path: root/ipl/procs/codeobj.icn
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diff --git a/ipl/procs/codeobj.icn b/ipl/procs/codeobj.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb780a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/procs/codeobj.icn
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+# File: codeobj.icn
+# Subject: Procedures to encode and decode Icon data
+# Author: Ralph E. Griswold
+# Date: March 25, 2002
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# These procedures provide a way of storing Icon values as strings and
+# retrieving them. The procedure encode(x) converts x to a string s that
+# can be converted back to x by decode(s). These procedures handle all
+# kinds of values, including structures of arbitrary complexity and even
+# loops. For "scalar" types -- null, integer, real, cset, and string --
+# decode(encode(x)) === x
+# For structures types -- list, set, table, and record types --
+# decode(encode(x)) is, for course, not identical to x, but it has the
+# same "shape" and its elements bear the same relation to the original
+# as if they were encoded and decode individually.
+# No much can be done with files, functions and procedures, and
+# co-expressions except to preserve type and identification.
+# The encoding of strings and csets handles all characters in a way
+# that it is safe to write the encoding to a file and read it back.
+# No particular effort was made to use an encoding of value that
+# minimizes the length of the resulting string. Note, however, that
+# as of Version 7 of Icon, there are no limits on the length of strings
+# that can be written out or read in.
+# The encoding of a value consists of four parts: a tag, a length,
+# a type code, and a string of the specified length that encodes the value
+# itself.
+# The tag is omitted for scalar values that are self-defining.
+# For other values, the tag serves as a unique identification. If such a
+# value appears more than once, only its tag appears after the first encoding.
+# There is, therefore, a type code that distinguishes a label for a previously
+# encoded value from other encodings. Tags are strings of lowercase
+# letters. Since the tag is followed by a digit that starts the length, the
+# two can be distinguished.
+# The length is simply the length of the encoded value that follows.
+# The type codes consist of single letters taken from the first character
+# of the type name, with lower- and uppercase used to avoid ambiguities.
+# Where a structure contains several elements, the encodings of the
+# elements are concatenated. Note that the form of the encoding contains
+# the information needed to separate consecutive elements.
+# Here are some examples of values and their encodings:
+# x encode(x)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# 1 "1i1"
+# 2.0 "3r2.0"
+# &null "0n"
+# "\377" "4s\\377"
+# '\376\377' "8c\\376\\377"
+# procedure main "a4pmain"
+# co-expression #1 (0) "b0C"
+# [] "c0L"
+# set() "d0S"
+# table("a") "e3T1sa"
+# L1 := ["hi","there"] "f11L2shi5sthere"
+# A loop is illustrated by
+# L2 := []
+# put(L2,L2)
+# for which
+# x encode(x)
+# -------------------------------------------------------
+# L2 "g3L1lg"
+# Of course, you don't have to know all this to use encode and decode.
+# Links: escape, gener, procname, typecode
+# Requires: co-expressions
+invocable all
+link escape, gener, procname, typecode
+global outlab, inlab
+record triple(type,value,tag)
+# Encode an arbitary value as a string.
+procedure encode(x,level)
+ local str, tag, Type
+ static label
+ initial label := create "l" || star(string(&lcase))
+ if /level then outlab := table() # table is global, but reset at
+ # each root call.
+ tag := ""
+ Type := typecode(x)
+ if Type == !"ri" then str := string(x) # first the scalars
+ else if Type == !"cs" then str := image(string(x))[2:-1] # remove quotes
+ else if Type == "n" then str := ""
+ else if Type == !"LSRTfpC" then # next the structures and other types
+ if str := \outlab[x] then # if the object has been processed,
+ Type := "l" # use its label and type it as label.
+ else {
+ tag := outlab[x] := @label # else make a label for it.
+ str := ""
+ if Type == !"LSRT" then { # structures
+ every str ||:= encode( # generate, recurse, and concatenate
+ case Type of {
+ !"LS": !x # elements
+ "T": x[[]] | !sort(x,3) # default, then elements
+ "R": type(x) | !x # type then elements
+ }
+ ,1) # indicate internal call
+ }
+ else str ||:= case Type of { # other things
+ "f": image(x)
+ "C": ""
+ "p": procname(x)
+ }
+ }
+ else stop("unsupported type in encode: ",image(x))
+ return tag || *str || Type || str
+# Generate decoded results. At the top level, there is only one,
+# but for structures, it is called recursively and generates the
+# the decoded elements.
+procedure decode(s,level)
+ local p
+ if /level then inlab := table() # global but reset
+ every p := separ(s) do {
+ suspend case p.type of {
+ "l": inlab[p.value] # label for an object
+ "i": integer(p.value)
+ "s": escape(p.value)
+ "c": cset(escape(p.value))
+ "r": real(p.value)
+ "n": &null
+ "L": delist(p.value,p.tag)
+ "R": derecord(p.value,p.tag)
+ "S": deset(p.value,p.tag)
+ "T": detable(p.value,p.tag)
+ "f": defile(p.value)
+ "C": inlab[p.tag] := create &fail # can't hurt much to fail
+ "p": inlab[p.tag] := (proc(p.value) |
+ stop("encoded procedure not found")) \ 1
+ default: stop("unexpected type in decode: ",p.type)
+ }
+ }
+# Generate triples for the encoded values in concatenation.
+procedure separ(s)
+ local p, size
+ while *s ~= 0 do {
+ p := triple()
+ s ?:= {
+ p.tag := tab(many(&lcase))
+ size := tab(many(&digits)) | break
+ p.type := move(1)
+ p.value := move(size)
+ tab(0)
+ }
+ suspend p
+ }
+# Decode a list. The newly constructed list is added to the table that
+# relates tags to structure values.
+procedure delist(s,tag)
+ local a
+ inlab[tag] := a := [] # insert object for label
+ every put(a,decode(s,1))
+ return a
+# Decode a set. Compare to delist above.
+procedure deset(s,tag)
+ local S
+ inlab[tag] := S := set()
+ every insert(S,decode(s,1))
+ return S
+# Decode a record.
+procedure derecord(s,tag)
+ local R, e
+ e := create decode(s,1) # note use of co-expressions to control
+ # generation, since record must be constructed
+ # before fields are produced.
+ inlab[tag] := R := proc(@e)() | stop("error in decoding record")
+ every !R := @e
+ return R
+# Decode a table.
+procedure detable(s,tag)
+ local t, e
+ e := create decode(s,1) # see derecord above; here it's the default
+ # value that motivates co-expressions.
+ inlab[tag] := t := table(@e)
+ while t[@e] := @e
+ return t
+# Decode a file.
+procedure defile(s, tag)
+ return inlab[tag] := case s of { # files aren't so simple ...
+ "&input": &input
+ "&output": &output
+ "&errout": &errout
+ default: s ? {
+ ="file(" # open for reading to play it safe
+ open(tab(upto(')'))) | stop("cannot open encoded file")
+ }
+ }