,22:",],
- ["reset:Button:regular::11,76,42,20:reset",reset_cb],
- ["strip:Rect:grooved::63,37,400,200:",],
- )
-#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/strsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/strsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 6160b13..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/strsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# File: strsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate string computation
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: August 14, 1994
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates string-computation activity. It is called as
-# strsum prog
-# where prog is a program compiled under MT Icon whose events are to
-# be tabulated.
-# The options supported are:
-# -o s write output to file s; default &output.
-# -t record time spent in monitoring.
-# Requires: MT Icon and event monitoring.
-# Links: evinit, options, procname
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link evinit
-link options
-link procname
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local opts, itime, output, cnttbl, amttbl, cmask, rmask, numlist, op, cat
- local subs
- opts := options(args, "o:t")
- output := open(\opts["o"], "w") | &output
- if \opts["t"] then itime := &time
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot load program") # initialize interface
- cnttbl := table(0)
- amttbl := table(0)
- cat := proc("||", 2)
- subs := proc("[]", 2)
- cmask := E_Fcall ++ E_Ocall ++ E_Ssasgn
- rmask := E_Fret ++ E_Oret
- while EvGet(cmask) do {
- case &eventcode of {
- E_Fcall | E_Ocall: {
- if (op := &eventvalue) === (
- cat | right | left | center | entab | detab | repl |
- reverse | map
- ) then {
- EvGet(rmask)
- cnttbl[op] +:= 1
- amttbl[op] +:= *&eventvalue
- }
- }
- E_Ssasgn: {
- cnttbl[subs] +:= 1
- amttbl[subs] +:= 1
- }
- }
- }
- write(output, "\nString operation count:\n")
- numlist := sort(cnttbl, 3)
- while write(output, left(procname(get(numlist)), 6), right(get(numlist), 8))
- write(output, "\nString allocation:\n")
- numlist := sort(amttbl, 3)
- while write(output, left(procname(get(numlist)), 6), right(get(numlist), 8))
- write(output, "\nelapsed time: ", &time - \itime, "ms")
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/strucget.icn b/ipl/mprogs/strucget.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index f06ab44..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/strucget.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# File: strucget.icn
-# Subject: Program to collect SP structures
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 26, 2002
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program collects the structures in an SP and when the SP
-# terminates, it saves them as an xencoded file. Records are not
-# collected because they cannot be decoded in the absence of the
-# appropriate record declaration.
-# By keeping pointers to the structures in an SP, it assures that
-# all structures produced by that program are intact at the time
-# the SP terminates. Be aware, however, that some structures may
-# have been "emptied" by the time the SP terminates, for example,
-# by get(L).
-# Saving the SP structure prevents them from being collected, which may
-# affect SP performance or even behavior.
-# The xencoded file is named <sp>.xcode there <sp> is the name of the
-# SP as given on the command line.
-# Requires: MT Icon and instrumentation
-# Links: evinit, xcodes
-link evinit
-link xcodes
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-procedure main(args)
- local mask, structs, name
- name := args[1] | stop("*** no SP")
- EvInit(args) | stop("*** cannot open SP")
- variable("write", &eventsource) := -1 # turn off SP output
- variable("writes", &eventsource) := -1
- structs := set()
- mask := cset(E_Lcreate || E_Rcreate || E_Screate || E_Tcreate)
- while EvGet(mask) do
- insert(structs, &eventvalue) # add new structure
- xencoden(sort(structs), name || ".xcode") # save SP structures
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/vc.icn b/ipl/mprogs/vc.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e1e5e2..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/vc.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,616 +0,0 @@
-# File: vc.icn
-# Subject: Program to coordinate visualization programs
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: March 1, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This program loads and runs multiple MPs. It is based on the original
-# visualization coordinator, Eve, written by Clint Jeffery.
-# This is a work in progress. At the moment, it works in demonstration
-# mode with only hard-coded SPs and MPs available.
-# The following interface features are provided:
-# File menu
-# snapshot @S take snapshot of selected visualization
-# quit @Q exit from vc
-# Pause toggle (@P) to stop and start visualization
-# Speed control slider for SP events
-# Display of clock ticks in SP
-# The following features remain to be implemented:
-# disabling and enabling MPs
-# adding and removing MPs
-# specification of SPs and MPs not in hard-coded list
-# specification of input data for SPs
-# attempt to position MP windows in a useful way
-# provide for changing SPs
-# provide for continued visualization when SP terminates
-# Also, there are numerous small problems that need to be fixed, as
-# well as better documentation.
-# Requires: Version 9 MT Icon, event monitoring, and graphics
-# Links: basename, evutils, interact, lists, vsetup
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-link basename
-link evutils
-link interact
-link lists
-link vsetup
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-$define EventIter 10 # number of SP events per check on interface
-$define BlkSize 500000 # region sizes for SP and MPs
-$define StrSize 500000
-$define MstkSize 20000
-$define On 1 # initial selection states for MPs
-$define Off &null
-# vc's knowledge about MPs is stored in a list of records of type "mp_rec".
-record mp_rec(name, prog, mask, enabled)
-global mps # list of EMs
-global mpath # path to MPs
-global spath # path to SPs and data
-global pause # pause vidget
-global unioncset # union of MPs' csets
-global root # root vidget
-global EventCodeTable # table of MPs to call for each event
-global delayval # amount of delay per event
-global candidates # list of potential MPs to run
-global ticksum # number of clock ticks elapsed in SP
-global vc_handlers # procedures for each event vc handles itself
-global vc_queue # queue used for MP-MP communication
-global vidgets # table of vidgets
-global state # paused/running toggle
-global mps_names # MP names
-global mps_selected # MPs selected
-global program # SP
-global SourceProgram # source-code file for SP
-global Coordination # indicate MPs are running under a coordinator
-procedure main()
- init() # initialize interface, SP, and MPs
- run() # process events
-procedure able_mps()
- local mp_names, mp_enabled, rec, i
- mp_names := []
- mp_enabled := []
- every rec := !mps do {
- put(mp_names,
- put(mp_enabled, rec.enabled)
- }
- if ToggleDialog("MP state", mp_names, mp_enabled) ==
- "Cancel" then fail
- every i := 1 to *mps do
- mps[i].enabled := dialog_value[i]
- union_mask()
- return
-procedure add_mps()
- local i
- if ToggleDialog( "Select monitoring programs:", mps_names, mps_selected) ==
- "Cancel" then fail
- mps_selected := candidates := dialog_value
- mps := []
- every i := 1 to *candidates do {
- if /candidates[i] then next # skip unselected MPs
- else put(mps, mp(mpath || mps_names[i]))
- }
- every i := 1 to *mps do
- mps[i].mask := @mps[i].prog
- union_mask()
- return
-# broadcast() - send event to interested MPs
-procedure broadcast(x, except)
- /vc_queue := []
- put(vc_queue, x, except)
- flush_queue()
- return
-# Write the current elapsed SP clock ticks.
-procedure drawtime(val)
- static odo, odo_x, odo_y
- initial {
- odo := vidgets["odometer"]
- odo_x := vidgets["odometer"].ax
- odo_y := vidgets["odometer"].ay + vidgets["odometer"].ah - 6
- }
- GotoXY(odo_x, odo_y)
- WWrites(right(val, 6))
-# Handle file menu.
-procedure file_cb(vidget, value)
- case value[1] of {
- "quit @Q": exit()
- "snapshot @S": snap_view()
- }
- return
-# Flush events produced during MP-MP communcation. This code is similar to
-# vc's main loop.
-procedure flush_queue()
- local c, mask, x, except, monitor
- while *vc_queue > 0 do {
- x := pop(vc_queue)
- except := pop(vc_queue) |
- ExitNotice("Malformed broadcast queue.")
- every monitor := (except ~=== !mps) do
- if mask := event( , , monitor.prog) then {
- if mask ~=== monitor.mask then {
- while type(mask) ~== "cset" do {
- #
- # An MP (probably) has raised a flag.
- # Pass it on to all the others except the mp itself.
- #
- put(vc_queue, mask)
- put(vc_queue, monitor)
- if not (mask := event( , , monitor.prog)) then
- unschedule(monitor) # MP terminated
- break next
- }
- if monitor.mask ~===:= mask then
- union_mask()
- }
- }
- else {
- unschedule(monitor) # MP terminated
- break
- }
- }
-# Initialize the vc, load SP, load MPs.
-procedure init()
- local i, attribs, info
- Coordination := 1 # post vc's presence
- mpath := "/home/ralph/ibin/"
- spath := "/home/ralph/SVP/SPs/"
- attribs := ui_atts() # vc's window attributes
- push(attribs, "posx=10", "posy=10") # add initial positioning
- (WOpen ! attribs) | stop("*** can't open window for vc")
- vidgets := ui() # table of vidgets
- root := vidgets["root"] # root vidget
- delayval := 0 # start at fastest speed
- VSetState(vidgets["speed"], delayval)
- pause := vidgets["pause"]
- VSetState(pause, 1) # start paused to allow setup
- ticksum := 0
- load_prg() | ExitNotice("Monitoring cancelled in specifying SP.")
- vc_handlers := table() # procedures for events vc handles
- vc_handlers[E_Tick] := vc_tick
- vc_handlers[E_Error] := vc_error
- mps_names := [
- "program",
- "roll",
- "algae",
- "napoleon",
- "allocviews",
- "tinylist",
- "scater",
- "locus"
- ]
- mps_selected := [
- On, # program
- On, # roll
- Off, # algae
- Off, # napoleon
- Off, # allocviews
- Off, # tinylist
- Off, # scater
- Off # locus
- ]
- add_mps() | ExitNotice("Monitoring cancelled in specifying MPs.")
- info := WOpen("lines=" || *mps + 5, "columns=32", "bg=white-gray",
- "label=monitoring")
- WWrite(info, " SP: ", basename(program))
- WWrite(info)
- WWrite(info, " MPs:")
- every WWrite(info, " ", basename((!mps).name))
- Raise() # bring control window to the front (may not make active)
- return
-# Load SP.
-procedure load_prg()
- static input, sps
- initial {
- sps := [
- "chess", # chess playing
- "concord", # concordance
- "macho", # recursive descent parsing
- "sortnews", # news sorting
- "pool", # population growth
- "singles", # bridge tournamen scheduling
-# "beards", # parser constructor
-# "yhcheng", # line editor
- "rsg" # random sentence generation
- ]
- }
- repeat {
- SelectDialog( "Select source program:", sps, sps[1]) == "Okay" | fail
- program := spath || dialog_value
- SourceProgram := program || ".icn"
- # Note: Currently, the input data for the SP must be in the same
- # directory as the SP, have the same base name as the SP, and
- # have the suffix ".dat".
- &eventsource := load(
- program,
- ,
- open(spath || dialog_value || ".dat"),
- open("/dev/null", "w"),
- open("/dev/null", "w"),
- BlkSize,
- StrSize,
- MstkSize
- ) | {
- Notice("Can't load " || dialog_value || ".")
- next
- }
- return
- }
-# mp() - create and initialize a mp_rec.
-procedure mp(name)
- local rec
- rec := mp_rec(name)
- rec.prog := load(
- ,
- &input,
- &output,
- &errout,
- BlkSize,
- StrSize,
- MstkSize
- ) | ExitNotice("Can't load " || image( || ".")
- variable("&eventsource", rec.prog) := &current |
- ExitNotice("Internal inconsistency; no event source.")
- every variable("Monitored" | "EventSource", rec.prog) := &eventsource
- /rec.mask := ''
- /rec.enabled := 1
- return rec
-# Handle pause toggle.
-procedure pause_cb(vidget, value)
- state := value
- return
-# vc's main loop
-procedure run()
- local monitor, mask
- repeat {
- delay(delayval)
- # Process interface events before going on to SP events.
- while (*Pending() > 0) | \state do
- ProcessEvent(root, , shortcuts)
- # Process several SP events before going back to check for
- # interface events.
- every 1 to EventIter do {
- EvGet(unioncset) | Exit() # exit on termination of SP
- # Call vc's own handler for this event, if there is one.
- (\vc_handlers[&eventcode])()
- # Forward the event to those MPs that want it.
- every monitor := !EventCodeTable[&eventcode] do {
- if mask := event( , , monitor.prog) then {
- if mask ~=== monitor.mask then {
- while type(mask) ~== "cset" do {
- # The MP (probably) has raised a signal; pass it on, then
- # return to the mp to get his next event request.
- broadcast(mask, monitor)
- if not (mask := event( , , monitor.prog)) then {
- unschedule(monitor) # MP terminated
- break next
- }
- }
- if monitor.mask ~===:= mask then union_mask()
- }
- }
- else unschedule(monitor) # MP terminated
- }
- }
- }
-# Exit when SP is done.
-procedure Exit()
- ExitNotice("Source program terminated normally.")
-# Handle keyboard shortcuts.
-procedure shortcuts(e)
- if &meta then
- case map(e) of { # fold case
- "s": snap_view()
- "q": exit()
- "p": VSetState(pause, if \state then &null else 1)
- }
- return
-# Take snapshot of MP's visualization window.
-procedure snap_view()
- local mp_names, rec, win
- mp_names := []
- every rec := !mps do
- put(mp_names, basename(
- if SelectDialog("Select MP visualization:", mp_names) == "Cancel" then fail
- dialog_value := mpath || dialog_value
- every rec := !mps do
- if == dialog_value then {
- win := \variable("Visualization", rec.prog) |
- return FailNotice("No image available from " ||
- snapshot(
- win,
- 0,
- 0,
- \WAttrib(win, "clipw" | "width"),
- \WAttrib(win, "cliph" | "height")
- ) | return FailNotice("Cannot produce image file.")
- return
- }
- return FailNotice("MP not found.")
-# Control speed of event stream.
-procedure speed_cb(vidget, value)
- delayval := sqrt(value)
- return
-# Determine the set of events required by the union of all MPs, including
-# vc's and user input needs.
-procedure union_mask()
- local monitor, c
- static tickset
- initial tickset := E_Tick ++ E_Error
- # EventCodeTable is keyed by events. For each event, the corresponding
- # value is a list of MPs that need that event.
- EventCodeTable := table()
- EventCodeTable[E_Tick] := []
- EventCodeTable[E_Error] := []
- unioncset := tickset
- # Go through the list of MPs, and for each one that is currently
- # enabled, add it to the list for each of its event codes.
- every monitor := !mps do {
- if \monitor.enabled then {
- unioncset ++:= monitor.mask
- every c := !monitor.mask do {
- /EventCodeTable[c] := []
- put(EventCodeTable[c], monitor)
- }
- }
- }
- return
-# Remove MP from list of MPs.
-procedure unschedule(MP)
- local newmps, monitor
- mps := lremvals(mps, MP) # remove MP
- union_mask() # recompute the union mask
- return
-# Handle run-time error in SP.
-procedure vc_error()
- # If error conversion is on in the SP, ignore the error.
- # Otherwise, display the error information and then terminate
- # monitoring.
- if keyword("error", &eventsource) = 0 then
- ExitNotice(
- "run-time error " || image(&eventvalue),
- "",
- "file " || keyword("file", &eventsource) ||
- ", line " || keyword("line", &eventsource),
- "",
- keyword("errortext", &eventsource),
- "",
- "offending value: " || image(keyword("errorvalue", &eventsource))
- )
- else return
-# Handle clock tick events in the SP.
-procedure vc_tick()
- drawtime(ticksum +:= &eventvalue)
- return
-#===<<vib:begin>>=== modify using vib; do not remove this marker line
-procedure ui_atts()
- return ["size=253,220", "bg=gray-white", "label=vc"]
-procedure ui(win, cbk)
-return vsetup(win, cbk,
- [":Sizer:::0,0,253,220:visualization coordinator",],
- ["elapsed:Label:::10,156,91,13:elapsed time:",],
- ["fast:Label:::209,103,28,13:fast",],
- ["file:Menu:pull::1,2,36,21:File",file_cb,
- ["snapshot @S","quit @Q"]],
- ["label1:Label:::151,156,77,13:clock ticks",],
- ["line1:Line:::0,25,252,25:",],
- ["pause:Button:regular:1:10,54,50,20:pause",pause_cb],
- ["slow:Label:::10,103,28,13:slow",],
- ["speed:Slider:h:1:48,103,150,15:100,0,0",speed_cb],
- ["odometer:Rect:invisible::103,153,41,20:",],
- )
-#===<<vib:end>>=== end of section maintained by vib
diff --git a/ipl/mprogs/vmsum.icn b/ipl/mprogs/vmsum.icn
deleted file mode 100644
index 2124325..0000000
--- a/ipl/mprogs/vmsum.icn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# File: vmsum.icn
-# Subject: Program to tabulate virtual-machine operations
-# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
-# Date: November 22, 1997
-# This file is in the public domain.
-# This tool tabulates event codes.
-# Requires: Version 9 graphics and MT Icon
-# Links: evinit, numbers, opnames
-# Includes: evdefs.icn
-$include "evdefs.icn"
-link evinit
-link numbers
-link opnames
-procedure main(args)
- local name, summary, total, i
- EvInit(get(args) | &null) # initialize interface
- name := opnames()
- summary := table(0)
- total := 0
- while EvGet(E_Opcode) do {
- summary[&eventvalue] +:= 1
- total +:= 1
- }
- summary := sort(summary,4)
- total /:= 100.0
- write(left("code",10), right("count",8), right("percent",10))
- write()
- while write(left(name[get(summary)],10), right(i := get(summary),8),
- " ", fix(i, total, 5, 2))