path: root/ipl/progs/hr.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/hr.icn')
1 files changed, 793 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/hr.icn b/ipl/progs/hr.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a22a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/hr.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+# File: hr.icn
+# Subject: Program to play horse-race game
+# Author: Chris Tenaglia
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This program implements a horse-race game.
+# Links: random
+link random
+global horse1, horse2, horse3, # horses are global
+ players, money, bets, # player info is global
+ vectors, leg1, leg2, leg3, # track parameters
+ front, back, y1 , y2, y3, # horse parameters
+ pos1, pos2, pos3, # more horse parameters
+ oops1, oops2, oops3 # accident flags
+procedure main()
+ local winner
+if ready() == "no" then stop("Game Over.") # ask if ready
+players := get_players() # get player name list
+money := table(100) # everyone starts w/$100
+ {
+ if ready() == "no" then break
+ writes("\e[2J\e[H") # clear old junk off screen
+ repeat # choose 3 fresh horses
+ {
+ horse1 := get_horse() # get first horse list
+ horse2 := get_horse() # get second horse list
+ horse3 := get_horse() # get third horse list
+ if horse1[1] == horse2[1] | # disallow duplicates
+ horse2[1] == horse3[1] | # because a horse can't
+ horse3[1] == horse1[1] then next # race against himself
+ break # continue...
+ }
+ bets := get_bet() # bets initially 0
+ winner := race() # race the horses, get winner
+ pay(winner) # pay winner(s) if any
+ }
+# ask if ready to play the game, return yes or no
+procedure ready()
+ local answer
+ static pass,sh
+ initial {
+ pass := 0 # initialize pass counter
+ sh := "\e[1;7m \e[0;1;33;44m" # initialize a shadow for box
+ }
+ if (pass +:= 1) = 1 then
+ {
+ writes("\e[0;1;33;44m\e[2J\e[H")
+ write(" +----------------------------------------------------------+")
+ write(" | |",sh)
+ write(" | The following game allow one or more players to bet on |",sh)
+ write(" | three Cyberspace steeds that will run on an ANSI VT100 |",sh)
+ write(" | dirt track. Of course the bets are Cyberspace dollars, |",sh)
+ write(" | which have no real world value. We use only the oldest |",sh)
+ write(" | escape sequences to condition the track surface, which |",sh)
+ write(" | may not appeal to TEK crowds, and I'm sure some fans |",sh)
+ write(" | will hurl curses. C'est la vie! |",sh)
+ write(" | |",sh)
+ write(" +----------------------------------------------------------+",sh)
+ write(" \e[1;7m \e[0;1;33;44m")
+ write("")
+ write(" Are we ready to enter our names, and begin?")
+ answer := map(input("Enter yes or no:"))
+ if answer[1] == "n" then return "no" else return "yes"
+ }
+ end
+# get the names of the players
+procedure get_players()
+ local counter, people, who
+ people := []
+ counter := 1
+ write("\nEnter Player Names. Enter blank when done.")
+ repeat
+ {
+ (who := input(" Player #" || counter || ":")) | break
+ if trim(who) == "" then break
+ put(people,who)
+ counter +:= 1
+ }
+ if *people < 1 then stop("Not enough players. Need at least one.")
+ return people
+ end
+# build a horse list structure
+procedure get_horse()
+ local odds, pic, tmp
+ static stable,photos
+ initial {
+ photos := [pick1(),pick2(),pick3(),
+ pick4(),pick5(),pick6()]
+ stable := ["Incredible Hash",
+ "Random Number",
+ "Floppy Crash",
+ "RAM Dump",
+ "Programmers Nightmare",
+ "Spaghetti Code",
+ "Infinite Loop",
+ "User Blues",
+ "See Plus Plus",
+ "Press Any Key",
+ "Paradigm Shift",
+ "Adricks' Abend",
+ "Client Server",
+ "Network Storm",
+ "Mr. Cobol",
+ "Forgotten Password",
+ "Hackers' Byte",
+ "Chad Hollerith",
+ "ASCII Question",
+ "EBCDIC Object",
+ "Recursive Instance",
+ "RunTime Error"]
+ }
+ name := ?stable # pick a horse name
+ odds := 1 + real((?30)/real(10.0)) # calculate the odds
+ tmp := ?photos # choose a photo file
+ pic := [name,odds]
+ every put(pic,!tmp)
+ return pic
+ end
+# obtain bets from the players
+procedure get_bet()
+ local items, person, summation, wager
+ (&features == "MS-DOS") | writes("\e[?25h")
+ bets := table(0)
+ summation := 0
+ every person := !players do
+ {
+ if money[person] <= 0 then next
+ summation +:= money[person]
+ write("\e[2J\e[H",person,", enter your bet. You have $",money[person],"\n")
+ write("1. ",left(horse1[1],32)," odds = ",horse1[2]," : 1")
+ write("2. ",left(horse2[1],32)," \" = ",horse2[2]," : 1")
+ write("3. ",left(horse3[1],32)," \" = ",horse3[2]," : 1")
+ write("\n (enter 5 on 2 for $5 on ",horse2[1],")\n")
+ wager := trim(map(input("Your decision : ")))
+ if wager == "" then next
+ if wager == "q" then done()
+ items := parse(wager,' ')
+ if not(numeric(items[1])) | not(numeric(items[3])) then
+ {
+ input("\7Wager Improperly Entered. No wager made. Press RETURN")
+ next
+ }
+ if (*items ~= 3) |
+ (items[2] ~== "on") |
+ (items[1] > money[person]) |
+ (1 > items[3] > 3) then
+ {
+ input("\7Wager Improperly Entered. No wager made. Press RETURN")
+ next
+ }
+ bets[person] := wager
+ money[person] -:= parse(wager,' ')[1]
+ }
+ if summation = 0 then
+ {
+ write("It looks you'all lost all your money here today.")
+ write("Take it easy now. Better luck next time")
+ stop("Game Over")
+ }
+ input("Done Entering Wagers. Press RETURN to Continue.")
+ end
+# determine the victor and pay out winnings. if there is a tie
+# then nothing gets payed out (bets are refunded)
+procedure pay(victor)
+ local check, i, msg, nag, odds, pair, player, prize, test
+ local wager, winner, winnings, y
+ (&features == "MS-DOS") | writes("\e[?25h") # turn on cursor again
+ winner := case victor of
+ {
+ 1 : horse1
+ 2 : horse2
+ 3 : horse3
+ default : ["tie"]
+ }
+ if victor = 4 then
+ {
+ writes(at(12,14),"All The Steeds Fell Down! Too many injuries!\7")
+ wait(1)
+ writes(at(12,14),"The judges are coming to a decision....")
+ wait(2)
+ writes(at(12,14),"All bets will be refunded. Sorry.......")
+ check := sort(bets,1)
+ every pair := !check do
+ {
+ name := pair[1]
+ wager := pair[2]
+ odds := winner[2]
+ prize := parse(bets[name],' ')[1]
+ money[name] +:= integer(prize)
+ }
+ test := map(input(at(13,1) || "Press RETURN to Continue."))
+ if test[1] == "q" then done()
+ return
+ }
+ if winner[1] == "tie" then
+ {
+ writes(at(12,14),"It was a photo finish!\7")
+ wait(1)
+ writes(at(12,14),"The judges are coming to a decision....")
+ wait(2)
+ writes(at(12,14),"All bets will be refunded. Sorry.......")
+ check := sort(bets,1)
+ every pair := !check do
+ {
+ name := pair[1]
+ wager := pair[2]
+ odds := winner[2]
+ prize := parse(bets[name],' ')[1]
+ money[name] +:= integer(prize)
+ }
+ test := map(input(at(13,1) || "Press RETURN to Continue."))
+ if test[1] == "q" then done()
+ return
+ } else {
+ writes(at(12,14),winner[1]," WINS! ")
+ writes(at(victor+21,1),"\e[1;5;33;44m",victor," : ",left(winner[1],32),"\e[0;1;33;44m")
+ wait(2)
+ writes(at(12,14),"And now for a closeup of the winner....")
+ wait(3)
+ y := 4
+ writes(at((y+:=1),40),"+",repl("-",35),"+")
+ every i := 3 to *winner do
+ writes(at((y+:=1),40),"|",left(winner[i],35),"|")
+ writes(at(y,40),"+",repl("-",35),"+")
+ }
+ check := sort(bets,1)
+ every pair := !check do
+ {
+ name := pair[1]
+ wager := pair[2]
+ nag := parse(wager,' ')[3]
+ if nag = victor then
+ {
+ odds := winner[2]
+ prize := odds * parse(bets[name],' ')[1]
+ money[name] +:= integer(prize)
+ }
+ }
+ test := map(input(at(13,1) || "Press RETURN to Continue."))
+ if test[1] == "q" then
+ {
+ #
+ # evaluate results from todays races
+ #
+ write(" We all started with $100. And now for the results...\n")
+ every player := !players do
+ {
+ winnings := money[player]
+ if winnings < 100 then msg := "Looks like you lost some $ today."
+ if winnings = 0 then msg := "Lost all your money today."
+ if winnings = 100 then msg := "Looks like you broke even today."
+ if winnings > 100 then msg := "Looks like a winner. Stop at the IRS window please!"
+ if winnings > 300 then msg := "Wow! The IRS agent will escort you to his office."
+ write("OK ",player,", you have $",winnings," left. ",msg)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+# run the race and return the winning horse # (1, 2, or 3)
+procedure race()
+ local diamx, diamy, finish, inc1, inc2, inc3, platform, result
+ vectors := draw_track()
+ #
+ # set up starting positions
+ #
+ pos1 := 1
+ pos2 := 1
+ pos3 := 1
+ #
+ # select lanes to run in
+ #
+ y1 := 5
+ y2 := 7
+ y3 := 9
+ #
+ # set up for the legs of the race, 3 normal + 3 accidentsal
+ #
+ leg1 := 1
+ leg2 := 1
+ leg3 := 1
+ #
+ # set up accident multipliers
+ #
+ oops1 := 1
+ oops2 := 1
+ oops3 := 1
+ #
+ # designate vector milestones, marking legs of the race
+ #
+ diamx := 68
+ diamy := 10
+ finish := 146
+ #
+ # design horse bodies from different vantage points
+ #
+ front := list(6)
+ front[1] := "#^"
+ front[2] := "V"
+ front[3] := "#' "
+ front[4] := "_X "
+ front[5] := "X"
+ front[6] := "_X "
+ back := list(6)
+ back[1] := " `#"
+ back[2] := "/"
+ back[3] := "^#"
+ back[4] := " X_"
+ back[5] := "X"
+ back[6] := " X_"
+ #
+ # display the starting positions and fire the gun to begin!
+ #
+ (&features == "MS-DOS") | writes("\e[?25l") # deactivate cursor
+ writes(at(5,1),back[1],1,front[1]) # horse 1
+ writes(at(22,6),left(horse1[1],32)," / ",horse1[2]," : 1 / ")
+ writes(at(7,1),back[1],2,front[1]) # horse 2
+ writes(at(23,6),left(horse2[1],32)," / ",horse2[2]," : 1 / ")
+ writes(at(9,1),back[1],3,front[1]) # horse 3
+ writes(at(24,6),left(horse3[1],32)," / ",horse3[2]," : 1 / ")
+ writes(at(12,14),"ON YOUR MARK... GET SET...")
+ wait(1)
+ writes("\7",at(12,14),"AND THEY'RE OFF! ")
+ #
+ # run the race
+ #
+ repeat
+ {
+ case &features of
+ {
+ "VMS" : delay(500) # delay 10,000/sec VMS
+ "UNIX": delay(50) # delay 1,000/sec UNIX
+ default : platform := &features # not on DOS icon 8.5
+ }
+ inc1 := ?3-1 * oops1
+ if oops1 = 1 then pos1 +:= inc1
+ inc2 := ?3-1 * oops2
+ if oops2 = 1 then pos2 +:= inc2
+ inc3 := ?3-1 * oops3
+ if oops3 = 1 then pos3 +:= inc3
+ if (pos1 >= 68) & (leg1 = 1) then leg1 := 2
+ if (pos2 >= 68) & (leg2 = 1) then leg2 := 2
+ if (pos3 >= 68) & (leg3 = 1) then leg3 := 2
+ if (pos1 > 78) & (leg1 = 2) then leg1 := 3
+ if (pos2 > 78) & (leg2 = 2) then leg2 := 3
+ if (pos3 > 78) & (leg3 = 2) then leg3 := 3
+ if (78 >= pos1 >= 68) then y1 +:= inc1
+ if (78 >= pos2 >= 68) then y2 +:= inc2
+ if (78 >= pos3 >= 68) then y3 +:= inc3
+ if y1 > 15 then y1 := 15
+ if y2 > 17 then y2 := 17
+ if y3 > 19 then y3 := 19
+ result := accident()
+ display()
+ if result = 0 then return 4
+ if (pos1 >= finish) & (pos2 < finish) & (pos3 < finish) then return 1
+ if (pos2 >= finish) & (pos1 < finish) & (pos3 < finish) then return 2
+ if (pos3 >= finish) & (pos1 < finish) & (pos2 < finish) then return 3
+ if (pos1 >= finish) & (pos2 >= finish) |
+ (pos2 >= finish) & (pos3 >= finish) |
+ (pos3 >= finish) & (pos1 >= finish) then return 0
+ }
+ end
+# display the horses at different legs of the race
+procedure display()
+ static oldy1,oldy2,oldy3,blanks
+ initial {
+ oldy1 := 5
+ oldy2 := 7
+ oldy3 := 9
+ blanks:= " "
+ }
+ if leg1 = 2 then
+ {
+ writes(at(5,68),blanks)
+ writes(at(oldy1,68),blanks)
+ if y1 < 12 then
+ {
+ writes(at(y1,68)," ",back[2]," ")
+ writes(at(y1+1,68)," 1 ")
+ writes(at(y1+2,68)," ",front[2]," ")
+ }
+ oldy1 := y1
+ } else {
+ writes(at(y1,vectors[pos1]),back[leg1],1,front[leg1])
+ }
+ if leg2 = 2 then
+ {
+ writes(at(7,68),blanks)
+ writes(at(oldy2,68),blanks)
+ if y2 < 14 then
+ {
+ writes(at(y2,69)," ",back[2]," ")
+ writes(at(y2+1,69)," 2 ")
+ writes(at(y2+2,69)," ",front[2]," ")
+ }
+ oldy2 := y2
+ } else {
+ writes(at(y2,vectors[pos2]),back[leg2],2,front[leg2])
+ }
+ if leg3 = 2 then
+ {
+ writes(at(9,68),blanks)
+ writes(at(oldy3,68),blanks)
+ if y3 < 16 then
+ {
+ writes(at(y3,70)," ",back[2]," ")
+ writes(at(y3+1,70)," 3 ")
+ writes(at(y3+2,70)," ",front[2]," ")
+ }
+ oldy3 := y3
+ } else {
+ writes(at(y3,vectors[pos3]),back[leg3],3,front[leg3])
+ }
+ end
+# simulate rare freakish accidents
+procedure accident()
+ if (?2000 = 111) & (leg1 ~= 2) then
+ {
+ oops1 := 0
+ leg1 +:= 3
+ write(at(13,1),"\7OH NO! ",horse1[1]," fell down!")
+ }
+ if (?2000 = 111) & (leg2 ~= 2) then
+ {
+ oops2 := 0
+ leg2 +:= 3
+ write(at(13,1),"\7OH NO! ",horse2[1]," fell down!")
+ }
+ if (?2000 = 111) & (leg3 ~= 2) then
+ {
+ oops3 := 0
+ leg3 +:= 3
+ write(at(13,1),"\7OH NO! ",horse3[1]," fell down!")
+ }
+ if oops1+oops2+oops3 = 0 then return 0
+ return 1
+ end
+# return a list of track x positions
+procedure draw_track()
+ local i, offset
+ static pavement
+ initial pavement := copy(mktrack())
+ offset := []
+ every i := 1 to 68 do put(offset,i)
+ every i := 1 to 10 do put(offset,72)
+ every i := 68 to 1 by -1 do put(offset,i)
+ offset |||:= [1,1,1,1,1]
+ writes("\e[0;1;33;44m\e[2J\e[H")
+ every i := 1 to *pavement do
+ writes(at(i,1),pavement[i])
+ return offset
+ end
+# generate racing track
+procedure mktrack()
+ local track
+ track := []
+ put(track,"")
+ put(track,"___________________________________________________________________________")
+ put(track," \\")
+ put(track,"`#1#^ \\")
+ put(track," \\")
+ put(track,"`#2#^ \\")
+ put(track," |")
+ put(track,"`#3#^ |")
+ put(track,"_________________________________________________________________ |")
+ put(track," \\ |")
+ put(track,"Commentator: | |")
+ put(track," | |")
+ put(track,"_________________________________________________________________/ |")
+ put(track," |")
+ put(track," |")
+ put(track," /")
+ put(track," /")
+ put(track," /")
+ put(track," /")
+ put(track,"__________________________________________________________________________/")
+ put(track,"1 :")
+ put(track,"2 :")
+ put(track,"3 :")
+ return track
+ end
+# final wrapup procedure, summarize winnings
+procedure done()
+ local msg, player, winnings
+ write(" We all started with $100. And now for the results...\n")
+ every player := !players do
+ {
+ winnings := money[player]
+ if winnings < 100 then msg := "\nLooks like you lost some $ today.\n"
+ if winnings = 100 then msg := "\nLooks like you broke even today.\n"
+ if winnings > 100 then msg := "\nLooks like a winner. Stop at the IRS window please!\n"
+ write("OK ",player,", you have $",winnings," left. ",msg)
+ }
+ stop("Game Over.")
+ end
+# generate horse 1 portraite
+procedure pick1()
+ local pferd
+ pferd := []
+ put(pferd,"")
+ put(pferd," /\\")
+ put(pferd," |||/ \\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / o \\\\\\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," O /-----\\ \\\\\\\\\\___")
+ put(pferd," \\/|_/ \\")
+ put(pferd," \\")
+ put(pferd," \\")
+ put(pferd," \\")
+ return pferd
+ end
+# generate horse 2 portraite
+procedure pick2()
+ local pferd
+ pferd := []
+ put(pferd,"")
+ put(pferd," /\\")
+ put(pferd," |||/ \\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\")
+ put(pferd," / / \\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / O \\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," / \\\\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," o /----\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\___")
+ put(pferd," \\/|_/ \\\\")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\")
+ put(pferd," \\")
+ put(pferd," \\")
+ put(pferd,"")
+ return pferd
+ end
+# generate horse 3 portraite
+procedure pick3()
+ local pferd
+ pferd := []
+ put(pferd," \\/ ")
+ put(pferd," \\ /||| ")
+ put(pferd," \\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\ o / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\\\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\\\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," ___\\\\\\\\ \\\\-----/ O")
+ put(pferd," \\\\ /_|/\\ ")
+ put(pferd," \\ ")
+ put(pferd," \\ ")
+ put(pferd," \\ ")
+ put(pferd,"")
+ return pferd
+ end
+# generate horse 4 portraite
+procedure pick4()
+ local pferd
+ pferd := []
+ put(pferd," \\/ ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\//||| ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\ / / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\ O / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\ / ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\\\ /")
+ put(pferd," ___\\\\\\ \\----/ o")
+ put(pferd," \\\\ /_|/\\ ")
+ put(pferd," \\\\ ")
+ put(pferd," \\ ")
+ put(pferd," \\ ")
+ put(pferd,"")
+ return pferd
+ end
+# generate horse 5 portraite
+procedure pick5()
+ local pferd
+ pferd := []
+ put(pferd," /\\ /\\")
+ put(pferd," | ||||| |")
+ put(pferd," | ||| |")
+ put(pferd," | || |\\")
+ put(pferd," | | \\")
+ put(pferd," | 0 0 | |\\")
+ put(pferd," | | |\\")
+ put(pferd," | | |\\")
+ put(pferd," | | |\\")
+ put(pferd," | | |")
+ put(pferd," | o o |\\")
+ put(pferd," \\ ____ / \\")
+ put(pferd," \\______/ \\")
+ put(pferd,"")
+ return pferd
+ end
+# generate horse 6 portraite
+procedure pick6()
+ local pferd
+ pferd := []
+ put(pferd," \\/ \\/ ")
+ put(pferd," | ||||| | ")
+ put(pferd," | ||| | ")
+ put(pferd," \\| || | ")
+ put(pferd," \\ | | ")
+ put(pferd," \\| | 0 0 | ")
+ put(pferd," \\| | | ")
+ put(pferd," \\| | | ")
+ put(pferd," \\| | | ")
+ put(pferd," | | | ")
+ put(pferd," \\| o o | ")
+ put(pferd," \\ / ____ \\")
+ put(pferd," \\ /______\\ ")
+ put(pferd,"")
+ return pferd
+ end
+procedure banner()
+ write("\e[0;1;33;44m\e[2J\e[H")
+ write("###############################################################################")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" **** * * **** ***** **** **** ***** ***** ***** **** ")
+ write(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ")
+ write(" * * **** *** **** *** * *** *** * * ")
+ write(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * ")
+ write(" **** * **** ***** * * **** * ***** ***** **** ")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" **** * **** *** * * **** ")
+ write(" * * * * * * ** * * ")
+ write(" **** ***** * * * * * * *** ")
+ write(" * * * * * * * ** * * ")
+ write(" * * * * **** *** * * **** ")
+ write(" ")
+ write(" \e[1;5m by tenaglia\e[0;1;33;44m")
+ write(" ")
+ write("###############################################################################")
+ wait(3)
+ end
+# move cursor to specified screen position
+procedure at(row,column)
+ return "\e[" || row || ";" || column || "f"
+ end
+# procedure to wait n seconds
+procedure wait(n)
+ local now, secs
+ secs := &clock[-2:0] + n
+ if secs > 60 then secs -:= 60
+ repeat
+ {
+ now := &clock[-2:0]
+ if now = secs then break
+ }
+ return
+ end
+# this procedure prompts for an input string
+procedure input(prompt)
+ writes(prompt)
+ return read()
+ end
+# parse a string into a list with respect to a delimiter
+procedure parse(line,delims)
+ local tokens
+ static chars
+ chars := &cset -- delims
+ tokens := []
+ line ? while tab(upto(chars)) do put(tokens,tab(many(chars)))
+ return tokens
+ end