path: root/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iacc.ibp
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/packs/ibpag2/iacc.ibp')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iacc.ibp b/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iacc.ibp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a169db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/packs/ibpag2/iacc.ibp
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+# Name: iacc.ibp
+# Title: YACC-like front-end for Ibpag2 (experimental)
+# Author: Richard L. Goerwitz
+# Version: 1.6
+# Summary:
+# Iacc is a YACC-like Ibpag2 preprocessor (very experimental).
+# Iacc simply reads &input (assumed to be a YACC file, but with Icon
+# code in the action fields), and writes an Ibpag2 file to &output.
+# Installation:
+# This file is not an Icon file, but rather an Ibpag2 file. You
+# must have Ibpag2 installed in order to run it. To create the iacc
+# executable, first create iacc.icn by typing "ibpag2 -f iacc.ibp -o
+# iacc.icn," then compile iacc.icn as you would any other Icon file
+# to create iacc (or on systems without direct execution, iacc.icx).
+# Put more simply, iacc.ibp not only outputs Ibpag2 files, but is
+# itself generated using Ibpag2 + icon{t,c}.
+# Implementation notes:
+# Iacc uses an YACC grammar that is actually LR(2), and not
+# LR(1), as Ipbag2 would normally require in standard mode. Iacc
+# obtains the additional token lookahead via the lexical analyzer.
+# The place it uses that lookahead is when it sees an identifier. If
+# the next token is a colon, then it is the LHS of a rule (C_IDENT
+# below); otherwise it's an IDENT in the RHS of some rule. Crafting
+# the lexical analyzer in this fashion makes semicolons totally
+# superfluous (good riddance!), but it makes it necessary for the
+# lexical analyzer to suspend some dummy tokens whose only purpose is
+# to make sure that it doesn't eat up C or Icon action code while
+# trying to satisfy the grammar's two-token lookahead requirements
+# (see how RCURL and '}' are used below in the cdef and act
+# productions).
+# Iacc does its work by making six basic changes to the input
+# stream: 1) puts commas between tokens and symbols in rules, 2)
+# removes superfluous union and type declarations/tags, 3) inserts
+# "epsilon" into the RHS of empty rules, 4) turns "$$ = x" into
+# "return x", 5) rewrites rules so that all actions appear at the end
+# of a production, and 6) strips all comments.
+# Although Iacc is really meant for grammars with Icon action
+# code, Iacc can, in fact, accept straight YACC files, with C action
+# code. There isn't much point to using it this way, though, since
+# its output is not meant to be human readable. Rather, it is to be
+# passed directly to Ibpag2 for processing. Iacc is simply a YACCish
+# front end. Its output can be piped directly to Ibpag2 in most
+# cases: iacc < infile.iac | ibpag2 > infile.icn.
+# Links: longstr, strings
+# See also: ibpag2
+link strings, longstr
+global newrules, lval, symbol_no
+# basic entities
+%token C_IDENT, IDENT # identifiers and literals
+%token NUMBER # [0-9]+
+# reserved words: %type -> TYPE, %left -> LEFT, etc.
+# miscellaneous
+%token MARK # %%
+%token LCURL # %{
+%token RCURL # dummy token used to start processing of C code
+%start yaccf
+yaccf : front, back
+front : defs, MARK { write(arg2) }
+back : rules, tail {
+ every write(!\newrules)
+ if write(\arg2) then
+ every write(!&input)
+ }
+tail : epsilon { return &null }
+ | MARK { return arg1 }
+defs : epsilon
+ | defs, def { write(\arg2) }
+ | defs, cdef { write(\arg2) }
+def : START, IDENT { return arg1 || " " || arg2 }
+ | rword, tag, nlist {
+ if arg1 == "%type"
+ then return &null
+ else return arg1 || " " || arg3
+ }
+cdef : stuff, RCURL, RCURL { return arg1 }
+stuff : UNION { get_icon_code("%}"); return &null }
+ | LCURL { return "%{ " || get_icon_code("%}") }
+tag : epsilon { return &null }
+ | '<', IDENT, '>' { return "<" || arg2 || ">" }
+nlist : nmno { return arg1 }
+ | nlist, nmno { return arg1 || ", " || arg2 }
+ | nlist, ',', nmno { return arg1 || ", " || arg3 }
+nmno : IDENT { return arg1 }
+ | IDENT, NUMBER { return arg1 }
+rules : LHS, ':', RHS { write(arg1, "\t: ", arg3) }
+ | rules, rule { write(arg2) }
+RHS : rbody, prec { return arg1 || " " || arg2 }
+rule : LHS, '|', RHS { return "\t| " || arg3 }
+ | LHS, ':', RHS { return arg1 || "\t: " || arg3 }
+LHS : C_IDENT { symbol_no := 0 ; return arg1 }
+ | epsilon { symbol_no := 0 }
+rbody : IDENT { symbol_no +:= 1; return arg1 }
+ | act { return "epsilon " || arg1 }
+ | middle, IDENT { return arg1 || ", " || arg2 }
+ | middle, act { return arg1 || " " || arg2 }
+ | middle, ',', IDENT { return arg1 || ", " || arg3 }
+ | epsilon { return "epsilon" }
+middle : IDENT { symbol_no +:= 1; return arg1 }
+ | act { symbol_no +:= 1; return arg1 }
+ | middle, IDENT { symbol_no +:= 1; return arg1 || ", "||arg2 }
+ | middle, ',', IDENT { symbol_no +:= 1; return arg1 || ", "||arg3 }
+ | middle, act {
+ local i, l1, l2
+ static actno
+ initial { actno := 0; newrules := [] }
+ actno +:= 1
+ l1 := []; l2 := []
+ every i := 1 to symbol_no do {
+ every put(l1, ("arg"|"$") || i)
+ if symbol_no-i = 0 then i := "0"
+ else i := "-" || symbol_no - i
+ every put(l2, ("$"|"$") || i)
+ }
+ put(newrules, "ACT_"|| actno ||
+ "\t: epsilon "|| mapargs(arg2, l1, l2))
+ symbol_no +:= 1
+ return arg1 || ", " || "ACT_" || actno
+ }
+act : '{', cstuff, '}', '}' { return "{" || arg2 }
+cstuff : epsilon { return get_icon_code("}") }
+prec : epsilon { return "" }
+ | PREC, IDENT { return arg1 || arg2 }
+ | PREC, IDENT, act { return arg1 || arg2 || arg3 }
+procedure iilex()
+ local t
+ static last_token, last_lval, colon
+ initial colon := ord(":")
+ every t := next_token() do {
+ iilval := last_lval
+ if \last_token then {
+ if t = colon then {
+ if last_token = IDENT
+ then suspend C_IDENT
+ else suspend last_token
+ } else
+ suspend last_token
+ }
+ last_token := t
+ last_lval := lval
+ }
+ iilval := last_lval
+ suspend \last_token
+procedure next_token()
+ local reserveds, UNreserveds, c, idchars, marks
+ reserveds := ["break","by","case","create","default","do",
+ "else","end","every","fail","global","if",
+ "initial","invocable","link","local","next",
+ "not","of","procedure","record","repeat",
+ "return","static","suspend","then","to","until",
+ "while"]
+ UNreserveds := ["break_","by_","case_","create_","default_","do_",
+ "else_","end_","every_","fail_","global_","if_",
+ "initial_","invocable_","link_","local_","next_",
+ "not_","of_","procedure_","record_","repeat_",
+ "return_","static_","suspend_","then_","to_",
+ "until_","while_"]
+ idchars := &letters ++ '._'
+ marks := 0
+ c := reads()
+ repeat {
+ lval := &null
+ case c of {
+ "#" : { do_icon_comment(); c := reads() | break }
+ "<" : { suspend ord(c); c := reads() | break }
+ ">" : { suspend ord(c); c := reads() | break }
+ ":" : { suspend ord(c); c := reads() | break }
+ "|" : { suspend ord(c); c := reads() | break }
+ "," : { suspend ord(c); c := reads() | break }
+ "{" : { suspend ord(c | "}" | "}"); c := reads() }
+ "/" : {
+ reads() == "*" | stop("unknown YACC operator, \"/\"")
+ do_c_comment()
+ c := reads() | break
+ }
+ "'" : {
+ lval := "'"
+ while lval ||:= (c := reads()) do {
+ if c == "\\"
+ then lval ||:= reads()
+ else if c == "'" then {
+ suspend IDENT
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ c := reads() | break
+ }
+ "%" : {
+ lval := "%"
+ while any(&letters, c := reads()) do
+ lval ||:= c
+ if *lval = 1 then {
+ if c == "%" then {
+ lval := "%%"
+ suspend MARK
+ if (marks +:= 1) > 1 then
+ fail
+ } else {
+ if c == "{" then {
+ lval := "%{"
+ suspend LCURL | RCURL | RCURL
+ }
+ else stop("malformed %declaration")
+ }
+ c := reads() | break
+ } else {
+ case lval of {
+ "%prec" : suspend PREC
+ "%left" : suspend LEFT
+ "%token" : suspend TOKEN
+ "%right" : suspend RIGHT
+ "%type" : suspend TYPE
+ "%start" : suspend START
+ "%union" : suspend UNION | RCURL | RCURL
+ "%nonassoc" : suspend NONASSOC
+ default : stop("unknown % code in def section")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default : {
+ if any(&digits, c) then {
+ lval := c
+ while any(&digits, c := reads()) do
+ lval ||:= c
+ suspend NUMBER
+ }
+ else {
+ if any(idchars, c) then {
+ lval := c
+ while any(&digits ++ idchars, c := reads()) do
+ lval ||:= c
+ lval := mapargs(lval, reserveds, UNreserveds)
+ suspend IDENT
+ }
+ else {
+ # whitespace
+ c := reads() | break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+procedure get_icon_code(endmark, comment)
+ local yaccwords, ibpagwords, count, c, c2, s
+ yaccwords := ["YYDEBUG", "YYACCEPT", "YYERROR", "yyclearin", "yyerrok"]
+ ibpagwords := ["IIDEBUG", "IIACCEPT", "IIERROR", "iiclearin", "iierrok"]
+ s := ""
+ count := 1
+ c := reads()
+ repeat {
+ case c of {
+ "\"" : s ||:= c || do_string()
+ "'" : s ||:= c || do_charlit()
+ "$" : {
+ c2 := reads() | break
+ if c2 == "$" then {
+ until (c := reads()) == "="
+ s ||:= "return "
+ } else {
+ s ||:= c
+ c := c2
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ "#" : {
+ if s[-1] == "\n"
+ then s[-1] := ""
+ do_icon_comment()
+ }
+ "/" : {
+ c := reads() | break
+ if c == "*" then
+ do_c_comment()
+ else {
+ s ||:= c
+ next
+ }
+ }
+ "{" : {
+ s ||:= c
+ if endmark == "}" then
+ count +:= 1
+ }
+ "}" : {
+ s ||:= c
+ if endmark == "}" then {
+ count -:= 1
+ count = 0 & (return mapargs(s, yaccwords, ibpagwords))
+ }
+ }
+ "%" : {
+ s ||:= c
+ if endmark == "%}" then {
+ if (c := reads()) == "}"
+ then return mapargs(s || c, yaccwords, ibpagwords)
+ else next
+ }
+ }
+ default : s ||:= c
+ }
+ c := reads() | break
+ }
+ # if there is no endmark, just go to EOF
+ if \endmark
+ then stop("input file has mis-braced { code }")
+ else return mapargs(s, yaccwords, ibpagwords)
+procedure do_string()
+ local c, s
+ s := ""
+ while c := reads() do {
+ case c of {
+ "\\" : s ||:= c || reads()
+ "\"" : return s || c || reads()
+ default : s ||:= c
+ }
+ }
+ stop("malformed string literal")
+procedure do_charlit()
+ local c, s
+ s := ""
+ while c := reads() do {
+ case c of {
+ "\\" : s ||:= c || reads()
+ "'" : return s || c || reads()
+ default : s ||:= c
+ }
+ }
+ stop("malformed character literal")
+procedure do_c_comment()
+ local c, s
+ s := c := reads() |
+ stop("malformed C-style /* comment */")
+ repeat {
+ if c == "*" then {
+ s ||:= (c := reads() | break)
+ if c == "/" then
+ return s
+ }
+ else s ||:= (c := reads() | break)
+ }
+ return s # EOF okay
+procedure do_icon_comment()
+ local c, s
+ s := ""
+ while c := reads() do {
+ case c of {
+ "\\" : s ||:= c || (reads() | break)
+ "\n" : return s
+ default : s ||:= c
+ }
+ }
+ return s # EOF okay
+procedure mapargs(s, l1, l2)
+ local i, s2
+ static cs, tbl, last_l1, last_l2
+ if /l1 | *l1 = 0 then return s
+ if not (last_l1 === l1, last_l2 === l2) then {
+ cs := ''
+ every cs ++:= (!l1)[1]
+ tbl := table()
+ every i := 1 to *l1 do
+ insert(tbl, l1[i], (\l2)[i] | "")
+ }
+ s2 := ""
+ s ? {
+ while s2 ||:= tab(upto(cs)) do {
+ (s2 <- (s2 || tbl[tab(longstr(l1))]),
+ not any(&letters++&digits++'_')) |
+ (s2 ||:= move(1))
+ }
+ s2 ||:= tab(0)
+ }
+ return s2
+procedure main()
+ iiparse()